Can't see audiobooks on iPad "books" list

I am having trouble getting recently purchased audiobooks that appear in the computer's iTunes source list to show up under the "Books" tab of my iPad when it is hooked to the computer and selected in the "Device" list. All the eBooks included in the iTunes source list show up in the iPad's "Books" list, but the audiobooks don't, and I can't do a manual sync. Anyone have any thoughts.
Mike Ryan

i want to be sure that you are looking in the right place, so please dont be insulted by this question: are you llooking for your n95 here?
iPhoto window, left-hand side, in the list with your photo albums, etc.
on my mac, with my n95 connected, i see the name of my phone (mines called 'Big-Bill') listed near the top of the album list, with a digicam icon. when i click on this icon, the right side of the window changes from my photos, to a large picture of a digicam, with a button near the bottom labeled "Import".
to be sure, importing photos from the n95 is not automatic. you have to manually import photos using the button described above. it is likely a wise idea to "delete originals" when you import, otherwise you keep the full 5mp images on the phone.
after i import, with my phone still connected the NMT software begins a fresh synchronization, sending 320x240 resolution copies of my images back to my phone.
assuming that this IS where you are looking - let me ask you, do you know which USB connection mode you phone is operating in? the nokia provides several, and the option to ask you at connection, or to always use a particular connection mode (options are: PC Suite, Data TRansfer, Image Print, Media Player). i can verify that the connection mode: 'PC Suite' works properly for me.
N95-1 ---> N97-NAM ---> N900 ---> E7-00 + N900 (I use them both)
(N95 was pretty good, N97 had potential but utterly failed to deliver, N900 is absurdly good. Those of you wondering, "should I try N900/Maemo/MeeGo"? The answer is a resounding YES)

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    [email protected]

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    One way is to play a song's preview and note the information displayed in the iTunes progress bar.

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