Catching Java exceptions

Could someone please assist with the following:
I have a class which calls a few internal/external methods which perform Oracle database lookups. These methods all throw SQLExceptions which I catch in the calling class.
I only have one 'catch' for the SQLException in my calling class. Is there a way to uniquely identify which method raised the SQLException within this 'catch' which will allow a meaningful error message to be written to a report.
Thank-you in advance

you may use some variables to log what is going on. Like a String in that you write the method you are calling next line. you can access that String in the catch block.

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    CSI Piemonte - Unione Sovietica 216 - 10134 Torino - ITALY
    tel. +39-011-3168736
    fax +39-011-3168212
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    I am trying to get Forte to communicate with Orbix (not the web
    version) via IIOP. Right now I am trying to set up an Orbix C++
    server with Forte being the client. Eventually I will need to
    communicate the other way (Forte being the server -- I need to do
    both). Right now I cannot get Forte to connect to the server. Any
    suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Dale Boan
    I am running Forte on an NT machine and the Orbix server under HP-UX.
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    shows up in the partition GUI).Which version of Orbix are you using? I believe 2.3c is required. At least I
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    - Coty

  • RE:Can Forte' IIOP Client catch Java exceptions?

    you can't have nested classes !!!
    Fort&eacute; does not handle them yet...
    try something like this :
    module querye
    exception MiaSQLException
    string error;
    interface QueryClass
    string EseguiQuery(in string query_string) raises
    Get Your Private, Free Email at
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    I am trying to get Forte to communicate with Orbix (not the web
    version) via IIOP. Right now I am trying to set up an Orbix C++
    server with Forte being the client. Eventually I will need to
    communicate the other way (Forte being the server -- I need to do
    both). Right now I cannot get Forte to connect to the server. Any
    suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Dale Boan
    I am running Forte on an NT machine and the Orbix server under HP-UX.
    Under NT, I am using Forte 3.0.F.2 with IIOP enabled (I think - it
    shows up in the partition GUI).Which version of Orbix are you using? I believe 2.3c is required. At least I
    know that Forte has successfully called Orbix services using 2.3c.
    - Coty

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           String s = null;
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    NullPointerException , IOException ....all are subclasses of the base class Exception, so catch(Exception) will catch any exception in the current thread. So modify ur code a bit
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          new Thread()
         public void run()
           String s = null;
              //NullPointerException is thrown here
    catch (Exception ex)
          System.err.println("This is not called");

  • Why do I need to catch this exception?

    Hello all
    This is a question about exception handling. I have to build a diary application that lets you save reminders on particular dates using xml. Just to make it a little tougher, I was not allowed to use the Calendar class. This is the code I wrote:
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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*; 
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
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    public class CalendarAssignment extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         int MonthLength [] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
         public JButton [] days = new JButton[43];
         private JLabel lbl, reminderlbl;
         private JPanel top, grid, remindercenter, reminderbottom;
         private JFrame reminderframe;
         private JTextField year1, reminderinput, dayno;
         private JComboBox months;
         private Container container;
         private JButton fetch, save, cancel;
         private Document doc;
         private File file;
         private Node node;
         private String year, month, day;
              public static void main( String[] args ) {
                   CalendarAssignment c = new CalendarAssignment( );
                   c.setSize( 400, 300 );
                   c.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              public CalendarAssignment( ) {
                   int CurrentYear, CurrentMonth;
                   String YearString, MonthString, Now;
                   Date today;
                   container = getContentPane( );
                   container.setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) );
                   SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter;
                   DateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM.yyyy" );
                   today = new Date( );
                   Now = DateFormatter.format( today );
                   MonthString = Now.substring( 0,2 );
                   YearString = Now.substring( 3,7 );
                   CurrentMonth = Integer.valueOf( MonthString );
                   CurrentYear = Integer.valueOf( YearString );
                   top = new JPanel( );
                        String [] items = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
                                      "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
                                      "December" };
                        months = new JComboBox( items );
                        months.setEditable( false );
                        months.setSelectedIndex( CurrentMonth - 1 );          
                        year1 = new JTextField( );
                        year1.setText( YearString );
                        year1.setEditable( true );
                        year1.setHorizontalAlignment( year1.CENTER );
                        fetch = new JButton( "Fetch Month" );
                        fetch.addActionListener( this );
                        top.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 3, 20, 0 ) );
                        top.add( months );
                        top.add( year1 );
                        top.add( fetch );
                   grid = new JPanel( );
                        grid.setLayout( new GridLayout( 7, 7, 0, 0 ) );
                        String [] week = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
                        for ( int a = 0; a < 7; a ++ ) {
                                  JLabel lbl = new JLabel( week[a], JLabel.CENTER );
                                  grid.add( lbl );
                        for ( int i = 0; i < 42; i ++ ) {
                                  days[i] = new JButton( );
                                  grid.add( days[i] );
                                  days.addActionListener( this );
                        DrawCalendar( CurrentMonth, CurrentYear );
                        container.add( top, BorderLayout.NORTH );
                        container.add( grid, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              private void DrawCalendar( int SelectMonth, int SelectYear ) {
                        int DisplayMonthLength, Buttons;
                        String ButtonID = "";
                        int OffSet = MonthStart( SelectMonth, SelectYear );
                        DisplayMonthLength = MonthLength [SelectMonth - 1];
                        if ( SelectMonth == 2 )
                             DisplayMonthLength += LeapYear( SelectYear );
                        for ( Buttons = 1; Buttons < 43; Buttons ++ ) {
                             if ( ( Buttons <= OffSet ) || ( Buttons > ( DisplayMonthLength + OffSet ) ) ) {
                                  ButtonID = "";
                                  days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( false );
                             else {
                                  ButtonID = Integer.toString( Buttons - OffSet );
                                  days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( true );
                        days[Buttons-1].setLabel( ButtonID );
                        grid.add( days[Buttons-1] );
              private int LeapYear( int year ) {
                        int FourHundred, OneHundred, Fourth;
                        FourHundred = year % 400;
                        OneHundred = year % 100;
                        Fourth = year % 4;
                        if( ( ( FourHundred == 0 ) ) || ( ( OneHundred != 0 ) && ( Fourth == 0 ) ) )
                             return ( 1 );
                             return ( 0 );
              private int MonthStart( int Month, int Year ) {
                        int OffSet, LastMonths, BeforeOrAfter, Years;
                        int AllDays = 0;
                        int YearDays = 365;
                        int YearMonths = 12;
                        BeforeOrAfter = Year - 2006;
                        Years = abs( BeforeOrAfter );
                        if( BeforeOrAfter != 0 )
                             BeforeOrAfter = BeforeOrAfter / Years;
                        switch( BeforeOrAfter ) {
                             case 1:
                                  for( int a = 2006; a < Year; a ++ ) {
                                       AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                                  AllDays += LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year );
                             case -1:
                                  for( int a = 2005; a > Year; a -- ) {
                                       AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                                  for( LastMonths = YearMonths; LastMonths >= Month; LastMonths -- ) {
                                       AllDays += MonthLength[LastMonths - 1];
                                       if( LastMonths == 2 )
                                            AllDays += LeapYear( Year );
                                  if( Month > 1 )
                                       AllDays += ( LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year ) );
                        OffSet = AllDays % 7;
                        if( BeforeOrAfter ==( -1 ) )
                             return( 6 - OffSet );
                        else if( OffSet > 0 )
                             return( OffSet - 1 );
                             return( 6 );
              private int LastMonthsCalc( int Month, int Year ) {
                        int Counter;
                        int days = 0;
                        for( Counter = 1; Counter < Month; Counter ++ ) {
                             days += MonthLength[Counter - 1];
                             if( Counter == 2 )
                                  days += LeapYear( Year );
                        return( days );
              public void CreateReminder( String buttonID, String yearID, String monthID ) {
                        reminderframe = new JFrame( );
                        reminderlbl = new JLabel( );
                        reminderframe.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                        remindercenter = new JPanel( );
                             reminderlbl = new JLabel( "Please type in reminder to be saved for " + buttonID + " " + monthID + " " + yearID + ":", JLabel.CENTER );
                             reminderinput = new JTextField( 30 );
                             reminderinput.setHorizontalAlignment( reminderinput.CENTER );
                             reminderinput.setEditable( true );
                             remindercenter.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                             remindercenter.add( reminderlbl );
                             remindercenter.add( reminderinput );
                        reminderbottom = new JPanel( );
                             save = new JButton( "Save" );
                             save.addActionListener( this );
                             cancel = new JButton( "Cancel" );
                             cancel.addActionListener( this );
                             dayno = new JTextField( buttonID );
                             dayno.setEditable( false );
                             dayno.setEnabled( false );
                    false );
                             reminderbottom.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
                             reminderbottom.add( save );
                             reminderbottom.add( cancel );
                             reminderbottom.add( dayno );
                        reminderframe.setSize( 500, 75 );
                        reminderframe.add( remindercenter );
                        reminderframe.add( reminderbottom );
                        reminderframe.pack( );
              public void SaveReminder( String dayID, String yearID, String monthID ) throws Exception {
                        file = new File( "Diary.xml" );
                        doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( ).newDocumentBuilder( ).parse( file.toURL( ).toString( ) );
                        String year = yearID;
                        String month = monthID;
                        String day = dayID;
                        //System.out.println( year );
                        //System.out.println( month );
                        //System.out.println( day );
                        CreateEntry( doc.getDocumentElement( ) );
                        writeXmlFile( );
              public boolean CreateEntry( Node node ) {
                        Node searchNode;
                        searchNode = getYear( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Year" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", year );
                        node = searchNode;
                        searchNode = getMonth( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Month" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", month );
                        node = searchNode;
                        searchNode = getDay( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Day" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", day );
                        node = searchNode;
                        String entry = reminderinput.getText( );
                        Node textNode = doc.createTextNode( entry );
                        node.appendChild( textNode );
                        return true;
              private Node getYear( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if(node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Year" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == year )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private Node getMonth( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Month" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == month )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private Node getDay( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Day" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == day )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private void writeXmlFile( ) throws Exception {
                   Source source = new DOMSource( doc );
                        Result result = new StreamResult( file );
                   Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance( ).newTransformer( );
                   xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT,"yes" );
                   xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,"Diary.dtd" );
                   xformer.transform( source, result );
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                        String IDButton = e.getActionCommand( );
                        String IDYear = year1.getText( );
                        Object IDMonthObj = months.getSelectedItem( );
                        if( e.getSource( ) == fetch ) {
                             String YearText = year1.getText( );
                             int YearNumber = Integer.valueOf( YearText );
                             int MonthsIndex = months.getSelectedIndex( ) + 1;
                             DrawCalendar( MonthsIndex, YearNumber );
                        else if( e.getSource( ) == cancel ) {
                             reminderframe.hide( );
                        else if( e.getSource( ) == save ) {
                             String IDDay = dayno.getText( );
                             String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                             SaveReminder( IDDay, IDYear, IDMonth );
                        else {
                             String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                             Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).beep( );
                             int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "Set reminder on this date?", "Question", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );
                             if( n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) {
                                  CreateReminder( IDButton, IDYear, IDMonth );
    If you compile it, you will realise that I get an error about exception handling. My lecturer gave me an example code of how to do the same thing without using a GUI:
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    public class CallDOM
         Document doc;
         File file;
         Scanner input;
         int year, month, day;
         String currentYear, currentMonth;
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              CallDOM cd=new CallDOM();          
         CallDOM() throws Exception
              file=new File("Diary.xml");
              //create DOM from file
              doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(file.toURL().toString());
              input=new Scanner(;
              System.out.println("1) Create entry");
              System.out.println("2) Read entry");
              System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
              System.out.println("4) Quit");
              int choice=input.nextInt();
                        case 1: GetDate();CreateEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                        case 2: GetDate();ReadEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                        case 3: ShowDiary(doc.getDocumentElement());
                   System.out.println("1) Create entry");
                   System.out.println("2) Read entry");
                   System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
                   System.out.println("4) Quit");
         public void GetDate()
              System.out.println("Enter date (dd mm yyyy)");
         public boolean ReadEntry(Node node)
              node = getYear(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = getMonth(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = getDay(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = node.getFirstChild();
              return true;               
         public boolean CreateEntry(Node node)
              Node searchNode;
              searchNode = getYear(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Year");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              searchNode = getMonth(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Month");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              searchNode = getDay(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Day");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              System.out.println("Enter Text");
              Node textNode = doc.createTextNode(entry);
              return true;               
         public void ShowDiary(Node node)
              Stack<Node> stack=new Stack<Node>();
              Node child;
                   node = stack.pop();
                        child = node.getLastChild();
                             child = child.getPreviousSibling();
         private boolean ProcessNode(Node node)
                                            currentMonth+"/"+currentYear+": ");
                   return false;
              return true;               
         private Node getYear(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==year)
                             return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private Node getMonth(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==month)
                        return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private Node getDay(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==day)
                        return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private void writeXmlFile() throws Exception
            Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
            Result result = new StreamResult(file);
            Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
            xformer.transform(source, result);
    }My question is, why does the exceptions in the example code not need to be caught? And why do I have to catch the exceptions in my code? Several exceptions are thrown in the example code, but there is no catch statement.
    Thanks for any advice!!

    Since your question didn't come with any relevant details, and since you have huge steaming piles of irrelevant code, all I can give is a general answer to "Why do I need to catch this exception?"
    [url]Exception tutorial at
    Here's a quick overview of exceptions:
    The base class for all exceptions is Throwable. Java provides Exception and Error that extend Throwable. RuntimeException (and many others) extend Exception.
    RuntimeException and its descendants, and Error and its descendants, are called unchecked exceptions. Everything else is a checked exception.
    If your method, or any method it calls, can throw a checked exception, then your method must either catch that exception, or declare that your method throws that exception. This way, when I call your method, I know at compile time what can possibly go wrong and I can decide whether to handle it or just bubble it up to my caller. Catching a given exception also catches all that exception's descendants. Declaring that you throw a given exception means that you might throw that exception or any of its descendants.
    Unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException, Error, and their descendants) are not subject to those restrictions. Any method can throw any unchecked exception at any time without declaring it. This is because unchecked exceptions are either the sign of a coding error (RuntimeException), which is totally preventable and should be fixed rather than handled by the code that encounters it, or a problem in the VM, which in general can not be predicted or handled.

  • "ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception

    Dear Oracle:
    I am trying to establish an HTTPS connection from a Java stored
    procedure that is wrapped in a PL/SQL procedure and loaded into a
    Package. We are running on Oracle 8.1.7.
    My Java code compiles and runs fine when run stand-alone outside
    Oracle; I can establish the connection to a secure server and talk to
    the server. However when I load this Java class (using the loadjava
    utility) this class can no longer run and I get a the following
    "ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: SSL handshake failed:
    I have tried loading the JSSE from Sun and I still get the same error.
    Searching in the Discussing Forums I found the following link (which
    describes a procedure that logs into the UPS secure server site and
    grabs some XML) .
    This code works ok if we try to connect to UPS server. However this
    code doesn't work if we try to log in to a different server (such as
    ???). If I modify this code slightly and try to log to any other
    sever server I get the same error as the one above. Investigation
    lead us to understand that the certificate at the UPS web site is a
    self-signed certificate -- not one generated by a major 'recognized'
    authority such as Verisign or Thawte.
    Further research pointed me to the following URL
    This URL has the documentation for JAVA SSL for 8.1.6 which I figure
    I could read and try to make it work in 8.1.7.
    I looked at your Secure Hello World example, however the code is
    missing the most critical parts of the whole example, it does not
    specify where the certificate or any of the security settings come
    from (see the attached JavaCertExample.txt file).
    So, my questions are the following:
    1) What should I do to avoid the error mentioned above?
    2) Do you have a sample piece of code that describes how to make a
    HTTPS connection using a Java stored procedure?
    3) Can I make the HTTPS connection using a URL class and not using
    sockets directly?
    4) Do I need to load the JSEE provided by Sun?
    5) Will the solution be different for Oracle 9i?
    import java.util.*;
    public class SecureHelloClient
    public static void main(String argv[])
    String hostName = "localhost";
    if(argv.length != 0)
    String hostName = argv[0];
    // Set the SSLSocketFactoryImpl class as follows:
    java.util.Properties prop = System.getProperties();
    // Get the default socket factory
    OracleSSLSocketFactory sSocFactory
    = (OracleSSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
    OracleSSLCredential sslCredObj = new OracleSSLCredential();
    // Where did these values come from? caCert, userCert, trustedCert,
    // Set the certificate chain and private key if the
    // server requires client authentication
    sslCredObj.setPrivateKey(userPvtKey, userPassword)
    // Populate credential object
    // Create the socket using factory
    SSLSocket jsslSoc =
    (SSLSocket)sSocFactory.createSocket(hostName, 8443);
    String [] ciphers = jsslSoc.getSupportedCipherSuites() ;
    // Select the ciphers you want and put them.
    // Here we will put all availabel ciphers
    // We are creating socket in client mode
    // Do SSL handshake
    // Print negotiated cipher
    System.out.println("Negotiated Cipher Suite: "
    X509Certificate[] peerCerts
    = ((;
    if (peerCerts != null)
    System.out.println("Printing server information:");
    for(int i =0; i ? peerCerts.length; i++)
    System.out.println("Peer Certificate ["+i+"] Information:");
    System.out.println("- Subject: " + peerCerts.getSubjectDN().getName());
    System.out.println("- Issuer: " + peerCerts[i].getIssuerDN().getName());
    System.out.println("- Version: " + peerCerts[i].getVersion());
    System.out.println("- Start Time: " + peerCerts[i].getNotBefore().toString());
    System.out.println("- End Time: " + peerCerts[i].getNotAfter().toString());
    System.out.println("- Signature Algorithm: " + peerCerts[i].getSigAlgName());
    System.out.println("- Serial Number: " + peerCerts[i].getSerialNumber());
    System.out.println("Failed to get peer certificates");
    // Now do data exchange with client
    OutputStream out = jsslSoc.getOutputStream();
    InputStream in = jsslSoc.getInputStream();
    String inputLine, outputLine;
    byte [] msg = new byte[1024];
    outputLine = "HELLO";
    int readLen =, 0, msg.length);
    if(readLen > 0)
    inputLine = new String(msg, 0, readLen);
    System.out.println("Server Message:");
    System.out.println(inputLine );
    System.out.println("Can't read data from client");
    // Close all sockets and streams
    catch(SSLException e)
    System.out.println("SSL exception caught:");
    catch(IOException e)
    System.out.println("IO exception caught:");
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Exception caught:");

    I have the same problem.
    Is some ORACLE guru that can help us ?
    We need to communicate with some servlet
    via POST method of https (SSL3)
    and with using private certificate on the client site.
    We need furthermore allow using of some proxy.
    Client site is realized as set of stored procedures within ORACLE 8.1.7
    In this time I am able to communicate with server without SSL and certificate
    using package utl_tcp
    (but with this solution without certificate is our customer not satisfied -:))
    ORACLE help us please !
    Pavel Pospisil
    [email protected]

  • Best Practice: JavaFX pattern for "Catching all Exceptions"

    what is on the current JavaFX Standard the best way to catch all Exceptions (centralized) within my JavaFX application...
    I read thread outside this Oracle Forum who recommend following:
    1. Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyExceptionHandler());
    --> catch all runtime exceptions
    --> Implementing some source code who wrap the current GUI thread...
    3. I read something like:
    "JavaFX exception handling is almost identical to that in Java, apart from the fact that checked exceptions are handled in the same way as unchecked exceptions. This is good news for most Java programmers moving to JavaFX because you are no longer obliged to catch and handle exceptions."
    Sounds very good! But where/how can I do this ???
    Edited by: wschele on 19.02.2013 04:58
    Edited by: wschele on 19.02.2013 05:16

    No recommendation whats the best way to do it?
    Catching each Exception in different layers is boring ! :-(

  • How to get details about Exception catched in Exception branch of the Block

    Hello Experts,
    Is it possible to get details about Exception catched in Exception branch of the Block in Integration Process (BPM)?
    In the Exception branch System Error is catched, but from time to time different type of System Errors are happening during sync call to WebService - Connection Timeout, Connection Refused, UnknownHost, etc.
    So the task is somehow to map the type of System Error to the response. I was trying to create a mapping using as source the message which is coming from the Adapter after the sync call, but the mapping is failing with "No Source Payload" error.
    Maybe the description is somewhere in Header or Dynamic configuration?
    Or it is possible to access it somehow with JAVA-maping?
    Thanks for your help!

          the message from the exception can be utilized by using alerts(in order to mail,sms r fax). but otherwise its not possible using mappings or container.
    check this link for alert configuration.

  • Catching an exception in an JSF page

    I have made the following example:
    In my jsf page I have:
    <a4j:commandButton id="save" action="#{}"
    reRender="attributes" />
    <h:outputLabel value="Save" for="save" />
    <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td> If exception occurs add extra buttons here for more actions
    <td><ui:include src="/attributes.xhtml">
    <ui:param name="parent" value="#{settings}" />
    public void save() throws exception
    catch(Exception e)
    // catch the exception here and send it back to the jsf page????
    I want to be able to catch the exception when it occurs in my jsf page. If the exception arrises I want to add some extra buttons.
    Any ideas how to resolve this?
    Thanks in advance

    JSF does not work like JSP, even when using JSP with JSF, in that the execution is decoupled from the page being processed. So you cannot catch exceptions in JSF views.
    Assuming I have sufficiently confused you now, let me give you some ideas as to how to handle your situation. The usual way this is handled is to register a message when an exception occurs which are then displayed by <h:messages> or <h:message> components.
    However, this does not appear to be suitable for your purpose as you require specialized output when the exception occurs. So you could store a flag (or even the exception itself) in a backing bean and use the rendered property of all components to conditionally display your buttons. BUT you will need to take care that the dynamic value of the rendered property will be the same on the subsequent request or the actions for the buttons will not be queued.

  • Catching an exception (help)!!!

    Hi everyone, the problem i have is when the user enters a number that is out of bounds (higher or lower than the excepted values it should prompt the program to write to the screen "out of range, try again" or something along those lines.
    However, it instead just prints "error - program terminated" which is the message that should be printed when there is a different problem within the program.
    Can anyone help me get the program to print the correct messages, you can see what i mean from the code:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class FlatCost { 
        ArrayList floors = new ArrayList();
        public FlatCost(String filename)  {   
            try    {     
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                int floor;
                int rooms;     
                String another = "y";     
                while(another.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))      {
                    System.out.print("\nEnter floor number (0 for ground): ");
                    floor = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());      
                    if(floor < 0 || floor > floors.size())        {
                    System.out.println("floor out of range, try again");       
                else        {
                    System.out.print("\nEnter no. rooms: ");
                    rooms = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());         
                    if(rooms < 0 || rooms > ((String[])floors.get(floor)).length)          {
                        System.out.println("rooms out of range, try again");         
                    else          {
                        System.out.println("\nThe cost of a "+rooms+"-room flat on floor "+floor+" is "+                                  
                        ((String[])floors.get(floor))[rooms+1]+" per month");
                        System.out.print("\nAnother? (y/n): ");
                        another = in.readLine();         
            catch(Exception e){
                System.out.println("error - program terminated");
    public void readDataFromFile(String filename)throws Exception {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    String line = "";
    while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
    floors.add(line.split(" "));
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException{
    new FlatCost(args[0]);
    }any help is appreciated
    Sarah x

    I barely know where to begin.
    Start by printing out the stack trace when you catch an exception. That'll give you more information than the message you're printing out. You know the program is terminating - you need to know why.
    You're writing in a VERY procedural style. There's little or nothing object-oriented about what you're doing.
    You've got a bunch of stuff in that constructor that really doesn't belong there. You shouldn't have code to continuously ask a client for a floor and room number in a constructor. That really belongs in an application that drives the object, like the main method that you wrote.
    Your FlatCost can read in a file that contains floor/room/price information, but if I were writing the application I'd read it in and store it in the ArrayList as you've done. Then I'd have a getCost() method that would take floor and room count as parameters and return the total cost.
    Learning how to program is learning how to debug. I'd rewrite things a little bit and put System.out.println() statements into the code to narrow down exactly where the error was occurring and why. It won't take you long to figure it out. You don't even need a fancy debugger or IDE.

  • Catching an exception thrown from another thread

    I have a SocketServer that creates new threads to handle incoming clients. If one of the threads throw a SQLException is it possible to catch that exception in the SocketServer that created that thread.
    I tried implementing this code and I cannot get the server to catch an exception thrown in the thread. Are my assumptions correct?
    I was reading something about Thread Groups and implementing an uncoughtException() method, but this looked like overkill.
    Thanks for your time!
    Some Example code would be the following where the ClientThread will do a database query which could cause an SQLException. I'd like to catch that exception in my Socket Server
                 new ClientThread( socketServer.accept() , host, connection ).start();
          catch( SQLException e )
                 System.out.println( "DataSource Connection Problem" );

    hehe, why?
    The server's job is to listen for an incoming message from a client and pass it off to a thread to handle the client. Otherwise the server will have to block on that incoming port untill it has finished handling the client and usually there are many incoming clients continuously.
    The reason I would want to catch an exception in the server based on the SQLException thrown in the thread is because the SQLException is usually going to be due to the fact the datasource connection has become unavalable, or needs to be refreshed. This datasource connection is a private variable stored in the socket server. The SocketServer now needs to know that it has to refresh that datasource connection. I would normally try to use somesort of flag to set the variable but to throw another wrench into my dilemma, the SocketServer is actually its own thread. So I can't make any of these variables static, which means I can't have the thread call a method on teh socket server to change the status flag. :)
    I guess I need implement some sort of Listener that the thread can notify when a datasource connection goes down?
    Thanks for the help so far, I figured java would not want one thread to catch another thread's exceptions, but I just wanted to make sure.

  • Write and read txt files and catch the exceptions

    hey everyone, im in a bit of a bind. im trying to set up this try catch statement. here is what i have for code so far.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Warning
        //   Reads student data (name, semester hours, quality points) from a
        //   text file, computes the GPA, then writes data to another file
        //   if the student is placed on academic warning.
        public static void main (String[] args)
         int creditHrs;         // number of semester hours earned
         double qualityPts;     // number of quality points earned
         double gpa;            // grade point (quality point) average
         String line, name, inputName = "students.dat";
         String outputName = "warning.dat";
              Scanner FileScan1 = new Scanner (new File("students.dat"));
              // Set up scanner to input file
              // Set up the output file stream
              // Print a header to the output file
              outFile.println ();
              outFile.println ("Students on Academic Warning");
              outFile.println ();
              // Process the input file, one token at a time
              while (FileScan1.hasNext())//there is another line...
                  {               // Get the credit hours and quality points and
                   // determine if the student is on warning. If so,
                   // write the student data to the output file.
              // Close output file
         catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println ("The file " + inputName + " was not found.");
         catch (IOException exception)
              System.out.println (exception);
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
              System.out.println ("Format error in input file: " + e);
    }I am pretty sure the layout is good to go, but first and foremost that try statement is hanging me up. Could someone give me some suggestions about how i should set this up.
    i want to read in this students.dat file, then output another file called warning.dat.
    Thanks i really appreicate the help.

    no, i was really hoping to just see if the way it is
    set up it will be doable, that way i wouldn't be
    working on code that was impossiable to sort through
    properlyFair enough.
    One thing I'd suggest is that if you're really basically only going to be printing the exceptions, and since that is the top-level method (main) --
    I'd instead just add some "throws" clauses to main, get rid of the try/catch stuff, and just let the VM handle the exceptions for you. It will print them, just like you're doing, except that it will also print the stack traces, which you are not doing.
    If you're going to handle exceptions, it's better to actually do something about them rather than just print them - otherwise you might just as well let the runtime do that for you.

  • FRM-92100 Java Exception (jacob)

    I'm using Jacob to load specific parts of Office documents into an Oracle database. This works successfully in 99.9% of cases although some users experience intermittent problems which can't be pinned down to a particilar office document and appear to be totally random. The error message indicates that the exception occurs when trying to close the Word session down.
    The error message is as follows:
    FRM-92100: Your connection to the Server was interrupted.
    Java Exception: A COM exception has been encountered:
    At invoke of: Quit
    Description: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
    I have seen several references to the 92100 catch all error code but none that tie in with this description.
    Could anyone point me in the right direction as to what's causing this error? My first assumption would be the RAM available on the users PC at time of transfer but can't pin this down.
    Many thanks.

    I think that fix for bug 5375851 has resolved the problem mentioned and hence this shall be of help.
    Message was edited by:

  • Advantage of Java Exceptions over C error handling.

    I understand the advantages of Java Exception handling(as against C) when it comes to the ability to define exclusive Exception types or reuse exceptions, documentation benefits of the throws clause, advantages due to OO etc. But some people say that using exceptions in Java it is possible to recover from an exceptional condition and that's an advantage over how errors are dealt in C.
    Is that really an advantage? (I mean is that true?)AFAIK in C errors can be handled using perror or errno.h. For every error code generated there seems to be a description. And by checking the return values from functions we could see if there had been an exceptional condition and if there really had been one take appropriate action and recover from the error. So how is it that Java can recover from exceptions while in C it is not possible to recover from errors?
    Thank you very much.

    I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
    Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
    Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
    The sands of time for me are running low
    When the priest comes to read me the last rites
    I take a look through the bars at the last sights
    Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
    Can it be there's some sort of error
    Hard to stop the surmounting terror
    Is it really the end not some crazy dream
    Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
    It's not so easy to stop from screaming
    But words escape me when I try to speak
    Tears they flow but why am I crying
    After all I am not afraid of dying
    Don't believe that there is never an end
    As the guards march me out to the courtyard
    Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
    If there's a God then why has he let me die?
    As I walk all my life drifts before me
    And though the end is near I'm not sorry
    Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away
    Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
    Please don't worry now that I have gone
    I've gone beyond to see the truth
    When you know that your time is close at hand
    maybe then you'll begin to understand
    Life down there is just a strange illusion.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hallowed be thy name
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hallowed be thy name

Maybe you are looking for

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