Changing project resolution: which files affected?

I'm wondering what happens exactly when you reduce the resolution of your project (by changing properties in info panel). Let's say you have a 1920x1080 project, and you reduce it to 1280, and export it. Later you want to change it back to 1920. I assume the software doesn't reduce and enlarge the same files, but makes fresh copies from the original media?

The only big difference I have seen when changing resolutions is tittling sizes. if you reduce the resolution titles will have larger text.

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    I never tried it but this process should works.
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    1. As far as HTML5 support, if they have a browser made within the last few years (I think since about 2009), it supports html5. The page I linked to gives the versions where all of the major browsers started supporting the <video> tag.
    2. The "your browser does not support..." text is what appears on screen when a viewer uses a browser that doesn't support HTML5 (like IE8).
    If you still plan to support the old non-html5 browsers, the best thing to do is to place a fallback video using the old <object><embed> method in that "your browser does not support" location. That way, if they don't have an html5 compatible browser, the fallback video will play using whatever plug-in they have installed to deal with it. It would look like this...
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    <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
    <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
    <object width="320" height="240">
    <param name="movie" value="myvideo.swf" />
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    G Toolbox has a set of VIs can do this:
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    Not any public ones but please refer to the following page for more information about how you could parse Visual Studio projects and solution files:
    Please also remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your threads and then start a new thread if you have a new question.

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    Kevin is suggesting that you store the projects you create while working through his book in a folder called RoboHelpProjects. It is not where you have to store every project you ever create.That is for the purposes of his book.
    RoboHelp initially defaults to My RoboHelp Projects but it's up to you whether you do. Generally on the forums we advise against that as  it is part of your profile and can result in excessively long path names in a few cases. Generally where authors create file names that are so long they almost serve as the content.
    Projects always have a root folder, call them Project 1 and Project 2 for this purpose. You can have those folders directly off your C drive (or other local partition) or within in a parent folder as above.
    Now to what you can and cannot do. You can delete a whole project by selecting Project 1 or Project 2 in Windows Explorer. Obviously if you delete the parent folder you will delete all your projects within.
    What you must not do is delete individual files within a project using Windows Explorer, for that you use RoboHelp's Project Manager. The exception is if you go to Tools > Reports there is a report Unused Files. Files listed there will have to be deleted using Windows Explorer for the very good reason they do not appear in Project Manager and, therefore, cannot be deleted that way.
    If you think about it, it is similar to Word. There is no option to delete a document there other than using File > Open and right clicking. Not very intuitive.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    The settings are stored in a database for faster and safer access. You can edit them with the gsettings program. For example, to display the current value of the theme settings:
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    Go to edit view select File->Batch Processing.
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    Too easy.

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    Hi fabiangs,
    I'm not sure that I follow. Are you saying that when you open a PDF file in Acrobat or Reader, that the display resolution changes automatically on your system?
    What version of Acrobat/Reader are you using? Do you see this same issue in other files/applications?
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    It's in the .suo file.
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