CF9 and Flex 3 and RPC Problem?

I am using Flex 3.2 and ColdFusion 9 and having some problem that I haven't experience before.  Previously things worked on CF 8 so maybe that's the issue? I am using a RemoteObject to call ColdFusion and I'm getting this runtime error:
[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed: url: 'http://yapp.swf/flex2gateway/'"]
For some reason the URL is not right tho, if you look at last part of the error message, that URL is close to mine, but it's not right.  I'm not even sure why it's saying failed url or what the url even points to now that I think about it.
Any help highly appreciated.

Ok...I'm a jerk...
If I use
amxmlc.exe HelloWorld.mxml
It gives me an error...But if I use...
amxmlc.bat HelloWorld.mxml
Everything works fine...I needed the extra parameters -;)

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    Revision: 713
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-03 10:19:09 -0800 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Merging recent sample eclipse project changes for framework and rpc flex library projects to the trunk
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Bugs: N/A
    Modified Paths:

    Thats good news.

  • Cf8-cf9 and server upgrade problems

    I took over a system developed in coldfusion 8 and sql server
    2005 on a windows server 2003. I was new to all of this. I now need to upgrade to cf9 and sqlserver 2005 on a windows server 2008. someone has done the initial install of sql server cf and dreamweaver. I added java. All seems ok except I can't make the datechooser work. I activated the rds in but I still could not get to datechooser.png. I copied the directory from c.... to the same directory as my application and it showed the icon but did not do anything. I think I have 2 problems here
    1. how to I correctly map to the default CFIDE path
    2. is there something else I need to install to get the datechooser implemyed via cfinput datefield to produce a calender when I click on the icon
    Obviously I am a complete novice at this....
    Thanks in advance for any assistance

    @elizinn, someone may offer a single sentence proposal of how to fix things, but in my experience (helping solve such problems), this could be far more challenging problem to resolve than meets the eye, and all the more so if you're new to all this.
    I'll share my observations, for what they're worth. Sorry if ultimately your problem is totally unrelated, but perhaps then it will help someone else reading this later. Also, it's not clear, but I'm assuming that you DID proceed with the CF9 update. Even if you didn't, some of what I offer could still help you, if you can stick with me.
    First, you refer to not finding the DateChooser.png. Are you saying that it's somehow appearing as a broken link? Or are you getting a 404?
    As a test, it should be found at:
    What happens when you do that? That could be useful, diagnostically.
    As for the question of mappings, and CF updates, that actually could be a real mess, from my experience, if people aren't careful about what they're doing. Things get all the more complicated when people support multiple web sites and start doing manual configurations. Let me explain.
    The problem could have to do with where the first install of CF8 put the CFIDE, and then where the update to CF9 expected to update those files. It wouldn't be hard for someone not understanding things to have told the update to put its files in a different place than the original install, which could cause IIS (and your sites and requests) to be finding the wrong files (even if not a 404, they may not be the updated version for CF9).
    At root, the problem is that during the install, one is asked whether they want to have CF use its built-in web server or an external one. If they choose the former, then the CFIDE (and related files) are put it in that web server's webroot (which is \wwwroot). If they choose the latter, then the files are put in a docroot defined for IIS. (Even there, someone may later configure things with the web server configuration tool to support several web sites, each of which could have its own web site. And for that, some will manually setup a an IIS "virtual directory" for the CFIDE, which points to whatever single one they think is the one that should be used.
    I appreciate that it may sound confusing. This is one of those things where it may be faster for you to have someone with experience look over your shoulder and help correct things. There are some of us who do that, if you're interested. I list myself and others at
    And things can get hairier still when someone then runs the CF update, where it again asks where to put the CFIDE files. They may not pay close attention to all this above (if they even understand it), and they may let the updater put the files in a different location than the IIS sites are currently configured to look at. That could then leave things not working, or not working well.
    If you want to try to sort this out yourself, look in IIS, view whatever site you're working with, and look for any reference to a CFIDE directory. If it's not there, that's a problem from the start. You will want to add a virtual directory that points to wherever it really exists (and again, you want to be careful that there may be two different ones, as only will likely have been updated by the installer.)
    If it is there, then if it's a "real" directory (within that site's docroot), then again you want to make sure it's the one that was updated in the upgrade to CF9. If not, then you may need to copy whatever files "were" updated into that directory (or delete that directory and create a virtual one to point to the right place).
    And if it's there and it's a virtual mapping, again, make sure it's whatever is the latest CFIDE (if you have multiples).
    I'll note as well that there is also a mapping in the CF Admin (on the mappings page) for CFIDE, and that's put there by the installer (and is not editable in the interface). That could help clarify where the installer put the latest files.
    Hope that's helpful.
    /charlie arehart
    [email protected]
    Providing CF and CFBuilder troubleshooting services

  • CF9 and Amazon S3 - Has anyone got this to work?

    I've now sorted my other issues and thanks to everyone who helped me with them - I've now moved on to trying to create a set of services that will connect to the S3 cloud and post and retrieve pdf files in our buckets - We need to be able to supply vast amounts of files to client and the cost of that currently is exorbitant in server disk space compared to with using the cloud
    I've searched all over the net and picked up a number of ways of doing this - None of which seem to be able to generate the correct signature- I'm currently using the cf_hmac stuff from Adobe
    This is my code
    <cfobject component="AmazonWebServices.amazons3" name="amazonS3">
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys = structNew()/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.accessKey = "<MyKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.secret = "<MySecretKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.bucket = "<MyBucketName>"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.pdfContentType = "application/pdf"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.gifContentType = "image/gif"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.jpegContentType = "image/jpeg"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.requestType = "cname"/>
    <cfset deliverDir = "<MyDeliverDir>"/>
    <cfset s3Service = amazonS3.init(awsKey="#s3ServiceKeys.accessKey#",awsSecret="#s3ServiceKeys.secret#")/>
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#deliverDir#" name="TheFileList" sort="dateLastModified" recurse="no" type="file">
    <cfoutput query="TheFileList">
    <cfset result = s3Service.putFileOnS3(localFilePath="#deliverDir#\",
    <cfdump var="#result#"/>
    This is the AmazonS3Service - more or less a direct copy from here
    <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" returntype="amazons3">
             <cfargument name="awsKey" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="awsSecret" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="localCacheDir" type="string" required="false"
                 hint="If omitted, no local caching is done.  If provided, this directory is used for local caching of S3 assets.  Note that if local caching is enabled, this CFC assumes it is the only entity managing the S3 storage and therefore that S3 never needs to be checked for updates (other than those made though this CFC).  If you update S3 via other means, you cannot safely use the local cache." />
             <cfset variables.awsKey = awsKey />
             <cfset variables.awsSecret = awsSecret />
             <cfset variables.useLocalCache = structKeyExists(arguments, "localCacheDir") />
             <cfif useLocalCache>
                 <cfset variables.localCacheDir = localCacheDir />
                 <cfif NOT directoryExists(localCacheDir)>
                     <cfdirectory action="create"
                         directory="#localCacheDir#" />
             <cfreturn this />
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct"
                hint="I put a file on S3, and return the HTTP response from the PUT">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var gmtNow = dateAdd("s", getTimeZoneInfo().utcTotalOffset, now()) />
            <cfset var dateValue = dateFormat(gmtNow, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy") & " " & timeFormat(gmtNow, "HH:mm:ss") & " GMT" />
            <cfset var signature = getRequestSignature(
            ) />
            <cfset var content = "" />
            <cfset var result = "" />
            <cffile action="readbinary"
                variable="content" />
            <cfhttp url=""
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Date" value="#dateValue#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="AWS #variables.awsKey#:#signature#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="#contentType#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="x-amz-acl" value="public-read">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#content#" />
            <cfset deleteCacheFor(bucket, objectKey) />
            <cfreturn result />
    <cffunction name="getRequestSignature" access="private" output="false" returntype="string">
            <cfargument name="verb" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="dateOrExpiration" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" default="" />       
            <cfset stringToSign = "#trim(ucase(verb))#\n#contentType#\n#dateOrExpiration#\n/#bucket#/#objectKey#"/>
                <!--- Replace "\n" with "chr(10) to get a correct digest --->
                <cfset fixedData = replace(stringToSign,"\n","#chr(10)#","all")>
                <!--- Calculate the hash of the information --->
                <cf_hmac hash_function="sha1" data="#fixedData#" key="#variables.awsSecret#">
                <!--- fix the returned data to be a proper signature --->
                <cfset signature = ToBase64(binaryDecode(digest,"hex"))>
            <cfreturn signature>
    I don't appear to have any problems with what is being passed in - just the signature that is being created - All the code I've found is for earlier than CF9 and I'm therefore wondering if something has changed - although its more likely that I'm doing something I shouldn't be
    I need to be able to get stuff up there programatically before I start creating URL's so - this is a big first step to overcome

    I've actually found a work around for this problem - I took the Amazon S3 Library for Rest in Java and compiled the files below com into a jar - Which was dropped into the coldfusion server/lib
    I then used the examples to build the following coldfusion function
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" returntype="any">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />  
            <cffile action="read"
                variable="content" />  
                s3conn = CreateObject("java", "");
                s3object = CreateObject("java", "");
                headers = createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap");
                contentTypeArray[1] = "#contentType#";
                response = s3conn.put(bucket, objectKey, s3object, headers).connection.getResponseMessage();
                return response;
    Which works perfectly - At last - I've just got to build the rest of the suite now so that we can upload, delete, create URLs etc
    Very relieved I found a work around and part of me is very pleased that good old Java provided the solution having spent 9 years as a Java programmer before starting work in Coldfusion

  • CF9 and Excel

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    Does someone have some tips how to optimize the speed or does some has the same experience? Is there a good alternative the generate reports?
    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I have found the performance to be just god awful as well.  I just gave up using it.  Use Ben Nadels POI Util:  It should be loads faster.

  • [svn] 3336: Fix an AIR drag and drop problem.

    Revision: 3336
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-24 12:24:27 -0700 (Wed, 24 Sep 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix an AIR drag and drop problem.
    QE: YES
    Checkintests: Yes
    Reviewer: pfarland
    Bugs: SDK-17006
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Update 2, if it can help someone:
    Finally I don't manage the drag and drop by myself using
    DragManager.doDrag(...). Why? Because doing so if the user clicks
    on the scrollbars, on the datagrid header or on an empty row, it
    triggers the drag start and that is ugly. By letting Flex managing
    the drag and drop process, this doesn't append. BUT I was unable to
    use a custom proxy image then. Until I found this article:
    The trick is:
    1) save the mouseX and mouseY using the mousedown event.
    2) override dragImage(), as the article says, to create your
    custom proxy, attaching to it a FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE event,
    saving it to a class variable and returning it.
    3) When you receive the FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE event, you
    update the proxy position (that is saved in a class variable) using
    the saved mouseX and mouseY and you remove the listener to the
    When you drop the proxy, you access the dragged items in :
    Hope this helps, I spent lot of time trying to resolve this
    issue! Now it works perfectly! :-)

  • I am not able to launch FF everytime i tr to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report, i even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but stiil FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue in English

    I am not able to launch FF everytime i try to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report,and restore yr tabs. I even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but still FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue
    '''(in English)'''

    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
    but not 180, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by you are using the count() function in the incorrect way, please modify the expression as below and have a test:
    =COUNT(IIF(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4 ,1,Nothing))
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • BOSD, Battery issues and Heating problem after iOS 8 upgrade

    i have upgraded my iPad mini to iOS 8. Ever since I upgraded to iOS 8 am facing blue screen issues and heating problem as well. This is really frustrating even the patch iOS 8.0.2 dint solve the problem. Are you guys listening our complaints. When will you fixing it.

    The same thing happened to me on my 2012 Subaru Outback.  I'm not sure this will help you since you have a Honda, but I'm posting this just in case.
    I paired the audio on my car with my iPhone 6.  However, when I turned the car off and back on again, the iPhone would not pair automatically.  I had to manually connect the iPhone with the car.  Turns out there are two separate bluetooth pairings on my car: one for phone which allows up to 5 devices and one for audio which allows only one device.  So I did the second bluetooth pairing for the phone (had already done the audio), and that fixed it.  YMMV

  • I am making code to try to make a game and my problem is that my code......

    I am making code to try to make a game and my problem is that my code
    will not let it change the hit everytime so im getting the first guy to hit 1 then next hits 8 and so on and always repeats.
    Another problem is that I would like it to attack with out me telling it how much times to attack. I am using Object oriented programming.
    Here is the code for my objects:
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class rockCrab {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 70;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 50;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         rockCrab() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              double done = rint(fH - fA);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("Rockcrab hit" +done);
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class self {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 1;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 1;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         self() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("You hit" +done);
    }Here is the main code that writes what the objects do:
    class fight {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              self instance1 = new self();
              rockCrab instance2 = new rockCrab();
     = - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
     = - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " +;
    }when the code is run it says something like this:
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 38
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 8
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 31
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 7
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 24
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 17
    my point is whatever some one hits it always repeats that
    my expected output would have to be something like
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 9
    your health is 37
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 4
    your health is 33
    you hit 2
    RockCrabs health is 4
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 26
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 1
    RockCrab hit 6
    your health is 20
    Edited by: rade134 on Jun 4, 2009 10:58 AM

    [_Crosspost_|] I'm locking.

  • Remote and IR Problem

    A rather odd and annoying problem has recently been occuring on my MBP. A couple days ago my remote (after working without fail for over a year now) suddenly stopped working. Yesterday night and this morning it started working again but after a while it stopped again. I've read dozens of support articles which haven't really helped because there seems to be another problem.
    Most articles have stated that there is an option to disable the IR receiver in the "security" window under system preferences. When the IR and remote are not working this option disappears but when they are working the option is present. I have also tried replacing the battery without any result.
    I am now thinking that it might have something to do with heat buildup because it is mainly occuring after the laptop has been on for about a half hour, so I am going to try to borrow someone's fan.
    If anyone has any suggestions to solve this I would appreciate it if you could help. Thanks!
    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    check out this thread. Seems to be the same problem.

  • LG Ally text message and gps problems

    hello. ive been with verizon for about 10 years maybe. ive been overall happy with the service and customer service. but the prices should be alot i started out with the motorolas then switched to the lg phones. only problem with the motorola was the speakers. not loud enough. could never hear the phone ring. the lgs usually suffer from the same problem.
    i had a few phone problems but nothing like this lg ally. im on my second one and about to be my 3rd one in about 3 months. 1st phone i had every problem under the sun. this phone i am suffering from text message problems and gps problems. i suffer from what everyone else has problems with. the messages wont send. they will eventually lock up. it will show the envelope with the red explanation point ( i think thats the graphic). then usually everytime when i sent a text the texts will close. it will send then bounce back and show up as a draft and i have to resend it and wait for it to go thru. finally the last problem with the texts. when i send a text a phone number from my contacts shows up and freezes on the screen. its in white text with a black background. its the same number every time. it stays on the screen until i restart or pull my battery out.
    gps. when i open up google gps that comes with the phone i make sure the gps is on... when the directions are found and the map pops up 9 out of 10 times it just keeps saying searching for gps. the turn by turn never is found. the 1 time it does it takes a good 10 minutes to be found. atleast on my first one ally the gps did work 8 out of 10 times. it just took a good 5-10 minutes for gps to be found and show turn by turn.
    anyone else have these problems? where you able to fix them or did you need to get a new phone? the 2.1 update was supposed to fix problems. i think they just made it worse. the ally is supposed to have 2.2 froyo. where is it. is it ever going to get it. i got this phone because i like the lgs and the keyboard. also the sales representative on the phone was giving the lg ally rave reviews. why couldnt he say dont buy this go with a motorola droid. this phone is the biggest junk ever made

    I do apologize you are having trouble with your device I looked in our information system on the LG Ally in reguards to issues you are having it states if you have the Free Droid Security anti virus protection application down loaded it will cause the phone to lock up or freeze. Check and make sure you do not have the application on your device. Check you GPS settings and make sure correct. Go to Settings; Location & Security; make sure GPS is on wireless network. If this does not fix issue you can try doing a Master Reset on your device. Make sure your contacts are saved in your G-mail account or through Back Up Assistance.
    Master Reset/Soft Reset:
    Factory Reset option 1
    From the main screen, touch menu tab
    Touch Settings
    Touch Privacy
    Touch Factory Data reset
    Touch Reset Phone
    Warning: This will erase all data from your phone, including:
    Your Google account
    System and application data and settings
    Downloaded Applications
    It will not erase: Current System software and bundled applications; SD Card files, such as music or Photos
    Factory Reset option 2  - Warning this will reset device back to original factory settings.
    Turn off the phone
    Press and hold "home" + "end" + "volume up or down" keys together for a few seconds when the device is power off
    Once device displays boot information, release keys.
    Soft Reset
    Press the Power key.
    Touch Power off.
    Touch OK.
    Press the Power key to power on the device.
    Remove battery cover, remove battery and reinstall.Also there is a new update for LG Ally it will be the Froyo 2.2 but there is not release date available at this time it will post on your device when available. Hope this Helps. Leslie

  • I am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!

    i am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!
    When i press command+I (Get Info) i see that there is 140 GB "Available Space" on my hard disk but when i click on my hard disk icon on the desktop, and then press "space" i only see 102 GB free!! What the f*???
    Please HELP!!!!!! Getting second thoughts on Lion!!!!

    Hi b,
    Have you restarted yet?

  • How do I fix my ipod classic that says very low batter after I have charged it and the problem persists?

    I have an Ipod video 30g that says Please wait very low battery. I charged it for about a day and the problem persists. I've tried using some solutions on the internet and none of them worked including: holding the menu and select, holding select and play to put it in disk mode with no avail. Is there anyone who can help me!!!

    Have you read this post written by another forum member?
    The Sad iPod icon.
    However, as your iPod was purchased on Boxing Day, why not get it serviced under the warranty?
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.
    Or if an Apple store is near you, take it there and have them check your iPod.
    You can make an appointment by using this link.
    Genius Bar Appointments.

  • It's so annoying!! I have created a new Apple ID but after I click verify it just goes back to the previous page!!! It''s really frustrating I have tried for more than 4H, and the problem is not about the apple ID. I can download apps with the apple ID, w

    It's so annoying!! I have created a new Apple ID but after I click verify it just goes back to the previous page!!! It''s really frustrating I have tried for more than 4H, and the problem is not about the apple ID. I can download apps with the apple ID, which means IMessage is the problem! I restarted my iPad, I logged in and out of the apple ID in the store, AND YET IT STILL WON'T WORK, PLEASE HELP!

    Hi Vmanfromusa!
    It sounds like you are having an issue with activating your iMessage app on your iPad. An article outlining some troubleshooting steps for this issue can be found here:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

  • I bought a song on ITUNES and had problems downloading it. I got in touch with support and and they downloaded the song to my account but now when I try to play it, it tells me my computer isn't authorized to . Reauthorizing computer doesn't work. HELP

    I bought a song in ITUNES and had problem downloading it. I contacted support and they downloaded the song for me. Now when I try to play the song, I get a message saying my computer isn't authorized to play it. I try reauthorizing but that doesn't work, just keep getting the same message. Can anyone help?

    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    Best of luck,

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