Can't read saved email

I am in the process of switching from PC to Mac. Still have some things to learn.
I am using Mozilla Thunderbird for Email. When I use finder to find a saved email, I click on the email and nothing happens. In Windows, this would open the email. If I go to Thunderbird and click FILE> Open saved message, it will open. The files are saved as a .eml file. Even Safari does not open them from finder. Is this normal for OS 10.4.7 or am I missing something.
It seems very awkward to use finder to find the email file, and then have go to Thunderbird to open it.
Thank You

It sounds like the Finder doesn't know that .eml files are to be opened by Thunderbird. Try this: Find an email in the Finder. Right click on the file and select "Get Info". In the resulting dialog box go to the pulldown menu under "Open With". Select or navigate to the Thunderbird application. Then click the pill button underneath the pulldown menu that says Change All...
After that you should be able to double click a .eml file and have it opened in Tbird.
Post back with results good or bad.
Mark G.
Dual 2 GHz G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Hi Liz,
    Sorry to hear you are having a similar problem.  Last night I went to the tool bar at the top of iphoto, clicked on "File",  then clicked "Browse Backups" in the drop down menu.    I have an external hard drive that is set up to Time Machine.   The Browse Backups  opened the iphoto pages in the Time Machine.  I selected a date one day ahead of the day I performed the now infamous update, and it showed my iphoto library as it had existed that day.   I then clicked  "Restore Library" at the bottom right corner of the Time Machine screen.   Roughly 2 hours later my iphoto was back to normal.   When I opened iphoto there was a message saying I need to upgrade my program to be compatible with the new version of iphoto(version 9.2.1).  I clicked "Upgrade" and within seconds it had done whatever upgrading it needed to do. 
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    I don't know if any of this will be of help to you because your email says you are having trouble with photos imported after the upgrade was performed.   Have you had any pop up notices when you first open iphoto,  that tell you you need an upgrade to be compatible with the new iphoto?     If so have you clicked "upgrade"? 
    Good luck Liz,  if you have Time Machine running as a back up to your library, maybe you wil be able to get help there, by following my instructions above.   Otherwise,   good luck with your investigations.   I'd be interested in hearing how you make out.

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    Hello, and welcome to the Discussions.
    If you are running 10.3.9, as your information shows, then you have an overstuffed mailbox. See:
    If you are running Tiger (10.4.x) then it may be a different problem.
    More info, please, perhaps before you attempt any fix.

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    I have nothing to base the following on except experience...
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    Hi, see if you can log into your WebMail in a Browser & delete that too large of eMail.

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    Baba Ryan,
    welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    What program are you using for mail? If Apple's Mail, check the Mail area of the Discussions for setting Helper applications to open Microsoft Office files.
    You can try saving the attachments to a temporary items folder, then use a program you do have to open the file, clearing or saving the temporary folder contents as you wish afterwards. TextEdit will open MicroSoft Word .doc files. Preview can handle Windows .BMP images. You can ask you friends to send any images as JPEG (which has the advantage of being considerablly more compressed than BMP so the files will take up less space in your inbox). Or invest US$35 in Graphic Converter.
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    On the iPad, using the mail app, there is no way to do what you are asking without tapping the flag icon and marking the item as unread. Have you tried the OWA app for the iPad? It may have that functionality, but I haven't tested it as you need an Office 365 subscription with Exchange support to use the app.

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    Here's my code:
    // this is to get the folder, mostly 'inbox'
    // serverString is like: "protocol://username@host/foldername"
    // all parameters are retrieved from the Database
    public static Folder getMailFolder(String serverString, String username, String password) throws Exception {
            // URLName server = new URLName("protocol://username@host/foldername");
            Folder folder = null;
            URLName server = new URLName(serverString);
            // the session is created by grabbing the authentication using the username and password
            // the MailAuthenticator is an inner class as shown at the bottom
            Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties(),
                    new MailAuthenticator(username, password));
            folder = session.getFolder(server);
            // this message always show the same number of messages
            System.out.println("folder retrieved for " + serverString + ", with " + folder.getMessageCount() + " messages");
            return folder;
    // this method is to get the messages from the folder
    public static void getEmailWithSubjectContaining(String emailUrl, String username, String password,
                  String regex, String filepath, boolean addPrefix, boolean delete)
             throws Exception {
             Folder folder = getMailFolder(emailUrl, username, password);
            if (folder == null)  return;
            Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
            // Here is my problem, the msgs.length always returns the same value
            // which is the number of messages that the first email account has
            System.out.println("Totally there are " + msgs.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
                 String pathToSave = filepath;
                   String subject = msgs.getSubject();
                   System.out.println("Email subject: " + subject);
    // examine if the message should be dumped and deleted
                   if (!subject.matches(regex)) {
                        System.out.println("Email subject doesn't match regex: " + regex + ", this email is ignored.");
                   Part p = (Part) msgs[i];
    //               p.getFileName();
                   if (addPrefix) {
                        pathToSave = filepath + "/" + getFilenamePrefix(subject);
    // this method call is to save the attachment
                   dumpAttachment(p, pathToSave);
                   msgs[i].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, delete);
    // this method calls getEmailWithSubjectContaining using a loop
    public static void getEmailWithSubjectContaining(String dbUsername, String dbPassword, String dbUrl) throws Exception {
         Connection con = null;
         if (dbUrl == null || dbUrl.equals("")) dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/email_util";
              try {
    // here is just simply get the Database connection
                   con = MySqlJDBCConnection.getConnection(dbUsername, dbPassword, dbUrl);
                   Statement s = con.createStatement();
                   String sql = "SELECT * FROM email_fetching_config WHERE active = 1";
                   ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
                   while ( {
                        String protocol = rs.getString("protocol");
                        String url = rs.getString("url");
                        String box = rs.getString("email_box");
                        String username = rs.getString("username");
                        String password = rs.getString("password");
                        String regex = rs.getString("sub_regex");
                        String path = rs.getString("save_to");
                        String prefix = rs.getString("append_prefix");
                        boolean delete = rs.getBoolean("delete");
                        String emailUrl = protocol + "://" + username + "@" + url + "/" + box;
                        boolean addPrefix = (!prefix.equals("") || prefix != null);
                        System.out.println("Ready to grab emails from " + emailUrl + ", path to save is: " + path);
                        try {
                             getEmailWithSubjectContaining(emailUrl, username, password, regex, path, addPrefix, delete);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
              } catch (Exception ex) {
              } finally {
    ********* Authenticator *******
    class MailAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
    private String username;
    private String password;
    public MailAuthenticator() {
    public MailAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password;
    public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return new PasswordAuthentication(this.username, this.password);
    This is all my program doing, anyone knows what the program is? thanks for your help!

    Assuming you're passing in the right URL, I don't see the problem.
    Still, try change session.getDefaultInstance to session.getInstance
    and see if that helps. If not, turn on session debugging and check the
    protocol trace for clues. If you still can't figure it out, post the protocol

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    Mail is associated with an account.  So simply create an account that is used only by the person who has access to the mail.  Other accounts cannot access it.
    You mention "lock up files in Word."  This has nothing to do with Mail.  But if you mean Microsoft Word, although completely off topic, yes, you can password protect documents there.

  • My Thunderbird program has lost the ability to list and read saved emails under one of my accounts.

    I have four email accounts that I manage through Thunderbird. Recently all folders, sub folders, and emails contained within will not show under one of the accounts. I have tried researching this problem, but not getting anywhere, and I can't find them on my PC. One encouraging thing is I have a program by Mitec, called Mail Viewer, which will view 4 types of email. I haven't use it recently and tried it to find my missing emails. It found all of them. Where is it pulling the files from, for I have search for them with no results, and Mail View doesn't give me their address on my PC. So, why can it find the missing emails and Thunderbird can't? Any suggestions?

    Make hidden files and folders visible:
    In Thunderbird:
    Help > Troubleshooting Information
    click on 'show folder' button
    a new window will open showing Profile folder.
    If the missing mail account is Pop mail account :
    click on 'Mail' folder
    If the missing mail account is IMAP mail account :
    click on 'ImapMail' folder.
    what do you see?
    Please tell me all the mail acounts you see listed.
    Check to see which mail account contains the missing folders and emails:
    click on mail account name
    eg: the Inbox will be called 'Inbox' with no file extension.
    You can open this file using Notepad to see emails listed in the order they were downloaded.
    If you locate the correct mail account, make a note of the mail account name and where it is stored.
    Now check to see if Thunderbird is looking at the correct mail account:
    In thunderbird:
    Tools > Account Settings > Server Settings for the mail account
    look bottom right for 'Local directory'
    put cursor in the box and use keyboard arrow keys to get to the far right end, which might be out of view.
    Does it point to the correct mail account?
    If no, click on 'Browse' and use it to select the correct mail account.
    the directory would be similar to this for a pop mail account:
    C:\Users\User name\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\Mail\mail account name
    then click on OK to save any changes.
    Close thunderbird and then restart Thunderbird.
    Did you locate the mail account in Profile folder?
    Is the mail account pointing to the correct Local directory?
    If you needed to make changes and restart Thunderbird, can you see folders and emails?

  • How can I read my email on two computers?

    I have two iMac's and want to read my e-mail from both computers.
    I have a shared network drive that can contain all the data.
    with iPhoto this is easy. You can replace the iPhoto library to any location, open iPhoto with the alt key pressed in and you can select the location of the requested library. In this way both computers an point to the same source.
    I want to do the same with mail. I know where to locate the files, but how can i setup mail that it will read from an other location?
    (buying OSX server just for this is to much)

    POP. Post Office Protocol.
    Standard behavior for POP is to download messages from the mail server, once downloaded they are erased from the server. You can tweak this default behavior on your mac by setting it to leave a copy on the server for any number of days you wish before telling the server to erase the message(s).
    In your case if you set mail to leave messages on the server for 7 days, you could have the same messages on both machines, and a seperate copy of each stored on each machine provided you check the mail at least once a week on each machine. EASY.
    IMAP. Internet Message Access Protocol.
    A handy primer on imap and apple mail:
    Allows your computer to essentially mirror all files and folders on the mail server. Useful for when you want to view from more than one machine, or one machine and some kind of web mail interface.
    With both machine set to access via IMAP, you would see on each machine what is actually on the mail server. If you view mail on one machine, delete junk and go to the other machine, you will not see nor have to delete the junk from the second machine. HANDY - but maybe a little more work to configure.

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    albertoq3 wrote:
    Something must have happened a couple of days ago, I can see the messages arrive at my in-box, but once I click on the message to read it the screen goes blank, a circle appears indicating that the BB is processing information and then, about a minute later an error message appears saying that the body of the messag ecannot be downloaded.
    Does anybody know what is to be done to correct it?
    Do you have data connection? Is it hapening if you are connected to WiFi as well?
    One thing that can do that is if your "Roaming Data Control" is set to "Headers Only" and your are roaming.... 

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