Canon Vixia HF G20 & FCX

I'm having trouble downloading footage from my Canon Vixia HF G20 to Final Cut Pro

Too quick asking for help. It was working I just didn't realize it. Thanks anyway.

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    I called Canon support and they basically walked me through how to connect the camera to computer and then said to call Apple.

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    Hi Meg
    As per Shane, I actually just tried to get 'Clipwrap' for my own G5, and couldn't find a version for 10.4.
    If I'm understanding this correctly, you'd have to have something to start with - some type of file that was pulled off the camera - correct?
    The problem is, only iMovie 11 will aceept clips from that camera, and export Via its own version, (whatever that is?)
    Are you saying that Clipwrap has a built-in capture software to connect to the camera?

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    Rather than convert, you'd be better off capturing with a more current version of the program -- one that supports AVCHD video. Otherwise, you're in for a lot of headache. A converter isn't going to solve your problems.
    BTW, when you say Premiere 6, do you mean Premiere 6 -- which is over 10 years old? (There was no Premiere Elements 6.)
    Trust me on this: Capture with a Mac version of Premiere Elements 11 or 12 and your video will be perfectly compatible with any Mac program.

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    Hi Meg
    As per Shane, I actually just tried to get 'Clipwrap' for my own G5, and couldn't find a version for 10.4.
    If I'm understanding this correctly, you'd have to have something to start with - some type of file that was pulled off the camera - correct?
    The problem is, only iMovie 11 will aceept clips from that camera, and export Via its own version, (whatever that is?)
    Are you saying that Clipwrap has a built-in capture software to connect to the camera?

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    It would be wonderful to import to FCP without wires - and is it possible?

    FCX is $300.  There is no upgrade cost, that is THE cost.  You cannot open older projects with that version unless you buy third party plugins, like 7toX...or whatever it is called.
    The main thing is that FCX is unlike FCP in just about every way possible.  Download the trial and see if you like it. Free for 30 days.  But I believe it requires LION...Mac OSX 10.7.  At least 10.6.8.  Purchaseable only at the APP store.

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    Hi kcgnj7491!
    Thanks for posting.
    The 58mm Protect filter will attach to the camcorder at the same time as the lens hood with no problems.  It does not obstruct the Instant AF sensor.
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  • Canon  Vixia HV30 capture issue on CS6 (Mac OSX)

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    No one ever had a similar problem even withanother cam here? I posted weeks ago but never got any reply.
    Am using the same cam under Windows with Premiere CS4 and never faced such an issue.
    Matter of some sort of CODEC ?  Does not seem to require any specific driver for Mac based on Canon website.
    Any suggestion?

    Solved... (Almost!)
    Someone pointed out that Canon has a software (they said there was no driver for Mac OS X so I had stopped looking...) But if it may help others, there is a ''CameraWindow'' for Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8  available. 
    As soon as I installed it, I could capture both from Adobe Premiere CS6 and iMovie.
    One problem remaining though : the noise (feedback-like) that gets out from... the system's sound card ! (when capture is ongoing). I have to shut down the volume completely.  Never had this issue under Windows, need to figure out why this happens now.
    Jeff thanks again for your assistance, even though the solution was somewhere else.
    If anyone has a clue for the noise issue ... please let me know

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    Hi Codye24
    I don't know if you saw this thread
    Connecting a Canon HV30 camcorder vai a thunderbolt port to a new imac
    Hope that this helps

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    Go to the Canon Drivers and Software page here and download the March and April software updates for OSX Lion. This should help in transferring video.
    There is also a firmware update for the camera here.

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  • How to view original video files from my Canon Vixia

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    I have a Canon Vixia camcorder and I cannot find a way to view the original mts files on my iMac.  I hate to say this, but my old windows laptop to does this without any issue, so that's what I'll continue to do until something changes.
    When I mount the camera on my Mac, it only shows one giant AVCHD file.  I have read the posts about using iMovie to import the AVCHD file and then export the individual clips, but frankly that ***** for a few different reasons that I don't really feel the need to explain. 
    Why does Mac not allow me to simply view the files as they are on the camera?  I don't edit with iMovie, I edit with Premiere and the original mts files are just fine with me.  I love my iMac and all my other Apple products, but let me view my files! ...please?

    AVCHD utilizes a proprietary container format. The MTS files are in there, you just have to know where to look.
    Navigate to the root directory of the memory card. You should see a rather large (depending on how many clips are on there) file called PRIVATE. You need to right-click that and select "Show Package Contents". Inside, find the file AVCHD, right-click it and select "Show Package Contents". Inside, find the file BDMV, right-click it and select "Show Package Contents". Inside, find the folder STREAM and open it. You should find the MTS files there.

  • How do I import video from my canon vixia hv40 into imovie?

    How do I import video from my canon vixia hv 40 into imovie?

    First decide which editing program you intend to use; iMovie, FCE, FCP, Adobe Premier, etc. Read the user's manual or Help files for your chosen application to determine the steps needed: the procedure will vary somewhat from application to application.
    Next, with the camera and the computer off, connect the Firewire cable to both units, then power up. Set the camera to VTR (play) mode. Open your editing program and follow the instructions provided in the Help files for capturing DV footage from tape.
    Do NOT expect the camera to mount on your desktop as if it were a hard drive or optical disc.
    Message was edited by: David Harbsmeier
    Message was edited by: David Harbsmeier

  • How can I get Premier Elements to recognize my Canon Vixia  HV40 to record tape from it?

    I recently installed Adobe Premier Elements 12 on my new Lenovo U310 Ideapad computer.  I opened the program and was able to transfer a clip from a file transfered to me from a smart phone recording and start assembling a new home movie.  However, when I tried to get video footage from my Canon Vixia HV40 tape camcorder, I received a message "No HDV camera connected.  I then used my older Canon Vixia HV20 camera and changed the USB connecting cable, but that camera too was not recognized.  In the past, I had been succesfull using an older version of Premie Elements to get footage from my Canon camera.  Is it possible that this new Premier Elements 12 is not programed to pick up  these Canon video cameras or is their some way around this problem.  My new computer does not have a 1394 input. 

    TR Snevac
    As far as I have ever seen reported DV or HDV data capture into Premiere Elements Capture Windows (any version) does not work unless the connection is firewire. And, there are occasions (especially with HDV capture firewire) the require that the capture firewire be done in HDVSplit and then the split clips imported into a Premiere Elements project via the typical Get Media/Add Media route.
    Which version of Premiere Elements allowed you to do a DV or HDV capture firewire in to its Capture Window using a USB connection? From what you wrote it gave me the impression that you were saying that you had.
    If you have followed the protocol for HDV data capture firewire into Premiere Elements 12 (with correct project preset) html#WS2AF26FB5-4C63-4c46-9DB3-7249558F6528
    then you would need to explore the use of HDVSplit (firewire connection) and then import of the .m2t split clips from that process in to Premiere Elements 12 (Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets).
    If both these Canon camera are miniDV camcorders, then you need a firewire connect to the data capture into Premiere Elements Capture Windows.
    Do you have access to a computer with a firewire port?
    Does your computer have what is referred to as a PCMCIA slot for use with a firewire card? Have you looked into the possibility? No sure if that will work for you.

  • HT5012 I am trying to connect a canon VIXIA X to iPhone to view what I am recording on my iPhone. Can I do this

    I Am trying to view on my iPhone what I am recording on my canon VIXIA x. How do I do this

    I sounds like that is not a feature of the uploader all.
    Built-In Wi-Fi. The mini X's built-in Wi-Fi allows you to easily share MP4 video recordings and still images over the Internet via social networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook using the Canon iMAGE GATEWAY# online photo storage service. You can also transfer files to a home or office PC. Uploads can be made virtually anywhere using an iOS mobile device and the free Canon Movie Uploader app. HD video can also be shared via Wi-Fi using compatible home or office wireless networks, wireless hotspots and iOS-compatible mobile phones and tablets using the Movie Uploader app.
    Note: Devices supported for Canon Movie Uploader app include iPhone 4S/5/5S, iPad 2, iPad 3rd/4th gen, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th gen
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