Can't password protect

Passworf apply stopped working with my Acrobat 7.0.  Can any one help?

Probably because you checked the box to enable the Mac to remember the password.
Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
Delete the relevant entry for the Admin Utility and the next time you try and configure the base station you will be asked for a password.
Also be aware a hidden network with no wireless network password (not the same as the base station configuration password) should not be considered a secure network and I would recommend that you use WPA.

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    In Finder, press shift+command+U to launch the Utilities Window.
    Launch Disk Utility
    File > New > Disk Image from Folder…
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    A new disk image will appear with the name you gave it, and a .dmg extension
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    On Oct 10, 2007, Matthew Morgan answered this question (discussion is now archived). I wanted to inquire further to his comment:
        Matthew Morgan Los Angeles, CA
         Re: Password protect "Mail" 
         Oct 10, 2007 7:55 AM (in response to Chester Harlan)
         You could go to Settings>General>Passcode Lock and set a password to secure all your      personal data. 
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    You can do this by creating a protected disk image.
    Instructions here
    Or you can buy and use software like this one:
    The disk image option is free and easy to do.

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    You cannot password protect an email message, but you can encrypt messages to the recipients key.
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    Go to Disk Utility and choose "New Image" and select encryption.
    Steve M.
    Message was edited by: Steve M.

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    Best regards,

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