Captivate Buttons

Sorry - I 'm a new user and should have read all the messages
before I sent this - It appears others have asked this same
Captivate 3 has a great feature for braching frames, but here
is the problem I have
Lets say I have a 5 slide file, and slide 5 is a HELP screen
The other 4 slides have a buton to GoTo frame 5 - that
functions is available in Captivate
Slide 5 needs to have a button that nees to take you back the
slide you came from
The Back button in captivate just takes you back on slide
It says you can put Javascript on the button but I donlt know
Can some one suggest a solution to ny Back to Previous issue?

The easiest thing for your users would be for you to have one
button on your help page. This can easily be done by copying your
help page once for each page refers to it. Have each one of these
copies be the target of one "Need Help" button. Then have the
"Back" button on each page target the page from which the user
navigated. By doing this you will only have to have one button on
each version of the help page. This should be very easy to do. Your
only long-term problem is that if you ever need to update your help
page, you will have to update all five copies of it.

Similar Messages

  • Captivate Buttons with JavaScript

    At my place of employment, we use Adobe Captivate to create
    demonstrational tutorials for our software system. We are currently
    looking into adding a screen at the end of each of our tutorials
    that includes buttons to either watch the tutorial again ("Watch
    Again") or close the browser window ("Close This Screen")...
    Through Captivate's buttons we can easily create the "Watch
    Again" button by setting the button properties to...
    - If the user clicks on the button...
    --> On Success: Jump to Slide
    ----> Slide 1
    However, I am having some difficulties with the "Close this
    Screen" option. I currently have things set up so that the browser
    window is closed through JavaScript, which works fine. This is
    achieved through the following button properties settings...
    - If the user clicks on the button...
    --> On Success: Execute JavaScript
    ----> JavaScript:window.close();
    The only problem I'm running into is that when I click the
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    "The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window.
    Do you want to close this window?", with Yes and No options.
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    On another forum (,
    it looks like I may have found a solution, but I'm not sure how to
    format/translate the language so that Captivate can understand it
    and execute without error. My attempts thus far have been
    unsuccessful. Here is the code that I believe SHOULD work, which
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    function NoConfirm ()
    win = top;
    win.opener = top;
    win.close ();
    As I've said; however, this gives an IE error message when I
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    Again, does anyone have any ideas...?
    Thank you in advance.

    One of the problems is that IE/Windows will give you a
    security warning when you try to close a browser window from
    another object. The basic rule is, a command from JavaScript to
    Javascript will close without a security warning. Therefore, you
    must place the Javascript code - a function - out in your HTML
    page. It just sits there - and then within Captivate - you call
    that function - and it executes - without an error message :) Note
    - the code below works flawlessly - but depending on your system -
    i.e. in IE - you might receive a warning for running JavaScript.
    You need to run it from a web server from a
    http:// address to make this work 100% with no
    user actions required.
    Here's the code I use:
    HTML Page (you can place this in your standard.htm file, so
    that it's placed in your HTML pages each time you publish). This
    code should be placed within the <head> </head> tags of
    your html page (you can use Notepad to edit).
    <!-- Javascript below called from Captivate to close the
    browser window.
    Code created by
    <script type="text/JavaScript">
    window.close = function()
    Captivate Movie
    In your Captivate button properties, select On Success >
    Execute Javascript. Click the ... button, and place this inside the
    Good luck!

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    <form method="post" action="">
    <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Receive Credit">
    <input name="CourseId" type="hidden" value="TR001234">
    I though it would be simple, but not sure what to use. If it should be vaiables, advance actions or javascript?

    You havent closed these two tags
    Sex :
    <html:radio property="sex" value="M">Male
    <html:radio property="sex" value="F">Female<br>ram.

  • Captivate button going to next frame in Flash MX

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    how and if not, how do I get back to my Flash movie next frame
    after running an external captivate .swf file?
    sorry, I tried to delete this and put it in the Captivate
    forum, but could not figure out how. Sorry for the double post

    thanks for the correction kglad,
    Looks like you're new to Flash like me. Let me walk you through what I've done for my project.
    I opened up a AS2 project in Flash, created three layers (video, postcard, actions)- bottom to top.
    In video layer click on the first frame, and import your flv video. Once the importing is done click on the FLVPlayback on the stage and give it an instance name "player". Right click on the first frame on video layer and open up actions panel, enter this code:
    player.addEventListener("complete",function (event:Object) {
    Now, click on the second frame on postcard layer. Create a keyframe, and in the properties panel give your frame a label. I gave it the name "postcard"  for example. So whatever name you put in the label name area, write it in the code where it says "LabelNameHere". Assuming you have the image you want to put after the video plays in your library panel, drag the image on the stage while you're still in the second frame on postcard layer.
    You dont have to do this part, but after I draged the image on the stage I converted it to a movie clip and created an alpha transition. Let me know if you dont know how to do this.
    If you'd like to link your image to a URL follow these steps. After I converted the image into movie clip, I right clicked on the image on the stage and opened up the actions panel and entered this code:
    on (release) {
        //Goto Webpage Behavior
        //End Behavior
    Finally, go to your actions layer. make sure this layer has equal number of frames as the the postcard layer does. Insert this code in the last frame of actions layer:
    I hope this helps.

  • Captivate: Buttons need more than 1 click & Text Entry more than one Enter keypress

    I am loading Captivate content in a Flash wrapper which is
    embedded in an HTML page. Sometimes, when I enter some text in a
    Text Entry field in my captivate movie and then press Enter key, it
    does not register the key press in the first instance, but does it
    when I do it again. Occasionally, clicks on Text Buttons are also
    not registered the first time.
    This behavior is not consistent, and the same files work
    perfectly in other instances.
    Does anyone have an idea of what could be wrong? Would
    appreciate a quick response.
    Mohsin Nabi

    Hi Mohsin,
    Sounds like a focus issue. There is a variable you may want
    to check out called "SeamlessTabbing". You can read more about it
    Setting that parameter to 'false' will (hopefully) maintain focus
    within the SWF allowing you to validate the keystrokes properly. I
    encountered this issue only with tabbing, but maybe there is a tab
    keystroke that does work before you encounter this issue?
    Let's do two scenarios for a sense of completeness:
    1. Let's assume there is no way it could be a 'tab' issue
    causing you to lose focus. In this case, make sure that your click
    box \ text entry box appear at 0.1s into the slide they are on
    (sometimes this causes issues if they are placed at 0.0). Also,
    make sure they are set to do what they are intended to do like go
    to the next slide or whatever.
    2. If this is all started because of the tab key, try the
    following: Create a text entry box on the same slide that has no
    correct answers associated with it, so when you view the properties
    of the box, the 'correct entries' box should be empty. Set the "On
    success" to be "No Action" rather than its default "Continue". Set
    the shortcut key to be Tab just like your other text entry box.
    Finally, make sure the timing matches the other text entry box to a
    tee. Once you have the text entry box on the slide, shrink it as
    much as possible and tuck it away in a corner. Finally, make sure
    that the text entry box that you type in is on the top layer of the
    slide, and the other box that we just made is on the bottom. Then
    again, as long as it is not in front of the text entry box you are
    typing in, you will be fine.
    If there is no success with these, I would recommend
    implementing the seamlessTabbing variable I mentioned earlier into
    your wrapper, not the individual Captivate file, to see if that
    helps at all.
    Give that a try and let us know how it goes!
    Good luck,

  • Contibute not publishing latest Captivate button

    I have a button on a Captivate slide that opens a .mhtml file in another window.  When I test it out through Captivate it works fine.  Then I try to publish my Contribute page with the new version of the Captivate .swf but the button doesn't work.  It appears that Contribute either isn't getting the latest Captivate .swf or the button doesn't work for some reason.
    I continually run into problems going back and forth between Contribute and Captivate changes.  I don't know if it is the software or me.  Does anyone have any helpful suggestions on what might be causing this issue?
    thanks, Cheryl

    I am unsure as to the actual answer, however, the "skin" that include the Closed Captions is actually an swf. The point of publishing to HTML is because some devices (ie I-pad) cant play the swf. So the HTML version skips the swf- which of course includes the "skin".
    That said, I think the Table of Contents works in HTML, so maybe I am incorrect in sayin the "skin" is an swf. Maybe only the "playbar" is an swf. But it seems the CC is still related to the playbar.
    If anyone knows how to use the built-in Closed Caption feature with HTML, I would LOVE to hear it. But I am suspecting the CCs will have to be done by hand.

  • I have created an interaction to show 7 groups and 7 clickable objects. Once all are click the Next Button is show. How can you make that work if you want to embeded the SWF just created but show a button in a master Captivate?

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    Can anybody help me on that.
    I would like to create Captivate interaction that you can just embedded in a Shell captivate project.
    Do I need to set variables at both levels (Global variable. 

    Hello Lieve, That is the screen shot of my custom interactivity, when all labels are clicked the Continue button will be shown because there is a conditional validating if all Labels have now a value of 1. What I am trying to achieve is to create an interaction where where the continue button (an the back button would reside in another Captivate project. This way there is no reprograming required or use of share-actions.  Everytime we use a similar advanced action or a shared action we have to make sure the object name in the advanced actions or conditional actions are not the same.  I trying to make it a bit dump proof for somebody that does not know any thing about advanced  action and just reuse the label interaction in may projects.  (The only thing they would change would be the image and the content of the label.
    Do you thing I going in the right direction.  (As I said before I have custom javacript in Captivate 5.5) to unlock un button that was part of the LCMS ForceTen). I belive the word .this was part of the object path in the JavaScript.  Can we hide and show a Captivate button.
    I have embedded other Captivate animation in a Master Captivate but the objets were not talking to each other. (You can see a sample In that sample the continue is always there and can be click anytime.  The 3 steps animation has been done as another project and embedded in my main captivate.  I would like to implement a solution where a my 7 labels have to be clicked in the subproject before showing and enabling the Continue button.
    I hope my explanation is clear enough.

  • Adobe Reviewer buttons interfere with Captivate simulation

    Utilizing the Reviewer buttons (forward, back, Add comment) affects the simulation in Captivate 4.  For example, after adding a comment, the buttons on the screen no longer work.  Utilizing the back and forward buttons can result in you getting stuck on a page and not being able to move forward either by clicking the Forward button or by following the instructions in the training.  The only workaround we have found is to close Adobe Reviewer, reopen the .crev file, and go through the training without clicking on any of the Adobe Reviewer buttons.  Do you have any insight into this issue? 
    Note: our training is a simulation where the user needs to click on a button or click box to progress to the next slide.
    I am also wondering whether this issue occurs in Publish mode?  Should users utilize both the Captivate buttons and the instructions on the screen to move through the slides?

    Hello TheMan and welcome to community,
    The issue is with the software compatibility with firefox.
    Kindly install the updated hot key and power management driver and check if it resolve the issue.
    Best Regards,
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution".! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Problem with inporting Flash buttons into Captivate

    I have tried looking around for the fix to this issue, I think I have seen the problem sorted, but not how they have done it.
    The problem is that i have made an interface using flash, and inported the SWF into Captivate, this is just a simple pop up menu with buttons and hyperlinks. The issue that I have come accross is that when I come to close the pop up (inside the flash swf) if there is a captivate button behind it it will click this as well. I was wondering if there was a line of AS3 coding that I can add so that when the pop up is loaded it will disbale all the captivate buttons, mouse interactions etc.
    Not sure if this should be here or in the flash forum, but as its a captivate/flash issue ive posted it here.
    Thanks in advanced for any replies

    Download and install ActiveX if you use Internet Explorer.
    You need to install plug-in if you use Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
    The following link has step-by-step information: windows.html#main-pars_heading_5
    Also, after installing ActiveX, ensure that you disable ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer. See the following link for details: tiveX_Filtering__if_you_are_using_Internet_Explorer_9_

  • Captivate icon bounces but won't open.

    Captivate button bounces but won't open. It's a subscription and I can't figure out how to reinstall. Any ideas?

    Hi There,
    Can you tell me the OS and the version of Captivate you are using?

  • Captivate 6: Review mode

    I have built a course in Captivate 6 which uses the following navigation:
    As you can see, instead of using the built in next and back buttons, I've built my own, which contain the actions "go to next slide" and "go to previous slide". The reason I built my own buttons is that I wanted to hide each one on certain slides but not all (something which is not possible using the Captivate buttons). Also, I wanted to be able to control which slide next button navigated to so that I was able to use sub menus within my course.
    The next button appears in the last few frames of each slide, ie only allowing the user to move on once they have viewed all the content (something which is vital). The back button appears from the first frame on each slide that it appears on.
    The issue I am facing is that I want the user to freely navigate back and forward using my custom buttons, once they have accessed the content. For example, if the user has accessed Page 1, Page 2 and is now on Page 3, and for some reason wants to return to Page 2 - they press the back button to return to Page 2. They then decide, after being on Page 2 for a couple of seconds, that they want to return to Page 3 but can't move on because the next button only appears at the end of the slide.
    Is there any way to get Captivate to recognise that the slide has already been accessed, and therefore make the next button show?
    I know there is a site map which allows this functionality but my client requires a next and back button to be onscreen to make it as intuitive as possible. I also realise that I could accomplish this using Advanced Actions, but that means making the project far too complicated and opens up too much room for error.
    So, basically, is there a way to get Captivate to register that a slide has been viewed and make the next button show WITHOUT having to apply Advanced Actions to each instance of the next button? (Is there a way to use the Masterslide to do this?)
    Thanks in advance!

    No.  You would need to use Advanced Actions.

  • Using Actionscript or Javascript to unload movie using Captivate 5.5

    I have an application an agency built that houses my training videos (created with Captivate 5.5). Now users can click to start a video and then immediately close it and the application shows that they viewed/completed the entire movie. I need to find a way for Captivate to send a call (or something) to the application telling it that the movie has finished.
    I do not know much Actionscript or Javascript but I am a fast learner. I read in past posts where this was accomplished in Captivate 2.0 and 3.0 by
    1) coping the captivate movie into Flash and adding two lines of code (Actionscript)
    import flash.external.Externalinterface;
    External Interface.addCallback("unload", this, unloanSQF);
    2) the following would be added to the HTML page
    //Detect Flash container movie
    function getFlashMovie(movieName) {
       if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
          return window[movieName];
       else {
          return document[movieName];
    //Function to be called by Captivate
    function captivateUnload() {
       //Calls "unload" method established in ExternalInterface Actionscript code
    3) Add the Javascript call captivateUnload() to the Captivate button.
    I am hoping that the procedure has gotten better with 5.5; plus I do not want to use a button. I want the unload event to occur automatically when the movie ends. Plus, I can't see how to produce a fla version to be imported and edited in flash.
    Any help or direction would greatly appreciated.
    Thank you, Jim

    It sounds like you will need to change some functionality in the application that launces your Captivate SWF's. Currently they will be set to "completed" once they have been opened. The correct approach would be to have your application set them to "Incomplete" or "In Progress" and then have Captivate execute a JavaScript on the last slide calling a function in your application that sets the module as completed.
    /Michael - Adobe Captivate Widgets, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks and much more..

  • Random Buttons Appearing in Preview and SWF file

    My love/hate relationship with Captivate continues, although it is trending quite a bit towards the latter.  Here's the issue:  I have created a presentation from a powerpoint and when I preview the project, about half of the "slides" have a random gray captivate button just sitting in the top left corner.  This button cannot be clicked.  Just appeared out of no where as no button was ever inserted.
    When I view the SWF file, the slides that had the button now have a light pink square in the top left of the screen.
    Can someone please explain these phantom buttons/images... and more importantly, how to remove them so I dont have to re-create a presentation that's well into 24hrs of creation.

    Does this button appear randomly on half the slides in the project or only the latter half of the slides?
    If there is a particular slide where they seem to start appearing, check that slide and the one before it for any objects that might have been set to appear for Rest of Project but have been hidden on the timeline layers so that they are not visible in Edit mode.

  • Mailto: link in Captivate 7

    I want the user to be able to click a button that opens an email like a mailto: link on a webpage does.
    I have all the html code (for subject, body etc) But I don't know how to make this work!
    Please help!

    Hi there
    Actually it's a pretty simple task to populate the Subject line from a Captivate button or other means of activating the link.
    I tested with a Button and selected the "Send e-mail to" option. Here is a small screen shot of what things looked like for me:
    Here is what I placed in the Address area:
    [email protected]?subject=Any%20Subject%20here&body=Greetings
    Note that it needs to be a contiguous string of characters. Where you would normally want a space, insert a %20.
    Cheers... Rick

  • When hovering over button text it does not show button rollover state

    I'm new to captivate and I'm looking for some help please.  I have created buttons with Adobe Flash and saved them in PNG format,  I have created an upState, overState and downState.  These are working really well when I use them in Captivate.  However when I add text to my buttons and rollover the text the buttons don't change state.  They only change state when I hover over the button itself (a bit without the text).
    Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    No, if you cover up with text, and user clicks on text, the rollover state will not function.
    I have another work flow for translation (have tutorials in several languages as well). In previous versions I used Photoshop to create buttons, using layers and having the Text layer separately, so that to translate I only needed to change that layer. But I created the regular Captivate buttons (needing three PNG's for 3 states).
    In Captivate 6 I have almost replaced all butons by Smart Shapes used as button. Since the double as text containers, translating is now done in Captivate itself. But those shape buttons do not have a rollover functionality, can cope with that, I opt to show the hand cursor.
    Really, cannot help you if you want to stick with Flash buttons that have to be layered under a text caption, unless you make the flash button transparent where the Text has to go, so that you can put the text under the Flash button.

Maybe you are looking for

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