Cannot create partition

I am using Essbase
I tried to create transparent partitions on various applications, but it seems that's not working.
At first, I though that I made a mistake when I created it.
My last try was to create a partition between the application Demo and DMDemo. On a VM it works find, but on the Essbase server it doesn't work.
The MaxL is :
create transparent partition 'Demo'.'Basic'
area '"Actual"' sourcearea1
to 'DMDemo'.'Basic' at 'server' as 'admin' identified by '******'
area '"Actual"' targetarea1;
The error is : Cannot open object file: Basic
I checked that I was able to open the outline, etc.
Has ever one of you encountered this error?
Thanks for your help!

I have found the solution.
There was some dbb file which were created previously (but I don't know why..)
I deleted them, and it worked!
(I was inspired by this thread : Essbase Partitioning Issue

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    Please help me

    disk utility
    verify disk and  disk permission
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    Install Partition Wizard on a USB thumb drive and see if its able to locate the hard disk.
    Partition Wizard Home Edition:
    Note: There is also a bootable CD or bootable Flash drive versions:
    Flash Drive:
    Some of the features and Functions include: Create partition, Delete partition, Format partition,
    Resizing a partition, Move partitions, Restore Partition after accidental deletion,
    Convert partition, Explore partition, Hide partition,
    Change drive letter, Set active partition, partition explorer (View contents).
    Note: To complete any task use the 'Pending Operations' box located in the lower or top left.
    J W Stuart:
    Never be afraid to ask. This forum has some of the best people in the world available to help.

  • BootCamp cannot create new partition on drive free space.

    Hi Folks,
    I am hoping for some advice here. I am running OS X (10.5.6) and wish to use Boot Camp to created a partition to install Windows XP SP2 for some gaming. My machine is a late 2007 MBP 2.4GHz C2D, 4GB RAM, 340GB WD transplanted hard drive.
    I have about 180GB of free space for a new partition to be created for the XP install.
    When I fire up the Boot Camp Assistant tool, I am immediately informed of the following:
    "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition."
    "Back up the disk and use the Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using the Boot Camp Assistant again."
    + I have never had more than one partition on this drive.
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    + I have run Disk Utility to 'Verify Disk', 'Verify Disk Permissions' and 'Repair Disk Permissions' all ran with no problems and completed successfully.
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    I then performed the operation in reverse, copying the entire contents back to the original location.
    After a reboot, I ran the Boot Camp Utility and received the same aggravating message which I received before.
    How can I be sure that I am actually re-formatting the target drive in order to consolidate free space? Is this my issue? When I performed the erase operation, I skipped the "zero out free space" step. Am I using the correct utility to prepare the target drive?
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    Hi Calle,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    I’m sorry to hear that the error message is displayed in your G580 Laptop, as the OS (Operating System) installed is Windows 8.1 or Windows 8. Recovery discs cannot be created only a “Recovery Media” can be created using USB Flash drive, below is the link to create USB recovery drive.
    Create a USB Recovery Drive
    Do post us back if the issue persists.
    Best Regards
    Shiva Kumar
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    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Trying to get rid of error "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition". Recovery HD visible.

    I've been stuck for some hours now trying different things to install Windows 7 on my Macbook Air, and I think now is the time to call for some custom help.
    I'm using OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks.
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    Then I used gparted to create my linux partitions.
    It worked just fine, even though disk utility from OS X seemed quite unhappy about this (it seemed to have incorrect informations about the filesystem on these partitions, seeing them as journaled Mac OS while they were clearly not). At this point already, the Recovery HD from mac showed up in disk utility, which I found weird but didn't bother me.
    But recently I needed windows on my Mac. So after a few tries for the triple boot, I managed to create a bootable USB stick with boot camp, which already showed me the message "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition" and hence refused to partition/install himself.
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    After some hours spent googling, I was unable to find a working fix for that, and as there was no support for my case (where I used bootcamp to create the bootable flash but NOT to partition/reboot) I decided to give bootcamp a try.
    So I erased my linux partitions, and cleaned up everything I could on the HD with disk utility. That means I now have two partitions showing in disk utility : Macintosh HD and Recovery HD.
    When using disk utility from terminal, the list is :
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *121.3 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD            80.0 GB    disk0s2
       3:                  Apple_HFS Recovery HD             650.1 MB   disk0s3
    But boot camp still isn't happy, and the message "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition" keeps popping after the intro and I can't partition/boot from bootcamp.
    So, as I don't understand what is wrong here anymore, any help would be greatly appreciated!
    I will be watching the thread a lot because I really would like this resolved (or windows installed one way or another) this weekend; so any questions on my past manipulations or config just ask!
    Thank you.

    keyboard issues are also something of a common issue.
    I wish the best threads were voted to the top of forums, something! Me, I literally burned out here, but after installing 10 Preview, wanted to "see what was going on" after hiatus of a couple years and see if anything had changed (no, not really!)
    Also, these new Communities are not putting "more like this" and failing to help too.
    I think rewriting Boot Camp Assistant's built in help and pdf would help a lot, and needs to be clearer and go into details. And Yosemite was not it seems tested against Boot Camp, and drivers for new Macs + new OS also lag behind. Again, common and no sign of improvement or change.
    One of the tricks to the "can't partition" is rather simple - of course backup is step #1 and is spelled out - SHRINK the main HFS+ partition! then stretch it back to full length. Sometimes a reboot is needed, and sometimes even do a Safe Boot - not sure what but Recovry Mode might be a good option too. That does seem to consolidate free space, move files that are locked and cannot be moved otherwise, and allow BCA to partition, jusst be sure to have enough space left and large enough for a proper Windows install (and fudge factor).

  • Boot Camp error: The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Jounraled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows.

    I am getting the error:
    "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition.  The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Jounraled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows."
    I read up some on google, but all of them says that they have crated a partition and that is the problem, I only have the standard "Macintosh HD".
    I tried to create a partition manually in disk utility but then the error message: "Partition failed with error message: Could not unmount disk."
    Can anyone help me? It's driving me crazy.

    This message, and threads like yours got asked daily for over two years, now it is only a couple times a week!!
    Is it so hard to follow through? you were to have backup already, clones are best, then erase/format and restore.
    Then partition.
    Some have been able to use Disk Utility booted from OS X DVD or another drive, and repair the drive.
    You have to use Boot Camp Assistant (99.9% anyway) to create and achieve a proper Windows Master Boot Record partition.

  • Cannot resize partition...

    Before mods delete/close/move my post 'cause I'm sure there exist hundred of related problems to this let me explain.
    I study Engineering in Computational Systems, for my Digital Design class I need some software that only exist for Windows (I've been searching the web looking for alternatives for Mac without success)... So I decided I'd install BootCamp and Windows 7, but I got the **** "cannot resize partition" error...
    So here's the deal... I CAN'T make a backup, my external hard drive is damaged, I've been searching and I found that this problem is 'cause BootCamp can't move big files or stuff like that so to fix the problem I have to defrag the hard disk and here comes another problem, I can't afford iDefrag neither...
    Any help for defrag or resize my Mac OS X partition?

    Usually when I see "Cannot resize..." it is because the Windows partition was too small, or they need more room for OS X files. Not because they got the error message from Boot Camp Assistant (which tells you to reformat and restore after you have a backup).
    Step #1 is (always) backup before making changes.
    Real easy... buy an external, you will need backups for Mac OS and probably Windows. you will want to be able to run OS X off external too at some point.
    It isn't because there are big files, it is that they can't be moved.
    The free space has to be contiguous, not fragmented, also, in order to create a slice for Windows.
    I assume it won't work with a VM running under/inside OS X so you need to run Windows natively.
    Some people have bought iDefrag ($49?) and results are anywhere from good to mixed to didn't work.
    You are right, the question has been asked... about 999 times in the last two years.

  • Creating Partition in Mac Mini Hard Drive

    i Have buy a mac mini a week ago, but before three days ago, some file got corrupted, and it does not start, only the password screen appears, when i entered the password, the screen appears again. and it continues. Now i want to partition the mac mini hard drive. i have only one drive, and i want to create another partition in the hard drive. when i create another partition  through the disk utility , i gives error, and cannot create the partition. i acutally want that first i make partition in the hard drive, and after using the "restore from time machine option" to install the mac osx lion in the system. Please help me in make the partition in the hard drive.

    Apple themselves don't specify hard drive RPM because they buy a number of different drives, some apparently 4200 some apparently 5400.
    It's no surprise that your retailer wants you to buy a G5 though, and is trying to upsell one based on the minis weaknesses - after all, they get more money from a G5 sale than from a mini. They may also be considering your planned use of Photoshop as a stumbling block to effective use of a mini, but the question really is what you intend to use Photoshop to do. If you're a hobbyist, the system is fine and will work more than adequately - particularly if you max out the RAM. If you're a professional user with pro-level expectations, then a mini likely wouldn't be sufficient, not so much due to the drive speed (powerbook users have run Photoshop verisons for years quite happily on what are predominently 4200rpm drives) but because for pro work, Photoshop needs a lot of hard drive space and a great deal of RAM.
    On the basis of what you've posted, I'd say your retailer is more interested in their profit than your need. Chances are, if you run PS on the G4 listed in your profile, you're already running on a drive of similar general performance.

  • Cannot create file "/Applications/ " Permission denied.

    When installing new software Iget the following error message: "Cannot create file "/Applications/ ". Permission denied. I have used disk utilities to try to repair my permissions with no sucsess. I have also tried reinstaling the software. Any advise is appreciated.
    I am using Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and Safari 8.0.4

    You may need to rebuild permissions on your user account. To do this,boot to your Recovery partition (holding down the Command and R keys while booting) and open Terminal from the Utilities menu. In Terminal, type:  ‘resetpassword’ (without the ’s), hit return, and select the admin user. You are not going to reset your password. Click on the icon for your Macs hard drive at the top. From the drop down below it select the user account which is having issues. At the bottom of the window, you'll see an area labeled Restore Home Directory Permissions and ACLs. Click the reset button there. The process takes a few minutes. When complete, restart.   
    Repair User Permissions

  • Strange error when Bootcamp attempts to create partition for Windows

    I get a strange error when I tell Bootcamp to create a partition for Windows. I get to the Create a Partition stage. I select 20GB for Windows leaving 91GB (39GB free) for OS X. I then click Partition and it gives me the following error
    *The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved.*
    Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again.
    My disk is formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled), I have closed all applications (besides Bootcamp Assistant) and I have even restarted and tried again to see if that might help. Nothing. I can't get it to partition. Any thoughts? Can I partition my disk manually through disk utility and then select it in Bootcamp?

    this gets asked at least a thousand times by now.
    Have a look at this thread for solution

  • Mountain Lion fails to install saying it cannot create the recovery; I had a similar problem with Lion and the Apple Store that helped me resolve it gave me an installable version of Mountain Lion on a flash drive for my inconvenience....

    Mountain Lion fails to install saying it cannot create the recovery; I had a similar problem with Lion and the Apple Store that helped me resolve it gave me an installable version of Mountain Lion on a flash drive for my there some trick I am missing or do I need to make an appointment with a genius...

    I have the MacIntosh volume and the Boot Camp partition only.  I know that when I installed Lion, I had to go through a whole back-up and recovery of Windows and then re-format the drive. 
    The tech at the Apple Store had a previous life as a MSCE and was very helpful.  I believe he even said that I should not have htis problem with Mountain Lion which is why they gave me the flash with it onboard.  I was in the process of starting a new job when I went to Lion, so I have waited to do this next and probably last upgrade to this old MBP since I doubt Apple will support this MBP in Maverick. 
    I do not have another installation, so that is not an option.  I will try to create an external, I have plenty of hard drives around and see if I can get it done that way.  It might take me a week or two to get back to it, but I will comment back upon completion of that effort.  Thanks for your help....Dave Iverson

  • Trouble downloading anything on MacBook.  "Cannot create a file"

    Whenever I try to download anything off of the interent, my computer says that it cannot create a file.

    I'm having a similar issue as well. For some reason, anytime I try to download any type of file, an error box with this pops up.
    "DapPlugin is unable to find Download Accelerator Plus Application. Please make sure to launch DAP to complete installation."
    Then, when I press okay, here's what pops up.
    Issues are these.
    I did not, not have I ever, downloaded this program. I searched my computer to find a new file created today called DapPipe within my Applications ( a Unix Executable file - 0 KB). I deleted it and another folder called DAP, but no matter what I do, the program stops any downloading that I try to do.
    And, this is just frustrating me, as I'm pretty careful in what I download and where I download from.
    The only other thing I could think of is that I have a Windows partition to my HD, but I have made it so that Mac files can come back and forth, but Windows has no access to any of my files, without my permission.
    But, I haven't downloaded that program on my Windows side either and I'm afraid if I can't get this fixed, that I may have to wipe my less-than-4-months-old Macbook.
    Please note, that the error appears in both Safari and Firefox (I don't have IE on this computer).
    Any help would be great, as I'm at a stand-still until I can get this fixed.

  • How do you get past the create partition step?  Trying to indtall Windows 7 using Boot Camp 5

    Trying to install Windows 7 on a MacBook Pro with Mavericks.  Currently run Win7 using VMware but experiencing poor performance and lockup.  Have tried to use Boot Camp but cannot get past the 'creating partition' step.  The blue bar shows some progress (about 10%), but then after some time it produces a generic error message thst it cannot create the partition. 

    Hold the option while turning on the computer. You should see your statup drives. Just choose the OS X drive and eject your disc once in OS X.

  • "..cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved."

    So here's what happened.. I had WinXP SP2 running on a 20GB partition with my leopard on the other. I needed a little more space on my XP partition, so I erased the partition so I could create another.
    However, when I try to create a 30GB partition, I get the error message:
    "The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved."
    I heard the simplest way to fix this is by using iDefrag or some other programs like that. However, is there a FREE way to fix this? I'm not exactly bursting with extra money right now, it would be great to be able to get my XP partition again without having to pay for it >.<
    Any suggestions? This is really frusturating! I tried repairing disk permissions and all that jazz, but it's just not working =[

    Defragmentation complete
    Defragmentation of the disk MacHD has finished.
    NOTE: Some files were skipped due to lack of contiguous free space and therefore remain fragmented. Some other files were skipped for a different reason (code 35)-- please contact our support team to find out what that error means.
    For some reason the text didn't copy in >.< but yeah, that's what it says on iDefrag after I run it for my MacHD.

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