Cannot update Apps at App store

Recently I cannot update my apps in my iPhone 4S. It's showed 39 apps to be updated but when I login to App store I can't view the apps and its blank screen. Kindly advise how to resolve this. Thanks.

Hi I think I can fix your Problem.
First: I've tried nearly everything you find in many Internet Communities
Not even one of the tricks worked out for me.
So I decided to take the long way but finally my problem is solved.
I think the problem was that I updated iOS over my iPhone instead of updating it with iTunes.
You have to create a backup in iTunes first
Then reset your device to factory setting (with iTunes!)
After you resetted it, iTunes will download the latest iOS version (6.1.2) and install it on your device
After automatically restart of your device, you have to playback your backup onto your device.
This was the only! solution that worked out for me (believe me I tried everything!)
I hope this works out for you too and you can leave this annoying bug behind you from now on
Regards Sniebap

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    Gary ...
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    There are a number of other threads from people reporting a problem with a blank Updates tab in the App Store app - it looks like there is a problem at Apple's end which they need to fix.
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    Change App Store
    1. Tap "Settings"
    2. Tap "iTunes & App Stores"
    3. Tap on your Apple ID
    4.Tap "View Apple ID"
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    You might just have to contact Apple and ask them to remove it (losing it). Usually people clear a balance by buying one song and having the exact remainder charged  to their credit card, but if you don't have a US credit card you cannot do that.
    iTunes Customer Service Contact -

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    Try contacting Apple >  Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us
    Support links may help also...
    Apple - Support - Apple ID
    Frequently Asked Questions About Apple ID

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    It is a good thing you made 2 separate Apple ID.
    I tried deleting the apps off her devices and then installing again from the Mac we backup to, but that did not work
    It's normal it didn't work because you are reinstalling apps (that are on the Mac) that were purchased/obtained from your Apple ID. She needs to reinstall them through the App Store on her device, using her Apple ID.
    share contacts and calendar through Family Share or some other way
    Calendars can be shared through iCloud (A)(without Family Sharing), or using the following method (B) used for the contacts.
    Contacts can neither be shared through iCloud or through Family Sharing.
    To get them synced: Get all of your wife's contact on your iOS device. (you can send them to your iOS device through iMessage)
    then go to your wife's iOS device: Settings --> Mail, Contacts, Calendar.
    From there, disable her iCloud contacts, then add YOUR iCloud account, and select only contacts (and calendar if you want the method (B)).
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    Any error codes or messages?
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when trying to open it.
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partitiion & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Permissions.
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    <Edited by Host>

    Thank you for your advice.
    Actually, I am aware that the upgrade is implemented in 10.6.7. However, up until now I haven't been able to upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6.7, as I have software that is not yet compatible. So I wondered how to do it within 10.6.6? May be it is not possible? Anyway, this gave me a push to track the software I use for compatibility, and I found that an update for 10.6.7 now is ready for download, so then I will probably solve two issues at the same time. Takes a little work though. Thank you again for your advice.

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