CcBPM - questions

regarding my preparation of the XI developer certification exam, i have some unsolved issues.
1. can someone explain me how to use / and why use ... the correlation inside ccBPM ?
2. is it true that the receiver step should be the first step in "loop", "block" and "fork" ?
3. Container: What is the significance of the Categorytpye "Receiver" ? I allways use AbstraktInterface
Thank You very much,

<i>1. can someone explain me how to use / and why use ... the correlation inside ccBPM ?</i>
You use a correlation to assign messages that belong together to the same process instance. A correlation joins messages that have the same value for one or more XML elements. A correlation is therefore a loose coupling of messages: at design time, it enables you to define which message a receive step must wait for, without knowing the message ID.
<i>2. is it true that the receiver step should be the first step in "loop", "block" and "fork" ?</i>
Receiver step should be the first step of Integration Process. It is possible to use "loop", "block" and "fork" as first step but in that case again "receive" step should be the first step inside them.
<i>3. Container: What is the significance of the Categorytpye "Receiver" ? I allways use AbstraktInterface</i>
Receiver : For a receiver list that is determined from a receiver determination step, and which can be used in a send step.
<i>[Reward if helpful]</i>

Similar Messages

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    Now I have created a scenario Source_sys -> ccPBM -> Target_sys. But, what if you define condition based interface determination and receiver determination in the ccBPM? Is it necessary to have routed ccBPM -> Target_sys?
    Thanx, Peter

    <i>But, what if you define condition based interface determination and receiver determination in the ccBPM?</i>
    If the conditions are met(data level routing - not at interface level), the message reaches that target system else it won't.
    But what exactly you would like to do..? Can u elabote more on your requirement.
    Siva Maranani.

  • CcBPM question

    Hi all,
    I have ccBPM scenario.
    Sender sends a request to XI. XI sends the request to a webservice and the webservice response with an answer. The answer is then send to a receiver.
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    How is this done in a ccBPM scenario?

    I would like to concat the request from the sender into the answer that is send to a receiver.
    If by Concat your mean to use data from sender request and webservice response then you can do it by using transformation step.
    You can create a mapping (Sender request and webservice response as source and one another structure that you want to send other receiver) and then use this mapping (interface mapping) in a transformation step in ccBPM.
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Comprehensible question regarding the usage of a ccBPM in SAP PI 7.31

    Hello experts,
    I have got basic question about the useage of ccBPM in PI 7.31 double Stack. I haven't  created any ccBPM before so the whole set up process is new for me. We are currently using several ccBPM already which where created by our colleagues.
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    So can this whole process can be realised using ccBPM, so that after the trigger report is called the rest of the process is handled within the pi? The process checkStatus needs to be called within a loop and at the end the generated File should be stored on the file system.
    Thanks in advance for clearing my thoughts on this problem guys!

    Hello Christian,
    is this a 1-1 correlation? So you have just one sender system and one target system? It might be better then to implement the flow in your sender system and only call single interfaces on PI. While it is technically possible to do everything in PI there is no real added value to do so. BPM is most benefitial when you need to aggregate information from different sources and when the process contains decisions that lead to alternative process steps.

  • Very High-Level Question on Approach (PI ccBPM or CE7.1?)

    All -
    I have a very high-level question. I am not current on what would be the appropriate tool for my scenario.
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    Thank you for your time...

    Hi Eric,
    It would be more elegant , if you can classify this orders logically and provide two user interfaces one for each type.
    But coming back to your question , if you are planning to implement the process in BPM , you could utilize the capabilities of BRM for this purpose . BRM comes with CE 7.1 and works in conjunction with BPM.
    [BRM Help|]
    Once you want a complete roll out , you can remove the BRM  decision making.Logically this would solve the purpose. ccBPM is not really positioned for this approach. It can be used when you need to interact with multiple systems using different protocols.
    Caveat : The use of BPM will restrict your UI to WebDynpro Java (atleast for now). The whole process needs to be built around webservices or RFCs.

  • Questions n general

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    Thanks in advance.

    1. Since I only have one modem, one account, etc I would set the AEX using WDS, right?
    2. I believe I read somewhere that WDS ?halves? the connection speed of ALL devices on the network?
    Yes each WDS link cuts the available wireless bandwidth in half.
    3. I don't want the AEX on all the time for both power draw reasons and longevity (as well as minimzing any performance impacts from WDS when not in use). Are there any problems with keeping it plugged into a power strip and turning it off when not in use? This is obviously the same as just unplugging it, so I was curious if it "tends not to do well" in those situations or if it could care less.
    Shouldn't cause a big problem.
    4. AEX as a portable wireless station means I could be in a hotel, plug an ethernet cable into the AEX, configure the AEX to be a base station then I'd have wireless in my room?
    Yes. The AirPort Express (AX) doesn't know if it is at home or in a hotel. The setup and operation is the same.

  • CcBPM - Can't restart message in SWF_XI_SWPR - No payload found

    I can't retart the workflow in SWF_XI_SWFR due to this error:
    Error Diagnosis for Work item:
    Component MAPPING has reported an error
    Unmodeled exception when executing service for node 0000000013
    Error when executing service for node 0000000013
    Error during result processing of work item 000013963446
    No payload found
    Error: The   exception occurred (program: CL_MERGE_SPLIT_SERVICE========CP .............
    Unable to start subflow (ID: 000013963445, node: 0000000001)
    Unable to start subflow (ID: 000013963445, node: 0000000001)
    This scenario is running in our production environment and has done it for a long time. We are receiving bundles of this messages several times a day. Now this bundles is either processed with success or errors. Have seen this problem for the last 7 days.
    More LOG info:
    Workflow Log:
      13963445 1 OIOInvoiceToContentServer http://pdk/xi/OIOI  Workflow started
      13963446 4 Start Message: Receive OIO Invoice
    Workflow step : Start Message: Receive OIO Invoice:
    Waiting for event 'RECEIVED' of object type 'ZXI_PROXY_OIOXML_ASYNCH_A_0001'
    Status: Completed
    Monitor for Processed XML Messages:
    Status:   Message transferred to Process Engine
    1. How to restart those workflows(if possible).
    2. Where to find details, log files etc. that can explain the problem.
    3. How do IE and BPE communicate? User? Other setting?
    Best Regards
    Niels Færch

    Hi Joel
    My problem with mapping exists because of "No payload found".
    The design of the interface is quit simple, and not like the one mentioned in the link.
    To clearify the scenario:
    I receive one message and this is mapped to one message.
    Steps in ccBPM:
    Receive - transformation - switch - transformation1 - send1
                                                      transformation2 - send2
    I don't have any messages stucked in any queues.
    Can use this answer
    Best Regards

  • Questions in mappings

    please answer me the following questions
    1. Source message occurs 3 times, target only once what is wrong?
    2. In simple mapping – one source results in 4 identical target messages, with regarding cardinality what is the problem?
    3. What is multi-mapping? Where is it used? What are the advantages?
    4. What is the 2 visibility of container elements?
    5. Define RB_SPLIT and RB_CLASSIC, condtional Interface Determination??

    1. This is the case of n:1 transformation of mapping. It Bundles multiple messages into one message , for example indivdual PO items into one PO.
    2.This is again not a proble. This is based on you requirement. It is a case of 1:n transformation.Like Splits a message into multiple messages, for example , a PO into the individual PO Items.
    3. what is multi-mapping ? it shud be the question number 1. you have just checked the two ways to implement multimapping. the third way is n : m a message is defined by interface A is converted to message that is defined by interface B.
    The other thing you must want to know about the multi mapping is that multi mapping can only be used with ccBPM.
    Also check this link
    5.The RB_SPLIT and RB_CLASSIC interface detrmination comes into picture only for a 1:N mapping.
    Aashish SInha
    PS : Reward points if helpful

  • PI 7.31 Dual Stack Using BPM/BRM and ccBPM

    My client has decided to use SAP PI 7.31, because we have many ccBPM solutions, being used a long time, the idea is install the Dual Stack solution and keep using the ccBPM, at least for while.
    But for the new integration solutions, we would like to use the AEX(Local AEX-Based) and connect to BPM and BRM, and maybe migrate the old solutions when possible.
    Is it possible, use the both solutions( AEX/BPM/BRM and ccBPM) ? In this case, we will have all the benefits and great perfomance
    when using the AEX/BPM/BRM(Local AEX-Based) solution, that we have in the single stack ?
    Best regards,

    Hi, vishal jain.
    Thank you! Checking your link, we will probably choose the third case:
    If PI is installed as dual-stack, then PO, PI and BPM/BRM, will have to be installed with different SIDs.  PI on one SID and BPM/BRM on a different SID.
    But the question remains... in this case is possible to use ccBPM and BPM/BRM, ok ?
    And when using the BPM/BRPM, how is the performance and benefits ?
    Are the same when using single stack solution ?
    Best regards!

  • BPM question

    I am new to BPM and trying out a scenario.  I have a few questions regarding the way that BPM works.
    I understand that BPM can only work with abstract message types.  So lets say that I wanted to take an IDoc and run it through a BPM to split it into different messages and then process them in a certain order.  Does that mean that I first have to make individual maps for each message type (abstract) that I want to work with in BPM?
    To put this in another way, it seems to be the case that XI can't simply bring an outbound message into XI and stick it straight into the BPM process.  It seems as though first the outbound message must be mapped and transformed into abstract messages before it can enter the BPM.  In this case, how does the transformation step in BPM play in? 
    Could someone clear this process up for me?  I looked at a few weblogs and documents but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the process from a high level.

    Hi Ethan
    The abstract interfaces are used when Message Interface doesn't have a defined direction (it is possible to be used in both directions, outbound/inbound).
    You must create a Message Mapping for each type of message:
    1- IDOC - MT1
    2- IDOC - MT2.....
    and you must create a Interface Mapping "MultiMapping". Into BPM, a transformation step associated to this Interface Mapping "MultiMapping".
    These blogs can help you:
    Kind regards

  • Questions async-sync bridge with JMS

    Hi all
    SAP recommends using JMS rather than BPM to make async-sync bridge or sync-sync bridge. But how to use it in real life?
    For example, I have an async RFC function to call a sync SOAP function and the sync response  should be passed to a mail receiver. I know how to use BPM to achieve this scenario. But how should we use JMS or can we use JMS to do the same thing?
    Another question: If we use SAP own JMS service to make async-sync scenario, we need a sender JMS adapter and a receiver JMS adapter. Are the sender and receiver connected to the same queue in JMS or different queues?

    Hi Hui!!
    have a look in these Url's
    <b>sync/Sync Bridge in the Sender JMS Adapter</b>
    You can get some idea on these links also
    /people/sriram.vasudevan3/blog/2005/01/11/demonstrating-use-of-synchronous-asynchronous-bridge-to-integrate-synchronous-and-asynchronous-systems-using-ccbpm-in-sap-xi - Use of Synch - Asynch bridge in ccBPM [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] - Use of Synch - Asynch bridge in ccBPM
    Go thru following Weblogs:
    1.Walkthrough with BPM:- /people/krishna.moorthyp/blog/2005/06/09/walkthrough-with-bpm
    4. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    <b>Sync/Async communication in JMS adapter without BPM</b>
    this thead also
    Async/sync bridge

  • ALEAUD back to ccBPM

    I have a scenario like this
    WebService -> XI -> ccBPM (Sync-Async Bridge) -> async IDOC to R/3 -> ALEAUD -> XI -> close Bridge -> WebService Response
    R/3 sends ALEAUD back to the ccBPM.
    I'm sending an IDOC from a ccBPM to R/3 and in R/3 I'm sending the status of the posting via ALEAUD back to XI.
    XI takes the the ALEAUD IDOC which is sent via the SM59 to XI and treats it like an acknowlegement for the send step even so my BPM send step has no acknowledgment requested.
    My question is: Can I make XI not treat the ALEAUD for the BPM, e.g. configure an outbound async ALEAUD interface to XI? Or if XI treats the acknowledgement how can I get the ALEAUD IDOC data used in my ccBPM, e.g I want to map the stautus back to my web service call.

    Before I ask my questions, please note I do have a copy of the "How To Handle Acknowledgements for IDoc" How To Guide. I just need some clarification from the group.
    Here are my questions:
    1. XI will not send a positve acknowledgement/status to let the sender system know it made it to XI ok, correct?
    2. The only status that XI itself will initiate will be if there is a techncial issue with XI, correct? (Granted the Receiver system could send a positive or negative status back to Sender System) I just want to make sure that XI will not send a status back to Sender System that equates to "Triggering EDI subsystem OK" (or something like that)
    3. How does the status of an idoc get set to 12 from 03? Does that mean that I always have the program RBDMOIND configured when I am interfacing to XI in order to force the status from 03 to 12?
    4. As a norm, are those who are using XI seeing a 12 status on the Sender System IDoc Status?
    5. If a techical issue error occurs in XI, what specific error status will be sent back to the Sender System?(if at all) I am looking for an example status number of what to expect.
    6. If we are doing SAP R/3 to a partners XI system directly and that partner does not have RBDSTATE configured on their SAP R/3 environment and there is nothing else on their XI system for ALEAUD processing, I am out of luck in determining if the IDoc actually made it to their XI system, correct?
    7. The Configure Scenario 2 in the document How To Handle Acknowledgements for IDoc" How To Guide should allow us to determine "did the Idoc get to that Server" correct?
    Thanks for any feedback on this,

  • Latest XI Interview questions ?

    Hi XI Experts
       I am going  to give interview this week end and i looking forward help from
       XI family on SDN for Latest Interview questions?
       As the source(Friends) these days XI interviews are little tough ..!!!
    Awaiting for valuable responses
    Thanx and regards
    Rakesh Behera

    Going thru this will help you
    /message/1209232#1209232 [original link is broken]
    Maybe this is a good start: [original link is broken]
    This might help you
    Further, this thread deals with everything that is needed for a starter on XI. Do check them out,
    JDBC Receiver: exact SQL statement
    /message/527697#527697 [original link is broken]
    And after you are done with the documentation probably you can go through this scenario,
    JDBC Receiver: exact SQL statement
    Also check the following threads which might help you a little more,
    Learning XI
    XI 3.0 Training
    1. Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part I /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2006/12/25/aspirant-to-learn-sap-xiyou-won-the-jackpot-if-you-read-this-part-i
    2. Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part II /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2006/12/26/aspirant-to-learn-sap-xiyou-won-the-jackpot-if-you-read-this-part-ii
    3. Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part III /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2006/12/27/aspirant-to-learn-sap-xiyou-won-the-jackpot-if-you-read-this-part-iii
    and once you are through ...follow the following links to weblogs which explain all the basic scenarios in XI
    Following are the links to weblogs which will help to develop the basic scenarios.
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters - IDoc to File
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy - ABAP Proxy to File
    /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/06/01/file-to-jdbc-adapter-using-sap-xi-30 - File to JDBC
    /people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/14/file-to-r3-via-abap-proxy - File to ABAP Proxy
    /people/venkat.donela/blog/2005/03/02/introduction-to-simplefile-xi-filescenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starterspart1 - File to File Part 1
    /people/venkat.donela/blog/2005/03/03/introduction-to-simple-file-xi-filescenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starterspart2 - File to File Part 2
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/06/24/convert-any-flat-file-to-any-idoc-java-mapping - Any flat file to any Idoc
    /people/arpit.seth/blog/2005/06/27/rfc-scenario-using-bpm--starter-kit - File to RFC [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] - File to Mail
    /people/jayakrishnan.nair/blog/2005/06/20/dynamic-file-name-using-xi-30-sp12-part--i - Dynamic File Name Part 1
    /people/jayakrishnan.nair/blog/2005/06/28/dynamic-file-namexslt-mapping-with-java-enhancement-using-xi-30-sp12-part-ii - Dynamic File Name Part 2
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/03/07/mail-adapter-xi--how-to-implement-dynamic-mail-address - Dynamic Mail Address
    /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/05/25/understanding-message-flow-in-xi - Message Flow in XI
    /people/krishna.moorthyp/blog/2005/06/09/walkthrough-with-bpm - Walk through BPM
    /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/05/22/schedule-your-bpm - Schedule BPM
    /people/sriram.vasudevan3/blog/2005/01/11/demonstrating-use-of-synchronous-asynchronous-bridge-to-integrate-synchronous-and-asynchronous-systems-using-ccbpm-in-sap-xi - Use of Synch - Asynch bridge in ccBPM [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] - Use of Synch - Asynch bridge in ccBPM
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/08/22/xi-maintain-rfc-destinations-centrally - Maintain RFC destination centrally
    /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/18/triggering-e-mails-to-shared-folders-of-sap-is-u - Triggering Email from folder
    /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/08/17/outbound-idocs--work-around-using-party - Handling different partners for IDoc
    /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/27/modeling-integration-scenario146s-in-xi - Modeling Integration Scenario in XI
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/08/25/xi-sending-a-message-without-the-use-of-an-adapter-not-possible - Testing of integration process
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/05/25/xi-how-to-add-authorizations-to-repository-objects - Authorization in XI - Authorization in XI
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/09/09/xi-alerts--step-by-step - Alert Configuration
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/09/09/xi-alerts--troubleshooting-guide - Trouble shoot alert config
    /people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/09/21/executing-unix-shell-script-using-operating-system-command-in-xi - Call UNIX Shell Script
    /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/11/02/overview-of-transition-from-dev-to-qa-in-xi - Transport in XI
    /people/r.eijpe/blog/2005/11/04/using-abap-xslt-extensions-for-xi-mapping - Using ABAP XSLT Extensions for XI Mapping
    /people/prasad.ulagappan2/blog/2005/06/07/mail-adapter-scenarios-150-sap-exchange-infrastructure - Mail Adaptor options
    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/11/17/xi-controlling-access-to-sensitive-interfaces - Controlling access to Sensitive Interfaces
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/11/10/xi-the-same-filename-from-a-sender-to-a-receiver-file-adapter--sp14 - The same filename from a sender to a receiver file adapter - SP14
    /people/prasad.illapani/blog/2005/11/14/payload-based-message-search-in-xi30-using-trex-engine - Payload Based Message Search in XI30 using Trex Engine /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/11/24/xi-configuring-ccms-monitoring-for-xi-part-i - XI : Configuring CCMS Monitoring for XI- Part I
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/11/23/xi-html-e-mails-from-the-receiver-mail-adapter - XI: HTML e-mails from the receiver mail adapter
    /people/sap.user72/blog/2005/11/22/xi-faqs-provided-by-sap-updated - XI : FAQ's Provided by SAP
    Agasthuri Doss

  • SAP-XI Real time questions

    could you please provide me some real time questions on sap-xi,
    thank you

    1.  What are the Three types of XI Cache?  How are they used?
    2.  Where would you look to find Logical System in the SLD.
    ANS Business system wizard
    3.  What 2 Data Types are automatically created when the Namespace is saved in the Integration Repository?
    ANS. ExchangeFaultdata and Exchange log data.
    4   Which Development Object in SAP XI forms the "ROOT NODE" of an XML document when an XI message is generated?
    5.  Describe the setting to "Permit Importing of SAP IDOCs or BAPI/ RFCs".  Where is this configured?
    6.  What are the valid types of Message Mappings?  Which is configured with the Graphical User Interface and requires no coding?
    7.  What actions should you take if your Business System does not show when attempting to "Transfer from the SLD"?
    8. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component and Software Component Version?  Give an example.
    ANS. PRODUCT: Represents a collection of all versions of a product . In SAP environment , a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, eg 4.6c,4.6d,4.7
    COMPONENT: Represents a collection of all versions of a software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL,SAP_ABA,SAP_HR Software
    9.  Describe the Design Repository (DR) objects you created to configure a scenario.
    10.  What are the different design time components used by XI?
    11. What monitoring service does the integration server provide?
    12.  Describe the alert functionality of the runtime workbench.
    ANS Message alerting allows to set conditions for triggering Alerts. This allows notification of the correct parties for a specific classes of  errors.
    13.  In BPM, if you have async-sync bridge, does the QOS change?
    14.  What is logging/ trace? List 4 ways to enable logging/ trace?
    15.  Properties of an async message?
    16   Inbound XI message has problem, where do you look for solution?
    17.  Describe XI message format.
    18.  Describe end-to-end monitoring.  What is it?  How is it configured?  What are the different   views?
    ANS  It is a tool for monitoring end to end technical processes involving multiple components.
    to configure end to end monitoring :1. On initial screen of runtime work bench ,select configuration tab page.
    2.enter the logon data for the monitoring server.
    3.choose display.
    4.system displays the components of the correct domain and the integration server is selected as default. the other components that you want to use and configure them as sender or receiver ,or both  depending on the component type.
    6.we can select monitorin level that we want to use for each of the selected component.
    7.Choose save configuration .
              Processes overview and the instance view are the two different views
    19. Different steps to make a Sender IDOC adapter work?
    20. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems?  Give some examples...
    ANS Messaging systems to the integration engine
    21.What format can JDBC adapter communicate in?  Should you use native SQL?
    ANS. JDBC adapter converts data base content to XML messages and the other way around.
    22.If communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4 actions you could do?
    23.  How does PCK and adapter framework engine differ?
    24.  Can JDBC adapter query DB tables?  Can it insert?
    ANS. Yes
    25.  JMS adapter scenario messaging system provider needs to submit what?
    26.  List some properties of receiving IDOC adapter.
    27.  JDBC/ JMS required certain steps before they can work?
    ANS vender specific JMS driver must be deployed on to the J2EE engine using SDM
            Appropriate JDBC driver must be deployed on the system
    28.  What is ALEAUDIT with respect to IDOCS?  When will they use it?
    29.  Properties of the HTTP adapter, does it use or need a sender or receiver communications channel or agreement?
    30.  What does a RFC adapter support?
    ANS sRFCs and tRFCs
    31.  Is EOIO supported by RFC?
    ANS No
    32.  What are the advantages of using a decentralized adapter engine?
    33.  What are the different monitoring statuses?  Where do you find them?
    ANS  Different monitoring statuses are Message Monitoring, Component monitoring , performance  Analysis and Alerting and we find this in Runtime Workbench.
    34.  What adapters are not in adapter engine? code you can type in,
    ANS HTTP and IDOC adapters are not in adapterengine and we can type code in  IDOC
    A.  Which ABAP proxy, in or outbound has Which one used classes with regards to Sync/ Async what is the method call?
    36.  With an optional node what would be the cardinality?  How do you make sure the subordinate fields get mapped?
    37.  WSDL what is it?  Where do you find it in Repository?  Is it used in Java or ABAP proxy?
    38.  XI 3.0, what are the supported mapping types?
    ANS Message mapping, ABAP mapping, JAVA mapping and XSLT mapping
    39.  What are the prerequisites for importing customer defined IDOC?
    40.  What are the three IDOC transactions in XI?
    ANS  SM59, IDX1and IDX2.
    41.  Context object replace what?
    ANS  Xpath
    42.  Two things can make up a collaboration agreement, what are they?
    ANS Sender agreement and receiver agreement
    43.  What is a logical system, with respect to SLD?  Where would you assign it?
    44.  What is the sender communications channel?
    ANS specify the potential senders of messages and the technical communication path
    45.  If error during inbound or outbound binding, where do you look to solve?
    46.  URI, URL and URN what are they and what are their differences?
    47.  To perform content based (logical) routing, two places it can be done.  What are the two places?
    48.  What is an integration process?  Where is it executed?  What stake?
    49.  In a message mapping you have advanced user defined function, can you test for context changes, if yes how?
    50.  What is multi-mapping?  Where is it used?  What are the advantages?
    ANS Multimappping is any mapping that involves N messages either or source or target side   Multimapping can be used in ccBPM
             1.used to map abstract interfaces
             2. Development is same as message mappings.
             3.n:1 transformation
             4.1:n transformation
             5. n:m transformation
    51.  What are the two XSLT tags, previously that could not be used in XI?
    52.  Using a simple user defined function how can you send trace information to be monitored?
    53.  What is function "exists" in message mapping?
    ANS We can handle the error by checking whet her the source tag exists and if it does not we can pass an empty value, which generates the required target field.
    54.  What Jar file is required to perform Java Mapping?
    55.  What is context in message mapping and how is it used?
    56.  What is remove context and splitby value?
    ANS to remove parent context of an element and spliby value is counterpart of remove context.
    57.  Where can you use user defined function?  What is its scope?
    58.  If you are building Java mapping class which class interface must it implement?
    59.  What is the scope of mapping template?
    60.  How does a Boolean function work in message mappings?
    61.  Source message occurs 3 times, target only once, what is wrong?
    62.  In simple mapping - one source results in 4 identical target messages, with regarding cardinality what is the problem?
    63.  What is a prerequisite to do ABAP mapping for a comple transformation?
    64.  What step can be inserted into an exception branch?
    65.  How do you get an error condition to generated an alert?
    66.  What actions can you perform in SXI_CACHE?
    67.  What is a wait step and why is it used?
    ANS It is a process flow control relavent and is used toset start time for next step
    68.  What is a block step and why is it used?
    69.  Could multiple instances of an integration process be running at the same time?  If so, how does a message find its way to the correct instance?
    70.  Which XI objects can be used in an integration process?  Which ones from Repository?
    71.  Send message within an integration process to 8 receivers at the same time, how can you do this?
    72. What is a correlation?  What is a local correlation?
    73. What is the relationship between an integration process and business workflow?

  • CcBPM: can we resend the failed message from PI to R/3

    Hi All,
    I have  a scenario where I need to process 4 separate files in a fixed sequenec in R/3. (File-1 first, then File-2, File-3 and then File-4). These files will come to PI at same time.
    I understand CCBPM may be the only way to do it elegantly. (please advise if otherwise)
    My questions on CCBPM approach:
    1. If out of the 4 files, The first file fails to update data in R/3 (due to missing config), can I make the ccBPM to stop and not process other files.
    2. So approach in point 1 above means, ccBPM will have to wait for an acknowledgement from SAP or run some RFC command to check if data has actually been I right? 
    3. Now, If the user manually corrects the config in R/3, can I re-run this interface from PI(read ccBPM) to start the processing of 1st file( which failed previously).
    4. If it succeeds to post data in SAP, then will ccBPM ensure that all other files are sent for processing as they all need to go in a sequence.
    5. Is this message re-running possible from SXI_MONITOR or for ccBPM failed messages there is something else. ( aplogies for this basic question - I am new to ccBPM approach )
    Appreciate your help on same.
    Many thanks

    Hi SK,
    plz find all required informations at [SAP Help: Integraton Processes (ccBPM)|]
    And, yes, you are new to BPM, but obvisiously experienced in IT at all and additional familiar with SAP applications. Look forward to run your first BP, it is a very welcome satisfaction to see the checkered flag. Only the best drivers are going to see it

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