Changing my administrator password?

Can someone assist me in changing my administrator password on my Mac? My PC was used by someone else and they changed the administrator password. Now I cannot change it back to what I want because i do not know the latest one the idiot chose.

Forgot Your Account Password
For Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
     When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
     Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
     instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
     Or see:
       Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password
       OS X Mountain Lion- Reset a login password,
       OS X Mavericks- Solve password problems,
       OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
For Snow Leopard and earlier with installer DVD
     Mac OS X 10.6- If you forget your administrator password,
     OS X- Changing or resetting an account password (Snow Leopard and earlier).
For Snow Leopard and earlier without installer DVD
    How to reset your Mac OS X password without an installer disc | MacYourself
    Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD — Tech News and Analysis
    How To Create A New Administrator Account - Hack Mac

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    This was moved out of the Profile forum.
    You should ask this question at
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    Ed Price a.k.a User Ed, Microsoft Experience Program Manager (Blog,

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    Why didn't the "shop" give you the Snow Leopard system discs? You need those to troubleshoot. Especially if you need to use Apple's Hardware Test. Strange.
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    In my point of view if I were in this situation I would Change the domain administrator password. By
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    Mahdi Tehrani   |  
    Please click on Propose As Answer or to mark this post as
    and helpful for other people.
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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    Hey Sajeed,
    Here is how to change password on Lion:

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    Put your install DVD into the optical drive and reboot. As soon as you hear the boot chime, hold down the "c" key on your keyboard (or the Option key until the Install Disk shows up). That will force your MacBook to boot from the install DVD in the optical drive.
    When it does start up,you'll see a panel asking you to choose your language. Just press the Return key on your keyboard once. It will then present you with an Installation window. Completely ignore this window and click on Utilities in the top menu and scroll down to Reset Password.

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    kappy as got good advice please read here;

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    Then you'll need to buy an install disk. I called Apple Customer Support (1- (800) 767-2775) to check on how much they charge for the gray restore disks that originally came with the MacBook and was quoted $16 dollars per disk plus S & H. Which would be $32 plus shipping for the two disks. Just give them the serial number of your MacBook and they'll know which ones you need. With the original disks you also get the iLife that was current when your MacBook was bought included on the #2 disk.
    The 10.6 Snow Leopard DVD is in the Apple online store. You can get it for $19.99. You will need to be running 10.6.8 to access the App Store to order Lion or Mountain Lion.
    With the Snow Leopard disk you have to buy iLife separately for the latest iLife '11.  You can get the iLife ’11 DVD which will run on 10.6 or above on eBay fairly cheap. 2&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trkparms=72%253A1234%257C66%253A2%257C65%253A12%257C39%25 3A1&LH_PrefLoc=1&_sc=1&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l2632.R2&_nkw=apple+ilife+11&_sacat =18793

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    Thanks for your help.
    The password in xmlp-server-config.xml is encrypted. It looks (similar) to this:
    <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENC" value="C14CD2495C033BB8E816E10BCDC25372" />
    <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_ADMIN_USERNAME" value="Administrator" />
    I tried changing the encrypted password to my password but got a java sign on error.
    I then modified the last block in CredentialStore.xml and restarted the BI Server and OC4J but I still get the 'oracle.apps.xdo.Security.ValidateException' error when signing on to BI Publisher. Here's the entry with the (dummy) password which
    I tried with the first change above and without the first change above.
    <!-- This credential is used for storing the username/password that is required
    for SSO impersonation in BI Publisher. In this example, the passphrase is shown inline. -->
    <sawcs:credential type="usernamePassword" alias="bipublisheradmin">
    <sawcs:password passphrase="Buffalo">
    <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="">
    <pkcs-5:PBES2-params Algorithm="">
    <pkcs-5:EncryptionScheme Algorithm=""/>
    Thanks for any additional comments. John

  • How do i change administrative password, how do i change administrative password

    how do i change my administrative password if i forgot it?

    Linda...I suspect your situation and the thread that you have posted too are completely different......
    Post your own topic thread and ask your question.....give more details as to what you were doing and what has happened.......
    ....folks will help if you can be somewhat more informative.......

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    thomas.lander wrote:
    How do I change an administrative password if I do not have the Mac OS X Install disc? Thank you!
    Not sure about changing the administrative password, but have you tried setting a master password through system prefs? Here's part of the help file...
    +The master password is a computer-wide password set up by an administrator as a safeguard in case the administrator forgets his or her login password. The master password is usually used in conjunction with FileVault, a way of encrypting a user's home folder so it can't be seen by anyone but that user. If a FileVault user forgets his or her login password, even an administrator can't log in to the user's account with an administrator password. Only the master password can override a FileVault user's password.+
    It sounds like if you lose the master password, you lose use caution

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    How do I reset the administrator password if I don't know the original password and I don't have the OS CDs?

    I've never used any of these, but one or more may work for you.
    Here's the instructions if you have the discs.
    *Mac OS X: Changing or resetting an account password*
    Changing your administrator password
    Here's one method to reset the password without the install disc:
    1. boot computer and hold the "apple" key and the "s" key.
    2. wait for terminal show
    3. release keys
    4. type without the quotes: "/sbin/mount -uaw"
    5. press enter
    6. type without the quotes: "rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    7. press enter
    8. type without the quotes: "reboot"
    9. press enter
    This will let you create a new admin account when you reboot your computer.
    Also, without the discs, look at Mac OS X Tip - No Password, No Root, No CD? No Problem.
    Here is a way to get around not knowing the admin password on Macs.
    To reset your OS X password without an OS X CD you need to enter terminal and create a new admin account:
    1. Reboot
    2. Hold apple + s down after you hear the chime.
    3. When you get text prompt enter in these terminal commands to create a brand new admin account (hitting return after each line):
    * mount -uw /
    * rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    * shutdown -h now
    4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account. When you login as the new admin you can simply delete the old one and you’re good to go again!
     Cheers, Tom

  • How to reset windows 2008 R2 Local Administrator password

    Hi Team,
    I have forget windows 2008 R2 local admin password, the server is not in domain , is it any way to reset local administrator password.
    Regards, Triyambak

    When your Windows Server 2008 R2 computer is still accessible, you can reset or change your administrator password with ease by the following steps.
    Step 1: Log in your Windows Server 2008 R2 computer through the administrator account.
    Step 2: Click on “Start” on the lower left corner of your screen, and hit “Control Panel”, and then doubt-click on "User Account".  
    Step 3: Choose “Make changes to your user account”, and then click on “Change your password”.
    Step 4: Now you will be asked to enter your current password, type in it.
    Step 5: Enter your new password and retype it to confirm your new password. You are optional to type in a word or phrase as the hint of the new password. It is highly recommended. 
    Another tip, Using a password recovery tool to recover WIndows server 2008 administrator password
    This is a universal WIndows password recovery method which can fix any Windows system password issue.
    1. Get Windows Password Rescuer and install it on another computer.
    2. Burn password reset disk into USB or CD/DVD device with Windows password recovery.
    3. Boot Windows server from password reset USB or CD disk
    4. Reset forgotten Windows server 2008 local or domain admin password without data loss.
    Detailed steps:
    I also have seen a way that users can use a Windows server 2008 install CD to reset the administrator password, you could search and have a try.  

  • Trying to reset administrator password by using the Mac OS X Install disc to reset but it won't allow me to without original administrator password. Frustrating.

    Trying to reset administrator name/password by using the Mac OS X Install disc to reset but it won't allow me to without original administrator name/password. Frustrating. Reason I'm trying to reset is that it seems to be not recognising the administrator name as have changed password in System Preferences - Accounts.
    PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

    Here's the instructions if you have the discs.
    *Mac OS X: Changing or resetting an account password*
    Changing your administrator password
    Here's one method to reset the password without the install disc:
    1. boot computer and hold the "apple" key and the "s" key.
    2. wait for terminal show
    3. release keys
    4. type without the quotes: "/sbin/mount -uaw"
    5. press enter
    6. type without the quotes: "rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    7. press enter
    8. type without the quotes: "reboot"
    9. press enter
    This will let you create a new admin account when you reboot your computer.
    Also, without the discs, look at Mac OS X Tip - No Password, No Root, No CD? No Problem.
    Without the discs, try this (OS 10.5 only). *How to Reset User Password via single user mode* user-mode.html
    Here is a way to get around not knowing the admin password on Macs.
    To reset your OS X password without an OS X CD you need to enter terminal and create a new admin account:
       1. Reboot
       2. Hold apple + s down after you hear the chime.
       3. When you get text prompt enter in these terminal commands to create a brand new admin account (hitting return after each line):
              * mount -uw /
              * rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
              * shutdown -h now
       4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account. When you login as the new admin you can simply delete the old one and you’re good to go again!
     Cheers, Tom

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