Capturing Render Times

I'm trying to measure the time it takes to render things like
circles, rectangles, text, images, ect. Here is a snippet of code
that creates random circles and adds them to a UIComponent.
var result:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
// render time
var rdiff:Number = new Number();
// execution time
var ediff:Number = new Number();
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();
// counter
var i:int = 0;
// time place holders
var before:Number = new Number();
var after:Number = new Number();
while(i < rows) {
// Create x many random circles
before = new Date().time; * 0xFFFFFF,1);
var rnd:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (300)) + 0;
var rnd2:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (300)) + 0;,rnd2,50);;
after = new Date().time;
ediff += (after - before);
// Display x many circles
before = new Date().time;
after = new Date().time;
rdiff = rdiff + (after - before);
i = i + 1;
Would this be the correct way of measuring the render time?
Am i way off or silly?

So I have been measuring the render time as the time it takes
to go through addChild(). Here is what I found about how addChild()
works. Which of these would or would not be related to the render
1. Container.addChild(b);
Flex performs the following actions:
a. Sets the parent property for the component to reference
its parent
b. Computes the style settings for the component.
c. Dispatches the preinitialize event on the component.
d. Calls the component’s createChildren() method.
e. Calls the invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize(), and
invalidateDisplayList() methods to trigger later calls to the
commitProperties(), measure(), or updateDisplayList() methods
during the
next render event.
The only exception to this rule is that Flex does not call
the measure()
method when the user sets the height and width of the
f. Dispatches the initialize event on the component. At this
time, all of
the component’s children are initialized, but the
component was not sized
or processed for layout. You can use this event to perform
processing of the component before it is laid out.
g. Dispatches the childAdd event on the parent container.
h. Dispatches the initialize event on the parent container.
2. During the next render event, Flex performs the following
a. Calls the component’s commitProperties() method.
b. Calls the component’s measure() method.
c. Calls the component’s layoutChrome() method.
d. Calls the component’s updateDisplayList() method.
e. Dispatches the updateComplete event on the component.
3. Flex dispatches additional render events if the
measure(), or updateDisplayList() methods call the
invalidateSize(), or invalidateDisplayList() methods.
4. After the last render event occurs, Flex performs the
following actions:
a. Makes the component visible by setting the visible
property to true.
b. Dispatches the creationComplete event on the component.
The component
is sized and processed for layout. This event is only
dispatched once when
the component is created.
c. Dispatches the updateComplete event on the component. Flex
additional updateComplete events whenever the layout,
position, size, or
other visual characteristic of the component changes and the
component is
updated for display.
Most of the work for configuring a component occurs when you
add the
component to a container by using the addChild() method. That
is because
until you add the component to a container, Flex cannot
determine its
size, set inheriting style properties, or draw it on the

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    Hi -
    Couple of things:
    1) When dealing with XDCam and Ex footage, I routinely get very long estimates for renders that rapidly drop as the render progresses.
    2) I am not sure what advantage you got by editing the Sequence with the Codec set differently from the source. I routinely edit Ex footage on sequences that have the same codec (XDCAM EX 1080p30) and the renders, while not zippy, are not outrageously long. If you think about it, now FCP has to convert all the footage used in the sequence to Pro Res as well as rendering any effects or transitions. This is probably quite CPU intensive.
    Don't know if you want to consider this, but you might want to create a new sequence that has the same codec and frame size and frame rate as you source material, and copy all the clips from your ProRes Sequence and paste them to the new sequence and try a render there.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi, FCP 4.5 is not compatible with OS 10.4.9 -- you will need to downgrade to 10.4.8 or lower (
    Also, are you sure the movie format your rendering is a quicktime file and not .dv/avi/etc. I've run into those same errors when working with other formats that are not native quicktime.

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    There's no data base you can go to for this info.  You really just need to watch the screen.
    Run short tests - 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.  That way you're not waiting forever for an export to finish.

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    Your RT settings don't improve final render times, but they may improve your editing experience by allowing better playback of effects without having to render your timeline. You should experiment with the settings in the sequence to see what works best for your particular setting. Generally, if you choose Unlimited RT you'll get more real time playback, and therefore won't have to render as often while editing. But you'll likely experience more dropped frames during your sequence playback. You still have to render your final output though.
    Have a read of the manual and experiment. There are no hard and fast rules for settings as every system is different. Obviously, the more you tax your system the less it's able to play back in real time.
    Best of luck.

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    Everyone who is experiencing this should report it to FCP Feedback. You can find that in the Final Cut Pro menu within FCP, or here:

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    Is this considered normal, I can't remember having such big differences in CS5. It's not a major thing, but I wanted to share anyway.
    My system:
    Premiere Pro CC (latest)
    i7 4930K
    32 GB RAM
    Footage and project on a Raid0 disk
    Previews/Cache on a Raid0 disk
    System and Premiere on SSD
    Render to a single 7200 rpm drive.

    >wanted to share
    Yes... known issue... I think some of the below is about P-Elements, but the same ideas
    Photo Scaling for Video
    -HiRes Pictures to DVD
    -PPro Crash

  • Capture Date/Time - clobbered by LR 1.1

    Oh No!
    It appears that LR 1.1 has clobbered the Capture Date/Time after writing out the metadata.
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    Something as important as the date and time the photo was taken (file creation) is a key bit of data that should be readily available and visible in the metadata display and should not be clobbered or lost when writing out metadata to the files. I see there are other complaints about this and some expressing horror that Adobe didn't fix it in LR 1.1.
    My point is simple - for my purposes I cannot fully utilize LR 1.1 if the Creation Date/Time cannot be readily seen, or is in danger of being lost, I would have to use other software.
    Geeze, and I was beginning to get comfortable with LR...
    Maybe the good folks at Adobe have some comment and might be able to rectify this?
    In the alternative, is there something I'm missing about the way Capture Date/Time is supposed to be treated by LR users?
    Advice and pointers would be appreciated.

    Christopher wrote:
    "I hear ya, but if someone could just say, this is how dates are supposed to work ... that would be helpful. In particular, what fields or fields does the Metadata Browser use to sort an image into a date bin? If I knew that, I might be able to determine why so many of my images are put into the Unknown Date heading."
    Here we go:
    1. None DateTime tag defined in exif (or DateTime tags corrupted)
    -in Metadata Browser (left panel) Date will be seen as Unknown Date.
    -Thumbnail show no DateTime value,
    -in Matadata (right) panel, there will be no DateTime caption visible
    2. Only ModifyDate defined in exif
    -in Matadata Browser value of ModifyDate will be shown,
    -Thumbnail show no DateTime value,
    -in Matadata panel, ModifyDate will be shown as Time
    3. Only CreateDate defined in exif
    -in Metadata Browser value of CreateDate will be shown,
    -Thumbnail show no DateTime value,
    -in Metadata panel, CreateDate will be shown as DateTimeDigitized
    4. Only DateTimeOriginal defined in exif
    -in Metadata Browser value of DateTimeOriginal will be shown,
    -Thumbnail shows value of DateTimeOriginal,
    -in Metadata panel, DateTimeOriginal will be shown as Capture Time
    +in Medatada panel, DateTimeOriginal will be shown as Time
    5. All three DateTime values defined in exif
    -in Metadata Browser value of DateTimeOriginal will be shown,
    -Thumbnail shows value of DateTimeOriginal,
    -Metadata panel shows CreateDate as DateTimeDigitized,
    +Metadata panel shows DateTimeOriginal as CaptureTime,
    +Metadata panel shows ModifyDate as Time
    That's it. Now... why are we confused in LR when speaking of DateTime?
    In Metadata Browser any of exif's DateTime value can be shown. That is, looking at this panel only, we never know what Date is being used! Anyway, DateTimeOriginal has priority: if DateTimeOriginal exist, it will be used for Metadata Browser -otherwise any other existing exif DateTime tag will be used.
    But if only DateTimeOriginal is missing (so both, CreateDate and ModifyDate exist), then CreateDate has priority over ModifyDate: CreateDate will be shown.
    Priority in short: DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate, ModifyDate.
    Thumbnails: only if DateTimeOriginal exists, thumbnail will contain DateTime value -otherwise thumbnail's DateTime will be blank.
    Sorting of thumbnails per CaptureTime (hence by exif DateTimeOriginal) is another story and can be quite confusing at first sight... because DateTime priorities seems to be the same as for Metadata Browser:
    If exif DateTimeOriginal exist (=CaptureTime in LR), then this value will be used for sorting. But if this value is missing, LR will try to use exif CreateDate and if this is missing too, ModifyDate will be used. OK, there's some logic... except, why I'm repeating "if this tag is missing..."?
    Because when you modify/rewrite some image, then some tool may damage DateTime in exif -remember: damaged DateTime tag is the same as tag doesn't exist!
    In short: if there's exif DateTime corruption involved, you can't be sure which of three DateTime tags is being used for sorting. For some images DateTimeOriginal will be used, for those that are missing that tag, CreateDate will be used instead.
    Images missing exif DateTime tags (or these are corrupted), will be shown as first (sort A-Z).

  • Looong render times with motion templates

    I've been a big advocate for FCPX as there are a lot of great features but there are some things that are just killing me, no.1 render time.
    I'm working on some simple presentation edits using motion templates I have built in motion 5 and published to fcpx. The templates all consist of a single dropbox for video with a type field for test messages next to it. These are against a flat white rectangle used to reflect (similar to the coverflow but against a white background) and a subtle camera sweep has been added so it slowly turns from one side to the other by 30 degrees. Each of these is 10 seconds long.
    I chop up my imported movie on the timeline (untouched by grade/fx/retiming) and add the template to each of the chopped clips. I then select each applied template in the timeline and use the video well to select the clip below it for the dropzone. I add my text. That's all good. I now have a timeline approx 3 minutes long consisting of these motion graphics templates.
    Now, if I chose to either render or export a QT with timeline settings, estimated time is 8 - 9 hrs (I have tried both) I left a 3:30 project exporting last night at 11:45. It finished at 9:00AM.
    That is just unacceptable. It is irritating because the functionality of building the sequences in FCPX far outweighs what FCP 7 is capable of but the so-called "renderless" abilities of FCPX
    are making life ****.
    I use Event Manager X to turn off everything I am not using except the individual project. I have reset preferences in Preference Manager to see if that helps. I have purged using terminal. I have my clips on an external firewire 800 HD. I have no other software running. I accept I need a more powerful Mac - I'm using a 2009 3 Ghz Intel Core Duo iMac with 6gig ram using Lion 10.7.2 and FCPX 10.0.2 but 9 hours for a 3:30 clip?
    Any suggestions for where I can cut down on render time are appreciated. The source clip for the video for the dropzones and the final exported presentation movie are HD ProRes.

    The situation you describe does not seem normal. It should not take nearly that long to render and export your 3:30 movie. Considering that your mac is not one of the most recent vintage, and your are editing in full HD, one could expect it to take a bit of time, but nothing like this.
    In the way of troubleshooting, you could try and export just one of these 10 second segments.
    I have no way of knowing for sure, but I guess that it might export in a much more reasonable amount of time.
    I suspect that memory may be running scarce, which, as has been repeatedly mentioned in these fora, is a problem affecting many of us using FCP X under Lion. You mentioned you used "purge" in the Terminal, but in such a long render you might have had to do it repeatedly...

  • Macbook Pro 2012 vs Retina Render time difference

    Just purchased the 13-inch: 2.9GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 regular macbook pro.
    With my budget of a $1700, should I get the 13-inch: 2.6GHz with Retina display Intel Core i5
    instead for render work like After Effects? how big of a difference is render time??

    Just purchased the 13-inch: 2.9GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 regular macbook pro.
    With my budget of a $1700, should I get the 13-inch: 2.6GHz with Retina display Intel Core i5
    instead for render work like After Effects? how big of a difference is render time??

  • Capture travel time expenses and working hours spent on the service call

    Hi Experts,
    I have One Year AMC contract with my customer.Under AMC he called me for 10 times.I need to
    Capture travel time expenses and working hours spent on all the service call, Non of them will be billed to the customer.
    This is just for our internal tracking.this particular data will reside within the office premises.
    Explain how efficiently we can track this particular requirement in SAP Business One

    Hi Vikram
    You will notice on the item master records that there is a field called Item Type. The options are Item, Labor and Travel. In order for the service module to recognize the expense or charge type, either Labor or Travel must be select. Create a service item (untick inventory item) and choose the Item Type as Labor or Travel. When you now create a Delivery/Invoice from the expenses section of the service call, it will identify and warn you if you charge the customer, as this would be defined in your service contract template as non billable charges. You can still create a Delivery for the charges and put quantities and values on the Delivery document. In this case you are not going to invoice the customer for the charges, so you can "Close" the Delivery. Just be aware that closing the Delivery will post the value to an offset account defined in the Account Determination.
    The benefit of this approach is that the Delivery will post a debit and credit in your G/L that will "accrue" what the costs are of servicing the customer. My suggestion would be to set the account determination for the Labor/Travel item(s) to item level and define the Revenue/Expense accounts to specific G/L accounts.
    Let me know if you need more information or assistance with the above.
    Kind regards
    Peter Juby

  • Render time Issues with 5.0 project in CC 12.1

    This is actually a copy of a post I had in a different discussion entitled "render time" but this now
    I did some extensive testing to try and see why my render times in CC were so much slower that 5.5 and I found some very interesting results.
    The original project was created in 5.0 and opened in 5.5 and rendered, it contained video footage and graphics. When it was render in 5.5 it rendered in 4:27. When I opened it in 12.1 and rendered it was 18:00. I then started turning off layers and my render times shot up. basically layer 12 had two animated masks on colored solid. With this off it took 8:30
    I then imported the project into 12.1 and saved it, reopened it and with layer 12 off it took 5:11. So importing and saving the project made a difference. Now I recreated layer 12 in 12.1 from scratch and turned it on and my rendered time was 6:50.
    So there is something going on with projects being converted from earlier versions - Now to really test this theory I would need to recreate the project from scratch and compare to the 5.5 times.
    To further test this we did the same sort of testing with a different comp and found similar results - the render times were different if it was imported vs. just opened. But the big thing we found with this comp was a layer where we were moving large stills with some z space. It looks like the 3d from 5.0 was causing a major slow down in CC on layers that has AE 3d applied.
    I think the major take away is if your comp was created in 5.0 and you need to modify it, then make changes in 5.5 or 5.0 or be prepared to recreate any layers with more than simple key frames.
    Just to also answer some other questions - in rendering to prores vs. animation or dvcprohd the times were almost the same. The animation was slightly longer but that makes sense cause the file was much bigger.
    I also found that with 32 gigs of ram my magic number was 11 reserved for other apps ...
    Hope someone can jump in and add some light to this
    This was all done on a 2010 mac pro 2.66 w 12 cores 36 megs ram running 10.8.4 - I have 5.5 and CC and the 12. 1 updates are installed and the video card is an NVidia 575. Mulit threading was on and in 5.5 - 9 Megs is reserved and in 12.1 - 10 is reserved

    I've experienced similar problem with Java Web Start twice.
    Also using JRE version 1.5.0_06 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM and Browser Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows XP (Problem was the same with Java 1.4.2)
    My application was signed and launched via JNLP. The security warning popup was shown in the windows taskbar, but it was hidden. Using maximize in the taskmanager, I was able to see the dialog but it was blank. The problem was persistent, although I did not try as many times as 20-30 :-)
    On both occations the problem occured on multi (3) screen systems, which I suspected to be the problem (Java has historically had some issues regarding multi screen systems), but now I'm not so sure.
    Did you find a solution / cause?

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