CDAQ-9178とMeasurement & Automationについて

現在、cDAQ-9178とNI 9229を使用して電圧計測を行おうと考えております。
しかしながらMeasurement & Automation Explorerにおいて、デバイスが認識されておりません。
・Windows7 Home Premium 64bit
・LabVIEW 2011(評価版)
・NI-DAQ 9.5.1
・NI 9229(2台)

現在接続しているPC(Lenevo G570)にはUSBポートが4箇所ついております。
DAQアシスタント_新規タスク作成.jpg ‏113 KB

Similar Messages

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    Currently I have a NI 9411 module in a cDAQ 9178 chassis.  I am using 2 of the counters to read frequency measurements.
    From the NI 9411 pinout diagram (see pdf file attached to this post), these are the connections I made:
    CTR 0 SRC, pin 1 to COM/ground
    CTR 0 GATE, pin 2 to first frequency signal
    CTR 1 SRC, pin 6 to COM/ground
    CTR 1 GATE, pin 7 to second frequency signal
    The problem is now I'd like to use the 3rd and 4th counters in my cDAQ 9178 chassis, but I am confused how to wire
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    Go to Solution.
    NI 9411 pinout.pdf ‏72 KB

    Hi EETDer,
    The "C Series Signal Connections for Counters" help that you found is a good resource.  One thing I want to point out is that for a frequency measurement on a single counter, you only need to wire the signal source to the CTR Gate.  Internally, the module will route an appropriate internal timebase to the counters source, therefore you DO NOT want to connect the CTR Source to ground.  On your device, you will just wire each signal into the counter source, thereby only utilizting pins 1,6,3,8 for your 4 frequency measurements.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Sync two cDaq 9178 chasis using NI9469 modules

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    Setup: two cdaq 9178 chasis, one chasis is all 9227 modules, and the other has 9229 modules. We will be putting in a 9205 and a 9213 as well.
    I attempted to use an example VI from NI attached, but it just seems like something is missing. Up to this point I have largely used DAQ assistant so this is definitely a learning experience for me. NIMax recognizes the 9469 cards, and I have them connected correctly. I do not see any lights illuminated though. I assign the hardware I want to use in the physical channels portion of the VI, but I do not see anything populate in the data field when running.
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    Multichassis Synchronization Code with NI 9469 .vi ‏25 KB

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    NI 9469 Delta Sigma ‏36 KB
    NI 9469 SAR ADC - Slow Sampled ‏33 KB

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     日本National Instruments 神谷様
    Electrical Power Measurement Resouce Kitを確認しましたところ、周波数を測定する関数はありませんでした。
    しかし周波数を測定できる「トーン計測」 Express VIをがございますのでこちらをご利用頂くことが出来ます。
      三相AC200V 10A 50Hzの電圧瞬時値計測用に「NI 9225」、電流瞬時値計測用に「NI 9239」(CTを使用し電圧変換して入力)の二つを同期させて計測します。
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  • Unable to read 5th channel using cDAQ 9178 with NI 9219 modules

    Dear LabView user,
    I've made a VI for reading the measurements of a couple of LVDT sensors, a load cell and a couple of strain gauges. When I connect 4 of these sensors to my cDAQ 9178 with using 1 slot of NI 9219, then there is no problem for my VI. But if I use 2 modules, and connect the 2 LVDT sensors and the load cell to the first module, and the 2 strain gauges to the 2nd module, then my program only will show the readings of the first module and the readings of only 1 strain gauge on the 2nd module. I've found that there occurs an error for the 5th channel in the 'zero' state. It says my buffer size is too small... How can I solve this problem? I can't work with finite samples because it is a continious measurement. 
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    I've attached my VI.
    With kind regards,

    Dear RavensFan, 
    Thank you for your answer.
    "Have you tried swapping the modules between the slots and see if you still have the same problem or if it moves?"  When I use the cDAQ 9178, I always use the first 2 slots next to the power suply and the usb connection, you mean that I should try for example the 4th and the 5th slot or other slots? I will try this on Monday, and I will let you know.
    About the states machines inside a state: How is it possible then to use several buttons, like start and stop measurement and the 'home' button inside the state "measurement"? Should I make another simple state machine inside this state? 
    What about that 5th channel that I'm unable to read? The problem happens in my "zero" state: to acquire my "zero elements", the loop does the job for the 5 channels for the first 8 samples, after that, it doesn't want to sample the 5 channels anymore, it only does for 4 channels... It's something about the buffer size, but I don't know how to fix that.
    With kind regards,

  • Measurement & Automation Problem I think?

    Hello, have two seperate computers running the same software, one has vb6 installed.
    I have a labview program and vb6 program that does pretty close to the same thing.
    I set up a task in M&A with 2 temperatures. Voltages are the problem.
    They run fine in vb6  with a voltage of around .25 on one computer.
    I switch the usb cable of a daqpad6015 and the voltages changed to .14 and .09 on the other computer inside m&a and labview.
    I am also taking 2 pressure and flows in the same task which have equivelent voltages between computers.
    Whats happening.
    The funny thing is if I unplug the usb cable and then plug it back in, the correct voltage is displayed in m&A for a split second and then drops to the errored voltage.
    Message Edited by j_es on 08-22-2006 02:51 PM
    Attachments: ‏807 KB

    Hi Jes,
    I just want to make sure I understand the situation:  You have a single DAQPad-6015 for USB with two different cables, and you are connecting it to different computers (only one at a time, back and forth).  You have a VB6 program on one computer and a LabVIEW program on the other computer, each performing the same tasks.  This task is comprised of 2 AI Temperature channels, 2 AI Pressure channels, and 1 AI Flow channel. When reading from the VB6 computer with cable #1, you read .25V on temperature channel 1.  When reading from the LabVIEW computer with cable #2, you read .14V on temperature channel 1.  Is that correct?
    I would suggest reading from Measurement & Automation explorer on both computers from the DAQPad-6015 with cable #1, then doing the same thing (reading from Measurement & Automation explorer on both computers from the DAQPad-6015), but this time with cable #2.  This will eliminate the variable of the software application being used.  If both cables are working properly, you should see the same readings on each computer.  If they are different, it sounds like one of the cables could be faulty. 
    Also note that if you are taking temperature readings, slight variations in temperature will cause changes in the voltage read in.  So if these computers are in different rooms, the difference in reading could be due to the difference in temperature between rooms. 
    Please verify that I understand your setup and give that a try.  Let me know if you are still having trouble...
    Nicholas B, Applications Engineer, National Instruments

  • Different scaling and sensitivity units for acceleration in Measurement & Automation Explorer

    I am using  Measurement & Automation Explorer version 5.1.0f0.  I have previously configured my accelerometer using this module.  Under setting, I have used g as my scaled unit.  The sensitivity units is set at mVolts/g.  This is just fine.
    However when I tried to change the scaled units to m/s^2.  I DID NOT get the option to set the sensitivity units into mVolts/m/s^2. 
    Is it OK to continue using mVolts/g for sensitivity units even when I had changed the scaled units to m/s^2.  Since the two engineering units are different, will the accelerometer output correctly give out m/s^2 reading or I have to make some adjustment at the vi post acquisition like dividing with 9.8?
    MAX.jpg ‏86 KB

    You do need a scale (oh, setting one up with slope=9.8 and offset around 0 ought to get mV/g to mV/M^2 pretty effectivly)

  • Lost connection to measurement & automation explorer

    Once in a while Labview loses connection to Measurement & Automation Explorer so I'm unable to execute the "*IDN?" command to obtain my GPIB ID unless I manually open up Measurement & Automation Explorer then manually rescan for my instruments again then Labview will see it.  This is extremely cucumbersome if it has to be done manually.  So is there a better way to programmically forcing Measurement & Automation Explorer to rescan the instrument? 
    Note:  If I click on VISA  -> Refresh, it always found attached devices by its addresses but it won't let me execute *IDN? query command once in a while.  This does not happen all the time.  Just at random unexpected time.  What worries me is my program is expected to run testing & evaluation for 2 months period, if this issue requires manual configuration then it becomes a big deal.

    Why are you trying to control MAX from LabVIEW? You do not need to do this to communicate with instruments. Rescanning for instruments in MAX is also irrelevant as far as communicating to instruments from LabVIEW. What kind of GPIB controller are you using? It sounds to me like the problem is more likely to be there.

  • Building an executable without configuring the Measurement & Automation Explorer

    After building my FieldPoint executable I want to install the program on a target computer. There I need the FieldPoint Server and the LabVIEW runtime engine. Why do I have to manually configure the Measurement & Automation Explorer (attaching the .iak file), when my .iak file is included in the installer of my executable? And how could I solve it, that I would not have to configure it for every user of the computer again?
    I would like to have an executable which is ready to run after the run of the installer...
    Can somebody help me out?

    I don't have the proper things in front of me at the moment, but here is a guess as to what your problem might be.
    When you use a FP IO Address, the default root for the address is Fieldpoint, which is the last iak file that was saved\opened in MAX. I think that if you change this in your program to a different file (there is a second tab in the IO address window where you can do this), it should force the program to go to the specific iak file.
    Try to take over the world!

  • Installer not showing measurement & automation

    measurement & automation not showing in additional installer option in installer creation.i have installed Max 4.7 already previously i build so many installer with MAX 4.7. Now it not show in new installer & for old ones it showing 'product not found' as shown below. PLS help ASP.

    Please read through the following document and let me know if it helps.
    MAX.doc ‏270 KB

  • Run cleanup utility, then all ivi drivers in the measurement & automation explorer are deleted,

    Hello I have the following problem,
    I run the cleanup utility, then all ivi drivers in the measurement & automation explorer are deleted.
    when I want to add for example a new driver session then that is not possible to click on "create new".
     What is the problem?
    regards samuel

    In this case its the usb-serial adapter that is likely the cause of the issue.  As mentioned in this KB it is likely that MAX doesn't know how to recognize the third-party adapter.  You may want to refer to this KB that talks about making VISA calls to third-party devices as it may be useful.
    John B.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Can't use the Measurement & Automation Explorer in the dl eval version

    I'm trying out the evaluation edition of LabView. I try to use the Measurement & Automation Explorer, but I get an error saying its not installed.

    You should be able to use MAX with LabVIEW eval. To make sure MAX is installed, go to
    ...\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX
    If you have NIMax.exe, MAX is installed. Even if you don't have LabVIEW installed, you should still be able to open MAX from this location.
    Do you get this error when launching MAX from its installation directory, or when opening some of the LabVIEW wizards that call MAX? The LabVIEW Evaluation Version gives the option of installing simulation DAQ VI's. If the complete install option is chosen, the simulation VIs are installed.
    To avoid this, choose a custom install and don't allow the Evaluation Version to install NI-DAQ. After the LabVIEW Evaluation Version is installed, install NI-DAQ and include support for LabV
    IEW 7.0. The DAQ VIs will now read data from your DAQ device. There is a link to the NI-DAQ download page below.
    NI-DAQ Driver Support for Windows
    Using the DAQ Assistant or Creating a DAQmx Task in LabVIEW 7.0 Evaluation Version
    Frequently Asked Questions about the LabVIEW 7.0 Evaluation Version
    Zvezdana S.
    National Instruments

  • Measurement & Automation Explorer

    I'd like to know where can I get the software "Mesurement & Automation Explorer".
    The manual for the IMAQdx (Image Adquisition Software) says that with "Measurement & Automation Explorer" you can configure a camera.
    The configuration is saved in a configuration file,  which is used later by the IMAQdx.
    But I don't find anywhere the MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) .
    Can anybody help me?
    Thank you in advance

    HI ffolch, MAX comes with other drivers, you can download DAQmx, drivers for example to get it, also if you have the IMAQ drivers, MAX should be in the cd.
    Best Regards
    Mensaje editado por BeCeGa
    Benjamin C
    Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

  • Measurement & Automation Explorer would work under lookout 6.02

    The Historical data viewer, Measurement & Automation Explorer, for Lookout, would not work under Windows XP. It never start and just says that it have found a fail and stops, then It would like to send a report to Microsoft?
    I have tried to repair the installation, it did not help!

    Try to uninstall the Lookout 6.0.2 and MAX. Then, reinstall them.
    Maybe one or more files of MAX have corrupted. The repair may not fix it.
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

  • Measurement & Automation Explorer parallel command

    I am able to see LPT1 port in Measurement & Automation Explorer, but I am not sure that if I want to have Parallel port = 0 or = 255 ... can I write in Vi_Write 0 or 255? Or oupt 0 or outp 255?
    *) I did connect pin 11 & 12 to GND
    Thank to any help

    I found out the answer myself, just type directly the disired byte:
    1      ---> bit 0   = ON
    255  ---> 8 bits = All ON

Maybe you are looking for