Cannot get music to play

I have linked my ipod touch 4th gen to my computer the other day and now i cannot get any music to play. Everytime i try to play a song it automatically pauses and it is annoying me. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try to restart your iPod as per these instructions: Restart iOS devices
If that doesn't work, simply restore your iPod to factory settings via your iTuens. Make sure that all your iPod music is already within your iTunes library.

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    <Edited by Host>

    You may access your iTunes music iin iphoto
    You may also access it in other apps - like iMovie
    If - for some reason - you can access the music in iMovie but not in iPhoto, then the issue is with iPhoto.
    If you can't access it in either then the issue is with iTunes.

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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iDevice?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after It shuts down, press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).
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    I have changed the format of the songs to mp3 but my cd player does not play mp3.
    If your CD player will not play MP3 files, don't use MP3 files.
    So what format do I need to have the songs in in order for it to play??
    Select Audio CD for the format when you burn.

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    Fortunately, AirPlay does not cost anything as it is a streaming protocol used by Apple. Currently, the AirPort Express and Apple TV are AirPlay-ready. A number of other companies, like JBL, iHome, Denon and Klipsch are also rumored to be working on AirPlay versions of their products.
    Your other option would be to get an AirPort Express and connect it to your Onkyo analog or optical digital audio input and stream from iTunes that way. I currently do this with my 10+ year old Harmon Kardon HT receiver.

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    Did it stop working when you updated the iOS on your iPod?
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

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    Does it matter that the songs are ACC files?
    You mean aac? No those play fine on my machine, as well as mp3 files. AFAICT it will work for any format that iTunes can play, even protected files.
    I have one of the selected songs under Mac HD:Users:Me:Music:iTunes:iTunes Music:Marc Shaiman:The American President:End Title.m4a.  Should it be placed elsewhere to make LR "see" the selection?
    The iTunes folder should be in the default location (which yours appears to be, apart from the non-standard drive name) for Lightroom to see the playlists. But the most important thing is extremely simple. iTunes has to already be running. Lightroom as of version 2 somewhere simply sends a play command to iTunes. This allows you to play anything in your iTunes Library now, even protected files bought from the iTunes store before they went completely DRM free. Sometimes I've noticed that you need to have already played the starting song for a little in iTunes before it will work correctly.
    Now, I have to say that Lightroom's slideshow module is really quite useless. I usually just export jpegs and run a slideshow in iPhoto or Aperture. Far higher quality (Lightroom's slideshow is always quite fuzzy, no matter what kind of preview you generated), better iTunes support, and far more versatile in general.

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    Doesnt look like you have enabled plugins.
    SEE: [[Firefox for Android supports Flash - learn how to enable it]]

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    To share either select the link (paperclip) icon on the right of the file or folder list.
    Cut and paste the link into an email you send your friends. Do not use the "share this" option in Dropbox as it forces them to join.
    You can test it after deleting your browser cache and cookies - you will no longer be signed in to Dropbox but the link should work fine.
    Hope this helps !

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    Hello Nicole Danielle,
    I would be concerned too if my music didn't playback in iTunes.  I found an article that specifically addresses issues with the music not playing and the playhead not progressing in iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the following article:
    iTunes and QuickTime for Windows: Audio does not play or plays incorrectly
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Okay. I hope I can remeber all my steps exactly because I fixed my own problem...with absolutely no help from Apple. I opened itunes. I connected my ipod touch to my computer. On my itunes page that shows my songs in the upper right side under the search library box there is an itunes button and since I am connected there is an ipod button. DO NOT CLICK THE ARROW in the ipod button...just click in the mail part of the button. On mine it opened to a summary page that gave info on my ipod. The menu bar has Summary, Apps, Tones, Music and more. I clicked on the Music button. I chose to Sync the entire music library. That replaced what was on my ipod but what was on there was going to be put back on so I was okay with it. I then clicked the Sync button on the lower right side and it sync'd and all my songs are on my ipod again. I hope this might help someone else. Good luck.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community Tarskforce.
    Intermittent problems are often a result of interference. Interference can be caused by other networks in the neighbourhood or from household electrical items.
    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel or adjusting your multicast rate.
    There are other types of problems that can affect networks, but this is by far the most common, hence worth mentioning first. Networks that have inherent issues can be seen to work differently with different versions of the same software. You might also try moving the Apple TV away from other electrical equipment.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections 
    Recommended Wi-Fi settings
    Sources of Interference
    Wifi Diagnostic Software (for Mac users)

  • Inserted a png PIP into my clip, can see it fine, can see it playing with the clip as expected when moving the play head manually, but cannot get it to play with the clip for preview, pleas help!

    I am sorry if my inquiry here seem dumb but I am a new iMovie user and cannot figure this out.  I inserted a png image into my video clip in the project as PIP, I can see it and move it and can also see it playing with the main clip if I move the play head manually, I can also see the PIP part only playing along with the undelying main clip if I use the Play button in the preview window when the PIP section is selected, however, for the life of me I cannot get it to play with the main clip all together for previewing the entire video via the video play button.  What happens is that the video plays normally and when the PIP section comes in, the video clip stop all motion during the duration of the PIP section and the PIP image itself is simply NOT showing.  Am I missing something really stupid here?  It seems as it the Picture On Picture is a separate clip that plays with the underlying main video clip if selected and played by itself but it is not part of the video clip and will not play with it.  What am I missing here, can anyone please help?

    The easiest way to get up and running is to convert your MP3s to MP4s (obviously there won't be a video track). The following link links to a file that was an MP3 that I converted to an MP4 using QT Player Pro. When you go to export the files, make sure you click on "Options" and then check the box for "Enable Streaming" in the Streaming tab. It should stream flawlessly using QT Player. rtsp://
    Make sure you place the media to be streamed in the proper folder. You should only get a "404" message if the physical file doesn't exist.
    Good luck!

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    I assume you made a Project, and put clips from your Event Library into the Project.  But then, how did you output your Project, using the SHARE menu? 
    When I pull down iMovie '11s SHARE menu, "iDVD..." is one of the options.  It's the job of iDVD to make the menu that appears when you insert a DVD into your player (that says the title, and chapters, and extras, etc.).  You need software that will made a DVD-V disc.  Lacking that, you might be able to go to Share/Export Movie... or Share/Export using QuickTime... to get your video into a format that software like Roxio's Toast could burn. 

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