Change AreaSeries form property using ActionScript

I'm trying to build an area chart from a dynamic set of data
in a database. I never know how many series I'll have, so I have to
program them in ActionScript. My problem is that I can't seem to
set the form to "curve" in ActionScript like you can in MXML. Does
anyone know how to do this?
My code brings up an error:
var myTempSeries:AreaSeries;
myTempSeries = new AreaSeries();
myTempSeries.form = "curve";

"form" is a style property, so you need to use setStyle():
myTempSeries.setStyle("form", "curve");
Style properties are set like "regular" properties in MXML,
but in AS you use setStyle(), and getStyle() to access them.

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          xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" initialize="init()">
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    You could achive this very easily(but this shouldn't be used in production code as it'll be difficult to manage as the project grows) by defining a static data member varibale of DataType Label something like below, (modified/added code in BOLD)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
          xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" initialize="init()"
       private function init():void{
         var btn:BtnScript = new BtnScript();
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    AS2 required you to create your own function for doing
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    If you are a VB programmer, my honest opinion is to leave
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    share similarities but they all have their own idiosyncrisies. Keep
    an open mind and you'll find what you need.
    Most of the seasoned guys here will also tell you that
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    and picking up a book on Flash 8/CS3 and another one on
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    $hostnameX.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $hostnameX.Checked = $true
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    $VMS = Get-Cluster MyCLUS | Get-vApp "My vApp" | Get-VM | Select Name,PowerState | Sort Name
    For ($i=0; $i -lt ($VMS.count); $i++)
    $VMGUEST = "$($VMS[$i].Name)" -replace("-","")
    New-Variable "CB$VMGUEST" "New-Object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox"
    New-Variable "CB$VMGUEST.Location" "New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)"
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    maybe another approach is a bit easier.
    Use a hash-array like
    $CB = @{}
    $CB[$VMGUEST] = New-Object System.Windows.Forms....
    $CB[$VMGUEST].Location = New-Object System.Drawing....
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jens Kalski
    That's the correct answer.  Anytime you find yourself wanting to create variables named "Widget1", "Widget2", "Widget3", etc... it's a pretty clear indication that what you really need is a collection object of some sort.  That might be an array,
    a hashtable, or any other data structure for holding other objects, depending on your specific needs.

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    convert your image to a movieclip. you can then use
    movieclipInstanceName.removeMovieClip() to remove it. or, if you
    might want to use it latter in your swf, change its _visible

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    execution mode= RUNTIME
    communication mode = ASYNCHRONOUS
    destype= SCREEN
    report server= REP60_9IAS
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    please check the reports and forms integration paper on otn to see the correct way to get your output from the report.

  • How can i convert my encrypting file to a applet form to use it in IE?

    Hi, i m a little new in JAVA.
    I searched about encryting methods. And i decide to built a encrypter that reads a string from a textbox and writes the encrypted form to another textbox.. this code is working in eclipse. but i cannot convert this to applet form to use it in internet explorer .. i dont know why this not work. It says : "Applet password notinited" -> How can i solve this problem ???
    Please HELP ME ! Thanks alot..
    package yeni;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    public class password extends java.applet.Applet
         SecretKeySpec keyS;
         SecretKey key;
         SecretKey key_s;
         String encrypted;
         String decrypted;
         KeyGenerator keyGen;
         Mac mac;
         byte[] utf8;
         byte[] digest;
         private Button b_open;
         private Button b_next;
         private TextField t_userID;
         private TextField t_password;
         private TextField re_userID;
         private TextField re_password;
         private Label l_title;
         private String root;
         private int col;
         private String title;
         private String buttontxt;
         private int bgcolor;
         private int fsize;
         private String fface;
         private String errorURL;
         /* Init */
         public void init()
              String att = getParameter("root");
              root = (att == null) ? this.getDocumentBase().toString() : att;
              att = getParameter("textfield");
              col = (att == null) ? 20 : (Integer.valueOf(att).intValue());
              att = getParameter("font_size");
              fsize = (att == null) ? 11 : (Integer.valueOf(att).intValue());
              att = getParameter("font_face");
              fface = (att == null) ? "Arial" : att;
              att = getParameter("color");
              bgcolor = (att == null) ? Color.white.getRGB() : (Integer.parseInt(att, 16));
              att = getParameter("title");
              title = (att == null) ? "" : att;
              att = getParameter("button");
              buttontxt = (att == null) ? "OPEN" : att;
              att = getParameter("wrong");
              errorURL = (att == null) ? "" : att;
              setFont(new Font(fface, Font.PLAIN, fsize));
              setBackground(new Color(bgcolor));
              b_open = new Button(buttontxt);
              b_next = new Button("NEXT");
              t_userID = new TextField(col);
              t_password = new TextField(col);
              re_userID = new TextField(col);
              re_password = new TextField(col);
              l_title = new Label(title);
    //          re_password.setEchoCharacter('-');
              setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,3,3));
              t_userID.setText("User ID");
         /* Transfer - �ifreleleme */
         void transfer()
              else t_userID.setText("Enter Your USER ID!");
                   //Calling HMAC Function
         /* HMAC Fonksiyonu - �ifreleme */
         public String HMAC(String values){
             String output = "";
             try {
                 //Generate a key for the HMAC-MD5 keyed-hashing algorithm;
                 key =  new SecretKeySpec( "istenen anahtar".getBytes("ASCII"), "HmacMD5");
                 // Create a MAC object using HMAC-MD5 and initialize with key
                 mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacMD5");
                 // Encode the string into bytes using utf-8 and digest it
                 utf8 = values.getBytes("UTF8");
                 digest = mac.doFinal(utf8);
                 //If desired, convert the digest into a string
                 String digestB64 = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(digest);
                 output += digestB64;
             catch(Exception e){}
             return output;
         /* surfto_error Fonksiyonu - Hata durumu */
         void surfto_error()
                        getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(errorURL),"_self");
                   catch (MalformedURLException e) {}
                   showStatus("Invalid password!");
         /* surfto Fonksiyonu - Bilgi Aktar�m� */
         void surfto()
                        URL surftoURL = new URL(root+t_password.getText()+".html");
                        InputStream in = surftoURL.openStream();
                   catch (MalformedURLException e) { surfto_error(); }
                   catch (SecurityException e) { surfto_error(); }
                   catch (IOException e) { surfto_error(); }
         /* Durum ��leme */
         public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)
              if( == Event.KEY_PRESS && == t_password && evt.key==10)
              return super.handleEvent(evt);
         /* Eylem ��leme  */
         public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)
              if ( == b_open)
                   return true;
              if ( == b_next)
                   return true;

    In method HMAC, you have towards the bottom
    catch(Exception e) {}please change this to
    catch(Exception e)
            }Note that using the sun.* classes, including the sun.misc.BASE64Encoder class, requires elevated privileges (see
    It is not difficult to write your own encoder/decoder class, or borrow one from someone else. Just google on "java base64 encoder".

  • Can I programmatically change printer paper size from ActionScript?

    I'm a newbie Flash/ActionSript developer and I have been searching for answers for a while with no luck. I wonder if I can get some pointers from this forum.
    I'm trying to programmatically print a movie clip to 8.5" x 11" plain paper regardless of the current paper size setting in the printer. e.g if the user's printer is currently set to use paper size A4, can I change the setting to Letter (8.5" x 11") from ActionScript at runtime? I use PrintJob class for printing the movieclip.
    According to the ActionScript online API spec ( =LiveDocs_Parts&file=00002066.html), I can only READ the paper size setting after the call to PrintJob.start. I can't believe that we are not allowed to change the setting. Maybe I missed something here. Can somebody help me out?
    Thanks in advance!

    you can't change the paper size used in client side printer.

  • Dynamical change read only property of  columns based on a profile option

    We are attempting to change a Oracle iProcurement(ShoppingCartPG) which has certain readonly columns by default.
    However, we need to make these columns updateable based on a responsibility level profile option. The code goes something like this.
    if readonly_profile_option = "TRUE"
    {make columnA property = readonly}
    else if readonly_profile_option = "FALSE"
    {make columnA property = updateable}
    I read the guide about switchers and it seems confusing (to me). So if someone can provide an example with some pseudocode that will be helpful.
    Also, can I dynamically add an LOV to column A if readonly is false? Of course the LOV should be disabled if readonly.
    Thanks a lot

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Switchers definitely don't make sense.
    Didn't know it was that simple. I always thought that the controller fires--> then the page renders --> then the VO attributes get poulated. Basing my understanding on this flow, I though that the bean properties can only be set in controllers and not in VOs(via SPEL). I'll try it tomorrow.
    Aprreciate your comments on the following.
    Our requirement is to make an Oracle seeded field(SupplierName in iProcurement) updateable and with an LOV . Oracle has seeded it as ReadOnly.
    I have two options.
    1. If I change the readonly property in jedeveloper(I cannot access it via personalization) and add SPEL that would be upgrade 'unsafe' customizing - I think.
    2. So I thought I'll extend the controller, substitute it and use
    messageLOVInputText SupplierNameBean=webbean.findChildRecursive("SupplierName");
    This is more upgrade safe. I have talked to the iProc development team and they are fine with it.

  • Change message type property of message in Orchestration

    Can we change the message type property of message  in Orchestration ?
    I tried to change the message type property of message  in Orchestration(in expression shape) as follows:
    But admin console showed the error that it is read only property.
    How we can change it ?

    No you can't change the message type context property. If you have some process which is depend on message type value, then construct a new message whose targetnamespace and rootelement matches to the value which you want to set. With something like..
    create a completely new schema with the fields/ data structure same as the one where you want to change the message type
    Set the newly created schema's target namespace and rootelement to the one which you want to change. For example if you want to change the message type values as
    http://samenamespace#sampleRootElement, then set the target namespace of the newly created schema as "http://samenamespace" and its root element
    as "sampleRootElement"
    Then construct this new message from old message using message assignment shape or transformation using map. This way the newly contricted message will have the message type value as want you want to change. This is the only way.
    Moreover you can't set the message type value as "20" as you have shown, its targetNamespace#rootelement of the schema, not any custom value. If you have any process which depends on this custom value assign this value to a custom context property
    using property schema.
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.


    There's something wierd about flex or im doing something
    - when i create a line series manually using mxml and specify
    a id for the series, it works.
    - similarly when i try to dynamically create a line series
    using actionscript & define an "id" property, flex does not
    understand! what am i doing wrong?
    code for reference:
    private function addSeries(series:Array,
    yField:String,id:String) // addseries(series,"date","1000")
    var ls:LineSeries= new LineSeries();
    var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke()
    ls.yField = yField;
    ls.dataProvider=dp // tried defining it dynamically, but flex does not
    THIS IS THE ERROR I GET : "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is
    undefined and has no properties."

    I see... I played around with the line chart ...
    Hopefully this helps... if not forgive me...
    I know why you are trying to use the id property which i
    agree doesn't work.
    since the series is an array in your lineChart use the index
    to set the visible property false/true.
    lineChart.series[0].visible = true/false;
    <mx:Lineseries id="a1" visible="true"
    dataProvider="{whatever}" />
    <mx:Lineseries id="a2" visible="false"
    create a function called init();
    public function init():void
    var lineS1:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
    lineS1.visible = true/false;
    var lineS2:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
    lineS2.visible = true/false;
    ... and the key is to call this init function on initialize
    event...NOT on createComplete event
    <mx:LineChart.... initialize="init()" .... />
    and to show both lines... call this function...
    public function showLines():void
    lineChart.series[0].visible = true;
    lineChart.series[1].visible = true;
    Hope this helps....

  • Dynamic Action On change tabular form question

    Hi guys!
    I've wanted to add dynamic action on change (tabular form) to execute PL/SQL which checks if column of the tabular form has changed and if yes it changes walue of text field to Y or N. It doesnt work...and I don't know why. If I create validation with this PL/SQL it works. Can you help?
    On change - Tabular Form
       nazwa     VARCHAR2(4000);
       counter   NUMBER := 0;
       FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNT
          IF wwv_flow_item.md5(nazwa) <>  wwv_flow_item.md5(apex_application.g_f08(i)) THEN
            counter := counter + 1;
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       IF counter > 0 THEN
      END IF;
    END;Page items to submit: P5_IS_TABULAR_FORM_CHANGE
    What's wrong?
    With regards,

    Region static id shouldn be in bracketsYou missed the '#' informt of the region id.
    why my original PL/SQL process did not work
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNTThis works only when the application array has values and that happens only when the page is submitted.When you submit the dynamic action , it isn't.
    This script combined with script to detect changes makes apex page running very slowIf you use that PLSQL code(assuming it works as expected) , then its going to take a server request every-time you change a field in the tabular form and loop though all the array values(if they would be submitted before) and recalculate and compare the checksums . Isn't that going to be very inefficient.
    As for that JS code, it only runs at the client side. You can do all the server side checks on submit, when the user expects some delay due to processing.

  • How to load other obejects in flash file after intro using ActionScript 3.0

    How to load other obejects in flash file after intro using ActionScript 3.0 or any other method all in same fla file. see blow intro screen shot ,this one playing repeatedly without loading other fla pages .only way to load other pages is click on Skip intro .see second screeshot below .i need that site to load after intro .
    see codes already in
    skipintro_b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipintro_b_clicked);
    function skipintro_b_clicked(e:MouseEvent):void{
    There is another script there
    /* Simple Timer
    Displays a countdown timer in the Output panel until 30 seconds elapse.
    This code is a good place to start for creating timers for your own purposes.
    1. To change the number of seconds in the timer, change the value 30 in the first line below to the number of seconds you want.
    var fl_TimerInstance:Timer = new Timer(1000, 30);
    fl_TimerInstance.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_TimerHandler);
    var fl_SecondsElapsed:Number = 1;
    function fl_TimerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
              trace("Seconds elapsed: " + fl_SecondsElapsed);
    i have no knowledge about these thing ,any help really appreciated .

    Ned Murphy Thank you very Much .It is working .Great advice

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