Change material archive process

I would like to know if exists some exit or badi to change the material archive process...
I would like to add one more check in this process, but i can't find anything...
Please help me
Thank you

Thank you!
Edited by: Cristina  Aleixo on Feb 17, 2009 12:41 PM

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    If you have any suggestions, please reply. 
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Prasobh,
    The exact scenario is as follows:
    1. A semi finished good will be used as a component to produce the finished good.
    2. This semi finished good will have treatments added to it, and quality inspection will be performed as treatments are added. 
    3. Inspections will occur several times as treatments are added.  If during one of these inspections, material is out of spec, and the blend should be transferred to another material number, we need to be able to change to another material number.  To have a customization where material number is changed in all of the relevant PP and QM tables seems risky. 
    This is why we can't really use material classification.  We also do not have the option to use VC bc the MM module is already implemented. 

  • Impacts in COPA of changing material and customer master data

    Dear experts,
    In my company we are considering following scenario:
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    Changing material & customer master data: Impact in COPA
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    Option 2: Material master data and customer data codes are re-created (codification of records is changed), meaning that new material and customer codes will exist and content in tables/fields is changed (as in option 1)
    Case: material and customer codes are changed. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Iu2019ve never phased a similar scenario and I fear that maintaining operating concern while changing source master data and also SD flows (we have new billing types, item categories, sales doc. Types, order reasons) may lead to inconsistencies and problems in COPA.
    I would like to ask you experts if you have come across a similar scenario and if from your experience, it is something feasible to do or there are many risks involved. What can be the impact of this scenario in existing Operating Concern for both option 1 and 2 and what would be the key activities to perform to adapt the existing operating concern. What will be the impact of the needed conversions on P&L reporting?
    Sorry for the long story. I hope you can help me out.
    Thanks and Regards,

       First i think you will need to test if it works for new COPA documents created via billing.
      If it works fine then the issue is if you wish to apply these changes to the historical data already posted.
      Normally there are transactions like KE4S where you can repost the billing document to COPA
      However this may not be viable for bulk postings
      You can perform realignment (KEND) but this only works at the PA segment level (table CE4XXXX)


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-19
    2. LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값은 동적으로 변경 가능한지 여부
    3. Archiver process의 갯수가 동적으로 바뀌는 메카니즘
    4. 어떤 archiver process가 online log를 archive시켰는지 판단 방법
    Oracle 8i에는 다중 archive destination을 지원하며, 단일 archiver의
    부하를 줄여주기 위해 multiple archiver process를 사용할 수 있다.
    LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 파라미터로 구동시킬 최대 ARCH 프로세스의
    갯수를 지정하면 된다.
    만약 LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 TRUE로 지정되어 있다면 인스턴스 구동시
    init 파일에 지정된 LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES에 지정된 값을 읽어
    값이 별도로 지정되어 있지 않을 경우에는 arc0 프로세스만을 구동시킨다.
    LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값이 별도로 지정되었을 경우 (1 - 10 범위),
    arc0, arc1 과 같은 추가 프로세스를 구동시킨다.
    하지만, 이 파라미터 값을 기본값 1이 아닌 다른 값으로 명시적으로 지정할
    필요는 없다. 왜냐하면, 시스템에서 몇개의 ARCn 프로세스가
    필요한지를 판단하여, 추가 ARCn 프로세스를 생성하기 때문이다.
    2. LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값은 동적으로 변경 가능한지 여부
    alter system 명령에서 set LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES=n 으로
    지정하여 동적으로 값을 변경할 수 있다. 이때 n은 1 부터 10사이의
    값이어야 한다. 하지만, LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 FALSE로 지정되어
    있을 경우에는, 명령을 실행시켜도 아무런 영향을 미치지
    3. Archiver process의 갯수가 동적으로 바뀌는 메카니즘
    만약 LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 TRUE로 지정되어 있다면, 오라클에서는
    구동시 하나의 archiver process (ARC0)를 구동시킨다. 이 파라미터
    값은 필요시 LATER SYSTEM 명령으로 지정된 갯수만큼의
    archive process를 구동시킬 수 있다.
    위 명령을 실행 시키면 다음과 같은 절차에 따라 ARC1, ARC2, ARC3를
    1) Shadow process는 primary archive process에게 프로세스 갯수를
    늘릴 것을 요청한다.
    2) Archiver process는 kcrrschd 함수를 호출한다. (kcrrschd:
    다중 arch process를 schedule)
    3) 만약 요청된 process의 갯수가 현재 사용중인 archiver process
    갯수보다 작은지 확인한다. 만약 새로 지정된 값이 적거나, ARCHIVING이
    DISABLE 된 상태라면 다른 조치를 취하지 않고 return 한다. 그렇지
    않다면 지원되는 최대 갯수인 10을 넘는지 확인하고 10을 넘을 경우에는
    프로세스의 갯수를 10으로 지정한다.
    4) Scheduler 함수는 kcrxs{} structure에 대한 latch를 확보한다.
    여기서 kcrxs{} structure는 ARCH Activation status를 나타낸다.
    5) Scheduler 함수는 지정된 process 갯수 만큼 loop를 돌면서
    schedule된 상태를 structure KCRRSCHED에 반영시킨다.
    6) 그리고 나서 latch를 release 시킨 후 kcrrsmp 함수를 ( kcrrsmp:
    다중 arch processs 구동 ) 호출한다.
    7) kcrrsmp 함수는 kcrrxs{} structure (ARCH 구동 상태)에 대한 latch를
    확보하여 code 실행을 serialize 시켜 이 함수가 동시에 실행되더라도
    한번에 하나씩 실행될 수 있도록 한다.
    8) pending 상태에 있는 archiver process를 스케쥴링 하고, dead process가
    있으면 clean up 시킨다.
    9) 그리고 나서 이 함수는 지정된 process 갯수 만큼 loop를 돌면서
    KCRRSCHED 상태를 KCRRSTART으로 바꾸어, archiver process들을
    구동 준비 상태로 만든다.
    10) latch를 release 시킨 후 ARCH 프로세스를 구동시킨다.
    11) kcrrsmp함수는 latch를 다시 획득한다. 각각의 archiver 프로세스는
    자기 자신을 activate 시킬 것을 통보 받는다. archiver process는
    자기 자신을 activate 시킨 후 alert file에 관련 사항을 기록한다.
    12) 호출을 하는 함수는 모든 archiver process가 자기 자신을
    activate 시키고, kcrrxs structure의 내용을 갱신할 때 까지
    sleep 상태에서 대기한다.
    13) 끝으로, 현재 archiver process의 갯수가 요청된 archiver process
    의 갯수와 일치 하면, latch를 release 시키고 break 한다. ( C
    에서의 break )
    alert. log 에는 위 과정이 다음과 같이 반영된다.
    sql: prodding the archiver
    ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=4;
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:14 1999
    ARC0: invoking ARC1
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    ARC0: Initializing ARC1
    ARC0: ARC1 invoked
    ARC0: invoking ARC2
    ARC1 started with pid=10
    ARC1: Archival started
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    ARC0: Initializing ARC2
    ARC2 와 ARC3도 동일한 절차를 따른다.
    흥미로운 사실은 프로세스의 갯수를 줄일 수도 있다는 것이다. 예를 들어
    다음과 같은 명령을 실행시킬 경우
    다음과 같은 작업이 순서대로 실행된다.
    1) shadow process는 현재 active 상태인 archiver process와 접속을 한다.
    2) archiverprocess는 kcrrxmp 함수를 호출한다. ( kcrrxmp: 다중
    Arch process 정지 )
    3) kcrrxmp 함수는 kcrrxs{} structure에 (ARCH 구동 상태) 대한 latch를 획득하여 다른 프로세스에서 structure를 동시에 병경하지 않도록 한다.
    4) 새로 요청된 archiver process의 갯수가 현재 사용중인 archiver process
    의 갯수보다 작은지 확인한다.
    5) 만약 작다면, archiver process 목록 가운데, 가장 최근에 schedule
    되어, archival 작업에 schedule 차례가 금방 돌아 오지 않을 프로세스를
    6) 각각의 프로세스에 대해 KCRRACTIVE 상태에서 KCRRSHUTDN로 상태를
    변경할 것을 요청한다.
    7) 상태가 바뀌면, OS에서 해당 프로세스를 종료시키도록 하고, 상태를
    KCRRDEAD로 바꾼다. 관련된 상태 정보가 정리되고 kcrrxs{} structure의
    내용이 갱신된다.
    6) ,7) 과정은 지정된 archiver process 갯수로 줄어들 때 까지
    8) 새로운 archiver process의 갯수로 kcrrxs structure 내용이 갱신된다.
    9) latch를 release 시킨다.
    상태 변동은 다음과 같이 alert. log 파일에 반영된다.
    sql: prodding the archiver
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARC3: sending ARC0 shutdown message
    ARC3: sending ARC1 shutdown message
    ARC3: received prod
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=2;
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARCH shutting down
    ARC0: Archival stopped
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARCH shutting down
    ARC1: Archival stopped
    4. 어떤 archiver process가 online log를 archive시켰는지 판단 방법
    Archiver process는 round-robin 방식으로 archiving 작업을 수행하도록
    schedule 된다. 만약 다중 archiver process가 부하에 따라 activate 된
    경우는 여러가지 경우의 수가 있을 수 있다. Oracle 8i에서는 다중
    archive log dest를 지원하면서 archive log에 대한 duplexing을 지원
    하기 때문에, 어떤프로세스가 log file을 archive 시켰는지를 기록할 필요가
    Oracle 8i에서 archival 작업은 성공할 때 마다 trace file에 archiver
    process 명을 기록한다.
    다음은 관련 trace file의 주요 내용이다.
    Instance name: v815
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 12
    Unix process pid: 3658, image: oracle@oracle8i (ARC3)
    *** Session ID:(12. 1) 1999. 07. 13. 02. 15. 15. 000
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 15. 15. 000
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 33. 06. 000
    ARC3: Begin archiving log# 1 seq# 38 thrd# 1
    ARC3: Creating archive destination 1 : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Archiving block 1 count 1 to : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Closing archive destination 1 : /bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Archival success destination 1 : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: COMPLETE, all destinations archived
    ARC3: ArchivedLog entry added: /bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38. dbf
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 33. 06. 000
    ARC3: Completed archiving log# 1 seq# 38 thrd# 1
    이 정보를 가지고, archive process 3이 log sequence 38번을
    destination 1 :/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch 에 archive 시킨 것을 알 수 있다.
    Reference Ducumment

    작성날짜 : 2002-04-19
    2. LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값은 동적으로 변경 가능한지 여부
    3. Archiver process의 갯수가 동적으로 바뀌는 메카니즘
    4. 어떤 archiver process가 online log를 archive시켰는지 판단 방법
    Oracle 8i에는 다중 archive destination을 지원하며, 단일 archiver의
    부하를 줄여주기 위해 multiple archiver process를 사용할 수 있다.
    LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 파라미터로 구동시킬 최대 ARCH 프로세스의
    갯수를 지정하면 된다.
    만약 LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 TRUE로 지정되어 있다면 인스턴스 구동시
    init 파일에 지정된 LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES에 지정된 값을 읽어
    값이 별도로 지정되어 있지 않을 경우에는 arc0 프로세스만을 구동시킨다.
    LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값이 별도로 지정되었을 경우 (1 - 10 범위),
    arc0, arc1 과 같은 추가 프로세스를 구동시킨다.
    하지만, 이 파라미터 값을 기본값 1이 아닌 다른 값으로 명시적으로 지정할
    필요는 없다. 왜냐하면, 시스템에서 몇개의 ARCn 프로세스가
    필요한지를 판단하여, 추가 ARCn 프로세스를 생성하기 때문이다.
    2. LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES 값은 동적으로 변경 가능한지 여부
    alter system 명령에서 set LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES=n 으로
    지정하여 동적으로 값을 변경할 수 있다. 이때 n은 1 부터 10사이의
    값이어야 한다. 하지만, LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 FALSE로 지정되어
    있을 경우에는, 명령을 실행시켜도 아무런 영향을 미치지
    3. Archiver process의 갯수가 동적으로 바뀌는 메카니즘
    만약 LOG_ARCHIVE_START 값이 TRUE로 지정되어 있다면, 오라클에서는
    구동시 하나의 archiver process (ARC0)를 구동시킨다. 이 파라미터
    값은 필요시 LATER SYSTEM 명령으로 지정된 갯수만큼의
    archive process를 구동시킬 수 있다.
    위 명령을 실행 시키면 다음과 같은 절차에 따라 ARC1, ARC2, ARC3를
    1) Shadow process는 primary archive process에게 프로세스 갯수를
    늘릴 것을 요청한다.
    2) Archiver process는 kcrrschd 함수를 호출한다. (kcrrschd:
    다중 arch process를 schedule)
    3) 만약 요청된 process의 갯수가 현재 사용중인 archiver process
    갯수보다 작은지 확인한다. 만약 새로 지정된 값이 적거나, ARCHIVING이
    DISABLE 된 상태라면 다른 조치를 취하지 않고 return 한다. 그렇지
    않다면 지원되는 최대 갯수인 10을 넘는지 확인하고 10을 넘을 경우에는
    프로세스의 갯수를 10으로 지정한다.
    4) Scheduler 함수는 kcrxs{} structure에 대한 latch를 확보한다.
    여기서 kcrxs{} structure는 ARCH Activation status를 나타낸다.
    5) Scheduler 함수는 지정된 process 갯수 만큼 loop를 돌면서
    schedule된 상태를 structure KCRRSCHED에 반영시킨다.
    6) 그리고 나서 latch를 release 시킨 후 kcrrsmp 함수를 ( kcrrsmp:
    다중 arch processs 구동 ) 호출한다.
    7) kcrrsmp 함수는 kcrrxs{} structure (ARCH 구동 상태)에 대한 latch를
    확보하여 code 실행을 serialize 시켜 이 함수가 동시에 실행되더라도
    한번에 하나씩 실행될 수 있도록 한다.
    8) pending 상태에 있는 archiver process를 스케쥴링 하고, dead process가
    있으면 clean up 시킨다.
    9) 그리고 나서 이 함수는 지정된 process 갯수 만큼 loop를 돌면서
    KCRRSCHED 상태를 KCRRSTART으로 바꾸어, archiver process들을
    구동 준비 상태로 만든다.
    10) latch를 release 시킨 후 ARCH 프로세스를 구동시킨다.
    11) kcrrsmp함수는 latch를 다시 획득한다. 각각의 archiver 프로세스는
    자기 자신을 activate 시킬 것을 통보 받는다. archiver process는
    자기 자신을 activate 시킨 후 alert file에 관련 사항을 기록한다.
    12) 호출을 하는 함수는 모든 archiver process가 자기 자신을
    activate 시키고, kcrrxs structure의 내용을 갱신할 때 까지
    sleep 상태에서 대기한다.
    13) 끝으로, 현재 archiver process의 갯수가 요청된 archiver process
    의 갯수와 일치 하면, latch를 release 시키고 break 한다. ( C
    에서의 break )
    alert. log 에는 위 과정이 다음과 같이 반영된다.
    sql: prodding the archiver
    ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=4;
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:14 1999
    ARC0: invoking ARC1
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    ARC0: Initializing ARC1
    ARC0: ARC1 invoked
    ARC0: invoking ARC2
    ARC1 started with pid=10
    ARC1: Archival started
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    Tue Jul 13 02:15:15 1999
    ARC0: Initializing ARC2
    ARC2 와 ARC3도 동일한 절차를 따른다.
    흥미로운 사실은 프로세스의 갯수를 줄일 수도 있다는 것이다. 예를 들어
    다음과 같은 명령을 실행시킬 경우
    다음과 같은 작업이 순서대로 실행된다.
    1) shadow process는 현재 active 상태인 archiver process와 접속을 한다.
    2) archiverprocess는 kcrrxmp 함수를 호출한다. ( kcrrxmp: 다중
    Arch process 정지 )
    3) kcrrxmp 함수는 kcrrxs{} structure에 (ARCH 구동 상태) 대한 latch를 획득하여 다른 프로세스에서 structure를 동시에 병경하지 않도록 한다.
    4) 새로 요청된 archiver process의 갯수가 현재 사용중인 archiver process
    의 갯수보다 작은지 확인한다.
    5) 만약 작다면, archiver process 목록 가운데, 가장 최근에 schedule
    되어, archival 작업에 schedule 차례가 금방 돌아 오지 않을 프로세스를
    6) 각각의 프로세스에 대해 KCRRACTIVE 상태에서 KCRRSHUTDN로 상태를
    변경할 것을 요청한다.
    7) 상태가 바뀌면, OS에서 해당 프로세스를 종료시키도록 하고, 상태를
    KCRRDEAD로 바꾼다. 관련된 상태 정보가 정리되고 kcrrxs{} structure의
    내용이 갱신된다.
    6) ,7) 과정은 지정된 archiver process 갯수로 줄어들 때 까지
    8) 새로운 archiver process의 갯수로 kcrrxs structure 내용이 갱신된다.
    9) latch를 release 시킨다.
    상태 변동은 다음과 같이 alert. log 파일에 반영된다.
    sql: prodding the archiver
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARC3: sending ARC0 shutdown message
    ARC3: sending ARC1 shutdown message
    ARC3: received prod
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=2;
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARCH shutting down
    ARC0: Archival stopped
    Tue Jul 13 00:34:20 1999
    ARCH shutting down
    ARC1: Archival stopped
    4. 어떤 archiver process가 online log를 archive시켰는지 판단 방법
    Archiver process는 round-robin 방식으로 archiving 작업을 수행하도록
    schedule 된다. 만약 다중 archiver process가 부하에 따라 activate 된
    경우는 여러가지 경우의 수가 있을 수 있다. Oracle 8i에서는 다중
    archive log dest를 지원하면서 archive log에 대한 duplexing을 지원
    하기 때문에, 어떤프로세스가 log file을 archive 시켰는지를 기록할 필요가
    Oracle 8i에서 archival 작업은 성공할 때 마다 trace file에 archiver
    process 명을 기록한다.
    다음은 관련 trace file의 주요 내용이다.
    Instance name: v815
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 12
    Unix process pid: 3658, image: oracle@oracle8i (ARC3)
    *** Session ID:(12. 1) 1999. 07. 13. 02. 15. 15. 000
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 15. 15. 000
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 33. 06. 000
    ARC3: Begin archiving log# 1 seq# 38 thrd# 1
    ARC3: Creating archive destination 1 : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Archiving block 1 count 1 to : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Closing archive destination 1 : /bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: Archival success destination 1 : '/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38.
    ARC3: COMPLETE, all destinations archived
    ARC3: ArchivedLog entry added: /bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch/1_38. dbf
    *** 1999. 07. 13. 02. 33. 06. 000
    ARC3: Completed archiving log# 1 seq# 38 thrd# 1
    이 정보를 가지고, archive process 3이 log sequence 38번을
    destination 1 :/bigdisk/oracle8i/dbs/arch 에 archive 시킨 것을 알 수 있다.
    Reference Ducumment

  • Changing the archive destination in standby database?

    My DB is running on Oracle I have data guard for my primary database.
    Now i wanted to change the archive destination only standby database. What is the process? Any response or any link is appreicated. Thanks

    The standby database wouldn't generate archivelogs until and unless it is opened (eg in a failover). So, although there is a definition for the log archive destination in the standby's init.ora / spfile, it is used only to read archivelogs shipped from the primary.
    If you are talking of the destination that the primary's archivelogs are shipped to on the standby, technically once the archivelogs are applied on the standby, they are not required and can be deleted. You would be able to configure this.

  • Change material Type - 'MMA'

    I am trying to Change Material Type using T-code - 'MMAM'.But Message is coming PO already exist.
    Problem is tat we have already created GIN for the PO & Reversed the GIN also,but still PO is not getting release to Change any data.It is giving error,that GIN already exist.
    I want to Change the MAterial Type.How can i do that.??

    Please note that both the new material type and the old material type must have the      
    same characteristics eg. quantity based material management is one of   
    the characteristic. The R/3 Online Help provides a very good explanation 
    on all the pre-requisites before you can change a material type.        
    (Logistics Gen>Logistics Basic Data > LO Managing Material Master Data >
    Material Master Record > Material Type > Change Material Type)          
    Please check if you have set the deletion flag for any PO's as              
    these need to be physically deleted for MMAM to work. You will also         
    need to check if there are ANY open items for this order. The purchase      
    orders need to be ARCHIVED. You should complete the invoice receipt for     
    this position BEFORE you set the deletion flag in the purchase order.       
    Also, if the material is already in stock, or if reservations or           
    purchasing documents exist for it, the following conditions must also be   
    >The stock values of the material of the new material type must be         
    updated in the same G/L account as the stock values of the material of    
    the old material type.                                                                               
    >Quantities and values of the material of the new material type must be    
    updated in exactly the same way in all plants as quantities and values    
    of the material of the old material type.                                                                               
    >If there is a transfer requirement for the material and if quantities     
    of the material exist, the new material type must also allow the          
    material data to be maintained from the Warehouse Management view.

  • Change material master i.e MM02 using BAPI's

    Hi ,
    I need a BAPI which will change material master for changing MRP 2,Accounting 1 and Costing 1  View .
    Please provide me with code if possible .
    Thank you .

    hi ,
    Use the fm SELECTION_VIEWS_FIND to get the list of active view for a particular materisl.
    The index of each record in the returned table will correspond to the position of that view in the list of views that is displayed in the bdc recording.
    The number of views maintained for a material is listed in field MARA-VPSTA.
    Each Letter in above fields indicate the views maintained. Following is the list.
    A Work scheduling
    B Accounting
    C Classification
    D MRP
    E Purchasing
    F Production resources/tools
    G Costing
    K Basic data
    L Storage
    P Forecasting
    Q Quality management
    S Warehouse management
    V Sales
    X Plant stocks
    for bdc check this,
    Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the process of transferring data from one SAP System to another SAP system or from a non-SAP system to SAP System.
    Features :
    BDC is an automatic procedure.
    This method is used to transfer large amount of data that is available in electronic medium.
    BDC can be used primarily when installing the SAP system and when transferring data from a legacy system (external system).
    BDC uses normal transaction codes to transfer data.
    Types of BDC :
    CLASSICAL BATCH INPUT (Session Method)
    This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
    Asynchronous processing.
    Synchronous Processing in database update.
    Transfer data for more than one transaction.
    Batch input processing log will be generated.
    During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.
    This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.
    Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
    Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
    Transfer data for a single transaction.
    Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
    No batch input processing log is generated.
    For BDC:
    Check these link:

  • Trading material procurement process

    how do I configure Trading material procurement process and what would be the process of Trading material procurement in case of excise.
    thank u.

    Procurement of Excisable Material from a 2nd Stage Dealer ( Trading ).
    Data Used :
    Material : TEST101
    Vendor : 6
    Assumptions : Material price (inclusive of ED & Ecess) : 100
    VAT (Deductible) @ 4% : 4
    Amount Payable to Vendor : 104.00
    Actual Excise Invoice received for amount : 25
    Actual Ecess amount : 00.50
    Total Cenvat Recd. : 25.50
    Amount to be loaded on Inventory : 74.50
    1. While creation of PO for such cases maintain the u201CZerou201D tax code u2013 usually V0.and GR based IV is ticked.
    2. While doing GR through MIGO, enter the actual Excise duty & Education Cess in the respective cells of Excise Tab in Item details. Also ensure to change the Base value to PO value u2013 (BED+Ecess)
    3. In the Excise Header Tab maintain Excise Invoice No. and Date & click on the icon for MRP tick.
    Check on MRP Indicator. This check ensures that the value going on inventory is after deducting the Excise Duty & ECess.
    4.In MIRO Screen, change the Amount to the Base Amount.
    Ensure that the Calculate tax Indicator is checked and the value populated in Tax Amount is = ED maintained in GR + Ecess maintained in GR + Vat maintained in PO(thru Condition record)

  • Change Material in sales order (VA01/VA02) after GATP execution

    Hi All,
    My requirement is to replace the Material no if confirm quantity is 0 after GATP execution.
    Currently i am changing material no in USEREXIT_CHECK_VBAP. After chnaging material in this user exit, new material is replaced on screen. But when i press ENTER its not changing all the relavent data for new material (Like Material Description).
    Also New Pricing is not carried out.
    Is there any flag, through we can trigger all SAP standard process after i change material on user exit or is there anything to trigger SAP standard process again after changing material in user exit?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Valter,
    My requirement is whenever i change ship to party in sales order , bill to and payer need to be redetermined from ship to instead of sold to (as the standard does). I am doing this in MV45AFZZ. But I can see them updated in VBPA.
    But can see it in transaction as exit is triggering each time.
    suggest an alternative....

  • MMAM  - how to change material group

    Hi guys,
    could you pls tell me all conditions that must be fulfilled when I want to change material group in MMAM?
    current group - HAWA, new group -ROH
    thanks a lot,

       I believe you want to change material type. Below are the prerequisites to change the material type:
      1. If you use the material ledger, the material must be settled in
      2. If the old material type did not require you to specify a price control (for example , standard price or moving average price)
          for the material, the new material type must not be configured such that it allows only standard price as the price control.
      3. If the material has been maintained  from PRT (Production resource tools) view, this view must also be allowed for the new material type.
    4. If the material is not configurable material, the new material type must not be allowed only for configurable materials.
    5. If inspection plans are required for quality management inspection of the material, they must be allowed for the new material type.
    6.  The material type ID indicator(presently used only in Retail) must be the same for the old material type and the new material type.
    7. If the material is already in stock, or if reservations, or purchasing documents exist for it, the following conditions must also be met:
       A) The stock values of the material of the new material type must be updated the same G/L account as the stock values material of the old material type.
       B) Quantiites and values of the material of the new material type must be updated exactly the same way in all plants as quantities and values of the material of the old material type.
      C) If there is a transfer requirement for the material and if quants of the material exist, the new material type must also allow the material data to be maintained from the warehouse management view.
    8. In Customizing for the material master , the following indicators must have the same setting for the old material type and for the new material type:
      A) Material for Process Indicator
      B) Manufacturer Part Indicator
    9. If the material , whose material type you want to change ,was handled in batches and if,due to the maintenance statuses of the new material type, the material can no longer be handled in batches,although batch still exist, you can not change the material type.

  • IQ02 TRANSACTION(change material serial no)

    can any body tell me where i get the field selection for IQ02 TRANSACTION (navigation in spro). my client want to change the warrenty period for the material for this he go to IQ02 transaction( change material serial number) but in this transaction he was not getting the warrenty tab  for this where i configure it pls tell me step by step  with navigation urgent
    kiran kumar

    Thanks Shiva ,
    A shipment is getting created and saved for the delivery and as per our configuration PGI is done as soon as shipment is done and shipment status sets as END.
    Once this process is over status for the serial number should not remain ESTO but it is showing as ESTO and it is available .
    Hope it clears your doubt.
    Edited by: ABHISHEK BAJPAI on Jan 25, 2012 3:26 PM

  • Why does LR4 show brightness changes after external processing in CS4?

    I am an experienced user of Lightroom and get excellent results. But an anomaly is puzzling me. I capture images in DNG format and download to a PC Windows 7 using a calibrated Eizo graphics monitor. Before exporting and delivering a processed image I ensure that there is no unacceptable clipping showing on the histogram. I export 16 bit files which are only converted to 8 bits immediately prior to delivery. Recently I have adopted the procedure of importing a copy of the final delivery image back into LR4.3 for better library management. (There are often keyword changes or other refinements in the delivered image) Occasionally I notice that some pictures are noticeably brighter than the existing LR processed masters which formed the basis of the above operation. So I did some tests.
    I selected an image with wide tonal range, adjusted it in Develop module to meet my 'no unacceptable clipping' rule and exported it as described above into CS4. My working colour space is Adobe RGB 1998 and Color Management is set to 'RGB Preserve Embedded Profiles'. In CS4 I only changed the mode from 16 to 8 bits and then saved the file using a modified name. That was the only processing done in CS4. Both files (8 bit and 16 bit) were then re-imported back into LR4 and the histograms compared with the original modified master file. In both cases they showed highlight clipping indicating that the image is brighter than when starting the final processing in CS4. In most cases the extra brightness is not a big problem; but in some instances it is quite unaccepable and I could not use that version without further processing in LR4. Mode change does not seem to be the culprit.
    Can anyone help me to understand what I might be doing wrong to bring about these unwanted involuntary changes to normally processed files? Thank you.

    What colorspace do you have configured in LR for your TIF Edit-In export to PS?  Since PS is out-of-date with respect to LR, presumably you are using the Edit with LR Adjustments option not the Open Anyway option.
    What happens if you don’t change to 8-bits in PS? 
    What happens if you merely export the TIF from LR and re-import it?  With variations being:  if the Export bit depth is 8 bits vs 16 bits and if the Export colorspace is ProPhotoRGB vs AdobeRGB?
    Do you somehow have lens-profile corrections set as the default for TIF Imports or any non-zero Toning being applied on Import?  The LR defaults for TIFs can be set independently from the defaults for raws.
    What happens if you use ProPhotoRGB in your Edit-In export settings and as your working space in PS? 
    What happens to the histogram if you soft-proof to Adobe RGB in LR?
    Is your monitor calibrated with a hardware calibrator?  If so is the profile ICC V2 or ICC V4?

  • Change material type

    When i am changing the material type i am getting this msg. In Po items were deleted.
    Change Material Type
    The material type cannot be changed.
    The reasons for this are:
    Valuated stock exists (see valuation areas below).
    However, account determination for the two material types differs.
    (different account category reference or no valuation data defined)
        Valuation area
    No open purchase order are there.

    plz check mmbe for the stock
    check for the open PR and PO in ME5A and me2m
    then try Change material type
    Material Type can be changed using transaction MMAM
    Menu: - Logistics > Material Management > Material Master > Material > Change Material Type
    u can also use MMZ2 to change material type and ind sec
    Refer following link for the same;

  • Error while trying to change Material master

    Hi ,
    I am getting following error when I am trying to Change material master thru Tcode MM02
    "Required parameter missing when calling up module MARA_SINGLE_READ"
    In fact , I also couldn't select this Material in Purchase order .Error which i am getting is "Faulty Material"
    Could anyone pls help me.
    Sandeep marwha

    I created a new material also , but for that also I am getting same error.

  • AD - 'Change First Name' process task is rejected by default - OIM 11.1.2

    Hi All,
    I wanted modification to be auto provisioned to AD account when user attribute is changed.
    For this created 'Change First Name' process task and made entry in "Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS" lookup def.
    I followed the link Enabling update for provisioned user in OIM11g
    When I changed first name of a user from identity console, 'Change First Name' process task is assigned to XELSYSADM. But the status of the process task is Rejected. Also, the changed 'First Name' value is not updated in the process form of the user. Hence the change is not reflected into AD.
    Please tell me why the status is Rejected and changes are not reflecting.
    Also, Please provide the solution to auto provision the modifications into AD.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Thanks much kevin,
    One more query.....
    In my case when 'city' attribute is changed its invoking 'Change city' which inturn invokes 'City updated' process. Now when city is updated I need to updated 'Organization Name' in AD process form and make it reflect in AD.
    For this, I created 'Change Org Unit' process task which will populate 'Organization Name' field in process form, so inturn it will invoke 'Organization name updated' process task.
    I made 'Change Org Unit' process task as dependent task for 'Change city', so once the 'Change City' process task status is 'C', it will invoke 'Change Org unit' process task.
    But, 'Change Org unit' process task is not being invoked.
    Could you pls provide me solution.
    Thanks in advance...

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