Canon XH-A1s compatibity with iMovie HD 6

Will iMovie HD 6 work with the Canon XH-A1s camcorder to make HD movies?

Not hard to find out by Googling:
As far as I can see it connects by Firewire and produces a DV stream, so you should be good to go!

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    It is possible Apple Engineering hasn't tested those camcorders yet.
    Usually a family of camcorders will be compatible, but Apple will not publish it until they can certify.

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    Any of them will be fine for what you what you want. I have a 2009 Mac mini and it can handle FCP no worries. Make sure you get a decent hard drive and memory though. Although you may just want to run iMovie, final cut pro is very good and easy to use. I use the mojo plugin by red giant which does wonders for skin tones.
    I use canon 7d video on mine

  • WARNING - Compatibility of Canon Legria HF20 / HF200 with iMovie 11

    I just noticed that the Canon Legria HF20/HF200 (PAL) is now included in list of supported camcorders for iMovie 11. Refer link below:
    Previously, for iMovie 09, only the NTSC Version of the camcorder (which is referred to as the Vixia HF20/HF200) was listed as compatible. I suspected that this was due to the quirky issue that I once again will repeat below.
    +With the PAL version, iMovie 09 incorrectly tags the 50i content as being progressive, and the 25p content as being interlaced. In contrast, with the NTSC version, iMovie apparently correctly identifies the 60i content as being interlaced and the 30p content as being progressive.+
    +This results in the following outcomes:+
    +For 50i content:+
    +- When the 50i content is previewed in iMovie, it shows the horizontal combing effect on fast motion content as iMovie thinks that it is progressive and doesn’t do its normal adjustments (as it does for the Vixia version) when displaying interlaced footage.+
    +- If you play the AIC file in Quicktime X, the interlacing lines also are visible, as Quicktime doesn’t know that it is interlaced footage.+
    +- When the 50i content is exported from iMovie, the progressive tag remains on the file. Therefore, if the footage is played in Quicktime X the horizontal combing effect remains, as Quicktime once again doesn’t know that it is interlaced footage.+
    +- When the ‘Deinterlace Source Video’ option is selected when exporting from iMovie using 'Export using Quicktime', the footage doesn’t get deinterlaced as iMovie identifies the footage as being progressive.+
    +For 25p content:+
    +- When 25p content is displayed in iMovie, it appears to display properly. It also displays properly if exported from iMovie and viewed in Quicktime X, despite the fact that it is incorrectly tagged as being interlaced.+
    +- However, an issue arises with the 25p content if a special effect is applied within iMovie that alters frame size (ie. Stabilize, PIP, Crop, Ken Burns effect, Wipes, Ripple, Zoom etc). These special effects are referred to as scaling effects. Normally, if scaling effects are applied to interlaced 1080 footage, iMovie deinterlaces the content from 1080i to 540p. This has been a deliberate feature in iMovie since iMovie 09 (Version 8.0.0) to avoid scaling artifacts associated with interlaced footage when a scaling effect has been applied.+
    +- In relation to progressive content, iMovie doesn’t normally make any adjustment to the resolution when scaling effects are applied as scaling artifacts aren’t an issue for progressive content. However, as a consequence of iMovie incorrectly tagging the 25p content as being interlaced, iMovie will treat the footage as interlaced footage when special effects are applied, and unnecessarily reduce the resolution from 1080 to 540. Obviously, this is a bad outcome as it means that the resolution is unnecessarily reduced by half.+
    I haven't had the opportunity to test iMovie 11, but I just wanted to post a warning to anyone that may be influenced by the official list of supported camcorders that they should confirm whether this issue has been resolved in iMovie 11 before they purchase the camcorder.
    As I not intending to use iMovie going forward (as I can't look past the lack of native AVCHD editing) it would be great if someone else who own this camcorder could confirm whether this issue has been resolved in iMovie 11. If the problem remains, the issue should really be highlighted to Apple, and the camcorder removed from the list.

    A warning doesn't solve the problem, but using a software utility can.
    This is the cause of the problem:
    "With the PAL version, iMovie 09 incorrectly tags the 50i content as being progressive, and the 25p content as being interlaced. In contrast, with the NTSC version, iMovie correctly identifies the 60i content as being interlaced and the 30p content as being progressive."
    When iMovie detects interlaced video it deinterlaces it causing a loss of vertical resolution. (BAD) But, deinterlaced video can have effects that "scale" video applied without ugly artifacts. (GOOD)
    When iMovie detects progressive video it does NOT deinterlace video. (GOOD) And, because it IS progressive video, scaling FX do not cause ugly artifacts. (GOOD)
    So the best solution is to shoot 30p. iMovie will detect progressive video and NOT deinterlace video. (GOOD) And, because it IS progressive video, scaling FX do not cause ugly artifacts. (GOOD)
    The next best solution is to shoot 60i and use NO scaling FX.
    The next best solution is to shoot 60i and use "iMakeFullHD" to re-tag 60i as 30p. Now iMovie will not deinterlace causing a loss in vertical resolution, but you MAY still see artifacts when you use scaling FX.
    For PAL shooters, you can shoot 50i which iMovie will think is 25p and so will not deinterlace causing a loss in vertical resolution, but you MAY still see artifacts when you use scaling FX.
    Or, you can use "iMakeFullHD" to tag as 50i -- which iMovie will deinterlace, causing a loss of vertical resolution but also preventing any artifacts.
    However, the best solution is to shoot 25p and then use "iMakeFullHD" to tag as 25p. When iMovie detects progressive video it does NOT deinterlace video. (GOOD) And, because it IS progressive video, scaling FX do not cause ugly artifacts. (GOOD)
    So there is a solution for both NTSC and PAL shooters -- shoot progressive. PAL users, however, must use "iMakeFullHD" to tag as 25p.
    If you have already shot 60i, use "iMakeFullHD" to re-tag as 30p and be careful in your use of scaling FX.
    Follow this link to learn more:
    The solutions are SO simple IMHO it would be a shame to give up.
    PS: you should use "iMakeFullHD" to re-tag ALL interlace (50i/60i) video as progressive so iMovie will not deinterlace your video! It's not just for the Canon Legria HF20 / HF200.

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    I am trying to import video into iMovie for the first time on my Macbook and iMovie does not seem to recognize my camera. I used this camera and firewire cable to make movies on my iMac two years ago.

    Welcome thismichael to the  iMovie boards...
    iMHD6 supports ONLY miniDV based camcorders..
    your MMC/SD/flashmem device if of no use with vers6 of iM.
    you can convert the files to 'dv stream' by using the free app
    Mpeg Streamclip

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    Hi, Matty Apple, I'm very glad to hep you solve the problem.
    iMovie 11 supports to edit the recorded H.264 video files from 5D Mark iii, but it need a powerful Mac system with a large memory. If not, you won't smoothly edit the files. Besides, as far as I know, you can't edit the files with original quality.
    You can use the professional Mac Video Converter from Brorsoft to transcode Canon 5D Mark video to Apple Intermediate Codec. It is easy to use, you can have a try.

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    Canon Cybershot
    I can't trace a camera of that name. All that comes up is either the Sony Cybershot or the Canon Powershot!
    Please confirm excactly what camera you have, and what version of iMovie.

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    Thanks in advance,
    Above is Apple's list of compatible camcorders. The HFM41 is listed, so your camcorder should work fine.
    That is, if you have iMovie 11. It records in AVCHD so if you are using Imovie 06 there would be a problem. The panasonic is also a fine camcorder.
    So both camcorders seem to be ok for iMovie 09-11.
    You will, of course, need to make your decision based on cost and what you are using them for. I have found that for basic uploading to the web, say YouTube, any modern camcorder pretty much works.

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    any help would be appreciated!

    wrong category here. This is iMovie for iphone/ipod/ipad..

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    Hi road.north,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will help you determine which cameras are supported for iMovie '10
    Apple - iLife Help - iMovie Supported Cameras
    - Judy

  • Canon HV20. Anyone using one? Any problems with iMovie HD?

    So as a follow up to my other post about the Sony, has anyone been using Canon's HV20 with iMovie hd? If I can't get the older Sony to run with iMovie, I'd probably check this out over the Sony HD model, given all the reviews I've read. I really would like an external mic ability, in case I want to use a lavaliere mic for an interview. It appears that the Sony will not allow me to use one. I assume that I can easily plug this model into a MacBook and run it from iMovie, as well as import and edit clips.

    There is a box in the top right corner of this discussion group labeled "Search Discussions". Just type HV20 in there. There have been a couple of threads lately on the HV20.

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    I don't see the camera listed for any version of iMovie:
    That means that any videos you shoot will have to be imported into iPhoto and then moved to iMovie.

  • Anyone used/using the Canon XM1 with iMovie?

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    I've been offered a second-hand Canon XM1 at a reasonable price and wondered whether it might be the cure to all my problems with loading video into iMovie as it has a Firewire connection and is on the supported camcorder list with Apple.
    Does anyone have any experience of using this machine with iMovie? I'd really appreciate your comments (good and bad) before I part with more cash for another camcorder.
    Thanks in advance,

    I had to look up what an XM1 is and found out it is a PAL GL-1. I have the GL-1 (NTSC) and have never had a problem loading it into iMovie.

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    iMovie 11 supported cameras -

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