Caputre from webcam problem

i have working for caputre from USB2.0 1.3 MegaPixels webcam
for 30 days and
this command
Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(null);
return my Sound card
and i Change to any format it tells my no divce Found
does any one have a working example thank you

1-for windows install JMF for windows not for all(.jar)
2-edit enviroment variable and add JMF_HOME=(+path off where install JMF+)
3 then run JMF Registry to detect devices from Capture Devices
then you will find your camera found

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    Sorry, this forum is for solving specific problems, not for begging for help. If you have a specific problem you need help with, then ask...but I doubt anyone is going to put in the time to help you with a project you havn't put in the time to have specific problems with.

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    You have a couple of options as I see it please try these steps might help you to fix the issue.
    Fixing Webcam Problems in Windows
    Testing a Webcam With MediaSmart in Windows
    If both these links does not work then you might have to call HP Techincal support and get the part replaced.
    If your notebook is still under warranty, contact HP and arrange to have the drive replaced.
    If you are out of warranty and would like a guide on replacing the Hard Drive yourself, please let me know.
    Let us know how it goes!
    *Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
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    "I work for HP."
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    nsOutGoing=new NetStream(nc);
    nsOutGoing.publish(filename, "record");
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    MSN: [email protected]

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    any ideas ?
    here is the code i'm working with:
    package com
        import fl.controls.ProgressBar;
        import fl.controls.ProgressBarMode;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import com.NetConnector
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.utils.setTimeout;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
         * @author Alexander (flash2you) < >
        public class Recorder extends MovieClip
            private var dataHolder:DataHolder = DataHolder.getInstance()
            public var layer:MovieClip
            public var activityLevel_pb:ProgressBar
            public var aguja:MovieClip
            public var aguja2:MovieClip
            public var publishButton:MovieClip
            public var timer_txt:TextField
            public var recordStatus:MovieClip
            public var recordBtn:MovieClip
            private var netStream:NetStream
            private var microphone:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone()
            private var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera()
            public var  video:Video
            private var timer:Timer = new Timer(100)
            private var clockTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000)
            public var published:Boolean = false
            private var isRecording:Boolean = false
            private var minutero = 0;
            private var crono = 0;
            private var records = 0;
            public var settings_mc:MovieClip
            public static var recorder:Recorder
            public var settings_icon:MovieClip
            private var limitTimer:Timer
            public function Recorder()
                Recorder.recorder = this;
                timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on$timer)
                clockTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on$clockTimer)
                //visible = false
                recordBtn.buttonMode = true
                recordBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , recordBtn$click)
                recordBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, recordBtn$over)
                recordBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, recordBtn$out)
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage)
                limitTimer = new Timer(dataHolder.timelimit * 1000);
                limitTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onLimitTimerHandler)
            private function onLimitTimerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void
             *  when we comes to second frame
            private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
                removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
             *   function for set up camera from settings module
            public function setCamera(_camera:Camera) {
                camera = _camera
                video.width = 1280;
                video.height = 720;
                if (netStream){
            public function setMicrophone(mic:Microphone) {
                microphone = mic;
                if (netStream){
            private function addMicSettings() {
            private function addCameraSettings():void
                camera.setMode(1280, 720, 25);
                   camera.setQuality(0, 100);
            public function init() {
             *  main function for connection
            private function startConnect() {
                visible = true
                timer_txt.htmlText = "<b>00:00</b>";
                var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection()
                netStream = new NetStream(nc)
                layer.visible = false
                activityLevel_pb.mode = ProgressBarMode.MANUAL;
                connection.addEventListener(NetConnector.CONNECTED, connectionComplete)
            public function get connection():NetConnector {
                return dataHolder.connection
            private function on$timer(e:TimerEvent) {
                activityLevel_pb.setProgress(microphone.activityLevel, 100)
             *  when connection to your stream server done
            private function connectionComplete(e:Event = null) {
                netStream = new NetStream(connection)
             *   add 0 if less then 10secs
            private function addLeading(nbr) {
                if (nbr<10) {
                    return ("0"+Math.floor(nbr));
                } else {
                    return (Math.floor(nbr).toString());
             *   update visible clock, rotate arrows
            private function updateTimer() {
                timer_txt.htmlText = "<b>"+addLeading(crono/60)+":"+addLeading(crono%60)+"</b>";
                aguja.rotation = aguja.rotation+6;
                if (addLeading(crono/60)>minutero) {
                    aguja2.rotation = aguja2.rotation+6;
                // end if
            private function on$clockTimer(e:TimerEvent):void
            private function startClockTimer() {
             *  update graphics and start recording
            private function recordBtn$click(e:MouseEvent):void
                if (!isRecording) {
                    recordBtn.visible = false
            private function recordBtn$over(e:MouseEvent):void
                if (!isRecording) {
            private function recordBtn$out(e:MouseEvent):void
                if (!isRecording) {
            private function startRecording() {
                if (connection.connected){
                    netStream.publish("mp4:" + dataHolder.filename + ".f4v", "record");
                isRecording = true
                publishButton.buttonMode = true
                publishButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, publishButton$click);
             *  redirect to finishURL that was passed via flashvars
            private function publishButton$click(e:MouseEvent):void
                var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(dataHolder.finishURL)
                navigateToURL(request, "_self")
            private function stopPublish():void
                isRecording = false
             *  init microphone
            private function initMicropone():void
                microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone()
             *  init camera
            private function initCamera():void
                camera = Camera.getCamera()

    Thanks for the details
    First, the quality of the feed we get to the flash player and FMS is highly limited by the capabilities of the webcam that the users have beyond which we cannot improve the quality.
    Next, flash player can encode good quality and hence you should probably find more stuff related to how best you can ingest video from a webcam on to the flash player.
    - Does recording from server side with asc script will increase the quality ?
    No, FMS does not do any type of transcoding/re-encoding stuff. All it does is to 'transmit' and in your case, to flush bits to the disk. So, unless FMS recieves 'Quality', it cannot do much.
    - what configurations files on the server can i adjust to increase the recording quality ?
    From above, it flows that, there are no configurations on the server that can make your quality grow. The configurations are more to do with delivery. It can be tweaked to improve streaming, reduce latency, quick start and more.
    - is there a way to cache locally the stream if the bandwith is not high enough, and when the user stops recording, upload it to the server (it doesn't have to be live or broadcast).
    I don't think flash player can do this.
    Thank you !

  • Webcam problem pavilion dv6

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    Hi @Madwho,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forum!
    I understand that you are having webcam problems. I am happy to help you, but it would be best to get the full product number and OS version. Please read the following documents if you need help in finding those.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit?
    See the following pages I have found that should assist you with this problem. I am including some pages on several possible problems to try to cover most of the bases as I do not know your OS and full computer. Hopefully one of these shots will hit the basket.
    Webcam Troubleshooting (Windows 8)
    Webcam Troubleshooting (Windows 7)
    Fixing Webcam After Changing the Operating System
    Webcam Drivers
    YouCam Quick Setup
    Using CyberLink YouCam to Capture Videos and Pictures, using the Webcam (Windows 8)
    Testing a Webcam Using YouCam
    Please let me know if this helped at all or if you need more. If you do please post any results or error messages you had, plus the product number and OS versions as I mentioned in the beginning.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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