CF9 and FB

Hi all,
Maybe a CF guru can help with this issue:
What configuration can I check?

Hi Jeffry, from your “Community Professional” designation, I am assuming you are somehow associated with Adobe – right?
RDS Dataview may not be part of Flash Builder (FB4) (it’s a bunch of extensions for Eclipse), but all the indications are that it should work in FB4 – otherwise, why would FB4 five you the option “RDS Configuration” in the Preferences panel?
There are also a couple of pages in the FB4 Help with instructions on how to install those extensions if you are using CF8. I tried that, but got back an error message stating the operation could not be completed because of something having to do with dependencies. This is where I need help.
I heard someone say that Flex is better than the Nature Channel because its bugs are so big and diverse. I guess it’s good to look at it that way to keep from going crazy.
You are right when you say ColdFusion Builder is included in FB4. This is copied from the Adobe site page where you can buy FB4:
Adobe Flash Builder 4 Premium Edition
Adobe® Flash® Builder™ 4 Premium Edition software includes all features of Flash Builder 4 and adds professional testing tools, including profilers, network monitoring, an automated testing framework, integration with Flex® unit testing, and command line build support. It also includes Adobe ColdFusion® Builder™software. (Bold text emphasis mine).
So I find it kind of interesting to see nothing about it in FB or at any time throughout its installation – which I have done three times trying to figure this out. I would really like to learn how/where to find it so I can try it.
Any suggestions – from you or anyone else – about where to go from here would be highly appreciated.

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    I'm testing my upgrade from CF9 to CF11 on the same server.  Looks like my old CF9 installation was an enterprise, standard, IIS installation.  (if that makes sense to you)  My CF11 is an enterprise, production + secure, stand-alone installation.  It appears that I had to choose the stand-alone installation with internal web server so it can diferentiate between the two Cold Fusions adn do side-by-side installation.  We want to use the internal web server anyhow so we can use the built-in Tomcat server instead of having to install a separate one.  Now  the question has come up, how do I get all of my web pages that are on IIS into my current ColdFusion.  I discovered a document that discusses the Web Server Management.  It looks like I can run it now and it will configure my connection between IIS and ColdFusion.
    My question is, can this be done while CF9 is still up and running and then it would give me a CF11 ran instance of using the CF webpages  so I can test them and get them to work.    Someone was thinking that IIS wouldn't be able to figure out which CF administrator to use.   Two CF applications cannot use IIS at the same time.  If so, how do I get the two systems to run side-by-side using my CF pages, so I can test if anything broke and needs to be changed in the code,  and/or test any of the new capabilities in CF11?
    Thanks in advance!!

    It can be done, but it is not necessarily for the faint of heart.  I haven't done it in quite some time.  Here are the basics:
    Figure out which ports CF 9 is using.
    Install CF11 using the built-in web server first (don't connect it to IIS).  Make sure CF 11 is not trying to use the same ports as CF 9.
    Run the CF9 Web Server Connection Tool.  See if you have "all sites" configured.  If you do, remove the connector and reinstall individually to the sites you want CF9 to operate.  Make sure your sites operate properly before moving on.
    If you want to have the same site code run under both CF9 and CF11, you'll need to copy the directory of the CF9 site to a new directory for CF11 (e.g.: D:\sites\MySite -> D:\sites\MySite2)
    Run the CF11 Web Server Connection Tool.  Connect your CF11 site (D:\sites\MySite2) to IIS.
    Repeat 4&5 for each site you are parallel testing with CF11.
    I'd do a Google search on "install multiple versions of ColdFusion", as there are several blog articles involving previous versions of ColdFusion.  If you find one that shows CF9 paired with CF10, it should be pretty much the same for CF9 and CF11.
    If it were me, though, I'd spin up a virtual machine, copy the site code in, and install CF11.  I would then do extensive testing, fix code that breaks, then when once I was satisfied CF11 is working fine, copy the code updates back to my production server and do an upgrade install of CF11 to replace CF9.
    -Carl V.

  • CF9 and Amazon S3 - Has anyone got this to work?

    I've now sorted my other issues and thanks to everyone who helped me with them - I've now moved on to trying to create a set of services that will connect to the S3 cloud and post and retrieve pdf files in our buckets - We need to be able to supply vast amounts of files to client and the cost of that currently is exorbitant in server disk space compared to with using the cloud
    I've searched all over the net and picked up a number of ways of doing this - None of which seem to be able to generate the correct signature- I'm currently using the cf_hmac stuff from Adobe
    This is my code
    <cfobject component="AmazonWebServices.amazons3" name="amazonS3">
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys = structNew()/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.accessKey = "<MyKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.secret = "<MySecretKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.bucket = "<MyBucketName>"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.pdfContentType = "application/pdf"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.gifContentType = "image/gif"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.jpegContentType = "image/jpeg"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.requestType = "cname"/>
    <cfset deliverDir = "<MyDeliverDir>"/>
    <cfset s3Service = amazonS3.init(awsKey="#s3ServiceKeys.accessKey#",awsSecret="#s3ServiceKeys.secret#")/>
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#deliverDir#" name="TheFileList" sort="dateLastModified" recurse="no" type="file">
    <cfoutput query="TheFileList">
    <cfset result = s3Service.putFileOnS3(localFilePath="#deliverDir#\",
    <cfdump var="#result#"/>
    This is the AmazonS3Service - more or less a direct copy from here
    <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" returntype="amazons3">
             <cfargument name="awsKey" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="awsSecret" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="localCacheDir" type="string" required="false"
                 hint="If omitted, no local caching is done.  If provided, this directory is used for local caching of S3 assets.  Note that if local caching is enabled, this CFC assumes it is the only entity managing the S3 storage and therefore that S3 never needs to be checked for updates (other than those made though this CFC).  If you update S3 via other means, you cannot safely use the local cache." />
             <cfset variables.awsKey = awsKey />
             <cfset variables.awsSecret = awsSecret />
             <cfset variables.useLocalCache = structKeyExists(arguments, "localCacheDir") />
             <cfif useLocalCache>
                 <cfset variables.localCacheDir = localCacheDir />
                 <cfif NOT directoryExists(localCacheDir)>
                     <cfdirectory action="create"
                         directory="#localCacheDir#" />
             <cfreturn this />
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct"
                hint="I put a file on S3, and return the HTTP response from the PUT">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var gmtNow = dateAdd("s", getTimeZoneInfo().utcTotalOffset, now()) />
            <cfset var dateValue = dateFormat(gmtNow, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy") & " " & timeFormat(gmtNow, "HH:mm:ss") & " GMT" />
            <cfset var signature = getRequestSignature(
            ) />
            <cfset var content = "" />
            <cfset var result = "" />
            <cffile action="readbinary"
                variable="content" />
            <cfhttp url=""
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Date" value="#dateValue#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="AWS #variables.awsKey#:#signature#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="#contentType#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="x-amz-acl" value="public-read">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#content#" />
            <cfset deleteCacheFor(bucket, objectKey) />
            <cfreturn result />
    <cffunction name="getRequestSignature" access="private" output="false" returntype="string">
            <cfargument name="verb" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="dateOrExpiration" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" default="" />       
            <cfset stringToSign = "#trim(ucase(verb))#\n#contentType#\n#dateOrExpiration#\n/#bucket#/#objectKey#"/>
                <!--- Replace "\n" with "chr(10) to get a correct digest --->
                <cfset fixedData = replace(stringToSign,"\n","#chr(10)#","all")>
                <!--- Calculate the hash of the information --->
                <cf_hmac hash_function="sha1" data="#fixedData#" key="#variables.awsSecret#">
                <!--- fix the returned data to be a proper signature --->
                <cfset signature = ToBase64(binaryDecode(digest,"hex"))>
            <cfreturn signature>
    I don't appear to have any problems with what is being passed in - just the signature that is being created - All the code I've found is for earlier than CF9 and I'm therefore wondering if something has changed - although its more likely that I'm doing something I shouldn't be
    I need to be able to get stuff up there programatically before I start creating URL's so - this is a big first step to overcome

    I've actually found a work around for this problem - I took the Amazon S3 Library for Rest in Java and compiled the files below com into a jar - Which was dropped into the coldfusion server/lib
    I then used the examples to build the following coldfusion function
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" returntype="any">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />  
            <cffile action="read"
                variable="content" />  
                s3conn = CreateObject("java", "");
                s3object = CreateObject("java", "");
                headers = createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap");
                contentTypeArray[1] = "#contentType#";
                response = s3conn.put(bucket, objectKey, s3object, headers).connection.getResponseMessage();
                return response;
    Which works perfectly - At last - I've just got to build the rest of the suite now so that we can upload, delete, create URLs etc
    Very relieved I found a work around and part of me is very pleased that good old Java provided the solution having spent 9 years as a Java programmer before starting work in Coldfusion

  • Cf8-cf9 and server upgrade problems

    I took over a system developed in coldfusion 8 and sql server
    2005 on a windows server 2003. I was new to all of this. I now need to upgrade to cf9 and sqlserver 2005 on a windows server 2008. someone has done the initial install of sql server cf and dreamweaver. I added java. All seems ok except I can't make the datechooser work. I activated the rds in but I still could not get to datechooser.png. I copied the directory from c.... to the same directory as my application and it showed the icon but did not do anything. I think I have 2 problems here
    1. how to I correctly map to the default CFIDE path
    2. is there something else I need to install to get the datechooser implemyed via cfinput datefield to produce a calender when I click on the icon
    Obviously I am a complete novice at this....
    Thanks in advance for any assistance

    @elizinn, someone may offer a single sentence proposal of how to fix things, but in my experience (helping solve such problems), this could be far more challenging problem to resolve than meets the eye, and all the more so if you're new to all this.
    I'll share my observations, for what they're worth. Sorry if ultimately your problem is totally unrelated, but perhaps then it will help someone else reading this later. Also, it's not clear, but I'm assuming that you DID proceed with the CF9 update. Even if you didn't, some of what I offer could still help you, if you can stick with me.
    First, you refer to not finding the DateChooser.png. Are you saying that it's somehow appearing as a broken link? Or are you getting a 404?
    As a test, it should be found at:
    What happens when you do that? That could be useful, diagnostically.
    As for the question of mappings, and CF updates, that actually could be a real mess, from my experience, if people aren't careful about what they're doing. Things get all the more complicated when people support multiple web sites and start doing manual configurations. Let me explain.
    The problem could have to do with where the first install of CF8 put the CFIDE, and then where the update to CF9 expected to update those files. It wouldn't be hard for someone not understanding things to have told the update to put its files in a different place than the original install, which could cause IIS (and your sites and requests) to be finding the wrong files (even if not a 404, they may not be the updated version for CF9).
    At root, the problem is that during the install, one is asked whether they want to have CF use its built-in web server or an external one. If they choose the former, then the CFIDE (and related files) are put it in that web server's webroot (which is \wwwroot). If they choose the latter, then the files are put in a docroot defined for IIS. (Even there, someone may later configure things with the web server configuration tool to support several web sites, each of which could have its own web site. And for that, some will manually setup a an IIS "virtual directory" for the CFIDE, which points to whatever single one they think is the one that should be used.
    I appreciate that it may sound confusing. This is one of those things where it may be faster for you to have someone with experience look over your shoulder and help correct things. There are some of us who do that, if you're interested. I list myself and others at
    And things can get hairier still when someone then runs the CF update, where it again asks where to put the CFIDE files. They may not pay close attention to all this above (if they even understand it), and they may let the updater put the files in a different location than the IIS sites are currently configured to look at. That could then leave things not working, or not working well.
    If you want to try to sort this out yourself, look in IIS, view whatever site you're working with, and look for any reference to a CFIDE directory. If it's not there, that's a problem from the start. You will want to add a virtual directory that points to wherever it really exists (and again, you want to be careful that there may be two different ones, as only will likely have been updated by the installer.)
    If it is there, then if it's a "real" directory (within that site's docroot), then again you want to make sure it's the one that was updated in the upgrade to CF9. If not, then you may need to copy whatever files "were" updated into that directory (or delete that directory and create a virtual one to point to the right place).
    And if it's there and it's a virtual mapping, again, make sure it's whatever is the latest CFIDE (if you have multiples).
    I'll note as well that there is also a mapping in the CF Admin (on the mappings page) for CFIDE, and that's put there by the installer (and is not editable in the interface). That could help clarify where the installer put the latest files.
    Hope that's helpful.
    /charlie arehart
    [email protected]
    Providing CF and CFBuilder troubleshooting services

  • CF9 and Excel

    I'm using the new functionality of CF9 and Excel (cfspreadsheet). What i'm trying to do is generate Excel reports. I'm getting 1500 records from different db-tables and generate an Excel file of the results. No the problem is performance. It's really slow to generate the Excel file.
    Does someone have some tips how to optimize the speed or does some has the same experience? Is there a good alternative the generate reports?
    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I have found the performance to be just god awful as well.  I just gave up using it.  Use Ben Nadels POI Util:  It should be loads faster.

  • Running CF9 and CF10 together on Mac with Snow Leopard

    This may be a very basic question, but I am trying to set up CF10 to run alongside CF9 on a developer installation on my Macbook with Snow Leopard. I can see both administrators, CF9 on localhost and CF10 on It seems that both are runing on JRUN because I can't run CF10 without having CF9 running.
    How do I set up a site to run on CF10 only? I can't figure out how to set up the virtual host files to have the site determine which version to run. If I set up the virtual host in Apache2 httpd-vhosts.conf file, it seems to run the site using CF9 and it breaks because it has to run on CF10. If I set up the server.xml file as if it was using Tomcat, then it seems to break the ability to get to the administrator app in either CF9 or CF10 to run.
    Any ideas out there to help me?

    Do you mean like this? First, copy the URL. Next, open up TextEdit. Here, you can paste the URL. Next, highlight the URL, right click it and select "Make Link". After that, press the arrow key or click in a blank spot on TextEdit. Select the link, and type in the new name of the link. You have now successfully created a hyperlink.

  • CF9 and SOLR indexing

    We are using CF9 64-bit and setting up a SOLR collection for an HR application. The database contains several million records and includes resumes that we want to do full text searches on.
    We started out by using cfindex to create the index but it would bomb out after just a few thousand records with an error about "warming threads" (I don't have the exact error handy but can get it later) and the indexing would have to be manually restarted. This wasn't a good solution for a multi-million record operation..
    Next, we created a custom Data Import Handler (DIH) outside of CF using the instructions in the SOLR wiki. This index worked great and was very fast. However, the ColdFusion tags (cfsearch, etc.) would not work with this index. We even made sure to duplicate the required nodes (<custom1> <custom2>, etc.) that the cfindex tag would have created. Still cannot search that index.
    We'd really rather not reinvent the wheel and have to write custom search code. Obviously, we like using CF and it would be great if we can use the built-in indexing and searching capability.
    Any ideas on how we can either 1) make the <cfindex> work without stopping OR 2) go ahead and use the custom DIH and be able to make the <cfsearch> work properly?

    I only have just over 500 records that I am trying to index, which they do consist of some large documents, and I try to loop through using the cfindex and I also get this error:
    I found that if I put this in my loop
        thread = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Thread");
    then I no longer have the error, but it does take a long long time to index.  I also would like a better solution.
    The coldfusion debugger shows that it is erroring out on the custom4 field.  I don't know if the custom fields are struggling more than the main body field.  Anyway, I am continuing to research my options.

  • CF9 and Scheduled Tasks

    We recently migrated our web site to a new server running CF9 (64-bit, Windows 2003) and I had several scheduled tasks that run on a night basis. So I set up the tasks in the CF Administrator but when try and run them via the administrator I get an error and the in the Scheduler Log I get a "400 Bad Request". Now the URLs defined in the scheduler is a page on our site under our domain (e.g. ect) (This is not a working URL but just an example for this). If I run the link in a web browser it works fine, but it continues to get a 400 bad request when run in the CF Administrator. Now when I change the URL in the CF Administrator to localhost (http://localhost/scheduledTasks/daily.cfm) it works fine but I do not want to do this as there will be other domains on this server and each of them will have their own scheduled tasks and local host can only be defined for a single site. Is this an IIS setting or security setting? Why would the URL be getting a 400 Bad Request from within CF and not when I run it via a browser? Any help is appreciated!!!

    When you say you run the link in a browser, is this the browser on the server?  Does it work when you run the job from the browser on the server?
    Also, Is the target address password protected in any way?

  • Migrated to CF9 and now have CFCACHE problems

    I have been page caching on my site for years using this code:
    <cfcache timespan="#CreateTimespan(10, 0, 0, 0)#" directory="D:/websites/mysite/cache/" stripWhiteSpace="true">
    This worked great -  it would keep a cached copy in the cache directory and would stay cached for 10 days.
    Good stuff!!
    Now I've had to switch servers and up to CF9. I still want to cache my pages but I just cant seem to get it right.
    I am now using this code
    <cfcache timespan="#CreateTimespan(10, 0, 0, 0)#"  useQueryString ="true" stripWhiteSpace="true">
    But the pages dont cache in the cache directory and they dont seem to load faster as if they were cached.
    Am I doing his right?
    Am I even caching the pages?
    I'd like to keep a copy in my cache directory is that possible?

    Well now it looks like the cfcache is bringing down my entire server!!!
    So I've taken the site down..
    Apparently CF9 & CFCACHE have issues
    See here 0.html
    Are there any examples of how to use  CFCACHE and CF9?

  • Simultaneously running CF9 and CF10

    I am currently runing an application which is not supported in CF10.  I would like to continue to use this product, but I woulkd also like to begin developing in CF10.  I understand that it is possible to run both CF10 and CF9 on the same machine.  Is this true?  If so can I achieve this with Standard, or is this only available at the Enterprise level.? Also are there licensing issues when running both versions simultaneously?

    As i can see problem is in hosting both the coldfusion server on webserver.If you are hosting your website in ubuntu. Then you can flollow this link
    If it is a Windows OS then first create different two local websites on different ports then while installing coldfusion 10 it will ask for selection of localhosts now give port 81 to the cf 10 if your cf 9 is on default port 80. 
    then check , for CF9 - localhost:80/cfide/administrator/index.cfm
                        for CF10 -  localhost:81/cfide/administrator/index.cfm

  • CF9 and Oracle ROWID issue

    Hi All,
      I have an issue when regarding cfquery and ROWID.
      When I insert a value into Oracle database, with CF8, I receive the  ROWID in result variable but not in CF9.
      I don't use the Oracle Driver provide by CF due to a special connectivity URL.
      I use the OJDBC14.jar file provided by Oracle.
      Please find below some configuration informations and sample.
    Thanks in advance
    Best Regards
    CF Data Source : MyDataSource
    JDBC URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =
                (ADDRESS_LIST =
                  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IP1)(PORT = 1521))
                  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IP2)(PORT = 1521))
                (CONNECT_DATA =
                 (SERVICE_NAME = MyService)
    Driver Class : oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    Driver : Other
    SAMPLE :
        <cfquery name="test1" datasource="MyDataSource" result="res">
            insert into testtable    (ID, NAME) VALUES (9026,'testest')
        <cfdump var="#res.rowid#">

    To be honest there are so many intricacies like this with various drivers that I never rely on it. I tend to do one select to get the ID, then include that in the insert. Guaranteed to work that way.

  • CF9 and Server Manager Air

    I registered my CF9 server but status give me 'Unreachable', what connection settings does the component need and are there server-side settings I should check.

    Just figured it out my own.  In the 'Connection Information' for the server, under the 'HOST' parameters I had http:// preceeding the host name.  Removed that and connected successfully.  What clued me off was to display the "ERRORS View".

  • CF9 and Flex 3 and RPC Problem?

    I am using Flex 3.2 and ColdFusion 9 and having some problem that I haven't experience before.  Previously things worked on CF 8 so maybe that's the issue? I am using a RemoteObject to call ColdFusion and I'm getting this runtime error:
    [RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed: url: 'http://yapp.swf/flex2gateway/'"]
    For some reason the URL is not right tho, if you look at last part of the error message, that URL is close to mine, but it's not right.  I'm not even sure why it's saying failed url or what the url even points to now that I think about it.
    Any help highly appreciated.

    Ok...I'm a jerk...
    If I use
    amxmlc.exe HelloWorld.mxml
    It gives me an error...But if I use...
    amxmlc.bat HelloWorld.mxml
    Everything works fine...I needed the extra parameters -;)

  • CF9 and Ext JS - has anyone applied a different theme?

    Has anyone had any luck applying Ext JS themes to override the built-in theme that ships with CF 9? If so, which theme did you apply, where did you get it, and what was your method?
    My guess is that i can put any Ext JS 3.0 theme into my web site and then include the ext-all.css file and it should work. CF 8 allowed us to switch between themes (at least for some of the Ext JS functionality), which was cool because you could (in theory) add new themes on the server level and allow each of your applications to quickly choose. But this seems to be scrapped.

    I was able to apply a different theme as follows:
    First, I downloaded one of these: (very simple modifications of the default CF theme)
    Then I used the csssrc attribute in cfajaximport to specify where I want CF to look for the styles. You will have to rearrange the folders of your downloaded extjs theme to be exactly like the one that ships with CF. Look at the documentation for cfajaximport.
    If you have control over your server, you could try putting new themes in the ColdFusion folder so they can be accessible by all your applications.
    If anyone knows how to find some really cool extjs themes, please share!

  • CF9 and Ehcache

    After ready an interesting article recently about CF and Ehcache (, I became curious about the mention of using CF and Ehcache for Distributed Transactions.  Spent some time looking around, but could find very little if any on the topic.
    Has anyone done anything with CF/Ehcache and Distributed Transactions?  If so, I would love to hear your experiences.
    Does anyone know of any articles or documentation available about using CF and Ehcache for Distributed Transactions?
    Many Thanks in Advance!

    I never worked with it ... but you got me on a search ... and I found this :
    Seem to be clear of "how to" .... but I didn;t try it yet ...

Maybe you are looking for

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