CD-ROM overuse?!?

I have been importing all of my cd's onto my iPod. About 2 weeks ago, I imported 200+ cd's when my CD ROM drive stopped working. Luckily I was under warranty and I got a new CD ROM. Since I got my new one, I've continued to import my cd collection. Yesterday, the exact same thing happened. My 2nd Cd ROM drive isn't working properly. Is it possible to wear it out just by importing cd's? I figure that they should be able to handle this.

I'm not sure if this will help or not but here goes... I know the eye can age on cd/dvd drives. I think dvd drives last longer, but I'm unsure. It should take a VERY long time for this aging effect to really bother you. Since your drive is new, I'd say maybe there is a defect in the drive you recived.
I had bought a PS2 when they first came out a few years ago. I played that thing almost every day for a few years. Then, it stoped reading DVDs. A little later it stoped reading CDs. Even later, it stoped reading the Sony games. I ended up calling sony and was told that there was a defect in the first PS2's off the line and I must have recived one. They said it was a defect becuase it should have lasted longer than 5 years.
Assuming you bought a mid-grade CD drive for your computer, it could be a defect.
Hope it Helps!

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    I purchased my flat panel iMac in June 2003. In May 2004, Apple contacted me about extending my AppleCare. The price wasn't that much, but it was still extra money and hey, my machine was working fine. I should have known better. sigh
    One month later my drive started to fail. At first, it would stop in the middle of playing a DVD and then act like it couldn't read the DVD. Ker-chunk, ker-chunk, it went. I just wanted to watch the rest of my movie. Sometimes a restart would cure the problem, but sometimes not.
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    Hi Michael
    Its very strange that your CD/DVD drive does not work longer after the Norton 360 installation. For me it looks like the Norton 360 has modified some registry keys and therefore the drive malfunctions.
    I would recommend removing the CD/DVD drive from the device manager.
    Then restart the notebook. After new reboot the windows OS should recognize the new hardware (CD/DVD drive) and should install it again.
    Then start the registry and remove the upper and lower filter values from this registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    then reboot and test again!
    Good luck and cheers dude ;)

  • Did you know- you can create consistently branded collateral with Project ROME?

    Hi Romans,
    Whether you have a small business or  you want to market yourself while job hunting, Project ROME is a great tool to  create branded collateral quickly and easily! Simply check out the Creative  & Interactive Packages in Project ROME and start cracking. Get Started: Open  ROME ( > Create New  > Home & Business > CI Packages
    Host your project on the Exchange  and share your experiences with us here by posting to this thread! Let’s shape  the future of Project ROME.
    Are you a florist, a yogi, a  caterer, a lawyer or a hair stylist? We’ve got a template for that! Here’s an  example of the many templates to give you an idea:
    Forum Moderator

    Project ROME is a great tool to  create branded collateral quickly and easily!
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    As I am not very familiar with DOS, CardBus and booting stuff I read quite some topics and found the following application, BootdiskP2000.EXE which contains drivers for PCMCIA and USB Toshiba CD-ROM. So I ran it and when choosing external PCMCIA CD Drive from the menu, I got the following:
    PC Card driver for external ATAPI-IDE Drives Rev:2203
    ERROR: There is no PCCARD in socket A and B!
    PCCARD not initialized!!
    So, I looked on the web for DOS Drivers for my ACR-A01 and found DUAOTA16.SYS and DUOATACD.SYS. I then modified my CONFIG.SYS (again maybe not correctly as I am not at ease with that) by adding a menuitem, and further on:
    When running it, I get the followings:
    DuoATA16 CS Client Driver Version 1.01
    CBIDE2: Not found CardServices.
    Driver is not installed.
    DuoATACD CD-ROM Driver Version 1.06
    IDECD: Not Configuration CBIDE2 Card.
    CD-ROM driver is not installed.
    If have a look on the HISTORY.TXT file from the boot disk, at the end it is written: "If you use it with other CD-Roms, you have to modify/exchange normaly the CD-Rom driver (e.g. Toscdrom.sys-file!) and the driver, over which you get access to the PCMCIA Card (Fcatapi.sys and FCPoint.exe)." but I have no idea with what I'd have to replace it.
    Last point, my BIOS settings on page 2 are: Device Config.=All Devices which allows me to set PC CARD Controller Mode=CardBus/16-Bit, and by the way the onther manufacture CD-ROM used to work fine with the Portege but with a Win XP driver.
    Anyone has an idea of what is going on here, because I'm kind of lost. Thanx a lot!!!
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    And why you don´t try maybe a USB-DVD-ROM? A USB will be recognized for sure. I installed on my Portege R200 a XP Pro with a USB-DVD-ROM.

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    Athlon 850MHz socket-A
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    you're posting this all over the place aren't you??
    have you tried flashing the yamaha firmware? remember the link i gave you?
    have you tried a windows repair using the method i gave you?
    i never liked yamaha dirt bikes...

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    You can use an in-line computer to download the full offline Reader installer from

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    I successfully downgraded my T61p from Vista to XP Pro SP2 using the downgrade cd-roms send by Lenovo.
    Everything seems to work well. I downloaded all drivers. No problem.
    But I recently installed a rather old software that I frequently used on my old A31p. This software (a Microsoft program !) has automatically modified some files from XP Pro without any autorization. 
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    An original cd-rom which I finally don't have !
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    Where could I find the XP Pro SP2 cd-rom corresponding to the downgraded system ?
    Thanks for your help and suggestions.
    Jean-Louis L.
    Thinkpad A31p - T42p - T61p - TP Tablet

    thanks for your answer.
    But I wrote on my first post "I tried with an original XP Pro SP2 cd-rom bought a few years ago for my A31p. Unsuccessful."
    Thus, I don't see any difference between an original Microsoft Windows XP2 Pro SP2 version cd-rom and one created by burning a downloaded version of the OS. An original was not recognized, what would a copy do ?
    If possible, it might be probably better to create an XP Pro SP2 cd-rom from the "Rescue and Recovery" files which were reinstalled when downgrading from Vista to XP. (I hate the word "downgrade" : while I was doing it, I had the feeling I was upgrading my Thinkpad !)
    I have been using for several years (and still use) an A31p (Since 2002, 8 to 10 hours a day) and a T42p. IMHO, the T61p is the same category of "great" notebooks. Thinkpads are really the best notebooks I have ever used. I noted no significant difference between IBM and Lenovo Thinkpads.
    Jean-Louis L.
    Thinkpad A31p - T42p - T61p - TP Tablet

  • Mounting a Solaris x86 CD/DVD from a remote Windows CD/DVD-ROM drive

    Greetings, all.
    Is it possible to mount a remote Windows CD/DVD-ROM drive? I have the Solaris 10x86 Companion Software DVD sitting in a CD/DVD-ROM drive that's installed on a Windows server on my network. It is shared-out (F:) and the two servers can ping each other. I've also confirmed the NFS services/daemons are running on the Solaris x86 machine. I've tried the following variations but, all have failed to produce successful results:
    # mount -F nfs x.x.x.x:/f /mnt
    nfs mount: x.x.x.x: : RPC: Program not registered
    nfs mount: retrying: /mnt
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/f /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/f
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/F /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/F
    [FYI: S10_106_SOFTWARE is the DVD's label as reported by Windows Explorer.]
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/S10_106_SOFTWARE /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/S10_106_SOFTWARE
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/s10_106_software /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/s10_106_software
    # mount -F nfs x.x.x.x:/S10_106_SOFTWARE /mnt
    nfs mount: x.x.x.x: : RPC: Program not registered
    nfs mount: retrying: /mnt
    # mount -F nfs x.x.x.x:/s10_106_software /mnt
    nfs mount: x.x.x.x: : RPC: Program not registered
    nfs mount: retrying: /mnt
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/f/s10_106_software /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/f/s10_106_software
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/F/s10_106_software /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/F/s10_106_software
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/f/S10_106_SOFTWARE /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/f/S10_106_SOFTWARE
    # mount -F hsfs x.x.x.x:/F/S10_106_SOFTWARE /mnt
    mount: No such device
    mount: cannot mount x.x.x.x:/F/S10_106_SOFTWARE
    I've also tried mounting it at bootup by adding the appropriate entry in the /etc/vfstab file but, this does not work as well. I've tried Google'ing for an answer to my issue but, I haven't been able to find anything that applies directly to what I'm reporting. It's usually chatter about mounting from one UNIX server to another. Any advice from the community would be greatly appreciated.

    After three weeks, you deserve a reply. Windoze does
    not natively support NFS.Also deserves a decent answer...
    There are two ways to do this:
    Install Microsoft's free "Windows Services for UNIX," which includes a Windows NFS server; or
    Install the 'sharity' package (google for it); it provides Solaris systems the ability to mount Windows shares

  • Replacing CD rom drive in Hp pavilions a230n

    I just rescued a Paviliona230n from a sad end. It was gutted of the good body parts, but I had an old Millenium that I could upgrade to XP or higher. I do need to put the two Cd-rom drives in and cannot figure out how to do it without removing the AMD processor and fan - something I am loath to do without instructions.
    Are they clipped down and how do I unplug it safely so I can insert the CD rom drives.
    I assume I would make the readable drive as the master  (top) cable connection and the re-writeable one as the slave.  OR???
    I think I already overdid the memory bit as the machine seems to have a one GB memory and I put two of those in. Seems to be working.
    Next I need to get drivers esp. for the ethernet connection.
    Most important is the method to remove the AMD memory unit. I sure don't want to mess that up.
    Just for interest: The hardrive with the Millenium OP system was flaky. I think it was the program, but when I tried to install XP as an "upgrade" (to save programs and files) it failed twice. Only when I did a full  install did it work.
    Next I will have to check the integrity of the drive itself and I doubt that my dbam (boot and nuke)   wipe disk will work on it. It also does a fine job on checking the hard drive before you install anything. It was not recognized by Millenium.
    If you have any plant questions I could repay your answer with please visit 
    I also have a google plus blog on plants. Plants were the beginning of this need to find a computer with a 3.5 inch floppy. Years ago I had a great program from Gardenware (over 250.00) to make labels. I made a 600 item library of my plants with descriptions.
    Win 3.1 now. I can't even install it again as it is propriatory and it needs a unlock key that the company no longer has for old versions. Nothing else can read or open the floppy library backup ... so I downloaded a freefile viewer and hope it will work on it. Hopefully on the XP version. If not I will have to install a floppy drive on  one of my Win 7 computers.
    I found this to be beyond understanding. If you sell a car you are obligated to keep parts for it. I cannot see that this program developer cannot have kept the unlock codes for All older versions. Certainly does not make me want to buy their NEW version for 199.00.
    If that freefile viewer doesn't pan out all I can do is get a mobile 3.5 floppy with a USB port and plug it into another Nurserymans computer to see if his new version can read it. 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Herb, welcome to the forum.
    Here is the Adding/Replacing hardware sections for the computer.  You should be able to use the the replacing a CD/DVD Drive section to help you with your problem.  In this section there is a guide for replacing each component.  Also, here is the Motherboard Specifications page.  It shows that the max memory is 2GB.
    Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • A305 - S6872 Laptop CD/DVD Rom does not show up on "My Computer"

    How to I fix this problem. There's a "!" mark in the "Device Manager" for the cd/dvd rom drive.
    "!" DR7164O OHV364L SCSI CdRom Device
    "!" TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633P
    There's also a "!" on the networks adapters.
    "!" Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
    "!" Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2 
    How do I fix these problems because updating the drivers will not fix it and make it go away.
    if you can help, that would be great.

    Satellite A305-S6872
    See this Toshiba document..
       CD / DVD drive missing from 'My Computer' (Windows Explorer)

  • I have a Problem with Romming Between SSIDs withing the same WLC but with deferent VLAN .

    HI All,
    I have a Problem with Romming Between SSIDs withing the same WLC but with deferent VLAN . the WLC are providing the HQ and one of the Branches the Wireless services .
    Am using all the available 9 SSIDs at the HQ , and am using only 4 of it at the Brnche.
    The problem that i have are happening only at the Branch office as i cant room between the SSIDs within Diferent VLANs but i can do it with the one that pointing to the same VLAN. Once the client ( Laptop/Phone ) connected to one of the SSIDs. it imposiible to have him connected to the other ones with Different VLAN. meanwhile, It says its connected to the other SSID but its not getting IP from that pool.
    here is the Show Run-Config from my WLC .. and the Problem happening between the SSID AMOBILE and ASTAFF. i have the Debug while am switching between the SSIDs if needed .
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2013.11.04 10:20:47 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    show run-config
    Press Enter to continue...
    System Inventory
    NAME: "Chassis"   , DESCR: "Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controller"
    PID: AIR-CT5508-K9, VID: V01, SN: FCW1535L01G
    Burned-in MAC Address............................ 30:E4:DB:1B:99:80
    Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
    Power Supply 2................................... Absent
    Maximum number of APs supported.................. 12
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    System Information
    Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
    Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
    Product Version..................................
    Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.1
    Field Recovery Image Version.....................
    Firmware Version................................. FPGA 1.3, Env 1.6, USB console 1.27
    Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS
    System Name...................................... WLAN Controller 5508
    System Location..................................
    System Contact...................................
    System ObjectID..................................
    IP Address.......................................
    Last Reset....................................... Software reset
    System Up Time................................... 41 days 5 hrs 14 mins 42 secs
    System Timezone Location......................... (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Current Boot License Level....................... base
    Current Boot License Type........................ Permanent
    Next Boot License Level.......................... base
    Next Boot License Type........................... Permanent
    Configured Country............................... US - United States
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)
    Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C
    Internal Temperature............................. +36 C
    External Temperature............................. +20 C
    Fan Status....................................... OK
    State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
    State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
    Number of WLANs.................................. 10
    Number of Active Clients......................... 61
    Burned-in MAC Address............................ 30:E4:DB:1B:99:80
    Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
    Power Supply 2................................... Absent
    Maximum number of APs supported.................. 12
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Bundle Information
    Primary AP Image  Size
    ap3g1             5804
    ap801             5192
    ap802             5232
    c1100             3096
    c1130             4972
    c1140             4992
    c1200             3364
    c1240             4812
    c1250             5512
    c1310             3136
    c1520             6412
    c3201             4324
    c602i             3716
    Secondary AP Image      Size
    ap801             4964
    c1100             3036
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    c1130             4884
    c1140             4492
    c1200             3316
    c1240             4712
    c1250             5064
    c1310             3084
    c1520             5244
    c3201             4264
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Switch Configuration
    802.3x Flow Control Mode......................... Disable
    FIPS prerequisite features....................... Disabled
    secret obfuscation............................... Enabled
    Strong Password Check Features:
           case-check ...........Enabled
           consecutive-check ....Enabled
           default-check .......Enabled
           username-check ......Enabled
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Network Information
    RF-Network Name............................. OGR
    Web Mode.................................... Disable
    Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Disable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2......... Enable
    OCSP........................................ Disabled
    OCSP responder URL..........................
    Secure Shell (ssh).......................... Enable
    Telnet...................................... Disable
    Ethernet Multicast Forwarding............... Disable
    Ethernet Broadcast Forwarding............... Disable
    AP Multicast/Broadcast Mode................. Unicast
    IGMP snooping............................... Disabled
    IGMP timeout................................ 60 seconds
    IGMP Query Interval......................... 20 seconds
    User Idle Timeout........................... 300 seconds
    ARP Idle Timeout............................ 300 seconds
    Cisco AP Default Master..................... Enabled
    AP Join Priority............................ Disable
    Mgmt Via Wireless Interface................. Disable
    Mgmt Via Dynamic Interface.................. Disable
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Bridge MAC filter Config.................... Enable
    Bridge Security Mode........................ EAP
    Mesh Full Sector DFS........................ Enable
    AP Fallback ................................ Enable
    Web Auth Redirect Ports .................... 80
    Web Auth Proxy Redirect ................... Disable
    Fast SSID Change ........................... Enabled
    AP Discovery - NAT IP Only ................. Enabled
    IP/MAC Addr Binding Check .................. Enabled
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Port Summary
               STP   Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link
    Pr Type   Stat   Mode     Mode     Status   Status Trap    POE   SFPType  
    1 Normal Forw Enable Auto       1000 Full Up     Enable N/A     1000BaseTX
    2 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    3 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    4 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    5 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    6 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    7 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    8 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Summary
    Number of APs.................................... 8
    Global AP User Name.............................. Not Configured
    Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:ed:4e KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1       US       1
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:36:c5:c4 KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1       US       1
    KN1252_AP01         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:ef:06:50 Knowlogy Confere 1       US       1
    KN1252_AP02         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:22:55:8e:2e:d4 Server Room Side 1       US       1
    Anham_AP03           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:88:15:b5 default location 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP01          2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:b0:e4:62 Small Conference 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP04           2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:e1:b8   Conference room 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP02           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:96:7a:49         Copy Room 1       US       1
    AP Tcp-Mss-Adjust Info
    AP Name             TCP State MSS Size
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       disabled   -
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       disabled   -
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    KN1252_AP01         disabled   -
    KN1252_AP02         disabled   -
    Anham_AP03           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP01           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP04           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP02           disabled   -
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Location
    Total Number of AP Groups........................ 3  
    Site Name........................................ ANHAM8075
    Site Description................................. ANHAM 8075 Location
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    7               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    Anham_AP03           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:88:15:b5 default location 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP01           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:b0:e4:62 Small Conference 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP04           2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:e1:b8   Conference room 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP02           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:96:7a:49         Copy Room 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ Knowlogy_DC
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Site Description................................. DC Center Access points
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    3               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:ed:4e KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1     US       1
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:36:c5:c4 KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ OGR
    Site Description................................. 1934 OGR Office
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                        None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    7               knowlogy_ogr        Disabled                         None
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    8               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KN1252_AP01         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:ef:06:50 Knowlogy Confere 1    US       1
    KN1252_AP02         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:22:55:8e:2e:d4 Server Room Side 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ default-group
    Site Description................................. <none>
    WLAN ID        Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    3               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    5               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    7               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    8               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                          None
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    10             management           Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Config
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 6
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:1d:45:86:ed:4e
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abortIP Address..................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1134T0QG
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 19 m 18 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:33 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 47 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Attributes for Slot 0
        Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211b
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:1d:71:09:8f:90
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
        Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 8 .......................... -1 dBm
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy DSSS parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 11
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
         Current CCA Mode .......................... 0
         ED Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 6
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:1d:45:86:ed:4e
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1134T0QG
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 19 m 18 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:33 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 47 s
    Attributes for Slot 1
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
       Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
          CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:1d:71:09:8f:90
         Operation Rate Set
           6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
           12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
          36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 36
         Number Of Channels ........................ 20
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 15 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy OFDM parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 44
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
           ......................................... 104,108,112,116,132,136,140,
           ......................................... 149,153,157,161
         TI Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
          Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 3
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC02
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:36:c5:c4
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W  Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1230T24F
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 24 m 41 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:35 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 48 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Attributes for Slot 0
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211b
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
        Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:a5:0c:30
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 8 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy DSSS parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 1
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
         Current CCA Mode .......................... 0
         ED Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 3
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC02
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:36:c5:c4
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1230T24F
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 24 m 41 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:35 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 48 s
    Attributes for Slot 1
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
       Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:a5:0c:30
         Operation Rate Set
           6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
           12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 36
         Number Of Channels ........................ 20
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 15 dBm
        Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy OFDM parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 36
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
           ......................................... 104,108,112,116,132,136,140,
           ......................................... 149,153,157,161
         TI Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
          Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 5
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KN1252_AP01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:ef:06:50
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    IP NetMask.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Enabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ Knowlogy Conference Rooms Side
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. OGR
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. PoE/Medium Power (15.4 W)
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1250-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX122990L5
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 118
          WLAN 1 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 6 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 7 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 9 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 8 :........................................ 112
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 26 days, 00 h 24 m 39 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 26 days, 00 h 23 m 48 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Wed Oct 9 10:59:07 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 00 m 50 s
    Attributes for Slot 0
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211n-2.4
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 7
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:df:a5:90
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         MCS Set
           MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 1.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED
            MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 ..........

    Well you need to understand the behavior of h-reap or what it's called now, FlexConnect. In this mode, the clients are still remembers on the WLC until the session timer/idle timer expires. So switching between SSID's in h-reap will not be the same when switching when the AP's are in local mode.
    Take a look at the client when connected in FlexConnect in the WLC GUI monitor tab. Thus will show you what ssid and vlan the client is on. Now switch to a different ssid and compare this. It's probably the same because the client has not timed out. Now go back to the other ssid and look again. Now on the WLC, remove or delete the client and then switch to the other ssid at the same time. Or switch SSID's and then remove the client. The client will join the new ssid and in the monitor tab, you should see the info.
    There is no need to have clients have multiple SSID's unless your testing. Devices should only have one ssid profile configured to eliminate any connectivity issues from the device wanting to switch SSID's.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • My iMac's CD-ROM is not working...please help

    i have a imac with Mac os x lion in it.....its been 14 months since i bought it...n im facing many problems with the CD-ROM as it is nt reading any CD inserted in it.....please guys..i need help!!

    Assuming you have the extended AppleCare, contact  AppleCare's Express Lane. Do note that if you're within 50 miles (80 KM) of an Apple repair station, you're eligible for onsite repair since yours is a desktop machine.

  • PowerMac G5 doesn't work anymore simply due to a DVD-ROM drive removal!

    Hello, here's what's happened (I'll write using the "present" because I'm not English).
    This happened about two days ago:
    I need to read an Ultra ATA hard disk, so I power off the Mac.
    I remove the SuperDrive DVD-ROM and I connect the hard disk in its place (I already made this with other ATA hard disks in past and it always was OK).
    I close the Mac.
    I try to start: nothing! The light on the power-on button of the Screen (Apple Cinema Display 20" plastic) and the light on the power-on button of the Mac case starts flashing 3 times (then stop, than other three times, etc...).
    So I power off. I change the jumper configuration of the hard disk, like the Super Drive. I try again: NOTHING. Always three-times flashing the lights.
    So I power off. I re-install the DVD drive, close the Mac again and restart it.
    SURPRISE: the same symptom! The computer doesn't start and always makes the three-times flashing lights...
    So I tried totally removing the DVD drive, and restarting it without it: nothing: same symptom.
    Unfortunately I made these attempts forgetting to disconnect the power cable of the Mac!
    Then I start trying with other RAM configurations, hoping that just a RAM module got burned. I have 6 ram modules (512 MB each).
    I try lots of combinations... nothing, always same symptom.
    Finally, I disconnect the power cord again, I re-install all the RAM modules, an I try to reset the CMOS: I remove the Motherboard battery for some seconds.
    Than I re-install the battery, close the Mac, connect the power cord, restart it: it works!!!
    I go in System Info, and I see that it doesn't recognize two of the 6 RAM modules: just 4. The slots of the other 2 not recognized DIMM modules seems empty, but there is the ram!
    So I power off the Mac Again. I disconnect the power cord.
    I change the RAM modules positions. I try again: nothing! Again the three-times flashing lights symptom, and always black screen again.
    So I try again by removing the CMOS battery... nothing... always flashing...
    After lots of attempts (also changing again the RAM positions, trying to remember how it was when it worked...)... nothing.
    I power off the Mac.
    After about an hour, I simply try to power on it... IT WORKED!!!
    I used it too... went on Internet, etc... Finished working, I powered it off and went to bed.
    The day after, I tried to power it on... nothing! Always three times flashing lights...
    From that moment, it was totally impossible to let it work...
    I tried to change the RAM positions again... I tried also pressing every time the reset button on the Mother Board... nothing...
    The only different symptom that I obtained, a couple of times, was that the two lights (on the Screen button and on the Mac tower button) didn't flash, but was always on.... but it didn't run anyway: totally black screen.
    How is this possible? Durin 18 years of computer hardware experience, NEVER happened that a computer got broken just removing and re-installing a DVD-ROM drive!
    And I'd never imagined that removing a DVD-ROM could be a dangerous operation... It seems to me just like a car that got broken if I replace the cigarette lighter...
    What do you think? how is this possible?
    If the CPU or the Motherboard or the RAM too got broken... simply it NEVER should run... on the contrary two times it worked very well!... with a broken Motherboard or CPU??? ...mmmm... so strange....
    If the RAM got broken... how is this possible? 6 ram modules burned together??? It seems so absurd... (in past there were 8 RAM modules... one or two got broken... so I removed them and it worked again... but not 6 !!!!).
    Any opinion?
    Any practical advice?
    Prevision of costs?
    Thank you!!!
    Message was edited by: ununpentium

    Hi Wolfman I have an update of the situation.
    We tried moving the RAM modules again... and at one point it worked! With just 2 RAM modules.
    But at the green screen (with the gray apple darker) it blocked.
    So we removed the two RAM modules and installed other two modules: it worked again! These two last modules are 512 MB each.
    So we restarted the system pressing "c" with the OSX DVD in the drive, and it worked! I used System diagnostic OSX utility and it found the 2 ram modules, but of 256 MB each instead of 512 !!! How is this possible? (if they were broken OK, but detect just half of its size seems so strange...).
    Than we restarted it again connecting an OSX bootable external Fire Wire LaCie hard disk (FW400 port), and it worked!
    We used DISK UTILITY to test the internal boot hard disk and it gave me an error (verify disk).
    The Disk utility was unable to repair the disk.
    Another damage!
    I remember that in the past attempts it booted once (not three times flashing) and stopped at the grey screen... (I think: maybe due to the boot hard disk error!).
    Unfortunately this external bootable firewire disk has got some problem and it sometimes blocks itself emitting a "clic".
    So I powered the mac off and connected another newer firewire lacie bootable hard disk. I connected it in the FW800 port. I rebooted and... surprise: three times flashing light again!!!
    No way to let it pass this wall, no initial "sound" again... nothing!
    So I removed the FW800 drive, and changed the RAM again (inverted them, always two internal slots n. 1 and 2): it worked!
    I booted from the FW400 hard disk, and it worked. I was able to backup some data from the internal hard disk (in order to be able to try to solve the error initializing it), and I tried again to boot with the FW800 hard disk (I want a stable system while initializing a drive!).
    As I connected the FW800 hard disk again, I tried to reboot... nothing! Again the three-times flashing light error! No sound... black screen again...
    (So, simply removing a DVD ROM I got RAM broken, maybe the Logic board, the hard disk too... maybe the FireWire 800 port too.... mmmm.... this mac is possessed! And it is connected through a professional power stabilizer too!).
    So after several attempts with RAM, cmos reset, firmware reset (power it up holding the power on button for some seconds), etc... I got it working again...
    So this time I rebooted it pressing "c" and I initialized the internal hard disk using the OSX DVD as boot drive...
    Then I rebooted from the FW400 hard disk and I used CarbonCopyCloner to restore an internal hard disk clone OSX complete installation from a .dmg image file in the FW800 lacie hard disk... but this time I connected it not using the FW800 port but through the USB 2.0 port... and it was able to copy the data.
    The computer was working... able to boot... no three times flashing error... no FW800 connections... always rebooting OK... the internal hard disk initialized, working, with NO errors (disk utility tested), made bootable...
    I tried to reboot again (with no "c" or "alt" pressing, hoping the internal boot hard disk working again): nothing!
    THREE TIMES FLASHING LIGHT AGAIN!!! No way to solve the problem now... always flashing...
    What is happening here??? I don't understand! I use computers (instable DOS/Windows computers mainly!!!) form about 18 years... never seen a so strange behaviour!!!
    We'll try to gather money to replace the RAM, before thinking to a Logic Board replacement...
    Your opinion?

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