Can't see Target Disk Mode

hi - i've had a serious system issue (performed a software update and found myself in darwin mode) which i've been trying (/sbin/ and DU repairs) unsuccessfully resolve. i've resigned myself (because of the two "illegal name" errors which keep cropping up) to disk warrior (fingers crossed) and/or the genius bar. before my visit, i'm attempting to back up the old, problematic HD to my powerbook via firewire/target mode and i can't seem to see it. any tricks to try? (i know the target mode is working b/c i was able to see my OS X install disk, but not the hard drive.) thanks in advance! cw

hi! well, ran file to give permission with DW and my comp ate it up (yummy!) but still only resolved to a blue screen (no Darwinland, but still no Macland either!) tried a few tricks michael coniff outlined in this thread: but to the same end (static blue screen).
AND still no luck with target mode to back up (and the DW disk showed up so i know it's working). any other tricks up your sleeve? tried to figure out DVD cord. do you mean the DVI to VGA cord? if so, where does it go? i can find the male side, but not the female input on the powermac. pls. drop a line re. this if you can. thinking about dropping a line to michael above just to show him the console code i'm seeing to see if he can decipher. i'll bore you if you're interested, but since i'm way beyond the bounds of my initial “target” question, just let me know.
thanks for all - have a lovely evening! cw

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    If the trouble with the Powerbook is either a failed hard drive or a failed hard drive controller, FireWire Target Disk Mode isn't likely to work with any host computer. What you may want to try is installing data recovery software on the desktop G4 and seeing whether it can see the Powerbook's drive (connected in FWTDM) even though it won't mount. Data recovery software is often able to salvage data from drives that won't mount normally; it may be able to do the same thing via FWTDM.
    These three DR utilities are all available in free downloadable demo versions that will show you what the full version would be able to recover before you have to pay for anything:
    Data Rescue
    Good luck.

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    No. I doubt you can use FW mode on a PC anyway.
    The cost of USB or FW external drives is so low buy one for the PC. IF it is formatted FAT32 then the mac and PC can both read and write to it.

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    Is  it a USB or wireless KB?
    Does it boot to Single User Mode, CMD+s keys at bootup, if so try...
    nvram boot-args=""

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    Hello Again SCHPiLKAS!
    As roam posted, you cannot use the Intel MacBook install discs, on the PPC iBook.
    Additional info in these links.
    Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
    What's A Computer Specific Mac OS X Release
    Software Update, Upgrade: What's The Difference?
    If the iBook meets the Panther System Requirements, and the Additional Panther System Requirements, and you have a Full Retail Version, of the Panther Install CDs, you can use Firewire Target Disk Mode, to install the system.
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    3. How do folks work in a large networked office with big amounts of data moving around? I mean, is my experience typical and if not, why am I having such difficulty with this?
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    See mount section in 1st linked article.
    Disk Unmount Using Terminal

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    Could be that the the data or directors on the HD are corrupted.
    - Copy all data you can
    - Try cloning the whole disk to another disk before you attempt recovery methods.
    - Try repairing the HD via Disk Utility
    - Try a data recovery program

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    OK thanks.
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    HI Andrea,
    No, you are not completely clueless. If you follow John's sound advice using Target Disk Mode from another Mac, maybe you have a friend or relative who has one. Here's the information on how to use Target Disk Mode that I found in the Apple Help menu:
    Transferring files between two computers using FireWire:
    You can use FireWire to connect your computer to another Mac and have one of the computers appear as an external hard disk on the other computer. This is sometimes called Target Disk Mode.
    To transfer files using FireWire:
    Shut down the first computer and leave the second computer on.
    Connect the two computers using a 6-pin to 6-pin FireWire cable. (If both computers have higher-speed FireWire 800 ports in addition to the standard FireWire 400 ports, you can use a 9-pin to 9-pin cable with the FireWire 800 ports to transfer data at higher speeds.)
    Open System Preferences, click the Startup Disk, and click Target Disk Mode. (Or, start up the first computer while holding down the T key.)
    A disk icon for the first computer appears on the desktop on the second computer. Drag files to and from the disk to transfer them.
    When you finish, eject the first computer's disk by dragging its icon to the Trash. (While you drag, the Trash icon changes to an Eject icon.)
    Push the power button on the first computer to shut it down and disconnect the FireWire cable.
    If the computer to which you connect your computer is running Mac OS 9, it must have FireWire version 2.3.3 or later installed. Use Apple System Profiler (located in /Applications/Utilities) to check the version of FireWire installed. If it has an older version, get an update at the Apple FireWire website at
    It's a very simple process but it can only be done between two Macs. You can only "target" another Mac, not an external drive.
    It sounds like your iBook needs service. And if you think that your external drive caused the problem to start with, I wouldn't use it again if you can do the TDM instead to retrieve your important data.
    Also, be careful with total free drive space. Never fall below 15% free space. Open Disk Utility from the Applications/Utilities folder. Then select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left. Then look down towards the bottom of the window on the right. You'll see "Capacity" and "Availablity". It's a good idea to keep track of free space all the time. You need a minimum of 15% just to boot.
    Hope this helps...

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    This one is connected to a iMac G4 Flat Panel (1ghz, 1,25 SDRAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11) to install leopard on it.
    Now my iMac G4 can see my hard drive of the new iMac but don't see any dvd/cd/...
    anyone knows a solution for this?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi, cavenet -
    I know Apple added 128+ GB support to the ATA bus halfway through a model, but if this is the older version, why does it report the higher number in some placess?
    Your G4 533MHz machine is a G4 (Digital Audio) model. Native large drive support for drives larger than 128GB was not added until the second model series (the 2002 models) of the QuickSilver machines.
    I suspect the differences in reporting have to do with what OSX is capable of 'seeing' and its attempt to tell the truth, vs. the hardware limitation of the built-in ATA controller.
    Re the FwTDM problem, be sure you are using an Apple keyboard, or one which specifically supports standard Mac OS startup commands. Not all 3rd-party keyboards support those.

  • Why can't Disk Utility wipe my old iMac in Target Disk Mode?

    I want to donate my old iMac G3 with all my personal data removed.
    As all my old start up disks are long gone I went online and followed advice to wipe it remotely. I connected the G3 via FireWire to my 15" MacBook Pro (late 2008, running OSX Lion 10.7.5) and restarted the G3 in Target Disk Mode. I opened Disk Utility, selected the drive (not the iMac partition), selected Erase, renamed the drive and chosen the 7 pass option. And waited...
    After leaving it overnight, I awoke to find it was still preparing. I then Skipped that stage (it gave me the option) and left it for 24 hours. It was still skipping, so I had to Force Quit Disk Utility. The G3 is perfectly fine, and Disk Utility works as I just erased a memory stick as a test.
    What's going on?

    You need to do the following:
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    Only use a single-pass to zero the data. Any more is overkill and will take many hours to complete.

  • Can you install tiger on a power mac g4 with out a DVD drive if so how, I do have have a 2011 iMac can I use that in target disk mode with a FireWire cable any help would be appreciated

    Can you install tiger on a power mac g4 with out a DVD drive if so how, I do have have a 2011 iMac can I use that in target disk mode with a FireWire cable any help would be appreciated

    You need to put the Tiger Install Disc in the 2011 iMac, boot the 2011 uMac into Target mode...
    Boot the G4 holding the Option or alt key, hopefully the Install Disc in the 2011 iMac will show as a boot choice.
    We just want to use the 2011 iMac as a big expensive FW Optical drive, it cannot be installed osing the 2011 iMac itself.

  • Can a MacBook Pro with Leopard be Target Disk mode to take my Snow Leopard iMac data?

    I might be going about this wrong, but I wonder if it can be done:  I have an older MacBook Pro that has a clean fresh install of Leopard on it.  I would like to get my current account and data from my iMac (running Snow Leopard) on to the MBP by using Target Disk Mode.  I tried to take saId data off the iMac by target disking it ( FROM iMac TO macbook ) but that gave me a warning about going from a newer operating system down to an older one.  Soooo... can I go in the other direction and target disk the laptop?  Somehow, I don't think that is really the best way to do it.  I do not have the Snow Leopard install disk anymore, so I can't upgrade the laptop.  But is that what I am really going to have to do, to do this right?  Thanks!

    You can't migrate a user account from a later OS to an earlier one.
    You can use TDM to move your data by drag & drop, but you won't be able to retain all preferences.
    Easiest way would be to put the MBP in TDM  and use Disk Utility from the iMac to erase the Macintosh HD on the MBP and then use the Restore function to clone the whole system from the iMac to the MBP.
    But there are caveats - If the OS on the iMac was installed originally from a retail SL disc (white with white cat on it) this should work fine.
    But - if the OS on the iMac is the one it shipped with (installed from a grey disc), it won't have the battery management software required by the MBP.
    In that case your choices are limited to manually moving your data from your home folder to the new account on the MBP, or buy a retail SL disc and upgrade the MBP then use setup assistant to transfer the user and applications.
    As always, I would recommend backing up your data from the iMac to an external drive before starting any of this.

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