Changing ringer volume on Curve

Anyone out there know how to do it -- other than "normal" (too loud) and loud (WAY loud)?
Thanks from a newbie. 

go to profiles then click on advanced, then click on "normal, active" then click on phone and you will find the volume. click on it and you can change it from low to medium or high or escalating.
hope this helps.

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    Here is how I got mine to work again:
    I plugged in the earbuds and made sure I can hear the sound from the earbuds then I just simply unplugged the earbuds and it worked! Hope this help you!

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    From my experience with Nokia phone, that's exactly how it's meant to be. Every phone I've had was/is Just like that. I see nothing wrong there
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

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    Yes this is normal. Ringer volume is set from the profile settings.The volume buttons control volume for various functions and applications so toggling them when you are using that application will only affect the volume setting for that function. Example, toggling during a call changes the speaker volume. Toggling them when you are in Maps changes the voice guidance volume. Never tried this but you could try toggling them as the phone is ringing to see if it changes the ringing volume.

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    I've never been aware of a function like this in the past. You could create a personal ringtone that would last 30 seconds or less and set the volume on that ringtone to do that with an audio editor, such as Audacity.

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    Every time I move the volume, it moves back!
    Check, if you have a volume automation set on the software instrument track.
    If the track volume automation curve is enabled, the volume slider for the track will move with the automation curve.
    Click the automation curves disclosure triangle in the track header and disable the volume automation.

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    I finally figured out that if I started a game and turned the volume up, the noises would come back.
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    I have seen many confused posts in these forums regarding alert sounds suddenly disappearing.
    Below is the text that I submitted at
    If you share this problem, I suggest you do the same.
    My case number is 606343836
    Begin message:
    I've had a 5S since a few weeks after launch and this problem has only come about in the last few weeks, so I suspect it has to do with a recent OS patch.
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    What I have found to fix the problem is to open a game and raise the volume of the game.  Then when I exit the game, alert messages start again. 
    This seems reversible, if I go back in and mute a game, my alert messages go away as well.
    If this is by design, I do not think it should be, as I think it is reasonable for a user to want to control the "media" part of the volume separately from the "ringer" and "alerts" part of the volume. It makes sense to want play a game or video on mute but still get alert messages. If anything, I think the alerts volume should be tied to the ringer volume, I think that would make sense.

    Additional info, which makes me think this is a bug rather than a feature.  If you go into Settings > Sounds and turn off the "Change with Buttons" option, then the ringer should always ring at the volume of the slider on the screen. 
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    If you go back into the game and raise the volume within the game, then exit the game, then alert sounds do turn back on.
    I have tested this with two games from two developers.

  • 1020 There is no lock for ringer volume level, but...

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    SonOfTheSouth wrote:
    Also, unwanted down volume change, by pressing of the volume button, can happen in many ways such as in a pocket, carrying it in your hand, passing the phone around, lots of ways. 
    As far as the phone is locked, the volume key will not function .. so this should not affect the volume level.
    SonOfTheSouth wrote:
     I'm ranting about it to you fellow Lumina users. If you experience this, if it bugs you, if you agree that it's more than a mere tech glich nuisance, that it's causing missed calls for family and business, then please post in on this Lumina Community and demand a fix for it.
    This being a User-to-User forum, what you suggest may not have the indended effect. But, you may add your vote HERE to the most appropriate 'feature request' ..

  • Treo800w does not use the ringer volume I have set

    I have my 'Phone: Known Caller' ringer setting set to the standard Treo ring tone that came preinstalled on the Treo800w. I have the 'Ring type' set to Ring but NO matter how high or low I set the ringer volume it only rings at the lowest volume setting when a call comes in.  It's so low that I basicly miss every call. I have tried changing to other ring tones and the same thing happens.  The ringer seems to work correctly when the Ring type is set to 'Increasing Ring' but that starts out so low that it does not increase the ring volume enough before the call goes to voicemail.  I need my ringer to use a relatively high ring tone volume setting.Has anyone else experienced this?  If so, what did you do to resolve it? 
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I got a response to this from Paulcalif in another thread: "Have you tried "rebooting" by removing the battery and putting it back in. Try setting the volume all the way up first, then reboot it."
    Lil Red:  This seems to have worked although I still think there is a bug in the software.  If I set the ringer volume to a different volume level the phone does not seem to respond. Oh well, as long as it rings loud then for the most part i'm good to go.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • External volume buttons stopped changing the volume

    I've been using my iPhone 3G without incident since the summer, but all of a sudden in the last couple of days (I guess since the most recent firmware update), the side volume buttons have stopped changing the volume - ringer, speaker, anything. If I push the up or down volume control, the volume indicator window flashes up as normal, it shows my current volume level, then it raises the volume level (both the displayed level and the actual sound coming out of the phone) for about a tenth of a second, then it goes back to the previous level. I can change the volume using any of the normal touchpad controls, only the side buttons don't work.
    Is this simply a setting that I switched on by accident - a volume lock that I don't know about? I can't seem to find anything in my settings, but would really appreciate any insight into what's going on.
    Many thanks,

    Hello TheDes,
    Welcome to the Discussions Boards.
    Since you can see the volume changing when you use the volume button, it is relatively unlikely that it is a hardware issue. If it was a physical switch failure, the window wouldn't appear and show the change even briefly. It is more likely a software-based issue, such as a data file or preference file on the iPhone that is not updating properly.
    If you're using a case on the iPhone, remove the case and test.
    Try resetting the iPhone by holding down both the sleep/power button and the home button together until you see the Apple logo (ignore the "Slide to Power Off" prompt). Test.
    If the reset does not resolve, you may need to backup and restore the iPhone:
    Before connecting the iPhone, launch iTunes.
    From the Edit Menu (Windows) or the iTunes Menu (Mac) select Preferences
    Select the Devices tab or icon.
    Put a check mark in the "Disable Automatic Syncing for iPods and iPhones" box.
    OK the Preferences window.
    Connect the iPhone.
    If you have music or APPs that you have not synced to iTunes, choose "Transfer Purchases from xxxxxiPhone" from the File Menu to backup purchased content to iTunes.
    Right-click (or control-click) the iPhone under Devices in the left column of iTunes and choose "Backup" to create a fresh backup of the iPhone.
    After the backup is complete, in the Summary tab of the iPhone, click on the Restore button.
    At the end of the restore process, choose to setup as a new phone.
    For testing, do not sync any Applications to the iPhone (you can sync them back later).
    If the issue is resolved, you can sync your data back to the iPhone.
    You can also right-click the iPhone and choose "Restore from backup," but if the issue was caused by some data on the iPhone that was backed up, the issue may return when you sync you backup data to the iPhone.
    If you normally sync your iPhone automatically, you can uncheck the box that disables automatic syncing mentioned above.
    Hope that helps,
    Charles H.

  • Why I am unable to adjust the ringer volume by the side buttons and there is no ringer with the Mute button OFF

    With the mute switch OFF - I am unable to adjust the ringer volume by the side buttons. 
    When someone calls/texts there is no sound coming from the speaker.
    The headphone jack works when I listen to the Ipod and the speaker works when I change the ringer volume through settings.  So i know that the speaker does work
    Headphone jack seems clean and dust free
    I heard that there may be a Skype issue than can control the speaker volume - so i deleted it but i still cannot get any sound from regular functions.
    When I play the Ipod through the speaker with no headphones there is no option to change the volume and no sound.
    If it works when i go through settings to set my ring volume, my ringtone plays - then why does it not work otherwise?

    I have Iphone4s 16GB, IOS7.0.4 updates having a problem , that when i press + or - volume keys while my iphone is ringing my iphone 4s goes silent .
    Whereas you know silent key is used to make the ringing phone silent. This button is working ok while only problem is my iphone goes silent while pressing + or - volume keys as these keys should increase / lower the ringing volume . These keys were ok working in IOS 6.
    Where as these keys are also working ok  in music player of iphone for IOS 7, the only problem is for ringing.

  • Minimum Ringer Volume with a 7941 - not working

    As the title suggests, I cannot get the Minimum Ringer Volume setting to work with a 7941 phone.
    I have set the minimum volume setting to 7 in the product specific config layout, saved it, applied config and reset the phone. Still i can silence the ringer volume using the buttons on the phone.
    Am I missing something obvious?

    Your disk is using the Apple partition scheme, and the resizeVolume command will only work on disks using the GUID partition scheme. You cannot change the disk from one scheme to another without erasing and repartitioning it.

  • Can I change the volume of one specific part in a clip/sample?

    The question is: Can I change the volume of one specific part in a clip?
    Im not talking about a specific track, but a specific clip/sample.
    For instance you have a clip/sample with the duration of 4 sec. and you want to adjust the volume of a part that's only 0.2 sec.
    Is this possible?

    Juicyappleman wrote:
    Can I change the volume of one specific part in a clip region?
    yes, use a volume automation curve, search GB's help for "curve"

Maybe you are looking for