Can't See AppleTV (Vista 64-bit plus McAfee)

I have iTunes 9.0.1 running on Windows Vista 64-Bit. Wireless router: Linksys WRVS4400N w/firewall enabled. Running McAfee firewall; Windows firewall is not enabled.
I cannot get iTunes to see my AppleTV and vice-versa since I bought a new Vista computer.
AppleTV can see Internet fine and access iTunes. It cannot access iTunes and iTunes cannot see it. I know that computer sees the AppleTV device as it's IP address shows up in firewall network diagram and I can ping it. All other wireless devices I have can access the internet and my computer fine including 3 TIVO boxes, 2 laptops, and a Yamaha Disklavier Piano.
AppleTV software is fully updated and I resetup the wireless to see if that would help. Tried resets, reboots, etc. Everything say's it's fully updated and everything has been rebooted.
Also checked ports the TCP/UDP ports list on Apple Site to ensure settings are correct.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reply. Disabled both McAfee and Wirelss firewalls. Turned off and rebooted everything. Retried iTunes, still no view of Apple TV. Turned firewalls back on.

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    Hello there, carlafromswisher.
    One thing that could be playing a roll in your issue might be the Country your App Store is set to. In this case, the apps may be available in the French store, and not the US store. The following Knowledge Base article offers up how to change the country of your Store:
    Change the country of your iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account
    Change your country on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Tap iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store.
    At the bottom of the Featured page, tap Sign In.
    If you're already signed in, skip to step 5.
    Tap Use Existing Apple ID.
    Enter your Apple ID and password and tap OK.
    Tap your Apple ID.
    Tap View Apple ID or View Account.
    Tap Country/Region.
    Tap Change Country or Region.
    Tap the Store menu and tap your country.
    Tap Next.
    Review the Terms and Conditions and Apple Privacy Policy.
    Tap Agree if you agree to the terms and conditions.
    In the prompt that appears, tap Agree.
    Select a payment method and enter your payment information.
    Enter your billing address and tap Next.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    So, you're saying that the AppleTV will only ever appear in the list of available AppleTV devices on the initial host copy of iTunes?!Yes, once the "host" is selected. However, according to another poster, it should appear in the list of all LAN connected platforms when you initiate the "Connect to New Itunes" action and then disappear from non-selected iTunes lists once a selection is made.
    If so, how do you add additional sources.Normally as explained previously. However, this assumes your wife's connection to the LAN was properly made. Can, for instance, the TV device see her computer as a "streaming" source?
    I go through the 'Connect to New iTunes' option, and the authentication number appears on my TV screen, but nothing ever indicates that my wife's Power Mac has recognized the AppleTV, or vice versa.If the device doesn't show up in her iTunes at this point, I would likely try turning off the Airport card in your Mac Pro and see if this makes a difference. (I assume here that when you say the TV is connected to your mac Pro via the Airport Extreme, you mean wirelessly and not via an ether connection between extreme and TV since anything plugged into the TV ether connector would override any wireless connection attempts. (As a double check, you can look at your Settings > Network page on the TV.) Since I only have one computer/TV combination and it is such a pain switching back and forth between wired and wireless connections, I just leave mine connected by a Cat 6 cable I already had. Basically, everyone on your LAN needs to connect wirelessly or everyone nees to connect wired since you can't mix connections to the TV. In any case, if you cannot see/connect her computer with TV when yours is "disconnected," then would concentrate efforts here as it would appear she has a network problem.

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Yes, your hardware is 64 bit capable.
    You can install 4 x 2GB of PC2-6400 memory for best memory performance and capacity (8 GB).
    You cannot do an in-place upgrade of any 32 bit OS to a 64 bit OS.
    You will need to back up all your files, gather any program installation disks/files you want to reinstall on the 64 bit OS, and do what is known as a custom or clean install of Windows 7.
    If you live in the USA or Canada, this is the memory I recommend for your PC once you bring it to a 64 bit OS:
    4 of these: (the CAS latency is faster than the second link below)
    2 of these kits:

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    Thanks in advance.
    - MushMush146

    Sorry I did not see that you specified what MBP you had in your signature.
    Anyways: In windows your battery gets drained a little quicker because windows can only work with the external video card (9600 M GT), so you can compare it with running in High Performance all the time.
    Windows XP is a little faster then Windows Vista (32 bit) because XP uses less resources. 32-bit systems are always limited to 3.3 GB of RAM, so your Vista is not using all of the 4GB RAM you have on your MBP. You can consider installing Windows Vista 64 bit or Windows XP instead, you will have more RAM and therefore a faster computer.
    Note that Leopard is not really a 32 bit system, it also has a 64 bit library (and can handle up to 6GB RAM). The hardware in your MBP is fully 64 bit and can handle up to 8 GB RAM. Snow Leopard is going to be a 64 bit system. (and can theoretically handle up to 128 GB of RAM)
    I have no answer for you for the heat issues... probably a driver problem everyone is struggling with. Time for a Bootcamp version 2.2...

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    any idea??

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  • Why won't OS X see my Vista partitions?

    I got a new Macbook Pro and installed Vista using Boot Camp. Typically when I install Windows I use 2 partitions: 1 for the OS and applications, the 2nd for data. I like this setup because it allows me to restore or reinstall a corrupted OS without losing data.
    Bootcamp assistant didn't give me a way to create 2 new partitions, but after it created 1 BOOTCAMP partition and I rebooted into the Vista install DVD I erased the BOOTCAMP partition and replaced it with 2 new partitions that were NTFS formatted. I then installed Vista on the first and it's working fine. I have no problem going back and forth using the option key while booting to select the boot OS I need.
    However, when I'm in the OS X OS I can't see the 2 Vista/NTFS partitions. They don't show up under the startup disk control panel. Under Disk Utility, the space allocated to the 2 NTFS partitions are shown as a single, unmounted partition called "disk0s3" and under info it is erroneously identified as MS-DOS (FAT32).
    When I caled Apple's support the tech told me OS X can't see NTFS partitions and this is the reason. However, having done some more reading I find this is wrong. From everything I've read it seems OS X can natively read NTFS partitions (but can't write to them). Since I primarily need to be able to move files from Windows into OS X this would be fine. I'd rather not have to use an external drive to do this.
    I've also tried installing macFUSE/NTFS-3g which should add read/write capabilty to NTFS but it's still not seeing the those partitions.
    Can anyone tell me what the issue here is and if possible, how to fix it?

    Ric, I've also been struggling to get OS X to see my second Vista NTFS partition. Wish I'd read your post a few days ago before I did the process (since I don't want to start again from scratch), grrr!
    AFAIK, the EFI firmware that Mactel uses (which replaces the BIOS) dictates a GPT disk partitioning scheme instead of MBR, but that it's also capable of emulating the MBR interface for operating systems that don't support GPT...
    Anyways in my case I'd let BCA create the (single) Boot Camp partition, then let the Vista setup DVD reformat it as NTFS (just reformat though, not delete/re-create the partition). After everything's set up I then booted into Vista and used the Disk Management GUI to shrink the OS partition and create a second NTFS partition for data (this winds up being the 4th and final Primary partition possible on a HDD, as you noted).
    {quote:title=_*FIRST SIDEBAR:*_}{quote}
    Unfortunately, Vista's Disk Management often can only shrink an NTFS system partition to about half its original size, because there are usually unmovable systems files placed around the middle of the partition. I wanted to reduce my Vista OS partition even smaller than that, but I was scared to force-move these system files because I seem to recall other users having said that moving the MFT and such files caused their OS X to no longer be able to find the Windows partition. But I decided to try anyways...
    I don't have a 3rd-party partition manager, so I used the PerfectDisk defrag program I already have to move these system files towards the beginning of the partition (note that this can only be done offline during boot-up defrag). In the end I was left with a single contiguous free space block at the rear of the partition, which allowed Vista Disk Management to shrink my OS partition down even further. FYI other defraggers I'd tried in the past couldn't seem to do this.
    The good news is that afterwards OS X Startup Disk can still see my Vista OS partition, and I can read the files there just fine. But the second NTFS partition that I created is not shown! OS X Disk Utility displays my Vista OS partition usage correctly, but shows it as having the total size originally created by BCA.
    For example, say BCA originally made a 180GB partition that I later split into 60GB OS (10GB filled) and 120GB Data NTFS partitions. Disk Utility sees only the Vista OS partition, with a 180GB total capacity, but correctly displays the volume as having 10GB usage and only 50GB available space. It's almost like OS X thinks that I shrunk the NTFS file system volume without shrinking the partition itself, and the rest of the space in the partition is unformatted...
    {quote:title=_*SECOND SIDEBAR:*_}{quote}
    I also noticed that Vista Disk Management actually created my second NTFS partition as an Extended partition with a Logical volume inside it, instead of as a Primary partition. This seems the default behavior, presumably so that you can still create additional Logical volumes/partitions inside the Extended partition and bypass the 4-Primary-partition limit.
    So I re-created my 4th partition (the NTFS Data partition) as a Primary type, because I thought that perhaps OS X can't see Extended partitions (which are implemented as a linked-list with the MBR only storing a pointer to the first Logical partition table located elsewhere). Since I don't have a partition manager, I used the Vista diskpart.exe command-line tool to do this:
    I manually calculated the offset (to be right after the end of the first NTFS partition) so that diskpart.exe doesn't try to create the new partition in the 128MB EFI gap that Vista sees as free space (which is located before the first NTFS partition).
    But no go, OS X still doesn't see the second NTFS partition!
    Now I'm wondering if there's a way to manually create this 128MB EFI gap to put in between the two NTFS partitions, so that OS X will recognize the second partition?
    Vista's diskpart.exe utility does have a *CREATE PARTITION EFI* command which:
    "+Creates an Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) system partition on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk.+"
    The problem is that in the Boot Camp scheme, Vista sees the disk as being an (emulated) MBR disk and not GPT, so I don't think this command would work. I'm afraid to even try, as I don't want to mess up the Boot Camp multi-boot loader.

  • ITunes 9.2 on Vista 64 can't see my other libraries

    I have a desktop PC running Vista 64, as well as a laptop running Vista 32 bit.
    Everything is connected on my home network; some through ethernet, some wirelessly.
    The laptop has no issues connecting to my AppleTV as well as my iPhone for the remote app.
    The desktop PC can't see the appleTV, iPhone remote app, or my laptop's library (for Home sharing).
    The Desktop is recognized on the network, and my laptop can "see" the desktop PC, and the desktop can "see" the laptop. In fact, I can chase music using the windows media sharing option. Both laptop and desktop are even visible on my PS3.
    How can I get iTunes on my Vista 64 desktop to see my appleTV and iPhone remote app?
    Any ideas?
    I've gone through the forums a number of times and tried all kinds of things like opening ports and so on. Nothing has worked.

    any fixes ? ):

  • Vista 64-Bit BSOD with iTunes v8.0.2.20 & AppleTV v2.3

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    Since upgrading to iTunes, my Vista 64-Bit Home Premium blue screens (BSOD). This occurs when I have simply had iTunes playing some music after a while, or more often than not, when trying to Sync with the AppleTV running v2.3
    I also get he silly port error on iTunes saying that the AppleTV. I can only resolve this either quiting iTunes and waiting about 5 minutes or quitting iTunes AND rebooting the AppleTV!
    Have searched Apple forums, Google, etc. and am the end of my patience!
    Can someone suggest what I should do.

    Mate, you are my HERO!!!!!
    I had the EXACT same problem but on 2G iPhone 8GB, v2.2.1 and taking several hours to get to 60% done, then craps out with some arcane error message.
    I followed previous threads and other forum suggestions to:
    a) Clear out corrupted backups
    b) Reset iPhone
    c) Even removed Stanza, which someone suggested could be the problem as he had alot of eBooks on it
    But none worked for me.
    I do have AppSniper and used it daily for what must have been several months.... so imagine all those icons cached on it with nearly 100 new apps displayed daily! It took over 2mins to clear the cache, and I now have "Show Icon" disabled.
    The backup FINALLY WORKED!!!!
    It took just over 15mins to backup, and I'm proud to say that I can see the backup intact on the iTunes Preferences > Devices panel!!!!
    You are my hero! Thank you thank you thank you for putting up this solution!!!!!
    BTW, I loved Monsters, Inc too!
    If you ever stop by Hong Kong, I'll buy you a drink!

  • Can someone help me find a workaround to get flash to work in XP Pro 64 bit, like there is a workaround for vista 64 bit?

    Can someone help me find a workaround to get flash to work in XP Pro 64 bit, like there is a workaround for vista 64 bit?
    I am trying to get rid of all my 32 bit apps because the more of them you run in 64 bit the less resources are available.
    Firefox has a 64 bit browser they call the Shiretoko build. I love it, it's twice as fast as a heavily tweaked 32 bit firefox. Java has a 64 bit plugin that works with it.
    The last holdout is Adobe.
    Microsoft is making Vista and Win 7 64 bit as easy and smooth as the 32 bit versions as a means to get people to start using them.
    Linux has a way to make flash work with 64 bit.
    Remember when we all had a 16 bit operating system and how much better things got with 32 bit?
    Adobe, it's time!.. don't you see that?
    Can someone help me solve my problem? Please?

    lostchild wrote:
    sorry but that doesnt help my options the guy i called said they discontinued the audigy 4 and 2. I dont know why he would say that but he said his supplier cant get them. Are they really discontinued? Also, isnt the audigy 2 zs or whatever its called for notebooks? i cant use an external one. Well not that i cant, i dont want to. I just want a good sound card mounted into my computer...
    Thanx in advance.
    no the audigy 2 zs is pci based. they have another called audigy 2 zs notebook and that's the one for laptop. if you can't find it from your vendor, you can always try getting it from someone else.

  • Vista 32-bit Error no offered fix can fix

    I decided to put this in this forum since it's not an installation problem, but a getting it to actually run problem.
    So I installed iTunes 7.5 and also have tried other versions of iTunes 7 just to see if it was a 7.5 problem only, but it wasn't.
    I am on Windows Vista 32-bit
    I have it installed, but it errors when I try to open it
    Versions before 7.5 that are Vista compatable do the same thing
    Running as an administrator or on XP Service Pack 2 still ends in the same error
    I have tried all the fixes I can find by searching Google and this forum and nothing has worked
    My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite U205-S5057
    If you can help me, that would be great. I am aware I might just have to wait for the next version of iTunes whenever that will come, but I'd really like to edit the music on my iPod.

    That didnt' work, I got the same problem and message again. The error message is this:
    Windows iTunes has stopped working.
    Something has caused this program to error and stop working. Close program now and Windows will see if there is a fix to the problem. [paraphrase]
    Then it takes me to a screen that says Apple has a new version of their software that I should download to resolve the problem. However, I am trying to opperate the latest iTunes off their website.

Maybe you are looking for

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