Can we use rownum in procedures?

Can we use rownum in procedures"
Thanks and regards
Gowtham Sen.

here is some examples that might be of help.
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> create or replace procedure get_employee(p_empno number) as
  2    cursor c1(pEmpNo number) is
  3     select e.rn, e.empno, e.ename
  4       from (select rownum rn, empno, ename
  5               from emp
  6             order by empno) e
  7      where e.empno = pEmpNo;
  8  begin
  9    for c1_rec in c1(p_empno) loop
10      dbms_output.put_line('The rownum is '||to_char(c1_rec.rn));
11      dbms_output.put_line('The employee name is '||c1_rec.ename);
12    end loop;
13  end;
14  /
Procedure created.
SQL> execute get_employee(7788);
The rownum is 8
The employee name is SCOTT
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> execute get_employee(7654);
The rownum is 5
The employee name is MARTIN
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    you could use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (Oracle8i above) or DBMS_SQL pacakge to do dynamic SQL.
    since you are already on Oracle8i 8.1.7 using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE may be more easy.

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    hi all,
    i am facing a strange problem
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    please please solve the problem
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    [email protected]

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    MySQL�������A ORACLE��MSSSQL��������������BEGIN�`END�u���b�N�����s�������������������������B
    --drop PROCEDURE sp_hoge;
    delimiter //
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hoge()
    /* �������� */
    DECLARE mystr VARCHAR(20);
    DECLARE mycnt INTEGER(2);
    /* �l������ */
    SET mycnt = 0;
    SET mystr = '����';
    /* IF�� */
    IF mycnt = 0 THEN
    SET mystr = '�����Q';
    select mystr;
    select '�����R';
    END IF;
    /* CASE�� */
    CASE extract(month from now())
    WHEN 1 THEN SET mystr = '1��';
    WHEN 2 THEN SET mystr = '2��';
    WHEN 3 THEN SET mystr = '3��';
    WHEN 4 THEN SET mystr = '4��';
    ELSE SET mystr = '1�`4�����O';
    select mystr;
    /* WHILE-LOOP */
    WHILE mycnt <= 5 DO
    SET mycnt = mycnt + 1;
    select mycnt;
    /* BEGIN-END�u���b�N������SELECT�������s */
    /* PROCEDURE�������\�iFUNCTION���������������j */
    select * from help_topic;
    delimiter ;
    call sp_hoge();
    --drop PROCEDURE sp_hoge;
    delimiter //
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hoge(inum INTEGER(3))
    /* �������� */
    /* �J�[�\���g�p�����f�[�^�L�����f���g�p */
    /* �������O������ */
    DECLARE v_mystr VARCHAR(20);
    /* �J�[�\���g�p�� */
    DECLARE v_empnm VARCHAR(40);
    DECLARE v_job VARCHAR(20);
    /* �J�[�\������ �� �����������������`���� */
    select empnm,job from kemp where deptno = inum;
    /* �f�[�^��������LOOP�E�o�p���������� */
    /* �J�[�\���I�[�v�� */
    OPEN cur1;
    /* LOOP */
    FETCH cur1 INTO v_empnm,v_job;
    IF NOT done THEN
    IF v_job = '�X�^�b�t' THEN
    SET v_mystr = '�c���X�^�b�t�F';
    SET v_mystr = '';
    END IF;
    select CONCAT(v_mystr,v_empnm);
    /* ������������LOOP���E�o����������LEAVE�� */
    END IF;
    /* �J�[�\���N���[�Y */
    CLOSE cur1;
    delimiter ;
    call sp_hoge(1);
    12.2. Control Flow Functions
    CASE value WHEN [compare_value] THEN result [WHEN [compare_value] THEN result ...] [ELSE result] END
    CASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN [condition] THEN result ...] [ELSE result] END
    The first version returns the result where value=compare_value. The second version returns the result for the first condition that is true. If there was no matching result value, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part.
    mysql> SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'one'
    -> WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'more' END;
    -> 'one'
    mysql> SELECT CASE WHEN 1>0 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END;
    -> 'true'
    -> WHEN 'a' THEN 1 WHEN 'b' THEN 2 END;
    -> NULL
    The default return type of a CASE expression is the compatible aggregated type of all return values, but also depends on the context in which it is used. If used in a string context, the result is returned as a string. If used in a numeric context, then the result is returned as a decimal, real, or integer value.
    Note: The syntax of the CASE expression shown here differs slightly from that of the SQL CASE statement described in Section, �gCASE Statement�h, for use inside stored routines. The CASE statement cannot have an ELSE NULL clause, and it is terminated with END CASE instead of END.
    If expr1 is TRUE (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then IF() returns expr2; otherwise it returns expr3. IF() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used.
    mysql> SELECT IF(1>2,2,3);
    -> 3
    mysql> SELECT IF(1<2,'yes','no');
    -> 'yes'
    mysql> SELECT IF(STRCMP('test','test1'),'no','yes');
    -> 'no'
    If only one of expr2 or expr3 is explicitly NULL, the result type of the IF() function is the type of the non-NULL expression.
    expr1 is evaluated as an integer value, which means that if you are testing floating-point or string values, you should do so using a comparison operation.
    mysql> SELECT IF(0.1,1,0);
    -> 0
    mysql> SELECT IF(0.1<>0,1,0);
    -> 1
    In the first case shown, IF(0.1) returns 0 because 0.1 is converted to an integer value, resulting in a test of IF(0). This may not be what you expect. In the second case, the comparison tests the original floating-point value to see whether it is non-zero. The result of the comparison is used as an integer.
    The default return type of IF() (which may matter when it is stored into a temporary table) is calculated as follows:
    Expression Return Value
    expr2 or expr3 returns a string string
    expr2 or expr3 returns a floating-point value floating-point
    expr2 or expr3 returns an integer integer
    If expr2 and expr3 are both strings, the result is case sensitive if either string is case sensitive.
    Note: There is also an IF statement, which differs from the IF() function described here. See Section, �gIF Statement�h.
    If expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1; otherwise it returns expr2. IFNULL() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used.
    mysql> SELECT IFNULL(1,0);
    -> 1
    mysql> SELECT IFNULL(NULL,10);
    -> 10
    mysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,10);
    -> 10
    mysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,'yes');
    -> 'yes'
    The default result value of IFNULL(expr1,expr2) is the more �ggeneral�h of the two expressions, in the order STRING, REAL, or INTEGER. Consider the case of a table based on expressions or where MySQL must internally store a value returned by IFNULL() in a temporary table:
    mysql> CREATE TABLE tmp SELECT IFNULL(1,'test') AS test;
    mysql> DESCRIBE tmp;
    | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | test | char(4) | | | | |
    In this example, the type of the test column is CHAR(4).
    Returns NULL if expr1 = expr2 is true, otherwise returns expr1. This is the same as CASE WHEN expr1 = expr2 THEN NULL ELSE expr1 END.
    mysql> SELECT NULLIF(1,1);
    -> NULL
    mysql> SELECT NULLIF(1,2);
    -> 1
    Note that MySQL evaluates expr1 twice if the arguments are not equal.
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    User Comments
    Posted by I W on July 12 2005 5:52pm [Delete] [Edit]
    Don't use IFNULL for comparisons (especially not for Joins)
    select aa from a left join b ON IFNULL(a.col,1)=IFNULL(b.col,1)
    It's terrible slow (ran for days on two tables with approx 250k rows).
    Use <=> (NULL-safe comparison) instead. It did the same job in less than 15 minutes!!
    Posted by [name withheld] on November 10 2005 12:12am [Delete] [Edit]
    IFNULL is like oracle's NVL function (these should help people searching for NVL() ..)
    Posted by Philip Mak on May 26 2006 7:14am [Delete] [Edit]
    When using CASE, remember that NULL != NULL, so if you write "WHEN NULL", it will never match. (I guess you have to use IFNULL() instead...)
    Posted by Marc Grue on June 24 2006 2:03pm [Delete] [Edit]
    You can ORDER BY a dynamic column_name parameter using a CASE expression in the ORDER BY clause of the SELECT statement:
    CREATE PROCEDURE `orderby`(IN _orderby VARCHAR(50))
    SELECT id, first_name, last_name, birthday
    FROM table
    -- numeric columns
    CASE _orderby WHEN 'id' THEN id END ASC,
    CASE orderby WHEN 'desc id' THEN id END DESC,
    -- string columns
    CASE orderby WHEN 'firstname' THEN first_name WHEN 'last_name' THEN last_name END ASC,
    CASE orderby WHEN 'descfirst_name' THEN first_name WHEN 'desc_last_name' THEN last_name END DESC,
    -- datetime columns
    CASE _orderby WHEN 'birthday' THEN birthday END ASC,
    CASE orderby WHEN 'desc birthday' THEN birthday END DESC;
    Since the CASE expression returns the "compatible aggregated type of all return values", you need to isolate each column type in a separate CASE expression to get the desired result.
    If you mixed the columns like
    CASE _orderby
    WHEN 'id' THEN id
    WHEN 'first_name' THEN first_name
    .. both the id and first_name would be returned as a string value, and ids would be sorted as a string to '1,12,2,24,5' and not as integers to '1,2,5,12,24'.
    Note that you don't need a "ELSE null" in the CASE expressions, since the CASE expression automatically returns null if there's no match. In that case, you get a "null ASC" in your ORDER BY clause which doesn't affect the sort order. If for instance orderby is 'descfirst_name', the ORDER BY clause evaluates to:
    ORDER BY null ASC, null DESC, null ASC, first_name DESC, null ASC, null DESC
    Effectively the same as "ORDER BY first_name DESC". You could even add a new set of CASE expressions for a second order column (or more..) if you like.
    Add your own comment.

    What is that post supposed to be?

  • Can I use a stored procedure to validate a username and password?

    We are using Discoverer on a standalone server but we have a database link to our reporting database.
    Our standalone Discoverer is on a 10g database with a database link. Our reporting database is an 9i database using oracle applications. I have a stored procedure that i can call to validate username and password in the apps.
    Is there anyway to call that stored procedure from Discoverer so that my users don't have to have 2 different passwords?

    Let's rewind this discussion for a sec as I have not the faintest idea what you're referring to with the dblinks, query prediction, etc.
    I didn't think that was the main thrust of the thread and thought it was if the user could validate a username and password. If they happen to use a dblink, that's another issue.
    1. What I"m referring to as good design is the concept of the eul$ triggers that Discoverer offers (the link offered by the user before my response).
    I like triggers in Forms, I like trigger in Reports - and I like them in Discoverer. I think they potentially have a great use - the problem is finding that use.
    One use I can forsee is setting up an environment or table everytime one enters Discoverer. Or maybe some cleanup after Discoverer is exited (ie: delete that setup table).
    2. You mentioned dblinks.
    What do I think about 'em? Don't know ... don't care. Haven't had to work with them too much and until that point comes - I'm not worried about them either way.
    3. You mention query prediction.
    What do I think about it? IMO, turn the darn thing off. I don't really care what it's SUPPOSED to do according to Oracle - in 9 out of 10 client sites I go to ... it's not doing it. It's waste time, processing power, coffee time, whatever ... to come up with a bogus estimate that makes Discoverer looking like a toy.
    For example:
    prediction time: it takes 6 minutes to come up with an estimate
    prediction: Query will take 364 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes, 18 seconds. Do you wish to continue?
    me: Duh ... okay.
    query runs for: 1 minute, 2 seconds
    It's like a Vulcan in that it's incredible detailed on it's assessment on how long it will take. Unlike a Vulcan though, it's completely bogus. Sure it supposed to be better over time but again - in 9 out of 10 client sites I go to, it's a joke and once turned off ... the client couldn't be happier.
    So again, let's rewind here. Maybe I'm missing something, but I had no idea this thread was angling to dblink and query prediction, but my views on what I thought we were talking about are above.
    PS. And no I'm not PO'd ... just want to fix what appears to be cross-purposes.

  • How can I Use a Stored Procedure from Microsoft SQL Server?

    Hi All,
    Would like to use stored procedure as my data service in Visual Composer.
    Our version is VC7.0 SP20.
    Is stored procedure feasible? What is the system that i need to create  in Enterprise Portal? Currently i have BI JDBC System which only allows me to search for tables from SQL Server.
    Much appreciate your help.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Skif,
    Referring to my post: JDBC System Connection VS BI JDBC System Connection
    I do not even able to view list of stored procedure. I need help too..maybe you can show me how do you set the connection? What are the mandatory connection properties? I have filled up:
    - Connection URL
    - Driver class name
    - User Administration: User, Admin (I did user mapping too)
    The error message that i got is: Failed to connect to backend system. Check your system definition and user privileges.#
    I had assigned full control to the DB user, and map my portal user to that DB user.
    Many Thanks,

  • Can't use procedure in the .rdl file.

    Hi experts,
    I created a simple River project, and I can active the project successfully.
    But when i added some codes to call a procedure, then i can't active the rdl file.
    This is the code I used to call a procedure:
    action callExternalProc2() : DecimalFloat[]
          let x  = sap.hana.catalog.RIVERPRJ.MY_PROCEDURE_TEST3();
          return x;
    The error message met when active the project is:
    A transaction rollback may have left the object in an inconsistent state.
    exception 40183:
    Transaction rollback detected. Activation failed.
    When i commented the above codes, the activation will be successful.
    And the procedure can execute in SQL console.
    Can you give me some suggestions?

    Hi Omer,
    I tried to create my stored procedure in another schema(owned by my user), but I still can't active the rdl file.
    Also, I can't execute the following sql statement using my user or the system user:
           set schema "RIVERPRJ";
           grant execute on MY_PROCEDURE_TEST3 to _SYS_REPO with grant option;
    The error message is:
         Could not execute 'grant execute on MY_PROCEDURE_TEST3 to _SYS_REPO with grant option' in 10 ms 659 µs .
         SAP DBTech JDBC: [258] (at 17): insufficient privilege: Not authorized to grant the privilege on the procedure: line 1 col 18 (at pos 17)
    If I active the rdl file, the error message is as follows:
    In the procedure, if I do some queries from the tables created by the rdl, it did not work, but it works if I do some queries from the tables which were not created by the rdl file.
    I think this maybe the reason for the error message "A transaction rollback may have left the object in an inconsistent state." .
    In my opinion, I think we can not use a stored procedure that do some queries from tables created by the rdl entities.
    Because create the entity and call the procedure at the same time may left the object in an inconsistent state.
    Put the queries in an action is ok, but the river can not support some key words like "lag over",.
    So i am trying to put these things in a procedure and call it in the action.
    If  we can't use procedure, how could I use some sql key words like "lag over"?
    Could you give me some suggestions?
    Thanks very much for your help.

  • How to use a atore procedure in the sender Jdbc adapter

    Hi Experts!
    I am having a requirement to read multiple data from multiple tables from Oracle database at a time.
    In sender side i am using JDBC Adapter. Here i want to know how can we use a store procedure to do this and can any one pls give a blog which guide me in design.
    Thanks in advance,

    Pleasae see this thread
    Stored procedure in Sender JDBC Adapter
    In space of select statement put
    EXEC nameofstoredprocedure
    and update statement
    Put <TEST>

  • Can we use return statement in procedure?

    Can we use return statement in procedure or we can use more than one return statement in procedure?

    HamidHelal wrote:
    NOReally? Did you at least test it? You can use RETURN in procedure or in anonymous PL/SQL block. The only restriction is you can't specify return value:
    SQL> begin
      2      dbms_output.put_line('Before return');
      3      return;
      4      dbms_output.put_line('After return');
      5  end;
      6  /
    Before return
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> create or replace
      2    procedure p1
      3      is
      4      begin
      5          dbms_output.put_line('Before return');
      6          return;
      7          dbms_output.put_line('After return');
      8  end;
      9  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec p1;
    Before return
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> begin
      2      dbms_output.put_line('Before return');
      3      return 99;
      4          dbms_output.put_line('After return');
      5  end;
      6  /
        return 99;
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 5:
    PLS-00372: In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 5:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    SQL> create or replace
      2    procedure p1
      3      is
      4      begin
      5          dbms_output.put_line('Before return');
      6          return 99;
      7          dbms_output.put_line('After return');
      8  end;
      9  /
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show err
    Errors for PROCEDURE P1:
    5/9      PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    5/9      PLS-00372: In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an
    SQL> SY.

  • How can I use the Rownum/Customized SQL query in a Mapping?

    * I need to use a Rownum for populating one of the target field? How to create a mapping with Rownum?
    * How can I use an Dual table in OWB mapping?
    * Can I write Customized SQL query in OWB? How can I achieve this in a Mapping?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Niels,
    As I'm sure you know, the conundrum is that Reports doesn't know how many total pages there will be in the report until it is all done formatting, which is too late for your needs. So, one classical solution to this problem is to run the report twice, storing the total number of pages in the database using a format trigger, and throwing away the output from the first run when you don't know the total number of pages.
    Alternatively, you could define a report layout so that the number of pages in the output is completely predictable based upon, say, the number of rows in the main query. E.g., set a limit of one, two, ... rows per page, and then you'll know how many pages there will be simply because you can count the rows in a separate query.
    Hope this helps...

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    can Stored procedure with IN and OUT Paramter can be used in JDBC LOOKUP?

    Checking online help, I do not see any possibility.
    "Queries a data base by the given SQL statement."
    -> execute

  • Why I Can't use procedure in select statement

    Why I Can't use procedure in select statement

    We can use function in select statement but we couldn't use procedure with one out parameters in select statement... You can use Function because they are designed for this but procedure are not. Functions can return value (without OUT parameter) which can be used in SELECT whereas procedures do not have such concept. As you can see in the above post you can not call even functions also if it has any out parameter.
    I have just trying to use procedure in select statement ..for this I require technical answer..The technical answer is because conceptually procedure is for doing set of operation, performning DMLs on the tables , whereas functions are for processing and producing a single result. Functions are basically for not using INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE in it. That is the reason they are allowed to be used in SELECT because conceptually they are not supposed to do any data changes.

  • Can i use Stored procedures and triggers with SDK

    hi all
    How to use the stored procedure and Triggers with SDK, can i get a sample code

    Hi, Salah.
    Use "Exec" in your query to run procedures.
    SAPbobsCOM.Recordset     oRS;
    oRS = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)pCmp.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
    oRS.DoQuery ("EXEC YourStoredProcName");
    Triggers are not supported in SDK.

  • Can't use bcp in SQL Server procedure

    I need to export data of sales between the last 4 years to a csv using a stored procedure, however the output of that just gives User
    name not provided, either use -U to provide the username or use -T for Trusted Connection, then it gives the possible parameters to
    give to the command. What am I typing wrong? I've double checked the servername and i'm using -T.
    dateSales, Sales
    into ##temp
    dateSales between convert(varchar(20), year(DATEADD(YEAR, -4, getdate())))+'-01-01' AND getdate();
    select * from ##temp;
    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from ##temp" queryout "C:\Users\PatriceW\Documents\sales.csv" -c -T -SSQLserver -t, -r\r\n'
    Thank you in advance.

    Unfortunately I can't reproduce it in my local.
    I tried belwo 2 in SSMS and also in Command prompt and both worked -
    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from ##temp" queryout "C:\temp\sales.csv" -c -T'
    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from ##temp" queryout "C:\temp\sales.csv" -c -T -S localhost'
    My BCP is inside C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn.
    Few things to check:
    Ensure if the folder exists and you have permission to write to it. Try giving some local path.
    Try running the bcp from SSMS and CMD both. If it runs from CMD then SQL Server account has no permissions
    Do consider reading Permissions, Remarks section given in below:
    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

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    Click restore in itunes.

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