Caution: Mail group send shows all contacts!!!

Beware: Behaviour change in the current version of Mail (OSX 10.9.2)
Mail exposes smart group recipients to ALL other recipients. This has proved very embarrassing and rather unacceptable that this behaviour has changed.
This in my opinion is one of the worst software errors APPLE has made in my 20 years usage as it has trashed the privacy of my group.

I can't replicate what you are seeing.
I start a new email, start to type the first letters of the group name (on the To: line) and the field populates with the group name only, no addressees are shown. (To, CC and BCC behave identically here). See below
I get identical behaviour if I open Contacts, ctl-click on the group name and select 'Send Email' from the menu.
In Mail>Preferences>Composing: how is this set?
This behaviour predates 10.9 by some time, (at least for me)

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    I know. That's one of the possibilities I was considering, and the right way to solve that problem would be to have a card for each member of the family, i.e. if each member of the family has his/her own email, he/she should have his/her own card as well.
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    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

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    Select them all, drag to the BCC line in a new e-mail. Don't put them on the To or CC line or some, at least, of your contacts will be peeved to see their address being sent out to a bunch of people they don't know. (I'm sure that not everyone in your address book knows everyone else.)
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    What Kind of email account is it.
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    Now if you are using like a SBC-Global,, Bellsouth, Anything that is a POP3 Account it will only download new message and not past ones.

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    Many thanks

    Hi Eric
    Thanks for looking over my setup and allaying my concerns
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    Thanks again.

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    Thank You, thank You much......that feature made me crazy!  
    Ocean20 wrote:
    This can be turned off in settings/accessibility/zoom. Then on the next screen turn off

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    so my bet is :
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    you have to either use the Motorola PC suite to transfer your contacts t your PC, or putthe SIM back on the Motorola and copy the contacts from the Motorola memory tothe SIM card.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Thanks for the update. I guess it would be great if both Apple and MS come up with a solution for this issue as it is very critical. Please keep me posted if hear from them.
    I found some article in Apple support with the following details. I tried both the options and it doesn't work either. More info here
    Reindex mailboxes. To do so, quit Mail and, in the Mail folder in your home Library folder, move the Envelope Index file and any folders that begin with "Mac-", "Exchange-", or "IMAP-" to a different location, such as your desktop. When you open Mail, it reindexes all messages in local mailboxes or POP folders and re-downloads all messages from the mail server. This process can take several minutes depending on how many messages are in your mailboxes.
    For a POP account, reimport mailboxes. To do so, choose File > Import Mailboxes, and then choose "Mail for Mac OS X." In the Mail folder in your home Library folder, select the folder that begins with "POP-" (for example, [email protected]). If the problem persists, try again, this time choosing "Other" and then selecting the affected mailbox itself (for example, Library/Mail/POP- [email protected]/Inbox.mbox).
    Message was edited by: Santhosh Paramesh

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    No, but it is easy to use Applescript to make the change for you - but back up your Address Book first in case it goes wrong.
    click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">tell application "Address Book"
    repeat with ThisOne in people
    repeat with ThisPhone in phones of ThisOne
    if label of ThisPhone is "other" then
    set label of ThisPhone to "work"
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell</pre>
    (The recent upgrade to the discussions has disabled the link that allows direct opening of a script, so run Script Editor and copy in the script.)

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