Cant record in stereo , mono input (aux in) intel ALC270 [Solved]

Hi there, i've been reading the forum but i cannot get the right answer to this issue.
I am trying to capture audio with the microphone input connector.
I tried it using audacity (as i always did with other distros but now is not working) and with this command arecord -vv -fdat foo.wav
The thing is, i always end up with a mono audio file. I see in alsamixer the input/capture connector is stereo, i can see the Left and Right volume levels
but modifing those make no difference.
Something seems to tell the whole system to translate the stereo microphone into a mono microphone or something like that... i am no quiet sure, cause in audacity the recording track shows a stereo track although both channels have the same audio track, the right channel one...
i was using this same computer not long ago with fedora, and for like 2 years with slackware and always worked fine... i've been using archlinux for 4 months now and i came across with this while trying to rip some new cassettes i got.
Thanks in advance for your help pals.
Last edited by federico7979 (2015-04-18 23:34:36)

!!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.64
!!Script ran on: Fri Apr 17 11:43:53 UTC 2015
!!Linux Distribution
Arch Linux \r (\l) DISTRIB_ID=Arch DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux" NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL=""
!!DMI Information
Product Name: K55A
Product Version: 1.0
Firmware Version: K55A.407
!!Kernel Information
Kernel release: 3.19.3-3-ARCH
Operating System: GNU/Linux
Architecture: x86_64
Processor: unknown
SMP Enabled: Yes
!!ALSA Version
Driver version: k3.19.3-3-ARCH
Library version: 1.0.29
Utilities version: 1.0.29
!!Loaded ALSA modules
!!Sound Servers on this system
Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
Running - Yes
Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/jackd)
Running - No
!!Soundcards recognised by ALSA
0 [PCH ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH
HDA Intel PCH at 0xf7e10000 irq 29
!!PCI Soundcards installed in the system
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
!!Advanced information - PCI Vendor/Device/Subsystem ID's
00:1b.0 0403: 8086:1e20 (rev 04)
Subsystem: 1043:1457
!!Modprobe options (Sound related)
snd_hda_intel: model=laptop-amic
!!Loaded sound module options
!!Module: snd_hda_intel
align_buffer_size : -1
bdl_pos_adj : 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
beep_mode : Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y
enable : Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y
enable_msi : -1
id : (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
index : -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
jackpoll_ms : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
model : laptop-amic,(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
patch : (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
position_fix : -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
power_save : 0
power_save_controller : Y
probe_mask : -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
probe_only : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
single_cmd : N
snoop : -1
!!HDA-Intel Codec information
Codec: Realtek ALC270
Address: 0
AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 1)
Vendor Id: 0x10ec0270
Subsystem Id: 0x10431457
Revision Id: 0x100100
No Modem Function Group found
Default PCM:
rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Default Amp-In caps: N/A
Default Amp-Out caps: N/A
State of AFG node 0x01:
Power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 CLKSTOP EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
GPIO: io=2, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=0
IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
IO[1]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x1d: Stereo Amp-Out
Control: name="Headphone Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
Device: name="ALC270 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x00]
Converter: stream=8, channel=0
rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x1d: Stereo Amp-Out
Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
Amp-Out vals: [0x57 0x57]
Converter: stream=8, channel=0
rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Node 0x04 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x05 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x06 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x211: Stereo Digital
Converter: stream=0, channel=0
Digital category: 0x0
IEC Coding Type: 0x0
rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Node 0x07 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x08 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10011b: Stereo Amp-In
Control: name="Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Device: name="ALC270 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x0b, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x08 0x08]
Converter: stream=4, channel=0
SDI-Select: 0
rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Connection: 1
Node 0x09 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10011b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x0b, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x8b 0x8b]
Converter: stream=0, channel=0
SDI-Select: 0
rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
formats [0x1]: PCM
Connection: 1
Node 0x0a [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0b [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0
Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0
Control: name="Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x17 0x17] [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
Connection: 5
0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d
Node 0x0c [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
Connection: 2
0x02 0x0b
Node 0x0d [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
Connection: 2
0x03 0x0b
Node 0x0e [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0f [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010a: Mono Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x00] [0x80]
Connection: 2
0x02 0x0b
Node 0x10 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x11 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40000b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00]
Pincap 0x00000020: IN
Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x00:
Node 0x13 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out
Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Speaker Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x00]
Pincap 0x00010014: OUT EAPD Detect
Pin Default 0x90170110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Connection: 2
0x0c 0x0d*
Node 0x15 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x16 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x17 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40010c: Mono Amp-Out
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x80]
Pincap 0x00000010: OUT
Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x00:
Connection: 1
Node 0x18 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out
Control: name="Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Mic Jack", index=0, device=0
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00]
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80]
Pincap 0x00001734: IN OUT Detect
Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
Pin Default 0x04a11840: [Jack] Mic at Ext Right
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0x4, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
Connection: 1
Node 0x19 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40008b: Stereo Amp-In
Control: name="Internal Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Internal Mic Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00]
Pincap 0x00001724: IN Detect
Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
Pin Default 0x90a70930: [Fixed] Mic at Int N/A
Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Node 0x1a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00]
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80]
Pincap 0x0000003c: IN OUT HP Detect
Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Connection: 2
0x0c* 0x0d
Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00]
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80]
Pincap 0x00000034: IN OUT Detect
Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Connection: 2
0x0c* 0x0d
Node 0x1c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x1d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400000: Mono
Pincap 0x00000020: IN
Pin Default 0x40089d2d: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
Conn = DIN, Color = Pink
DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0xd
Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
Node 0x1e [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400381: Stereo Digital
Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Connection: 1
Node 0x1f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x20 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00040: Mono
Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=25
Node 0x21 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out
Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
Control: name="Headphone Jack", index=0, device=0
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80]
Pincap 0x0000001c: OUT HP Detect
Pin Default 0x04211020: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Right
Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
Connection: 2
0x0c* 0x0d
Node 0x22 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x30010b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: N/A
Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
Connection: 7
0x18* 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x0b 0x12
Node 0x23 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-In vals: [0x80 0x80] [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
Connection: 6
0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x0b
Codec: Intel PantherPoint HDMI
Address: 3
AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 0)
Vendor Id: 0x80862806
Subsystem Id: 0x80860101
Revision Id: 0x100000
No Modem Function Group found
Default PCM:
rates [0x0]:
bits [0x0]:
formats [0x0]:
Default Amp-In caps: N/A
Default Amp-Out caps: N/A
State of AFG node 0x01:
Power states: D0 D3 CLKSTOP EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0, Clock-stop-OK
GPIO: io=0, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=0, wake=0
Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x6611: 8-Channels Digital
Converter: stream=0, channel=0
Digital: Enabled
Digital category: 0x0
IEC Coding Type: 0x0
rates [0x7f0]: 32000 44100 48000 88200 96000 176400 192000
bits [0x1e]: 16 20 24 32
formats [0x5]: PCM AC3
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x6611: 8-Channels Digital
Converter: stream=0, channel=0
Digital: Enabled
Digital category: 0x0
IEC Coding Type: 0x0
rates [0x7f0]: 32000 44100 48000 88200 96000 176400 192000
bits [0x1e]: 16 20 24 32
formats [0x5]: PCM AC3
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x04 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x6611: 8-Channels Digital
Converter: stream=0, channel=0
Digital: Enabled
Digital category: 0x0
IEC Coding Type: 0x0
rates [0x7f0]: 32000 44100 48000 88200 96000 176400 192000
bits [0x1e]: 16 20 24 32
formats [0x5]: PCM AC3
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x05 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40778d: 8-Channels Digital Amp-Out CP
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x80]
Pincap 0x09000094: OUT Detect HBR HDMI DP
Pin Default 0x58560010: [N/A] Digital Out at Int HDMI
Conn = Digital, Color = Unknown
DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Connection: 1
Node 0x06 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40778d: 8-Channels Digital Amp-Out CP
Control: name="HDMI/DP,pcm=3 Jack", index=0, device=0
Control: name="IEC958 Playback Con Mask", index=0, device=0
Control: name="IEC958 Playback Pro Mask", index=0, device=0
Control: name="IEC958 Playback Default", index=0, device=0
Control: name="IEC958 Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
Control: name="ELD", index=0, device=3
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x00]
Pincap 0x09000094: OUT Detect HBR HDMI DP
Pin Default 0x18560020: [Jack] Digital Out at Int HDMI
Conn = Digital, Color = Unknown
DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Connection: 1
Node 0x07 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40778d: 8-Channels Digital Amp-Out CP
Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x80]
Pincap 0x09000094: OUT Detect HBR HDMI DP
Pin Default 0x58560030: [N/A] Digital Out at Int HDMI
Conn = Digital, Color = Unknown
DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0x0
Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
Power states: D0 D3 EPSS
Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Connection: 1
Node 0x08 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
!!ALSA Device nodes
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 2 Apr 17 08:14 /dev/snd/controlC0
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 6 Apr 17 08:14 /dev/snd/hwC0D0
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 7 Apr 17 08:14 /dev/snd/hwC0D3
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 4 Apr 17 08:15 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 3 Apr 17 08:39 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 5 Apr 17 08:15 /dev/snd/pcmC0D3p
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 1 Apr 17 08:14 /dev/snd/seq
crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 33 Apr 17 08:14 /dev/snd/timer
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 60 Apr 17 08:14 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 220 Apr 17 08:14 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Apr 17 08:14 pci-0000:00:1b.0 -> ../controlC0
!!ALSA configuration files
!!System wide config file (/etc/asound.conf)
# Use PulseAudio by default
pcm.!default {
type pulse
fallback "sysdefault"
hint {
show on
description "Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)"
ctl.!default {
type pulse
fallback "sysdefault"
# vim:set ft=alsaconf:
!!Aplay/Arecord output
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC270 Analog [ALC270 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC270 Analog [ALC270 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
!!Amixer output
!!-------Mixer controls for card 0 [PCH]
Card hw:0 'PCH'/'HDA Intel PCH at 0xf7e10000 irq 29'
Mixer name : 'Intel PantherPoint HDMI'
Components : 'HDA:10ec0270,10431457,00100100 HDA:80862806,80860101,00100000'
Controls : 30
Simple ctrls : 12
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Limits: Playback 0 - 87
Mono: Playback 87 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Headphone',0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 87
Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-65.25dB] [off]
Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-65.25dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 87
Front Left: Playback 87 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Front Right: Playback 87 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
Capabilities: pvolume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 255
Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 31
Front Left: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]
Front Right: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: volume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 3
Front Left: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
Capabilities: cvolume cswitch
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Capture 0 - 31
Front Left: Capture 8 [26%] [-4.50dB] [on]
Front Right: Capture 8 [26%] [-4.50dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Auto-Mute Mode',0
Capabilities: enum
Items: 'Disabled' 'Enabled'
Item0: 'Enabled'
Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
Capabilities: cvolume
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Capture 0 - 120
Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [-30.00dB]
Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [-30.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Internal Mic',0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 31
Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-34.50dB] [on]
Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-34.50dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Internal Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: volume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 3
Front Left: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
!!Alsactl output
state.PCH {
control.1 {
iface MIXER
name 'Headphone Playback Volume'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 87'
dbmin -6525
dbmax 0
dbvalue.0 -6525
dbvalue.1 -6525
control.2 {
iface MIXER
name 'Headphone Playback Switch'
value.0 false
value.1 false
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
control.3 {
iface MIXER
name 'Speaker Playback Volume'
value.0 87
value.1 87
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 87'
dbmin -6525
dbmax 0
dbvalue.0 0
dbvalue.1 0
control.4 {
iface MIXER
name 'Speaker Playback Switch'
value.0 true
value.1 true
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
control.5 {
iface MIXER
name 'Internal Mic Playback Volume'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 31'
dbmin -3450
dbmax 1200
dbvalue.0 -3450
dbvalue.1 -3450
control.6 {
iface MIXER
name 'Internal Mic Playback Switch'
value.0 true
value.1 true
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
control.7 {
iface MIXER
name 'Mic Playback Volume'
value.0 23
value.1 23
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 31'
dbmin -3450
dbmax 1200
dbvalue.0 0
dbvalue.1 0
control.8 {
iface MIXER
name 'Mic Playback Switch'
value.0 true
value.1 true
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
control.9 {
iface MIXER
name 'Auto-Mute Mode'
value Enabled
comment {
access 'read write'
count 1
item.0 Disabled
item.1 Enabled
control.10 {
iface MIXER
name 'Capture Volume'
value.0 8
value.1 8
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 31'
dbmin -1650
dbmax 3000
dbvalue.0 -450
dbvalue.1 -450
control.11 {
iface MIXER
name 'Capture Switch'
value.0 true
value.1 true
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
control.12 {
iface MIXER
name 'Internal Mic Boost Volume'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 3'
dbmin 0
dbmax 3600
dbvalue.0 0
dbvalue.1 0
control.13 {
iface MIXER
name 'Mic Boost Volume'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access 'read write'
count 2
range '0 - 3'
dbmin 0
dbmax 3600
dbvalue.0 0
dbvalue.1 0
control.14 {
iface MIXER
name 'Master Playback Volume'
value 87
comment {
access 'read write'
count 1
range '0 - 87'
dbmin -6525
dbmax 0
dbvalue.0 0
control.15 {
iface MIXER
name 'Master Playback Switch'
value true
comment {
access 'read write'
count 1
control.16 {
iface CARD
name 'Internal Mic Phantom Jack'
value true
comment {
access read
count 1
control.17 {
iface CARD
name 'Mic Jack'
value false
comment {
access read
count 1
control.18 {
iface CARD
name 'Headphone Jack'
value false
comment {
access read
count 1
control.19 {
iface CARD
name 'Speaker Phantom Jack'
value true
comment {
access read
count 1
control.20 {
iface PCM
name 'Playback Channel Map'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access read
count 2
range '0 - 36'
control.21 {
iface PCM
name 'Capture Channel Map'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access read
count 2
range '0 - 36'
control.22 {
iface CARD
name 'HDMI/DP,pcm=3 Jack'
value false
comment {
access read
count 1
control.23 {
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask'
value '0fff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
comment {
access read
type IEC958
count 1
control.24 {
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Playback Pro Mask'
value '0f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
comment {
access read
type IEC958
count 1
control.25 {
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Playback Default'
value '0400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
comment {
access 'read write'
type IEC958
count 1
control.26 {
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Playback Switch'
value false
comment {
access 'read write'
count 1
control.27 {
iface PCM
device 3
name ELD
value ''
comment {
access 'read volatile'
type BYTES
count 0
control.28 {
iface PCM
device 3
name 'Playback Channel Map'
value.0 0
value.1 0
value.2 0
value.3 0
value.4 0
value.5 0
value.6 0
value.7 0
comment {
access 'read write'
count 8
range '0 - 36'
control.29 {
iface MIXER
name 'PCM Playback Volume'
value.0 255
value.1 255
comment {
access 'read write user'
count 2
range '0 - 255'
tlv '0000000100000008ffffec1400000014'
dbmin -5100
dbmax 0
dbvalue.0 0
dbvalue.1 0
control.30 {
iface MIXER
name 'Digital Capture Volume'
value.0 0
value.1 0
comment {
access 'read write user'
count 2
range '0 - 120'
tlv '0000000100000008fffff44800000032'
dbmin -3000
dbmax 3000
dbvalue.0 -3000
dbvalue.1 -3000
!!All Loaded Modules
!!Sysfs Files
0x12 0x411111f0
0x14 0x90170110
0x17 0x411111f0
0x18 0x04a11840
0x19 0x90a70930
0x1a 0x411111f0
0x1b 0x411111f0
0x1d 0x40089d2d
0x1e 0x411111f0
0x21 0x04211020
0x14 0x99130110
0x15 0x0121401f
0x18 0x01a19c20
0x19 0x99a3092f
0x05 0x58560010
0x06 0x18560020
0x07 0x58560030
!!ALSA/HDA dmesg
[ 12.098095] [drm:intel_pch_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO underrun
[ 12.151130] sound hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig: line_outs=1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker
[ 12.151132] sound hdaudioC0D0: speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
[ 12.151134] sound hdaudioC0D0: hp_outs=1 (0x21/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
[ 12.151135] sound hdaudioC0D0: mono: mono_out=0x0
[ 12.151137] sound hdaudioC0D0: inputs:
[ 12.151139] sound hdaudioC0D0: Internal Mic=0x19
[ 12.151141] sound hdaudioC0D0: Mic=0x18
[ 12.294566] Support for cores revisions 0x17 and 0x18 disabled by module param allhwsupport=0. Try b43.allhwsupport=1
[ 12.463347] i915 0000:00:02.0: registered panic notifier
[ 12.472923] input: HDA Intel PCH Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input15
[ 12.473056] input: HDA Intel PCH Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input16
[ 12.473157] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input17
[ 12.569375] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam (04f2:b354)
Last edited by federico7979 (2015-04-18 23:04:59)

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    Why do I have to change source input to mono when it's recorded in stereo through my interface from an acoustic pick up in order to hear anything in playback?
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    Watts100woo wrote:
    with a mono 1/4" jack. It's plugged into a focusrite interface. GarageBand only records it in stereo and only plays it back in mono.
    you appear to already know the answer, however...
    GB is not recording it in stereo, nor could it
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    I perfectly understand your problem.
    First... just to make sure, in Logic's preferences /Audio make sure Universal Track Mode IS checked, it should be enabled. (I think it probably is just checking)
    Second... if you record a track in a new Logic project and then go to the next track to record an overdubbed guitar part, are both parts recorded on the 2nd track?
    What I'm asking is overdubbing working differently for two or three recorded tracks as opposed to overdubbing with an imported track.
    What I think is happening is you have the main stereo output being recorded into Logic so if you playback an imported or recorded track from Logic while recording a 2nd track (overdub), both are going to be recorded on the 2nd track.
    I took a look at the manual, here's the relevant sections.
    34 – SEND – USB input send switch 
    The USB INPUT switch allows you to select one of
    two stereo (or two channel) signal paths to feed the
    USB output to send to the connected PC. When the
    INPUT switch is in the up position, the USB signal will
    feed from the MAIN left right mix. When the INPUT
    switch is in the down position, the USB signal will
    feed from the AUX 1 and AUX 2 buses which enables
    you to create a unique mix to send to the PC.
    35 – RETURN – USB return switch
    The USB RETURN switch allows you to select one of
    two stereo return paths to receive USB audio from
    the connected PC. When the ASSIGN switch is in the
    up position, the USB signal will return to the MAIN
    mix bus. When the ASSIGN switch is in the down
    position, the USB signal will return to the last pair
    of stereo channels which enables you to playback a
    recorded track in the MAIN mix, and you can use the
    channels AUX sends to feed any of the AUX buses.
    This will let you hear the USB playback tracks in the
    monitor mixes.
    36 – MONITOR – USB headphone enable switch
    Press the USB MONITOR switch down if you want
    to hear the signal from the USB return in the

  • 1820m Stereo inputs split into mono inputs?

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    Thanks in advance.

    When you set up a strip in PatchMix, it is seen from inside Cubase as a stereo ASIO channel regardless of whether you use both inputs. Pan one hard to the left, the other hard to the right, and then work out your VST connections in Cubase, and route (say) the one you panned hard left to a mono Cubase channel's input, and the one you panned hard right to a second mono channel etc., then you can record each input signal onto different tracks.

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    3 ways to create it!
    1) Online/Realtime:~ means,get a Multieffects or Guitar Amp that have 2 Output and 2 of the output record through and Audio interface (something like M-Audio Mobile Pre -USB).after recorded,pan the 2 tracks to Hard Left and Right!
    2) Record an single input Chorus effects tracks,copy the track and drag the copy's track further 2-3 ms and Hard pan the 2 tracks to Left and Right!
    3) is what our buddy recommended add the Stereo Plugin effects!

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    I have acquired a Behringer USB line adaptor (UCA202). This allows playback through my stereo system (with adjustable output level through the sound card) but input level is too high and can't be adjusted by any means I have tried.
    Is there a solution to this that can be followed by an enthusiast?

    Thanks for the information. I shall explore the software option as the thread you mention looks very relevant even though it relates to a different model.
    If that doesn't work or proves too complex to install/configure I thought the Echo Audio Indigo IO sound card might do the trick.
    It's ironic that the Equium A100-306 was sold as a multi-media laptop but doesn't have a line input.

  • Why is audition recording the stereo tracks unequally?

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    Phate008 wrote:
    Have I been recording wrong this whole time?
    Do people record into mono mics often or do most people use stereo mics? Also why would stereo record equally in 1.5 but not in 3.0?
    All microphones are essentially mono. If you have two of them closely adjacent but pointing in different directions in one casing (aka a 'stereo' mic), you will get some sort of stereo from them - depending on how good they are. The vast majority of people use mono mics for single voices though - there is no benefit from using a stereo one for this at all. And there is absolutely zero benefit in recording a mono mic in stereo - it just wastes file space, because both channels will contain absolutely identical information. In fact using a stereo mic pair for recording a single voice is counter-productive - you end up using the variable part of the mic's polar pattern on both mics (not so good), and the slightest physical movement of the vocalist shifts the sound in the mix considerably. This is way easier to control with a single mono mic - the only determinant of where it sounds in the mix is the pan control.
    The reason you are experiencing a difference has nothing to do with Audition at all, but everything to do with using a different driver. The present driver for your mic only outputs signal on one channel in stereo mode - which is pretty ridiculous; it shouldn't even have a stereo mode!  What you should do is select a mono input - which will say something like [01m] on it in Audition, and use that to record, using the pan control to position the sound in the mix.
    In a properly set up stereo monitoring system, a mono source wil appear in a single (vurtual) location between the speakers, depending on where the pan control is set. If this doesn't happen on your setup, then you need to fix the acoustic conditions around the speakers so that it does, otherwise you won't have the faintest clue about what your mixes really sound like.
    I'm sorry that this all sounds a bit harsh, but I'm afraid that this is the way it is...

  • Garageband w/ Mbox 2 Pro help please. Can we record in stereo? Should we buy a different interface?

    Hello all and thanks in advance for trying to help. I'll try to give all the details straight up so I can get direct answers. I appreciate your help.
    (By the way this is my first post in the comunity so forgive me if I do something wrong).
    The long story short:
    - I sing in a 3 person chorus group in Japan.
    - We recieved a Digidesign Mbox2 Pro from our manager. (She was told by an engineer in our production agency that we should be able to record easily with it)
    - We recieved the MBox 2 Pro itself ONLY. No cords, no software, just the actual interfact itself.
    - We bought: 1 Dynamic mic, 1 mic stand, 2 headphone adapter jacks, Stereo speakers, & 1 firewire cord to connect the Mbox2 to the Macbook.
    - We could not find an AC power adapter of the right size, so we have no power adapter. The only power going through the Mbox is power coming from the Mac itself.
    - We do not have an instruction manual or anything, therefor we don't have the product number or whatever we need to register the interface.
    - We can't register, so we can not call the Avid company help center.
    - We don't own Pro Tool software. We are using Garageband.
    - We downloaded drivers for the Mbox2 online.
    I think that covers it all.
    Now, we finally have everything connected and the Mbox2 is working with Garageband. We can record but now the real problem is that when we playback what we've recorded through our speakers the vocal tracks only play through the LEFT speaker. The audio track and echo effect from the vocal tracks play from both speakers, but the actual recordings of our voices only playback through the left speakers.
    What do we do now?
    Is there something we can do to make it so that we are able to record in Stereo?
    Should we look into starting from scratch and buying our own audio interface system? If so do you have any reccommendations?
    Other points of interest (that may help):
    - None of us play instruments so we won't be connecting a guitar to the interface or anything.
    -We each have a Macbook laptop computer that we use. The OS's are as follows:  OS X 10.6.8, OS X 10.5.8, & OS X 10.5.8
    - The OS X 10.6.8 Macbook won't connect with the Mbox2 Pro.
    - Mic specs: SHURE SM58 Dynamic Legendary Vocal Microphone
    We are desperate need of help. Anything at all would be appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.

    Thank you for your time and advice.
    When I set the Input Source to Mono there is no sound coming from the microphone into Garageband.
    There are 6 mono options: Mono 1 (Didgidesign MBox2 Pro) - Mono 6 (Digidesign MBox2 Pro). And 3 stereo Options: Stereo 1/2, Stereo 3/4, & Stereo 5/6.
    The only one that produces sound from the microphone is Stereo 1/2. when I choose the other options no sound appears when I press record.
    (The Mic is plugged into Input 1 if that helps at all)

  • M Audio Fast Track not recording in stereo

    I purchased an M Audio Fast Track to use with Garageband.  I'm running OS 10.7.2 Lion.  The M Audio website says its compatible with Lion.  Both my vocals and guitar, bass only record in mono even though I've got the audio input set to stereo.  I set the input in GB Preferences for the M Audio DAW.  The Garageband software instruments record in stereo but they're not going through the DAW.  Am I doing something wrong?  BTW, I'm a beginner so...and help will be appreciated.

    pkelley61 wrote:
    Both my vocals and guitar, bass only [play out of one speaker] even though I've got the audio input set to stereo.
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Two mono inputs

    I'm using a Blue Yeti USB microphone and am recording vocals in mono.  I see two different mono inputs in the multitrack editor:
    [01M] Microphone (4 - Yeti Stereo Microphone) 1
    [02M] Microphone (4 - Yeti Stereo Microphone) 2
    Why are there two and what is the difference between the two?  Which one should I be recording with and why?

    Yeah, I have no trouble recording in mono.  My question is what is the difference between:
    [01M] Microphone (4 - Yeti Stereo Microphone) 1
    [02M] Microphone (4 - Yeti Stereo Microphone) 2
    Both record in mono and I have no trouble recording with either of those two selected mono inputs in multitrack.  I just want to know if one is better than the other or not, and why.

  • Live recording in Garageband, 8 input through FP10

    I'm thinking of recording a few songs with my soon-to-be Macbook Pro, 13".
    The plan is to rent a Presonus FP10 (8 input, Firewire recording interface), and to use it to mic bass, two guitars and a drum kit.
    We intend to play through songs without stopping, no overdubs, etc. This must also be recorded in stereo.
    Is it possible to record in this way, with this software and equipment?
    I'd be very thankful if someone could help me out on this, I've got a bit of a deadline.
    Thanks a ton.

    JamesL11 wrote:
    Is it possible to record in this way, with this software and equipment?
    worst case you might need to add an exteranl FireWire hard drive

  • Multitrack recording in audition cs6 - input hardware question

    I use audition cs6 on win 7 pro for editing and hospital radio production work.  Soon to take delivery of a Sonifex S2 desk for the main studio and have a need to be able to record two seperate stereo outputs from the desk simultaneously (for example, speech tracks and music tracks) for ease in re-editing live broadcasts.
    The desk has parallel analogue, AES/EBU and SPDIF outputs on both the main and audition busses so I could do with some advice on input hardware to give me the two stereo ASIO channels on the pc for recording by audition.  Latency isn't an issue in this case, and if the input hardware uses the digital outputs, the clock can be provided by the desk if necessary.
    This is not a scenario that would be expanded, it is a fixed studio installation so 2 x stereo line inputs are all that will be required.  I just don't know what is suitable hardware.
    Obviously cost is an issue, being a charity.
    Any advice welcomed!

    I use audition cs6 on win 7 pro for editing and hospital radio production work.  Soon to take delivery of a Sonifex S2 desk for the main studio and have a need to be able to record two seperate stereo outputs from the desk simultaneously (for example, speech tracks and music tracks) for ease in re-editing live broadcasts.
    The desk has parallel analogue, AES/EBU and SPDIF outputs on both the main and audition busses so I could do with some advice on input hardware to give me the two stereo ASIO channels on the pc for recording by audition.  Latency isn't an issue in this case, and if the input hardware uses the digital outputs, the clock can be provided by the desk if necessary.
    This is not a scenario that would be expanded, it is a fixed studio installation so 2 x stereo line inputs are all that will be required.  I just don't know what is suitable hardware.
    Obviously cost is an issue, being a charity.
    Any advice welcomed!

  • Is there any way to record a stereo signal on to a single track?

    In other words, I would like to be able to record a stereo single track (without multi tracking) such as a guitar ran through a stereo effects pedal, or two microphones through a mixer panned extreme left & right.  Any way to do this with Garageband on one track?  I've tried two separate interfaces, a Apogee Jam and a Sonoma Wireworks via the 30-pin connector and it plays back in mono.  Just wondering if there's an app that would facilitate stereo on one track?

    By definition a single track is monophonic. Stereo requires two tracks and two channels.
    If you have recorded a single  track of electric guitar, you could route that to a stereo effect and you would  have a stereo sound but it would still require two channels for playback.

  • Recording Audio through Tape Inputs in Logic

    I have a Mackie Onyx firewire desk. Is there a way i can record from the tape inputs on my desk in to logic. I have a level in on the desk but cant find how to get logic to receive this signal? Can anyone help

    Hi Jonny,
    The tape inputs on your desk are "Monitoring only" meaning they only play back when you select "Tape" in the control room/headphone monitor section.The best way is to bring in what you have plugged into the"tape inputs" on two channels of the board itself,like channels 15-16.
    Then you can record directly into Logic,if you have the FireWire card installed.

  • How to record in dual-mono with 2 channel audio interface?

    I'm using an iPad 3 with an ART 2-channel usb/mixer interace. I use the Camera app for video recording and the audio is routed thru the interface. Works fine except that I can't seem to figure out how to change the default setting of the iPad/Camera app so that it will record the audio in dual mono. Right now it only records in stereo, with the 2 channels panned hard left and right. Recording vocal and guitar with the dedicated 2 mics/channels makes for a very wide and un-natural stereo image.
    Can Apple or someone help me figure this out?

    I could be wrong, but I don't believe the Camera app offers a dual-mono option. You'll probably need to look for another app, perhaps a third-party app, that can do this.

Maybe you are looking for