Can we control the output screen area of alv grid list

Hi All,
can we control the screen area of grid control in alv's , not using ooalv's. By default grid list is displaying in the whole screen, but i want  to display this grid list in specific area in output screen , not in full screen, how to set these screen area for this grid control. Please let me know.

If you use the following parameters
  I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 0
  I_SCREEN_START_LINE               = 0
  I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 0
  I_SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 0
you will get the output in the size expected but it will be in the form of a pop up box and a blank screen at the back and user action like cancel etc will take you back to the selection screen.

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    I have a program that uses two ALV grids in one dialog screen. I'm using the OO ALV model (SALV* classes).
    The user can select any number of rows from each grid. Then, when a toolbar pushbutton is pressed, I'd have to retrieve the selected rows from both grids and start some processing with these rows.
    It is no problem to assign event handlers to both grids, and use the CL_SALV_TABLE->GET_SELECTIONS and CL_SALV_SELECTIONS->GET_SELECTED_ROWS methods to find out which rows were marked by the user. Trouble is, this only works when I raise an event in each grid separately, for instance via an own function that I added to the grid's toolbar. So, I can only see the selected rows of the same grid where such an event was raised.
    If I try to do this in the PBO of the dialog screen (that contains the two grids), the result of CL_SALV_SELECTIONS->GET_SELECTED_ROWS will be empty, as the program does not recognize the marked entries in the grids. Also, an event for grid1 does not see the selected rows from grid2 either.
    As it is right now, I can have an own button in both grid's toolbar, select the rows, click on the extra button in each grid (this will tell me what entries were selected per grid). Then, I'd have to click on a third button (the one in the dialog screen's toolbar), and process the selected rows from both grids.
    How can I select the rows, then click on just one button, and process the marked entries from both grids?
    Is it somehow possible to raise an event belonging to each grid programmatically, so that then the corresponding CL_SALV_SELECTIONS->GET_SELECTED_ROWS will work?

    Hello Tamas ,
    If I try to do this in the PBO of the dialog screen (that contains the two grids), the result of CL_SALV_SELECTIONS->GET_SELECTED_ROWS will be empty, as the program does not recognize the marked entries in the grids. Also, an event for grid1 does not see the selected rows from grid2 either.--->
    is it possible to  have a check box in each grid  & get the selected lines in PAI of the screen ?

  • How can I hide the marker button in an ALV GRID line?

    Hi all,
    I am switching an old program from ALV LIST to ALV GRID. In the old list, I put a checkbox on each line to abilify the user to mark some lines. However, there are some lines that I don't want the user to select. In the list, I set the field for the box name to "*" (asterisk) and in the list, the checkbox is not input enabled.
    Now in the grid, this does not function any more. all lines are markable. How can I deactivate the marker function for some lines?

         use the below snippet in your code
      DATA: ls_celltab TYPE lvc_s_styl.
      REFRESH pt_celltab.
      IF p_mode EQ text-103.
    *§2a.Use attribute CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_ENABLED to set a cell
       to status "editable".
        ls_celltab-fieldname = c_character1.
        ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
        ls_celltab-style2 = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_f4.
        INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.
        ls_celltab-fieldname = c_character2.
        ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
        ls_celltab-style2 = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_f4.
        INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.
        ls_celltab-fieldname = c_character3.
        ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
        ls_celltab-style2 = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_f4.
        INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.
        ls_celltab-fieldname = text-107.
        ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
        ls_celltab-style2 = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_f4.
        INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.
        ls_celltab-fieldname = c_selectionid.
        ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
        INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.

  • To change the subtotals row color in ALV(Grid / List ) .

    I am trying to change the color of a row which gives the ALV report...
    but it is not working....
    I have used the following code but not getting where i m wrong
    I have u sed the following code wih the help of our forum only...
    *& Internal Table Delcaration
             MCOD1 LIKE ZSCALE-MCOD1,
           END OF IT_SCALE.
    *& ALV Data Declaration
    DATA : G_SAVE(1)   TYPE C VALUE 'A',
           GX_SAVE(1)  TYPE C VALUE 'A',
           T_I_EVENT      TYPE SLIS_ALV_EVENT.
    DATA : L_LIST(105)    TYPE C,         "Store the Top-of-page headings
           L_DATEFROM(10) TYPE C,         "Store date in top-of-page
           L_DATETO(10)   TYPE C.         "Store date in top-of-page
             WHERE DATUM IN S_DATE
               AND LIFNR IN S_LIFNR
               AND MATNR IN S_MATNR.
    loop at IT_SCALE.
      LINE_color = LINE_color + 2.
      if LINE_color < 7.
        LINE_color = 1.
      concatenate 'C' lINE_color '00' into IT_SCALE-li_color.
      DATA: COUNTER      TYPE I.
      COUNTER = COUNTER + 1.
      WA_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_L  = 'Date'.
      WA_FIELDCAT-JUST       = 'C'.
      WA_FIELDCAT-NO_ZERO    = 'X'.
    GS_LAYOUT-ZEBRA        = 'X'.
    gS_layout-no_input          = 'X'.
      gS_layout-totals_text       = 'Totals'(201).
      gS_layout-subtotals_text = 'Subtotal'.
        MESSAGE I001(38) WITH 'No Data to Display'.
       I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM             = SY-REPID
       IS_LAYOUT                      = GS_LAYOUT
      IT_FIELDCAT                    = IT_FIELDCAT
       I_SAVE                         = G_SAVE
       IS_VARIANT                     = GX_VARIANT
        T_OUTTAB                       = IT_SCALE[].
    ENDFORM.                    " ALV_DISPLAY
    ThanX in Adavance....

    Hi Prasad,
    I provided some code snippets for you. Please go through.
    Hope this proves to be helpful to you.
    The steps for coloring a line i the grid is much the same as making a traffic light.
    To color a line the structure of the  table must include a  Char 4 field  for color properties
    TYPES: BEGIN OF st_sflight.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE zsflight.
          Field for line color
    types:  line_color(4) type c.
    TYPES: END OF st_sflight.
    TYPES: tt_sflight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF st_sflight.
    DATA: gi_sflight TYPE tt_sflight.
    Loop trough the table to set the color properties of each line. The color properties field is
    Char 4 and the characters is set as follows:
    Char 1 = C = This is a color property
    Char 2 = 6 = Color code (1 - 7)
    Char 3 = Intensified on/of = 1 = on
    Char 4 = Inverse display = 0 = of
         LOOP AT gi_sflight INTO g_wa_sflight.
          IF g_wa_sflight-paymentsum < 100000.
            g_wa_sflight-line_color    = 'C610'.
          MODIFY gi_sflight FROM g_wa_sflight.
    Name of the color field
    gs_layout-info_fname = 'LINE_COLOR'.
    Grid setup for first display
    CALL METHOD go_grid->set_table_for_first_display
          EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
                                 is_layout                = gs_layout
          CHANGING  it_outtab                 = gi_sflight.
    Heres another Example for you:
        & Report  Z_ALV_COLOURS                                              &
        & This report shows how to use colours in REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY     &
        & C = Colour        (all codes must start with 'C')                  &
        & X = Colour number (1-9)                                            &
        & Y = Intensified   (0 = off, 1 = on)                                &
        & Z = Inverse       (0 = off, 1 = on)                                &
        report  z_alv_colours.
        data count_1(1) type c.
    ALV definitions
        type-pools: slis.
        data i_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line.
        data i_layout   type slis_layout_alv.
        types: begin of t_alv,
              f1(4) type c,
              f2(15) type c,
              f3(4) type c,
              f4(4) type c,
              f5(4) type c,
              f6(4) type c,
              colour(4)   type c,
              coltab type slis_t_specialcol_alv,
        end of t_alv.
        data: i_alv type standard table of t_alv with header line.
        data l_alvcolor type slis_specialcol_alv.
        & create table entries for LINE colours                              &
        do 9 times.
          count_1 = sy-index.
          clear i_alv.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '0' into i_alv-f1.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '0' into i_alv-colour.
          i_alv-f2 = 'Line colour'.
          i_alv-f3 = 'X'.
          append i_alv.
          clear i_alv.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '0' into i_alv-f1.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '0' into i_alv-colour.
          i_alv-f2 = 'Line colour'.
          i_alv-f4 = 'X'.
          append i_alv.
          clear i_alv.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '1' into i_alv-f1.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '1' into i_alv-colour.
          i_alv-f2 = 'Line colour'.
          i_alv-f5 = 'X'.
          append i_alv.
    Intensified & Inverse
          clear i_alv.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '1' into i_alv-f1.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '1' into i_alv-colour.
          i_alv-f2 = 'Line colour'.
          i_alv-f6 = 'X'.
          append i_alv.
    create table entries for CELL colours
        do 9 times.
          count_1 = sy-index.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '0' into i_alv-f1.
          i_alv-f2 = 'Cell colour'.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '0' into i_alv-f3.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '0' into i_alv-f4.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '0' '1' into i_alv-f5.
          concatenate 'C' count_1 '1' '1' into i_alv-f6.
          append i_alv.
        & Create table entries for CELL colours                              &
        loop at i_alv where f2 = 'Cell colour'.
    Colour cells
          clear l_alvcolor.
          l_alvcolor-fieldname = 'F3'.
          l_alvcolor-color-col = i_alv-f3+1(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-int = i_alv-f3+2(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-inv = i_alv-f3+3(1).
          l_alvcolor-nokeycol = 'X'.
          append l_alvcolor to i_alv-coltab.
          clear l_alvcolor.
          l_alvcolor-fieldname = 'F4'.
          l_alvcolor-color-col = i_alv-f4+1(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-int = i_alv-f4+2(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-inv = i_alv-f4+3(1).
          l_alvcolor-nokeycol = 'X'.
          append l_alvcolor to i_alv-coltab.
          clear l_alvcolor.
          l_alvcolor-fieldname = 'F5'.
          l_alvcolor-color-col = i_alv-f5+1(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-int = i_alv-f5+2(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-inv = i_alv-f5+3(1).
          l_alvcolor-nokeycol = 'X'.
          append l_alvcolor to i_alv-coltab.
          clear l_alvcolor.
          l_alvcolor-fieldname = 'F6'.
          l_alvcolor-color-col = i_alv-f6+1(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-int = i_alv-f6+2(1).
          l_alvcolor-color-inv = i_alv-f6+3(1).
          l_alvcolor-nokeycol = 'X'.
          append l_alvcolor to i_alv-coltab.
          modify i_alv.
        & Configure ALV settings                                             &
    Create field catalog
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F1'     'T_ALV' 'Colour name'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F2'     'T_ALV' 'Description'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F3'     'T_ALV' 'BaseColour'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F4'     'T_ALV' 'Intensified'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F5'     'T_ALV' 'Inverse'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'F6'     'T_ALV' 'Both Inv/Int'.
        perform create_field_catalog using 'COLOUR' 'T_ALV' 'Colour'.
        clear i_layout.
        i_layout-colwidth_optimize   = 'X'.
        i_layout-info_fieldname      = 'COLOUR'.   " for line colour
        i_layout-coltab_fieldname    = 'COLTAB'.   " for cell colour
        call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
            i_callback_program      = sy-cprog
            i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
            is_layout               = i_layout
            it_fieldcat             = i_fieldcat[]
            i_default               = 'X'
            i_save                  = 'A'
            t_outtab                = i_alv.
        & Form  CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG                                          &
        form create_field_catalog using    p_fieldname
          i_fieldcat-fieldname        = p_fieldname.
          i_fieldcat-tabname          = p_tabname.
          i_fieldcat-seltext_l        = p_text.
          append i_fieldcat.
        endform.                    " CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG
    For more information about Coloring in ALV, Please refer :
    Coloring Rows in ALV
    Hope this helps you in solving your issue.
    Please Reward Points if any of the above points are helpful to you.
    Kalyan Chakravarthy

  • Challenge: Controlling the output stream of includes within iterative tags

    How can you control the output stream of an iterative tag that is making an include on each iteration (either by using the jsp include tag or by a custom tag that does an pageContext.include(). Example of the first of such a case could be:
    <wf:iterator name="...">
    <jsp:include page="test.jsp" flush="true"/>
    I now want to see the following output:
    ..content of jsp file 1
    ...content of jsp file 2
    However what I AM seeing is that the jsp content is flushed to the output stream before the divs like this:
    ...content of jsp file 1
    ...content of jsp file 2
    See!? How is that and what can I do to control the output stream??
    Alf Johannessen

    This is a stab in the dark, but have you tried writing your div tags out using the JSP directive:
    It looks like a bug in the iterator. I'd suggest you try setting flush to be false, but I know that's not supported yet (unless you've updated your libraries) ...

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    Dear ,my expert :
       I  work in ROS scenario . In my case ,the supplier can select Product Category A, Product Category B,and Product Category C when they  filled the data in the  registration scren . And the purchaser A just is responsibility for the Product Category A ,and the purchaser B ,C are the same situation .
      So ,my question is :
       1,How can I control the Product Category in the Pre-select screen? I mean that the Purchaser A can just select the   Product Category A in the Pre-select screen .
       2,You know the supplier select two category  is one BP in the system ,So if the purchaser A accepe the supplier ,the purchaser B will find the status is "accepted ",So the purchaser B will be confused about it .
       SO ,in my case ,any one has the suggestions ,any link welcome .

    Hi Alex,
    As per standard SRM solution, this is not supported. Purchasers who accept new suppliers, accept them on the whole and not for any specific product category. There is no such thing as Purchaser being responsible for specific prod category in ROS.
    What you could do however is to build a custom workflow to achieve it. You could have category approvers after the purchaser has accepted the supplier. Based on the category provided by the supplier in the reg form, you could route these suppliers to appropriate category approvers.

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    I own the movies and I want them to stay in my iTunes library basically forever.
    But in both cases the file name no longer shows in the movie list, so I don't know how to re-download it from the Cloud.
    iTunes prefs > Store > Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases.
    This will show all your iTunes purchases in your library with a cloud icon down arrow. Click the icon to redownload or click on Play to stream without downloading.
    Also see this , -> Download past purchases
    and techncially, you don't "own" the movie, You simply have a license to use it.
    Yet the first thing iTunes does when you hit the delete key is tell you that it will remove the movie forever from all devices and the library.
    Actually, no it does not tell you that.
    FYI: You should keep copies of all yoru iTnue spurahses as the labels/movie studios/copyright owners can pull their product at anytime and it won't be available to redownload.
    Suggestions here ->

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    Control Center (tap to enlarge)

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    If you are pressing the "Control" button on the Mac keyboard, scrolling up will zoom in and scrolling down will zoom out. You can disable this if it annoys you through System Preferences > Universal Access. If you are using Mountain Lion, it would be System Preferences > Accessibility.
    Uncheck the in the "Seeing" or "Zoom" section that says "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom".  It may be slightly different if you have an older OS X version. I have Mountain Lion and am going off of memory on the older versions.

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    i have apps loaded on my iPad. they show in the main screen are not available to load documents to in the window list which should appear below the main window. the same apps do appear in the sub window on my other iPad. any ideas?

    From what I can see, unless you're doing things with old versions of Xcode on a Mac (in which case, the solution seems to be to upgrade to the latest version), this seems to e an iTunes issue.
    Accepting that it works fine with another iPad, I suggest trying the following:
    1. Restart the non-working iPad
    2. If that doesn't work, reinstall iTunes. If you're on a Windows PC, I suggest using Control Panel to uninstall all the Apple apps, restarting the PC, and doing a fresh install. If you're using a Mac, a repair permissions might help too.
    iTunes 10.3 is now available, and that may make a difference.

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac.  
    These steps are to be taken while booted in safe mode.
    Below are instructions to enter some UNIX shell commands. The commands are harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. 
    Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands. 
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply. 
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it:
    for k in /Sy*/L*/Ex*/{,.?}*.kext; do test -f "$k/Contents/Info.plist" && /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" "$_" | egrep -qv "apple|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|CalDigit|HighPoint|hp-fax|JMicron|print|SoftRAID|stex" && echo $k; done | open -f -a TextEdit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. Post the contents of that window, if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. You can then close the TextEdit window. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Repeat with this line:
    sudo defaults read LoginHook | open -f -a TextEdit 
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. 
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before taking this step. If that’s not possible, skip to the next step. 
    Step 3 
    Repeat with this line:
    ls -1A /e*/mach* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts 2> /dev/null | open -f -a TextEdit
    Important: If you formerly synchronized with a MobileMe account, your email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, anonymize it before posting. 
    Step 4
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of every login item' 2> /dev/null | open -f -a TextEdit 
    Remember, Steps 1-4 are all copy-and-paste — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output. 
    You can then quit Terminal.

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    gl.glColor3*(), trying to change the color. But it does not work.
    What is the problem?

    A big help for learning JOGL is reading the Red Book from OpenGL, which can be downloaded in pdf. Since JOGL is almost a direct wrapper, the function calls are identical.
    To set the background color, you need to add a GLEventListener to the GLCanvas that you're using. To set the background color, in your init() method for GLEventListener do:
    public void init(GLAutoDrawable glad) {
    GL gl=glad.getGL();
    or something similar, I'm not on my normal computer so this was all from memory. Check the JOGL API for the exact method name for glClearColor. To change the foreground color, there are a bunch of various methods that are all similar to glColor3f(float r,float g,float b).
    Calling this on the GL object in the display() method will set the foreground color and everything drawn that isn't using lighting will use this color.

  • How can I control the size of a cell in the GridBagLayout?

    Hi,Swing Gurus
    I am developing a swing-based program using JBulider5 enterprise.
    It seems to me that the GridBagLayout is really a hard nut!
    How can I control the size of a cell in the GridBagLayout?
    It seems that I cann't control the size of a cell directly.
    But how the size of a particular cell is determined when I switch the layout manager from XYLayout to GridBagLayout?
    Thx in advance!

    hi,i have not done what you are asking but there are fields like
    COLUMNWIDTH, MINSIZE, MAXGRIDSIZE, PREFEREDSIZE to which you can set the appropriate values and test for your need.hope this helped.bye martian.

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