Changing namespace when calling OSB business service

Hello All,
I have a business service in OSB calling a BPEL process. The BPEL process returns values prefixing all the tags with name space "pidx". The name space definition is xmlns:pidx="".
When I test the business service from the test console, I get the tags prefixed with a namespace v1. I see 2 name space definitions one with pidx and another with v1. any idea why there are duplicate namespace and why v1 namespace gets added?
v1:OrderCreate v1:transactionPurposeIndicator="Original" xmlns:pidx="" xmlns="" xmlns:v1="">

The BPEL process returns multiple namespace xmlns:pidx="" and xmlns="". If i remove one of them, i get the right namespace prefixed with my tags. I had to convert the output of the BPEL process to a string, use a replace to remove the duplicate namespace, convert back to XML. I know this is not a clean way, but did not know an alternative.

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    <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
         <ger:gerarHashSenha      xmlns:ger="">
         <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
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         <ns1:EncryptedKey      Id="FLTGqSbFbsmt2Q2l" xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:EncryptionMethod      Algorithm=""/>
         <ns2:KeyInfo      xmlns:ns2="">
         <wsse:SecurityTokenReference      wsu:Id="str_a6QZHoS8oRqxbtgS" xmlns:wsu="">
         CN=SerasaACGlobal,OU=Serasa Autoridade Certificadora Global,O=Serasa,C=BR
         <ns1:DataReference      URI="#Ak1K01RK8B6RKDn3"/>
         <ns1:EncryptedData      Id="Ak1K01RK8B6RKDn3" Type="" MimeType="text/xml" Encoding="UTF-8" xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:EncryptionMethod      Algorithm=""/>
         Response Document      
    The invocation resulted in an error: Internal Server Error.
         <S:Envelope      xmlns:S="">
         <SOAP-ENV:Fault      xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         MustUnderstand headers:[{}Security] are not understood
         Response Metadata      
         <con:metadata      xmlns:con="">
         <tran:headers      xsi:type="http:HttpResponseHeaders" xmlns:http="" xmlns:tran="" xmlns:xsi="">
         <tran:user-header      name="Set-Cookie" value="JSESSIONID=YypvL1RGdHs3fRGs3RSwvGrdQpzhTyY6FJ0z6VK1tRtLhR5L9V7S!-778340443; path=/"/>
         <tran:user-header      name="X-Powered-By" value="Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1"/>
         <http:Date>Fri, 28 May 2010 00:41:40 GMT</http:Date>
         <tran:response-code      xmlns:tran="">2</tran:response-code>
         <tran:response-message      xmlns:tran="">Internal Server Error</tran:response-message>
         <tran:encoding      xmlns:tran="">utf-8</tran:encoding>
         <http:http-response-code      xmlns:http="">500</http:http-response-code>
    Edited by: victorjabur on May 27, 2010 5:48 PM

    I've the same issue... did someone come across. OTN moderators please answer to this.

  • Best practices for Calling Multiple Business Services in OSB

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where I need to call multiple business services in OSB. We are presently calling them sequentially in a proxy pipeline. I was wondering if we could accomplish the same task in a better way. Each of the business services are mutually exclusive.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for the response. We figured that it is possible to call multiple services with Split Join. However, we ran into the issue you described. We had a blocking call and had to wait until each of the services returned a response.
    However, we needed a Async model for our design and felt that this might not be a right fit.
    We are now looking at implementing the publish option with QoS configured as this fits our usecase better. Thanks for the help again.

  • OSB: Calling MTOM business service from non-MTOM proxy

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    I understand the flow you propose, but I don't know how to pass decoded data from Java callout back to message flow. As far as I know I can only return primitives, String and XmlObject, because anything else can't be processed in message flow.Yes you are correct.But you can also return DataSource in java callout. Please
    Now the working solution/POC --Tested on my local linux box
    package manoj.javacallout.binary;
    import javax.activation.DataSource;
    import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource;
    * TODO: I have use sun internal API for decoding for simplicity. You should modify this code with any base64 decoding library
    * Ideally should be using using
    * @author mneelapu
    public class Util {
         public static DataSource decodeBase64(DataSource ds) throws Exception {
         InputStream in=ds.getInputStream();
         BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
         byte[] decodedB64=Base64.decode(bin);
         ByteArrayDataSource decodedDS= new ByteArrayDataSource(decodedB64,"binary/octet-stream");
    Java Callout to decodeBase64
    javax.activation.DataSource=[ $body/* ]
    Now replace the $body with the decoded base64 response from java callout
    Replace [ node contents ] of [  undefined XPath  ]
    in [ body ] with [ $response ]
    Use $BEA_HOME/modules/javax.mail_1.4.jar for compiling.
    Let me know if this solves your problem.
    Edited by: mneelapu on Apr 20, 2009 3:23 PM

  • Calling two Business service using split join in osb

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    Jun 19, 2012 5:05:45 PM Received "process" call from partner "bpelprocess1_client"
    <part name="payload">
    Assign (pending)
    Jun 19, 2012 5:05:48 PM Error in evaluate <from> expression at line "65". The result is empty for the XPath expression : "/client:process/client:input".
    Jun 19, 2012 5:05:48 PM The following exception occurred while attempting to execute operation copy at line 63
    Jun 19, 2012 5:05:57 PM "BPELFault" has not been caught by a catch block.
    Jun 19, 2012 5:06:00 PM The transaction was rolled back. The work performed for bpel instance "650002" was rolled back, but the audit trail has been saved for this instance.If this is a sync request, please resubmit the request from the client. If it is an async request, please recover from the recovery console by resubmitting the invoke message.
    Can anyone help on this?
    Thanks in Advance...

    maybe this one helps a bit, it's the same pattern
    if you're using a dynamic split join easiest way is to do something like
    assing <yourresponse/> to $response
    at this moment your assign an empty placeholder to the response variable
    now you go into the for-each looping and for each iteration you need to insert the response of your bpel call in the $response variable
    so in the looping as last step you add something like
    insert $mybpelresponse/rootelement into $response/yourresponse
    with the insert it will insert the reponse 1..x times into the $response variable (so actually aggregating all the responses for you)

  • OSB proxy service Calling OSB proxy service from BPEL

    Dear team,
    Wehave a requirement to call a Wsdl based OSB proxy service with sb protocol from SOA Composite from BPEL process.
    We created a wsdl based OSB proxyservice with sb protocol and deployed to OSB development server.
    We tried to export the wsdl and corresponding xsd files. sbconfig.jar got created.
    When we extracted the sbconfig file and placed the wsdl and xsd into the SOA composite.
    When we are trying to create a partnerlink, that OSB proxy service wsdl is not showing up.
    Please suggest.
    How to call OSB proxy service from BPEL..

    Here either you need to change the protocol from 'sb' to http or use the Direct Binding in soa-composite.
    please refer this links:
    Can a business service call a proxy service in OSB
    BPEL to OSB using sb transport protocol

  • Calling a business service based on operation-soap action in Proxy service

    I have a requirement in which I have to call a business service based on operation-soap action defined in Proxy service wsdl.
    Like in below mentioned wsdl GetPartCostDelta and GetCurrencyList operations are there.But which ever operation I select,It just goes to one business service.
    Is there any way,I can route to some another business service based on the soap action
    proxy service WSDL
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:ewopcd="urn:com:gm:gpd:schema:ewopartcostdelta" xmlns:gen="urn:com:gm:gpd:schema:genericfault" xmlns:tns="urn:com:gm:gpd:services:ewopartcostdeltaservice" targetNamespace="urn:com:gm:gpd:services:ewopartcostdeltaservice">
                   <xs:import namespace="urn:com:gm:gpd:schema:ewopartcostdelta" schemaLocation="ewocostdelta.xsd"/>
                   <xs:import namespace="urn:com:gm:gpd:schema:genericfault" schemaLocation="servicefault.xsd"/>
         <wsdl:message name="EWOCurrencyListRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="CurrencyListRequest" element="ewopcd:EWOCostDeltaInput"/>
         <wsdl:message name="EWOCurrencyListResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="CurrencyListResponse" element="ewopcd:EWOCurrencyList"/>
         <wsdl:message name="EWOPartCostDeltaRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="PartCostDeltaRequest" element="ewopcd:EWOCostDeltaInput"/>
         <wsdl:message name="EWOPartCostDeltaResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="PartCostDeltaResponse" element="ewopcd:EWOCostDeltaResult"/>
         <wsdl:message name="EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault">
              <wsdl:part name="PartCostDeltaServiceFault" element="gen:ServiceFault"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="EWOPartCostDeltaPortType">
              <wsdl:operation name="GetCurrencyList">
                   <wsdl:input name="EWOCurrencyListRequest" message="tns:EWOCurrencyListRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="EWOCurrencyListResponse" message="tns:EWOCurrencyListResponse"/>
                   <wsdl:fault name="EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault" message="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="GetPartCostDelta">
                   <wsdl:input name="EWOPartCostDeltaRequest" message="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="EWOPartCostDeltaResponse" message="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaResponse"/>
                   <wsdl:fault name="EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault" message="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="EWOPartCostDeltaBinding" type="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaPortType">
              <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
              <wsdl:operation name="GetCurrencyList">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="GetCurrencyList" style="document"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
                   <wsdl:fault name="EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault">
                        <soap:fault name="EWOCostDeltaServiceFault" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdl:operation name="GetPartCostDelta">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="GetPartCostDelta" style="document"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
                   <wsdl:fault name="EWOPartCostDeltaServiceFault">
                        <soap:fault name="EWOCostDeltaServiceFault" use="literal"/>
         <wsdl:service name="EWOPartCostDeltaService">
              <wsdl:port name="EWOPartCostDeltaPort" binding="tns:EWOPartCostDeltaBinding">
                   <soap:address location="https://localhost/EWOPartCostDelta"/>

    Did you try using the Operational branching node of OSB?
    You have copy the operation name from the inbound variable and populate the SOAP Header with that value into the SOAPAction tag.I think this will work.

  • OSB Business Service not found

    I'm creating a business service with sbconsole. The enpoint uri is http://localhost:7001/SalesOrders/Order.
    I activate the changes with the change control activate button.
    I'm checking with IE the link and I am getting Error 404--Not Found.
    What am I missing?

    Can you try opening this in your browser http://localhost:7001/SalesOrders/Order?wsdl
    I have an wsdl, and I used it to create a business service
    Are you able to run your Business Service successfully.
    I used the business service to create a proxy service. When I invoke the proxy service, I'm getting BEA-380002 error code, reason Not Found. The routing node of the proxy service can not find the proxy service.
    In your proxy service,under route node please cross check that you are calling the Business Service you created only ?? Or some other service.
    Oracle Fusion Middleware Blog

  • OSB Business Service Work Manager Doesnt Throttle

    I have a requrirement to throlle the number of concurrent requests going to an end point.
    So i have used OSB business service where in i am calling an end point webservice, and configured a work manager in console and selected it in the dispatch policy
    I deployed the workmanager on managed server. i specified max concurrent threads as 3.
    I tried to test it and see that throttling doesnt really work.. All the requests sent are being sent at once not 3 at a time.
    The expected behavior is first 3 sdhud go and then onc ethey complete next 3 similary next 3. But i dont see that behavior. Please let me know if i am doing any worng
    below is my work manager configuration
    Service Type Any XML Service
    Transport Configuration
    Protocol http
    Load Balancing Algorithm round-robin
    Endpoint URI <Specified the end point URI>
    Retry Count 0
    Retry Iteration Interval 0
    Retry Application Errors Yes
    HTTP Transport Configuration
    Read Timeout 0
    Connection Timeout 0
    HTTP Request Method POST
    Authentication None
    Proxy Server
    Follow HTTP redirects Disabled
    Use Chunked Streaming Mode Enabled
    Dispatch Policy WorkManagerTest
    Message Handling Configuration
    XOP/MTOM Support Disabled
    Page Attachments to Disk No
    Result Caching Not Supported
    Any suggestions on this?
    Edited by: 791951 on Mar 17, 2011 7:51 AM

    If you need to throttle the Business service, then you should configure the throttling parameters in the Business Service -> Operational Settings tab
    Choose your Business Service in the OSB Console -> Operational Settings
    Throttling -Check this box to enable the throttling. Maximum Concurrency to 3, and Throttling Queue to x number of messages you wish to hold in the throttling queue

  • OSB business service transforming a date column 1936 to 2036 ( 1950)

    Hello, I'v a database view with a normal date column "geburtsdatum".
    Data Dictionary:
    Now with JDeveloper I create a db-adapter. This works fine.
    On OSB I do generate a business service on the just created jca file. Also this works fine.
    XSD for db adapter:
    <xs:element name="geburtsdatum" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>
    I can test this business service successfully, everything is fine, but not the date interpretation when birtdate <1950
    Sample geburtsdatum (birtdate): 29-JUL-1934
    DATABASE: 29.07.1934
    OSB Business Service: 29.07.2034
    Why or where happends this date conversion?
    This is very strange, anyone had the same problem?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    After all I found the solution. Again the problem has been caused on DB side.
    I'm using a view. On this view I had a DATE column with a decode. I think I did a clean TO_DATE casting, but it seems as the OSB DB Adapter did not interpret this correctly.
    (on database side with SQL I did not have any problems here)
    My solution was:
    Using a date returning function (which does my decoding) in my view :
    SELECT ...
    , myPackage.removeMaxDate(n.geburtsdatum) as geburtsdatum
    FROM ...

  • Calling a Business Service from a Web Template File

    I'm attempting to call a Business Service from my .swt
    I've tried everything I can think of and can not get this to work for the life of me.
    I've looked endlessly for information on this topic to no avail.
    the swt call looks something like this:
    <swe:case condition="My Business Service Name, My Business Service Method">
    I assume it is something to do with the set-up of my Business Service. Could someone please help me out here or point me to some information on this topic that is actually helpful? (The bookshelf, from what I could find, did not go into setting up the business service for this use at all)

    Hi Diz,
    I tried doing the same thing by following the steps as mentioned by you. Just to re iterate,
    1. Created a DC "Portal Application Standalone" project by the name myservice.
    2. Created a portal service inside myservice by the ame AmitsService.
    3. Exposed IAmitsService.class in the public part.
    4 Build and deployed the DC on server and tested it through an abstract portal component and it worked FINE !!
    5. Created anoter DC of type WebDynPro
    6. Added SAP_JTECHS -> epbc.prtapi._api as a "Used DC" with dependency build time and runtime
    7. Specified the sharing reference in the properties as
    8. Tried to reference the service using the following code..
    IAmitsService portalservice=(IAmitsService)WDPortalUtils.getServiceReference(IAmitsService.KEY);
    9.Build and deployed the DC.
    10. When I run the application I am getting the following error
    Processing HTTP request to servlet [dispatcher] finished with error.
    The error is: com/sapportals/portal/prt/service/IService
    Exception id: [000D6008418B005C0000002C00000D200004163CE6719E1D]

  • JSSE causes OSB business services to receive Socket Closed

    Using WL 10.3.3 & OSB 11gR1 on jrockit 1.6.0_45  Redhat:
    After enabling the "Use JSSE SSL" option in the managed servers's SSL tab ( because web service clients want to use SHA256 certificates ), OSB business services ( outbound to service providers ) fail with
    Exception - Body: <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:s="">
    <soap-env:Fault xmlns:soap-env="">
    <faultstring>General runtime error: socket closed</faultstring>
    After a lot of debugging, I've found that the Connection Timeout option within the OSB HTTP transport is involved.
    OSB business services which use https AND have a non-zero value for HTTP transport's Connection timeout cause the Socket Closed error.
    Business services which do not use HTTPS or do not have a Connection Timeout do not receive the error.
    While setting the Connection Timeout to 0 allows the transaction to succeed, that leaves the OSB server vulnerable when the service provider host is not available.
    So I've reset the Connection Timeout values to 0, and added this JVM parameter to each OSB managed server

    There are few BUGs reported for similar issues.
    OSB Server Showing " SSLEngine is closed" When Attempting to Connect to an External Web Service Using Two-Way SSL (Doc ID 1465618.1)

  • Using UDDI key in OSB business service

    Hi All,
    I want to know how to invoke a service published in Oracle service registry through dynamic lookup in OSB. I tried importing service published in OSR as a OSB business service through sb console. In that the business created had the actual service end point reference rather than the UDDI service key. Hence the changes done to the service endpoint in OSR wont get automatically propagated to the osb business service as there is no actual dynamic look up.

    You will need to setup the Target system's server certificate as trusted in Weblogic's keystore or the Root CA certificate which certified target system's server certificate as trusted CA in weblogic.
    Check this thread for more details:
    Callling an external service through HTTPS

  • Tpinit error when call a remote service

    i have to call a remote tuxedo service in my local service,and the remote
    service need to be authenticated when use tpinit. when i use tpinit in my
    service,it will be error, i think maybe the application does not know which
    tuxedo service i will call(local or remote),so,it may think my tpinit was
    for my local service,then some error here.
    what shall i do when call a remote service which need to be authenticated at

    it's ok now,i made a stupid mistake.:)
    "Anthony Fryer" <[email protected]> дÈëÏûÏ¢ÐÂÎÅ
    :[email protected]..
    What you should do is configure DOMAIN gateways between the remote tuxedodomain
    and your own local domain. Then you don't need to call tpinit at all fromthe
    local service that calls the remote service.
    "fish" <[email protected]> wrote:
    i have to call a remote tuxedo service in my local service,and the remote
    service need to be authenticated when use tpinit. when i use tpinit in
    service,it will be error, i think maybe the application does not know
    tuxedo service i will call(local or remote),so,it may think my tpinit
    for my local service,then some error here.
    what shall i do when call a remote service which need to be authenticated

  • How to pass credentials to OSB business service at runtime?

    I have a proxy service which calls a Business service through routing action. I have a scenario where I have to pass SOAP header with username token policy (which has username and password) while routing to the business service in the proxy service. As of now I have hardcoded the SOAP header in the routing action with Replace activity. Issue is the username and password are specific to the environment. Is there a way to pass these credentials through customization files as environment specific properties at runtime? or is there any other method to pass these credentials dynamically using DVM? Please let me know.

    And in fact one shouldn't. Passwords in a customization files would be an extremely insecure thing, having in mind that customization files are stored in VCS, passed around in email and generally not considered sensitive data.
    Operations team is responsible for maintaining the domain, including the security artifacts. They would update SSL certs, users, groups -- and service accounts too.

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