Change in Name Format

Hi Experts,
We have a requirement. It is change in Name Format.
The name format for the employees who belongs to other country personnel areas to be changed to show the Form of Address, First Name & Last Name in Infotype 0002- Personal Data.
I have made changes in the IMG and try to see the reflection in PA30, but of no use.
Could you anyone help me in this with your valuable suggestions.
Edited by: SekharRHR on Jun 7, 2011 3:32 PM

It can be done through CMOD... by changing field name..
Please follow the following instructions.
Enter infotype 0002 and go Last name and press F1.
Select the Technical information and copy the "Data Element" for that particular field.
Enter T-code cmod
Now select from above menu GO TO then Text Enhancements then Key words then Change.
Now Enter the Data Element and change the last name into first name..
Repeat the same behavoiur for other field.

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    Edited by: Mary Jo Wartner on Mar 26, 2010 4:12 PM

    Hi Nandy,
    As I understood you would appraisal items come from position requirements. If this is the case and If you go in standard way by adding requirements to your position you can use "Fixed enhancement" in "Dynamic Settings" section. The name of BADI is "HRHAP00_ENHANCE_FIX" otherwise you should develop your own code and use it through "Free enhancement"

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    Hmm the advice has been not to use referenced libraries - you ignored and did it anyway and you find the advise not helpful
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    Maybe life would be easier if you followed advice rather than ignoring it and then complaining that things no longer work
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    Have a nice day

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    my condolences for your family’s loss. If all she seeks to do is to change the display name, and she’s willing to leave the account name unchanged, then she could do the following: log in as the administrative user and open the Users & Groups pane of System Preferences. If the padlock in the lower-left corner is locked, unlock it. Select the account that shows your brother-in-law’s name on the left-hand side of the window, and then on the right-hand side, change the text in the “Full name” textbox to her preferred display name. If desired, click on the padlock in the lower-left corner to relock it.

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    I have not heard from you for some days, currently I am providing the related article for you. Hope this will help you on this matter.
    The UNIX Attributes tab does not appear in the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in when Server for NIS is installed in the domain
    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Steven Song
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    //  ViewController.m
    //  Movie List
    //  Created by Damian on 20/02/15.
    //  Copyright (c) 2015 Tika Software. All rights reserved.
    #import "ViewController.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    These outlets to the buttons use a `strong` reference instead of `weak` because we want
    to keep the buttons around even if they're not inside a view.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *editButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *deleteButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *addButton;
    // A simple array of strings for the data model.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *dataArray;
    #pragma mark -
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
         This option is also selected in the storyboard. Usually it is better to configure a table view in a xib/storyboard, but we're redundantly configuring this in code to demonstrate how to do that.
        self.tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
        // populate the data array with some example objects
        self.dataArray = [NSMutableArray new];
        NSString *itemFormatString = NSLocalizedString(@"Movie %d", @"Format string for item");
        for (unsigned int itemNumber = 1; itemNumber <= 0; itemNumber++)
            NSString *itemName = [NSString stringWithFormat:itemFormatString, itemNumber];
            [self.dataArray addObject:itemName];
        // make our view consistent
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - UITableViewDelegate
    - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
        return self.dataArray.count;
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Configure a cell to show the corresponding string from the array.
        static NSString *kCellID = @"cellID";
        UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellID];
        cell.textLabel.text = [self.dataArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        return cell;
    #pragma mark - Action methods
    - (IBAction)editAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:YES animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)cancelAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
        // The user tapped one of the OK/Cancel buttons.
        if (buttonIndex == 0)
            // Delete what the user selected.
            NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
            BOOL deleteSpecificRows = selectedRows.count > 0;
            if (deleteSpecificRows)
                // Build an NSIndexSet of all the objects to delete, so they can all be removed at once.
                NSMutableIndexSet *indicesOfItemsToDelete = [NSMutableIndexSet new];
                for (NSIndexPath *selectionIndex in selectedRows)
                    [indicesOfItemsToDelete addIndex:selectionIndex.row];
                // Delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeObjectsAtIndexes:indicesOfItemsToDelete];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects
                [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:selectedRows withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
                // Delete everything, delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeAllObjects];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects.
                // Because we are deleting all the rows, just reload the current table section
                [self.tableView reloadSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
            // Exit editing mode after the deletion.
            [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
            [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)deleteAction:(id)sender
        // Open a dialog with just an OK button.
        NSString *actionTitle;
        if (([[self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows] count] == 1)) {
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove this movie?", @"");
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove these movies?", @"");
        NSString *cancelTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"Cancel title for item removal action");
        NSString *okTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK title for item removal action");
        UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:actionTitle
        actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleDefault;
        // Show from our table view (pops up in the middle of the table).
        [actionSheet showInView:self.view];
    - (IBAction)addAction:(id)sender
        [self.dataArray addObject:@"New Movie"];
        // Tell the tableView about the item that was added.
        NSIndexPath *indexPathOfNewItem = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRowself.dataArray.count - 1) inSection:0];
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPathOfNewItem]
        // Tell the tableView we have finished adding or removing items.
        [self.tableView endUpdates];
        // Scroll the tableView so the new item is visible
        [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPathOfNewItem
        // Update the buttons if we need to.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - Updating button state
    - (void)updateButtonsToMatchTableState
        if (self.tableView.editing)
            // Show the option to cancel the edit.
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.cancelButton;
            [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
            // Show the delete button.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.deleteButton;
            // Not in editing mode.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.addButton;
            // Show the edit button, but disable the edit button if there's nothing to edit.
            if (self.dataArray.count > 0)
                self.editButton.enabled = YES;
                self.editButton.enabled = NO;
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButton;
    - (void)updateDeleteButtonTitle
        // Update the delete button's title, based on how many items are selected
        NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
        BOOL allItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == self.dataArray.count;
        BOOL noItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == 0;
        if (allItemsAreSelected || noItemsAreSelected)
            self.deleteButton.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Delete All", @"");
            NSString *titleFormatString =
            NSLocalizedString(@"Delete (%d)", @"Title for delete button with placeholder for number");
            self.deleteButton.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:titleFormatString, selectedRows.count];

    Hey JB001,
    Sounds like you have more going on than just a simple issue with Home Sharing and more dealing with Wi-Fi syncing. Start with the article below and see if that may resolve it.
    iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi syncing
    If it does not work out, then may I suggest contacting Apple for further assistance to walk you through it or just take that time that you were talking about to sort it out.
    Contact Apple Support
    -Norm G.

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    Does anybody have any ideas? I've tried 'Format Box', but it won't let me change the name from there. I also tried it in the Report Explorer but to no avail.

    Hi Joanne,
    Boxes do not actually have a 'name'. When you add a Box in a report, it will be called 'Box 1' by default. And the only place this name is visible is under the Report Explorer.
    Or do you mean to say 'Text Object'?

  • How to change the date format?

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    Here is my code snippet which i used to display the data format as(2009-1-9)
    *<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="date_submitted" MAXLENGTH=20 SIZE=10 VALUE="" onBlur= "return dateSubmitted()">  (YYYY-MM-DD)*
    *<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">*
    function dateSubmitted()
                        if (document.pgUpdate.date_submitted.value == "")
                             date = new Date();     
                             month = date.getMonth() + 1     
                             document.pgUpdate.date_submitted.value =
                                            date.getYear() + "-" + month + "-" + date.getDate();
                        return true;
    Can anybody help me how to change the date format?
    Thanks in advance!

    prit123 wrote:
    use SimpleDateFormat class. The code is :He posted a Javascript related question, not a Java related question.
    Please use forums devoted to Javascript. You're here at a Java/JSP forum.
    There are JS forums at and Good luck.
    String formatPattern = "yyyy-mm-dd";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatPattern);
    sdf.format(yourdate);yyyy-mm-dd denotes year-minutes-days. Please go read the SimpleDateFormat API as well.

  • How to Change the default format for differnt language both in java and SQL

    I am using SQL Anywhere in my application.And in my java client application user can log in with their preferred language like English,French,German,Chinese,etc....When even the user log in to the application the data from the database will be displayed with respective to the language.But when i tried to see the dates in Interactive SQL all the dates r in the format of '2008-12-5 16:44:10:673' but say for example for Chinese it will be displayed as '08-12-5 16.44.10' and for some other language it will come in some other format(which is standard format for those language).
    Mean while i am using java client.When ever i am displaying a date it will be with respective to the language using Locale and date format classes.When i am displaying the date for Chinese in GUI it will show the date as '08-12-5 &#19979;&#21320;4:44'. In summary
    1. For Chinese,the default date pattern from SQL Anywhere date base is '08-12-5 16.44.10'
    2. For the same language date using java code is displaying as '08-12-5 &#19979;&#21320;4:44'. and i am getting the time format pattern as 'ah:mm'.I tried to change the display format in regional settings but no change in display.
    Is there any way to make both the time format as same?
    Please help me to solve this issue!!!
    Thanks in Advance!

    pon_arun wrote:
    Hello masijade,
    I did as u said but still the date display is not the same......And I'm telling you that it doesn't matter. What "format" the DB likes to display a Date in when it displays it, is completely irrelevant to how you display it in your GUI.
    A Date does not have a format. A String representation of a Date does.
    As long as you use getDate from ResultSet and setDate from PreparedStatement you do not have to worry about this. Those methods will handle dates to and from the DB themselves. You can then use SimpleDateFormat to display the Date anyway you want to.
    Just because you show the Date one way, and the DB shows it another, does not mean that it is not the same date. Don't get hung up on how the String representation of the Date looks.
    Edit: If you simply want to be able to do "Human Comparisons" then look at the SQL TO_CHAR function (for Oracle, for other DBs the function name may vary). And for Java, read the API docs for SimpleDateFormat (as already intimated above).

  • How can I change the date format in Reminders and in Notes?

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    I Like to see 10oct rather than 10/10, as an example.

    I do not have Mavericks or iOS - but the first thing I would do is reset the defaults - I'll use Mavericks as an example
    From If the wrong date or time is displayed in some apps on your Mac - Apple Support
    OS X Yosemite and Mavericks
        Open System Preferences.
        From the View menu, choose Language & Region.
        Click the Advanced button.
        Click the Dates tab.
        Click the Restore Defaults button.
        Click the Times tab.
        Click the Restore Defaults button.
        Click OK.
        Quit the app where you were seeing incorrect dates or times displayed.
        Open the app again, and verify that the dates and times are now displayed correctly.
    Then customize to taste - OS X Mavericks: Customize formats to display dates, times, and more
    OS X Mavericks: Customize formats to display dates, times, and more
    Change the language and formats used to display dates, times, numbers, and currencies in Finder windows, Mail, and other apps. For example, if the region for your Mac is set to United States, but the format language is set to French, then dates in Finder windows and email messages appear in French.
        Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Language & Region.
        Choose a geographic region from the Region pop-up menu, to use the region’s date, time, number, and currency formats.
        To customize the formats or change the language used to display them, click Advanced, then set options.
        In the General pane, you can choose the language to use for showing dates, times, and numbers, and set formats for numbers, currency, and measurements.
        In the Dates and Times panes, you can type in the Short, Medium, Long, and Full fields, and rearrange or delete elements. You can also drag new elements, such as Quarter or Milliseconds, into the fields.
        When you’re done customizing formats, click OK.
        The region name in Language & Region preferences now includes “Custom” to indicate you customized formats.
    To undo all of your changes for a region, choose the region again from the Region pop-up menu. To undo your changes only to advanced options, click Advanced, click the pane where you want to undo your changes, then click Restore Defaults.
    To change how time is shown in the menu bar, select the “Time format” checkbox in Language & Region preferences, or select the option in Date & Time preferences.
    Here's the result AppleScript i use to grab the " 'Short Date' ' + ' 'Short Time' "  to paste into download filenames - works good until I try to post it here - the colon " : " is a no-no but is fine in the Finder
    Looks like iOS Settings are a bit less robust
    - Date/Time formats are displayed according to 'tradition' of your region >
    buenos tardes

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    Best Regards,

       if your requirement is to pick the  existing file in the FTP folder...and send as idoc to the target and place the renamed file to FTP folder...
    then its simple...
    use two receivers instead of one , one for point to target and other for sender itself... (second receiver  is for  changing  the file name format....)
    Hope the above understanding is correct...if not provide more details of your requirement...

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    I am currently trying to produce an applet that will display content from a PLC (which hosts its own webpage).The PLC itself only allows files using the 8.3 file name format to be stored on it (eg. 123456789.123).
    I have tried a few simple things, such as changing the ".class" file extension to ".cls". But this just produced an error in my internet browser (IE 8).
    Any help and/or work-arounds would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Vincent Wiebe

    849427 wrote:
    ..I did not think of that, ..That's why forums rock. Many minds are better than one. ;)
    Thank you very much :)You're welcome. :-)

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    I followed the below note to change the "File Download" name.
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    Rajesh Alex
    Rajesh Alex

    Have you checked if a HTTP header "Content-disposition" is returned ?
    You can use ieHTTPHEaders for IE
    Live HTTP Headers for FireFox

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