Capturing from a DV deck

I have been trying to capture a DV tape from a deck using Final Cut Pro 6, though there are timecode breaks on the tape so it is not working. Someone on the Final Cut Pro message board suggested using iMovie to do this.
1. Can I capture in iMovie using a DV deck?
2. Where is the option to do this?

Can I capture in iMovie using a DV deck?
It will probably allow you to do this if the devices is recognized or assumed to be a camcorder device by iMovie '08. As to the timecode breaks, if it imports from the device, they will likely be interpreted as breaks between clips.
Where is the option to do this?
Use the "Import from Camera" File menu option.

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    ProAppTips is your friend:
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    There aren't any capture cards that will serve that purpose.
    The AJA IoLA will probably be your smallest bet, if you want to capture Uncompressed (which also raises the question, what drive will you be capturing your media to?). It's a pretty small unit. The Io is full rack width, but the IoLA and IoLD are half rack wide.
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    This is a good workaround for curing your camera recognition problem with FCP (if that's what it is):
    First, check that your Easy Setup / Timeline / Camera or Deck Settings are all exactly the same, then making sure your camera or deck is in VTR mode, try to capture again.
    FCP uses a different form of QT than iMovie for capturing, so if the camera works in iMovie (or if it's listed in System Profiler) but not FCP, it obviously means your Mac can see the VTR but FCP can't, so you need to do this QuickTime fix.
    Follow the instructions carefully and you should have things running in no time - it's quite safe but you must Trash the Receipts AND re-install QT from the link provided.
    If the Camera / Deck isn't recognised by iMovie or System Profiler, try resetting the Firewire Bus . . . Turn off the Mac and disconnect the power and all Firewire cables. Leave it for 30 mins then connect back up.
    Still not working? Try a different Firewire cable.
    Failing all this, try resetting the PMU (Power Management Unit). The method varies from machine to machine, so visit the Apple site and search for it in support.
    Don't use iMovie for capturing - it doesn't give you a timecode and that's very important.
    Let us know how you get on!
    Quad 8GB. 250+500 HDs. G-Raid 1TB. NORTON. FCP 5.1.2. QT 7.1.3. Sony HVR Z1E   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    "I've taught you all I know, and still you know nothing".

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    Additional thoughts...
    If you have a DV camera/deck, I'd try to use that instead of the Canopus. This way, you could record to tape what you're capturing live.
    Granted, there is timecode differences between the two, but it serves as a backup, should the live capture fail. (and trust me, it will at some point...Mr. Murphy says so)
    For our workflow, we do a couple of things...for mission critical events, we ISO record to tape in each camera and to a Deck (live to tape), as well as the live capture into FCP.
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    For non-mission critical, we just record the live cut to the deck, along with the live capture into FCP. We can cut from either, then we can dump the live captures from the drives (saving valuable disk space) and still have tape backup to re-cut if needed.

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    skalicki` wrote:
    Yup! If you create a new sequence and place one of your converted clips in it, it shouldn't have to render. If you find that you are struggling with the learning curve of FCE, I would recommend getting one of two training books:
    1. [Final Cut Express 4 Editing Workshop|] by Tom Wolsky. This is how I learned the program and I can assure you that it is a comprehensive guide with everything from basic to more advanced techniques. I highly recommend it. Tom is a frequent contributor to this forum, so if you had any questions about a lesson then he'd be here to help you out.
    2. [Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Express 4|] by Diana Weynand. Though I can't vouch for it personally, I have heard from many people who were pleased with their experience learning from this book, and I'm sure it is quite good also.
    This is amazing, First: 1.) A clip doesn't have to render if it is imported using those settings? But it will have to render if I make changes to it and want to view it? Every time I edit and then want to see the changes played back, I have to wait while it renders again and before I can see it. That much is always a pain but a necessary one - I thought.
    2.) I always struggle learning new things so nothing new there. I do have Tom's book and that is what is guiding me to be where I am now. I am on page 62 studying 'Strategies for Capturing" today. I must say that what you have added here to my understanding is beyond what is included in the book, so I feel reinforced with the basics of set-up now and even the comment you made elsewhere about "M for Mark Clip." I'm furiously writing notes into Tom's book as I go along and accumulate clearer understanding thanks to your added explainations.
    I know nothing about the "Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Express 4" book by Diana Weynand, but am off on my way to look it up and check it out.
    As evidenced by our discussions here, there are different ways of saying things, and different pieces to every puzzle, so while Tom's book may be complete, I am also getting more by paying attention to the answers I am getting here also.
    Thank You,

  • Capturing from JVC 100 in HDV problem

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    Or is there a way to get up to 5.1?
    Since writing this message I have returned to SD and am now having similar trouble but it did work before.
    Pete Snowdon

    Wait for FSC2 next month to upgrade. If you have had sucess using this camera before then see what has changed since. Have you updated anything like OSX or Quicktime? If you have some and not all updates this may be your problem. Also try resetting the camera to HDV with the firewire disconnected and setup a new project in HDV. Make a new capture scratch folder to an internal drive, and make suree you don't have any other firewire devices pluged in before resetting the computer.
    Let me know how it goes.
    Good Luck Z\

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    I noticed in the batch capture window, the settings say HDV, 1440X1080i and 29.97fps. and There donen't appear to be a way to set that to 24fps. Am I missing somthing?
    G5 Mac OS X (10.3.7)

    No. I just haven't been able to successfully capture from that camera natively. I captured using my capture card...converting it to the more manageable DVCPRO HD. But I wanted HDV footage so that I could see what it was like. But I couldn't capture it.
    FCP 5.1.2 and up should have all the HDV 1080p options. Make sure you click SHOW ALL in the EASY SETUP window. There are 1080p60, 1080p30 and 1080p24.
    Other people have captured no problem, and yet more have my issue of not being able to. I could control the deck, but got nothing. Let us know how you fare.

  • Capturing from the JVCGY100U Camera

    Format is HDV30P
    Camera( aka capture devise) is JVC GY 100U
    I am on FCP 5.1.4
    I am trying to capture a clip. The capture breaks up the logged clip into multiple clips and they have about 8 seconds that is not captured between the breaks.
    I a know that the camera was not turned off during the shoot or stopped. My setting are set to "capture through timecode breaks" and I have also tried using the "make new clip on timecode break" setting. I am using the HDV capture preset.
    Any advise?

    I posted this a while ago but I was capturing from a camera. I am now captuing from a JVC Deck (BRHD50).
    Still, as I capture FCP makes a new clip and I lose about 6 seconds. This happens A LOT.
    The media that is not captured IS on my tape. I can hear it from the deck.
    The media was not at the beginning of a take and is a lot of time it is in mid-sentence.
    As of my last posting I leaned that you lose about 8 seconds each time you press play on the JVC100U camera. That I get. But this is at places that are in the middle of a take. My setting are set to "capture through timecode breaks" and I have also tried using the "make new clip on timecode break" setting. I am using the HDV capture preset.
    PLEASE HELP or I will have to re-shoot the interviews.

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    2. I have a few old Hi8 cameras. Is there any value to these things? Can they be used for anything -- a web cam? Or are they pretty much just a waste of space?

    You need some way to capture - DV deck, DV converter, capture card, etc... The Digital Hi8 cameras/decks allowed capture from Hi8 tapes. If you have a capture card/deck, you can play back the Hi8 thru it and capture the analog signal that way...

  • I would like to capture from several different sources simultaneously.

    Is this realistic with one computer or would it be better to purchase additional units for capturing as well. And if I was using them primarily for the purpose of capturing as well as networking for the sake of speeding up compressor would any of the smaller systems be adequate?
    (I could possibly need to capture from up to 4 devices at the same time)

    What Randy and David say is true.
    Here's my story.
    For the last few summers, I pick one day to do a sunrise to sunset time lapse capture from the deck of my lake cottage. The camera looks out across the back lawn, to the dock, the lake and the hills on the far side - about 1/2 mile away. The sky is an enormous presence.
    The first time I did this was a spur of the moment lark - a "wouldn't it be cool if" moment. I had a camera, a tripod, my laptop and software which could capture using time lapse. I hooked things up quickly, turned everything on and voilà. The video turned out wonderfully. Each year since, the production has gotten a a bit more involved.
    Last year ...
    I watched the weather reports daily. I went online tracking weather patterns moving across the continent. This was all undertaken to pinpoint the day when we would likely get the perfect combination of sky, light clouds, strong sun, wind and water.
    It looked like the day was coming. The evening before I placed the camera on a weighted and braced tripod in a secure area on the back porch. It was under cover and secured to keep it from moving if there was a breeze. The area was cordoned to keep people from walking on that part of the deck to prevent vibrations. The laptop computer went inside the house on a very secure table. The camera and computer were both connected to house power but each had a fully charged battery attached if we lost power.
    I ran a 3 meter Granite Digital firewire cable from the camera outside to the laptop computer in the house. All cables were taped down or routed so there was no possibility for someone to trip over them. The firewire cable was connected to the laptop via a PCMCIA firewire card and there was an external FW400 drive connected via the computer's OEM port to hold the captured material. The drive was bus powered so even if we lost power, the computer's battery would keep things going.
    Before I went to bed, I insulated and covered the camera with a waterproof setup to keep it from getting wet from condensation or there was an unexpected thunderstorm during the night.
    Up before dawn, I uncovered the camera and had the capture running when the first light showed in the eastern sky. It was a spectacular sunrise.
    After breakfast, I checked on the setup. It was humming along so I went for a swim, ran errands in town, played a round of golf.
    It was a beautiful day. The clouds were marching across the sky, the lake had small ripples as wind played on the surface. The sun was strong which generated sharp shadows marking the passage of time. The whole day I was thinking, "we nailed it, this is THE PERFECT day to capture".
    Late afternoon, I came into the house and on my way upstairs to take a shower and change for dinner, I noticed the laptop. The cover was closed. I had left it open. With my heart racing, I opened the lid and the computer woke up ...
    Someone - (no one ever admitted to touching the machine - even under threats of withholding all ice cream) - closed the lid and the machine went to sleep. There was no capture as the temp file ended up without an EOF marker. All that I had to show for the day was a several hundred MB unrecoverable file.
    The next day dawned with a foggy rain that hung on for the last few days of vacation ...
    good luck,

  • Unable to capture from Sony HDFX1 camera

    Built a new PC and utilized a top end ATI Radeon dual video card. Running Vista Ultra OS(hmmmm), plenty ram, processor, etc.
    PC does not see my camera when I plug in for capture. Do I need a special codec or 1394 HD drivers available for HD capture from ATI or from Adobe perhaps?

    If the Vista install was a standard installation, Vista should recognize the camera automatically and install the correct drivers. Nothing you need to do. Make sure that you connect the firewire cable first between the camera and the on-board firewire connector. Do not try to connect it to the ATI card. Once the cable is connected, turn on the power on the camera and set it to VCR. Vista will then install the necessary drivers automatically and if they have been installed previously, show the autoplay box. Make sure that the menu in the camera is correctly setup to use the iLink connection and the format you shot in, so either DV or HDV. Consult the Sony manual for that. If the does not work, try a different cable first.

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