Capturing as DV/DVCPRO Or Apple Prores HQ

Ok, so I have a hundreds of BETACAM SP tapes that need to be digitized (this is for work). I found a post-production house that can do it at a good price, the man I spoke with there told me the following:
"Our system captures to Quicktime DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720 x 480, with 48k 16bit Stereo Audio .
The files will be approximately 15GIG for (1) one hour of material."
Now I spoke with my boss and he wants the footage to be captured to Apple Prores HQ instead (I assume he means Apple Prores HQ 422 NTSC). Is there a major advantage to doing so? If it takes up more hard drive space, that shouldn't be a big problem (unless we're talking WAY more hd space), but our main concern is quality. Is there a big difference in terms of quality between DV/DVCPRO NTSC at 720x480 and Apple Prores HQ at 720x480?
The footage will be used online (probably exported as h264 once edited) but down the line it could be used for broadcast as well.
Message was edited by: PMPM85
Message was edited by: PMPM85
There's also other space calculators that are free

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    If you are capturing HDV as ProRes, this is normal. This is the only case that this happens like this. Only with a capture card can you get the normal Log and Capture window. Converting one format to another via firewire...typically requires a card. This is a special case.

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  • Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder will not install

    I just got in my new iMac so I can edit video with Final Cut Express. Problem. I can't install the Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder.
    I have this setup on my current computer. I have Final Cut Express with the decoder installed so that I can import ProRes files taken from my JVC camera.
    I'm trying to setup the same thing on my iMac, but I get the error: "You already have a newer version of this software installed." But when I try to play the ProRes file directly, Quicktime tells me it can't play it.
    Details on the file I'm playing:
    MPEG-2 Video, Linear PCM, Timecode, HD (1-1-1)
    And remember I can play this on my Macbook Pro running presumably the same software.

    +" ... I just got in my new iMac ..."+
    +" ... import ProRes files taken from my JVC camera ..."+
    +" ... the file I'm playing: MPEG-2 Video ..."+
    This doesn't sound right.
    If your iMac is running Snow Leopard, QuickTime already has ProRes playback support embedded. You would not be able to install the QT ProRes Decoder. And even though QT on Snow Leopard has ProRes support, it still doesn't mean you can edit QT ProRes files in Final Cut Express.
    And Pro Res from a JVC camera? Are you sure? Exactly what model JVC camera do you have that shoots in Pro Res ???
    Plus, the file spec you quoted is MPEG2 ... If you have actual MPEG-2 videos, you need the Apple QuickTime MPEG2 Playback Component in order to play them, not ProRes support.
    I suspect you actually have a JVC HDV camcorder. HDV camcorders record video as MPEG2 on tape. Final Cut Express can capture HDV from a camcorder but it transcodes the video into QT Apple Intermediate Codec in the process (not ProRes). You can capture/transcode to ProRes with +Final Cut Pro,+ but not Final Cut Express.

  • Browser showing Compressor as Apple ProRes 422.

    I am working with HD clips from a Canon using AVCHD codec so I am wondering why my Browser, Compressor column shows Apple ProRes 422. Keep trying to find something in the manual or online video tutorial but no luck. Does this have something to do with how the Setup was handled and should some settings be changed?

    I wish I could answer your question but I sort of don't understand it. When I open my Log and Transfer window there is no option I can find to select preferences on Transferring. I don't see anything like this in my User Preferences, System Settings, Easy Setup, (this is the only place I can find the Apple ProRes 422 codec) Audio/Video Settings window - Sequence Presets and Capture Presets.
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    Thank you very much for your help. I have been using FCP ever since V1 came out but even with a three day class and video tutorials I get really lost sometimes.

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  • Exporting an Apple ProRes before compressing for SD-DVD or Blu-ray (or AVCH

    this is my question:
    does exporting a sequence to an Apple ProRes Self Contained file helps to gain quality when compressing for SD-DVD or Blu-ray (or AVCH disc)?

    Thanks for answering, Tom.
    Let me try again, though. (Also, just thinking about the footage, forgetting about effects, titles, etc.)
    Do you think that this applies to DV-NTSC and HDV sequences?
    I've compared a DV-NTSC sequence exported out using:
    DV-NTSC compression and one -using Apple ProRes.
    They do look different. Wouldn't you agree to this?
    What about HDV,
    - is it erroneous to think that (when capturing) by transcoding to AIC or ProRes you are gaining some quality?
    - or if you already capture HDV natively, it doesn't make a difference to export an ApplePro Res version to make a SD-DVD from?
    I am concerned with this, because I shot once some HDV footage at night with a Sony Camera, going to a hard drive, and when I transcoded the files from the hard drive to use in FCP, (using MPEG streamclip) I noticed a relevant difference in how much the noise was noticeable on the HDV compressed files vs. the apple ProRes compressed files.
    Have you ever seen these differences?

  • Apple ProRes dans Media Encoder

    Je me permet de vous envoyer ma problèmatique car cela fait maintenant plusieurs heures que je cherche et je ne trouve pas de solution ?
    Je viens d'installer Prelude et Media Encoder sur mon Mac Pro afin de préparer mes productions audiovisuels.
    Malheureusement je n'ai pas le possibilité d'encoder mes vidéos en Apple ProRes 422 dans Media Encoder ?
    Ceci afin que les monteurs puissent travailler ensuite avec avec Final Cut Pro et qu'ils travaillent uniquement en Apple ProRes.
    J'ai pourtant final cut pro d'installé sur mon Mac Pro ?
    Donc ma question est, Pourquoi je n'ai pas la possibilité d'encoder en Apple ProRes 422 ?
    J'ai essayé d'imorter les préconfiguration trouvé sur Internet mais Média Encoder m'indique une absence d'exportateur ?
    Est ce que je possède les bonnes préconfigurations Apple ProRes ? est ce que je fais la bonne manipulation pour l'importation ?
    En vous remerciant par avance, j'espère que vous pourrez m'aider.

    Bonjour barstef,
    Tout d'abord merci pour ta réponse.
    Je viens de regarder ta manipulation, chose que j'avais plus ou moins déjà aperçu.
    Malheureusement, je n'ai pas la possibilité de pouvoir choisir le format Quicktime ? ce qui me semble bizarre car étant dans un univers Mac avec Final Cut Pro et tous les codec Quicktime d'installé.
    Donc je devrais avoir l'accès à ces codecs directement dans Média Encoder ?
    Voici des captures des choix que j'ai pour le moment dans les différents fenêtre de dialogue .
    J'espère qu'un utilisateur pourra m'aider car pour le moment je ne peux pas utiliser pleinement Prelude et Media Encoder dans sa globalité.
    D'avance merci à vous tous.

  • Choppy video playback with FCP 6 and 5D footage already converted to Apple ProRes 422

    I am trying to edit a film I shot on the Canon 5D using FCP 6. I converted my raw files from the Canon 5D to Apple ProRes (HQ) .
    But as I try to work on the timeline everything is super choppy and drops frames constantly. I am trying to sync audio as well and it's been impossible since the video in not playing properly.
    I have read many post and did everything you say to do, but no luck.
    I have chosen the unlimited RT and still dosent wanna play right.
    I'm editing off a 1TB G-RAID drive. It currently has 200GB left of free space, so that shouldn't slow things down. My computer has a 500GB Internal Hard Drive and I currently have 250GB of internal free space. Here are the specification of my computer:
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      Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro3,1
      Processor Name:          Quad-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          3.2 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          2
      Total Number Of Cores:          8
      L2 Cache (per processor):          12 MB
      Memory:          18 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.6 GHz
    THis should be a powerful computer, at least thats what I tough when i got it. There has to be a solution to my frustration..please help!!!

    Try transcoding to garden variety Pro Res for great quality, much smaller files, and less strain on your system.

  • Jumpy playback from image sequences rendered in Apple Prores and then exported to h264

    I will start by saying I have been using FCP since 1.0 and am in no way new to this software, but this issue has me going crazy.
    First the Specs:
    MacPro 2 x 2.66 Quad cor Intel Xeon
    16 gig Ram
    OS 10.9.2
    FCP 7.0.3 (sorry but I am not a fan of FCP10 at all)
    In other words, a beast of a system that has played back everything I have ever built on it for years until now. So now for the issue: I work with an amazing 3D Max builder and we have created a building animation exported from that program into and image sequence ( we have tried JPG, TGA and PNG still all with the same effect). I open Quicktime 7 Pro, build the image sequence, save as .mov, import into FCP and drop it into my 1080p30 Apple Prores (HQ ... we also tried SQ) timelines. The timeline renders perfectly and I can play the video perfectly through my system out of Firewire 800 to my Motu V4HD device which then converts the signal to HDMI to my 55" LED TV. The video and playback is perfect.... until:
    If I try to play back the same exact time line into an exported video file, the file will play back with random jumpyness in it. I say random since you can play it back 10 times and it will hiccup during playback at different spots in the video. If you review every frame in the file though using Quicktime 10, 7 or VLC viewer, every frame is perfect. So, it must be the data rate right? Wrong. I have exported now to H264 MP4, M4V, MOV , ect, etc at different data rates from 4mb to 40 mb per second. They all have the same randow jumpyness to it. So it must be my computer right? Nope. I have a Macbook pro that is more powerful than this machine and I rebuild the file using the same method (something I have done a thousand times before) and the exported file does the same thing on that machine. I had my friend do it on his machine... same thing. ERRRR....
    We have even tried using After Effects and Premier to the same result. Rendered it straight from Quicktime Pro, same. Rendered it to 720p30, same. Render it to 24fps, same. I had another editor render it using whatever methods he wanted to use... same. Tried Compressor, SAME.  Tried Adobe Media Encoder, SAME......We even, god forbid, used a PC running Premier and built the image sequence and rendered to h264 at 30fps, 5mbs.... @#$@#$ SAME!
    We just remade the 3D Studio Max export into a 60fps animation since I thought that the individual frames we appearing too far apart and thus causing the jumpyness. That was causing the playback of the upclose objects flying across the screen fast to appear jittery, but not the random playback jumps. The 60fps did smooth out the animation greatly during fast flybys, but the playback jumps are still there in all players, QT, VLC, the web, etc.
    I was starting to think this issue is realted to Mavericks, but since the PC did the same thing that is not it either. I have linked a sample of the clip below exported to 720p30, 25mbs... something that is much smaller than the original and should playback smooth very easily on any of my systems.
    FYI: I have now opened numerous projects I have edited over the last few years and noticed that all of them are now jumpy, so this isn't just an image sequence issue. While the other projects don't use image sequences and instead are shot footage edited together, there is still the random jump (far less than the image sequence as you will see) but they are now there... ***? I have cleared preferences in FCP which helps for a short period of time, but once exported I get the same glitch.
    As I said... I am stumped... ANYONE have ideas for me to try?
    Here is a sample file for you all to see and please tell me if anyone does not see the issue after playing it several times in a row.
    One last thing to note... my main goal for these videos is YouTube or Vimeo playback via our company website. I have a few other animations online right now using YouTube and the problem is also showing there. At first I thought it was just my videos, but I have looked at numerous YouTube videos now showing 3D animation and alot of them are jumpy.
    These don't show the issue as bad since the camera fly is much slower, but why is this occuring and is it coming from my source, or is this a known youtube issue? I can program this using out own modules, but YouTube and Vimeo allow for multiple resolutions and a checker script which makes it easier to share over all devices at all quality up to 1080p.
    Advice is welcome and appreciated?

    I have tried at actual, full screen, using 1080p30 size from the original compressed to 4mbs (something my system can handle without blinking), 720p30, etc. etc. etc.  Nothing stops the jumps. Even the activity monitor shows only 5%-15% processing being used by QT and/or FCP.
    I plan to pull my old G5 out of the closet, it runs 10.6.8 and is still rock solid for video editing in FCP7.  If it plays smooth on that 8 year old system then I know it's Mavericks. I'll try that tonight. It floors me though why the original 1080p30 will playback perfect via FCP and Motu, but once I turn of external monitoring and just try to play it via the preview monitor it is jumpy as **** and then the exported file does the same thing.  So strange.  I even deleted prefences of FCP and that does help with screen playback initially, but it always gets jumps in it after playing for a while.
    I knew I should not have started using Mavericks and I HATE FCP10.

  • Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder  - Both types say I have "a newer version installed", but I can't view Pro-Res files on either type of machine.

    I'm trying to view a Pro-Res file from Final Cut Pro on machines that have Quicktime Pro, but having no luck.  I've tried installing the "
    Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder " for both Windows and Mac (on the correct machines), but I keep getting "You already have a newer version of this installed" on each machine, and can't finish.  Needless to say, the Pro-Res file will not play on either machine, and there seems to be no way to remove a "newer version" and install this one.  Thanks for any suggestions.

    There is no quicktime folder there. And no quicktime program is installed when I try to install iTunes. The only reason I tried installing quicktime in standalone was because the itunes install was not actively going to the quicktime part of its installation.
    I've tried removing everything and only installing iTunes. But even after deleting the physical files, using the WIndows Install cleanup tool, and cleaning up my registry, the quicktime portion of the iTunes install doesn't complete, and I keep getting "unknown" errors from the crash prevention program, and from what I can see it's because there's no physical Quicktime program installed.
    As for other accounts, no I cannot start it up with other accounts, I keep getting the "Unknown" error and there is no physical files for quicktime anywhere.
    And selective startup doesn't seem to work as there is NO qttask option when I run selective startup.
    So, I seem to be out of options, and thing else I could try?

  • FCP Apple PRORES 422 (HQ) setting-how to export?

    I am importing and dropping in scanned images from the storyboard into FCP and then importting and placing on the timeline some digital animated images which have been done in the format 1920x1080 24fps. They have been put through shake and we chose the setting Apple PRORES 422 (HQ) which I have then set the FCP settings to match that. Everything works fine in Final Cut but then when I export the timeline to make it into a Quicktime movie, the digital animated shots dont play properly, they like skip frames. Do you know anything about this and how I get it to play smoothly? I have tried everything I can think of and nothing is working!

    First off, ProRes HQ is VASTLY OVERKILL for converted flash video. That is for 10-bit high end formats. All you gain in using that over ProRes 422 is file size.
    Second, 640x432 is a non-standard frame size. 640x480 is more like it, but really, FCP would like to see 720x480. ProRes doesn't really work in RT with the dimensions you have.
    Convert the FLV to something like DV50 or just DV. but you have to get the right aspect ratio, or things will require rendering. Or better yet, get the MASTER footage, and not a flash video.

  • Audio drop-out in FCPX with 1920x1080 & 2048x1240p @ 24p (codec Apple ProRes 4444 (Linear PCM))24p

    Hi all...
    I'm new to this forum.
    Is there an audio issue (drop-outs) with FCPX (ver 10.1.2) for 1920x1080 24p, 1080p HD & 2048x1240 24p (2k) - note: films in FCPX are in codec Apple ProRes 4444, Linear PCM?
    Very recently I've been working on a show reel and I have imported a file (short film) to snip out a section to add to the show reel. 
    I set the project to the film's settings i.e.. "set based on first video clip"...(1920x1080 24p, 1080p HD).  When I play the film in FCPX the audio "hic-cups"..."dips to silence"..."drops-out" briefly (up to 0.5 secs in duration) and very frequently all the way through (approx 15 mins long film)...note: audio set is at stereo 48kHz. The audio monitors on the right hand side also show the dip taking place (if it's a long enough drop-out).
    I also have a version of the film in 2048x1240 24p at 2k, again Stereo 48kHz...and this does the same audio "drop-out" all the way through.  I'm unsure what other formats will create this problem i.e. higher or lower aspect ratios than those above.
    Is this a software and/or OS issue?  Or a hardware issue?  Or both!?
    About This iMac details:
    iMac 27 inch: OS X ver 10.9.4
    Processor: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory: 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB
    Fusion Drive 3.12 TB
    Final Cut Pro X was bought & installed with this iMac back in Feb 2014
    FCPX version: 10.1.2
    Note also:  I used Compressor (ver 4.1.2) to convert the files (movies) above to Apple ProRes 422 HQ, Linear PCM and the issue disappeared - the audio and visuals played with no problems.  All films play with no issue when opened in QT player.  They are also fine when exporting from FCPX.  The issue only occurs (as far as I can tell) within FCPX when editing or playing the audio there.
    Has anyone encountered this problem?
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Luis,
    Thank you for that.
    Seems like you have a point about the "hardware" issue.  I'm unsure (new to it all) at what data rate my (er...wonderful) fusion drive provides FCPX for smooth playback - or where I can find that info on the iMac.  Playing back movies in the 422 HQ codec seems to have no issues (when I converted the movie from 4444 HQ). 
    But playing the full 4444 HQ, the picture is smooth, but the audio has these drop-outs - even with "best performance" option ticked. Interesting that the audio suffers, not the picture in FCPX - so not sure what's going on there. I also read - perhaps - that to play a smooth ProRes 4444 HQ movie in FCPX the data rate should be min of 500 Mbs (based upon About Apple ProRes) for HD movies and up (i.e. 2k).  ProRes 422 HQ needs a data rate of 220 Mbs - so that is my upper-limit to smooth video&audio playback with the current system I have, I guess.
    Does anyone recommend a fast USB3 or Thunderbolt drive (500Mbs+) where I am able to run 4444HQ movies with no issues to picture or sound (away from the fusion drive)?

  • Does CC 2014 eliminate the need to have Final Cut Pro and/or Compressor installed to access Apple ProRes 422?

    Just today, I was working on a Mac system that does not have any of the applications that I would have expected to need to have installed in order to do more than just decompress movie files compressed with Apple ProRes 422.
    I was expecting to have to install Final Cut Studio 3, Final Cut Pro X, Compressor 4, and/or QuickTime 7 with the QuickTime Pro key; however, none of those applications are installed and I am able to create custom QuickTime Apple Pro Res422 Sequences in Premiere Pro as well as export using Apple ProRes 422.  After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder also show all the Apple ProRes variations.
    Does CC 2014 eliminate the need to have Final Cut Pro and/or Compressor installed to access Apple ProRes 422?  Is it something happening on the OS or QuickTime level that would affect CC or CS6 in the same way?
    I've done a web search, but haven't really come up with anything other than older articles about needing to have FCP installed (and I typically work on systems with Final Cut Studio 3 installed as well as CS6, CC, or CC 2014).  If more detailed information is available, it would be great to be able to read up on it.
    The system is a 21.5-inch iMac running Mac OS X 10.8.5, QuickTime Player 10.2, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 (8.0.0 - I know an update is available for PrPro, but it's not my system to make that change).
    Thanks in advance,
    Warren Heaton

    Hi Emil:
    I use ProRes all the time as well, but I have Final Cut Studio on my workstations.
    I had not come across MindPower009's YouTube video.  That explains how ProRes could be showing up without FCP or Compressor.
    So, the answer to my question would be, "No, CC 2014 does not eliminate the need to have Final Cut Pro and/or Compressor installed to access Apple ProRes 422; however, if you are willing to be in violation Apple's terms of use, you can install the ProRes codecs anyway."
    Even though MindPower009's YouTube video comments claim "FREE and LEGAL", it's clear from both the Apple download page and the ProRes codecs installer that Apple expects you to own at least one of their applications.
    Thanks again for the link!

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