Char leanth is increased when in reporting side come

char leanth is increased when in reporting side come in modeling point of u leanth is 60 where  as in reporting side it would be 120 how rectified is problem send me solution i
would be give point

Hi Prabeep,
In modeling side u have to take 2 infoboject(wirte a routine in transfer structure leve),
reporting side put two fields and merge the two cell using macro.
I think it will be help.

Similar Messages

  • Smart forms print control pop box (no required) when run report

    Dear All Expert Guru,
             how to control printing pop box when execute transaction code ,Report are make in smart form format
             because while run our report then come printing pop box  select out put device the will come report
                                             . but our user required no should be come printing pop box they are required when run report direct come report
       Pls help me any one.
    Thanks & Regars.
    Sudhir Srivsatava

       Pass the parameter no_dialog = 'X' while calling the smartform.
    data: wa_ctrlop type ssfctrlop.
       wa_ctrlop-no_dialog = 'X'.
    CALL FUNCTION fm_name
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX              = ARCHIVE_INDEX
        CONTROL_PARAMETERS         =  wa_ctrlop
    *   MAIL_APPL_OBJ              = MAIL_APPL_OBJ
    *   MAIL_SENDER                = MAIL_SENDER
    *    OUTPUT_OPTIONS             = OUTPUT_OPTIONS
    *    USER_SETTINGS              = 'X'
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            = JOB_OUTPUT_INFO
       FORMATTING_ERROR           = 1
       INTERNAL_ERROR             = 2
       SEND_ERROR                 = 3
       USER_CANCELED              = 4
       OTHERS                     = 5

  • SPM 2.1 datasource background activity when running report for first time

    Hi All,
    When I log into SPM and click New -> Report, the cursor changes to the timer icon before i drag in a dimension or run a report.
    In SM66 there is an SQL read statement that appears to coincide with this front end behaviour.
    Often this process times out in the front end with a timeout error and "time dimension value help failed".
    Then if i go to create a new report again, a new tab opens, and it opens instantly and there is no SQL read statement.
    Why is an SQL read statement occurring at this point before any data is selected?
    Why does it take so long?
    Many thanks for any help
    Kind regards,

    We initialize the time dimension when the reporting console is opened for the first time. Sometimes depending on the load on your server , this could take a long time thus timing out. I would suggest you to look at the load on your java server. Also , check if there are any background processes running on the ABAP side. Also take a look at the timeout limit in Application Properties and see if you can increase this limit.This might help initially.
    As mentioned , the time dimension is only initialized when the reporting console is opened for the fist time in a given session. This explains why you don't see such a behavior subsequently.
    Hope this helps!

  • Need to send Automatic mails when the report successful or Fail.

    Hello Experts,
    Created one report for reconciliation to check BW and R/3 figures.
    There are exceptions designed using reporting Agent settings on the same report.
    (When the values from R/3 to BW are matching it shows Green color and if the values are not matching report shows red color in the columns.)
    There are some mandatory variables for Company code, Period and Currency Type.
    Selections for  Company code and Period are fixed but We have three currency types (00,10,30)
    Reports needs to be executed for three currency types.
    Requirement is that
    when the report is executed for One currency type  (Ex u2013 00)
    If the key figure column shows Green color , Immediately mail has to be sent to necessary mail IDs saying the status successful.
    If the key figure column shows Red color , Immediately mail has to be sent to necessary mail IDs saying the status Failed.
    Like this the same report has to be executed for other two currency types and send the the same status as above phenomenon.
    Sending mails can be taken care by BASIS people with SMTP configuration.
    I want to know the development needs to be done from BW side.
    Are there are any settings in BW to send the message as Successful  when the report shows green color and message as failed when red color appears in the report.

    As i understand you need to set up an alert framework.
    Please check :
    This can also be achieved using BEx broadcaster
    Please check :
    Hope this helps.

  • 30 Second time-out when Exporting Report to PDF in Web App.

    Post Author: Dave Milford
    CA Forum: .NET
    I'm currently upgrading older web applications to new web servers that use Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6, with SQL Server 2000 on a separate Windows 2003 server. The tools that I am required to use for this conversion are Visual Studio .Net 2003 and the Crystal Reports 9.1 version that comes with VS.Net 2003. The Crystal Reports .dlls from Visual Studio 2003 have been installed onto the new web servers (using the .MSI packages) and all available CR service packs have been applied.
    I've been able to successfully migrate the reports from CR 7.0 and to create new ASPX pages to drive the reports. On the server script side (in the Page_Load event) I am using the ExportToStream method of the ReportDocument object to load a MemoryStream and then write the MemoryStream out to the client's browser, i.e.
    Dim oStream As MemoryStream
    oStream = DirectCast(creport.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat), MemoryStream)
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    One of two things will occur: either the report will appear in the client browser as a PDF within 30 seconds of the user requesting the report, or the client browser will display an 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' error if more than 30 seconds have passed.
    Some of the reports return a small amount of data. These reports always produce a PDF, usually within 5 seconds.
    Some of the reports utilize the RecordSelectionFormula property. When these reports are filtered to produce small results, the PDF is generated; when the reports are not filtered (and will return a large amount of information) the client browser will display the 'Cannot Display Web page' message (after 30 seconds).
    I've tested the SQL Server views that suppy the information for the reports; they take no longer than 4 or 5 seconds to produce recordsets.
    These same reports work with the CrystalReportViewer .Net object, however, I need to get these reports to PDF in order for people to be able to save/print them.
    Anyone want to point me in the right direction?

    Post Author: Dave Milford
    CA Forum: .NET
    I'm currently upgrading older web applications to new web servers that use Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6, with SQL Server 2000 on a separate Windows 2003 server. The tools that I am required to use for this conversion are Visual Studio .Net 2003 and the Crystal Reports 9.1 version that comes with VS.Net 2003. The Crystal Reports .dlls from Visual Studio 2003 have been installed onto the new web servers (using the .MSI packages) and all available CR service packs have been applied.
    I've been able to successfully migrate the reports from CR 7.0 and to create new ASPX pages to drive the reports. On the server script side (in the Page_Load event) I am using the ExportToStream method of the ReportDocument object to load a MemoryStream and then write the MemoryStream out to the client's browser, i.e.
    Dim oStream As MemoryStream
    oStream = DirectCast(creport.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat), MemoryStream)
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    One of two things will occur: either the report will appear in the client browser as a PDF within 30 seconds of the user requesting the report, or the client browser will display an 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' error if more than 30 seconds have passed.
    Some of the reports return a small amount of data. These reports always produce a PDF, usually within 5 seconds.
    Some of the reports utilize the RecordSelectionFormula property. When these reports are filtered to produce small results, the PDF is generated; when the reports are not filtered (and will return a large amount of information) the client browser will display the 'Cannot Display Web page' message (after 30 seconds).
    I've tested the SQL Server views that suppy the information for the reports; they take no longer than 4 or 5 seconds to produce recordsets.
    These same reports work with the CrystalReportViewer .Net object, however, I need to get these reports to PDF in order for people to be able to save/print them.
    Anyone want to point me in the right direction?

  • Bad performance when deleting report column in webi(with "Design – Structure only")

    Hi all,
    One of our customer has recently upgraded from BO XI to BO4.1. In the new BO 4.1, they encountered a bad performance issue when they were deleting a column in Webi(using "Design – Structure only" mode).
    With “Design – Structure only" mode,  it took webi about 10 seconds to complete after the customer right-clicked a report column and clicked the "delete".  The customer said that they only need to wait for less than 1 second when they did the same in BO XI old version.
    The new BO version used is 4.1SP02, installed in Windows Server 2008 R2. (Server with 32 core CPU, 32G memory)
    This bad performance happened in both Webi web and Rich Client. (in Webi Rich Client, the performance is a little bit better. The 'delete column' action takes about 8 seconds to complete).
    Do anyone know how to tune this performance in webi?  Thank you.
    Besides, it seems that each time we are making change in the webi report structure in IE or Rich Client, webi need to interact with Server site to upload the changes. Is there any option to change this behavior?  Say, do not upload change to Server for when 'deleting report column', only trigger the upload after a set of actions(e.g. trigger when click the "Save" button).
    Thank you.

    Hi all,
    Could anyone help me on this?  Thanks!
    What customer concerns now is that when they did the same 'column editing' action in BO XI R2 for the same report, they did not need to wait.  And they need to wait for at least 7-8 second in the BO 4.1SP02 environment for this action to complete.(data already purged, in structure-only mode)
    One more information about the webi report being editing is: there are many sheets in the report(about 6~10 sheets in one report). Customer don't want to separate these sheet into different reports  as it will increase the effort of their end users to locate similar report sheets.

  • How to increase Disk usage reported in Resource Monitor

    I wonder how I can increase Disk usage reported in the Resource Monitor. When I use the 7200 Hard drive or SSD, the max usage is 1Gb/sec.
    Thank you for your help.

    As I understand, you want to increase the size of the root partition (where you installed Solaris) which resides in c1t0d0s0. I think it can be done using Concatenations from Solaris Volume Manager (SVM).
    I have tried it in non root partition like /export/home and it is very easy.
    metainit -f d0 2 1 c1t0d0s7 1 c2t0d0s7 //this will create volume d0 as a concatenation
    growfs -M /export/home /dev/md/rdsk/d0 //this will grow the /export/home partition

  • Performance issues in reporting side

    hi gurus,
       how to improve performance in reporting side.

    Hi kumar,
    Query Performance Techniques:
    1.     Check Query properties—Use RSRT tcode
    2.     Check whether cube is compressed
    3.     Optimize query definition
    4.     Analyze query execution
    5.     Check for additional indexes
    6.     Archive unwanted data
    7.     Check for partitioning options
    8.     Check for additional aggregates ( Consider DB ratio and KPI ratio)
    9.     Check for parallelization options
    10.     Use Nav attributes instead of hierarchies, use free char and filters.
    Possible causes for the performance :
    A) High Database Runtime
    B) High OLAP Runtime
    C) High Frontend Runtime
    Depending upon your analysis
    A)Strategy - High Database Runtime
    Check if an aggregate is suitable (use All data to get values "selected records to transferred records", a high number here would be an indicator for query performance improvement using an aggregate)
    Check if database statistics are update to data for the Cube/Aggregate, use Tcode RSRV output (use database check for statistics and indexes)
    Check if the read mode of the query is unfavourable - Recommended (H)
    B)Strategy - High OLAP Runtime
    Check if a high number of Cells transferred to the OLAP (use "All data" to get value "No. of Cells")
    a) Use RSRT technical Information to check if any extra OLAP-processing is necessary (Stock Query, Exception Aggregation, Calc. before Aggregation, Virtual Char. Key Figures, Attributes in Calculated Key Figs, Time-dependent Currency Translation) together with a high number of records transferred.
    b) Check if a user exit Usage is involved in the OLAP runtime?
    c) Check if large hierarchies are used and the entry hierarchy level is as deep as possible. This limits the levels of the hierarchy that must be processed.
    C)Strategy - High Frontend Runtime
    1) Check if frontend PC are within the recommendation (RAM, CPU Mhz)
    2) Check if the bandwidth for WAN connection is sufficient.
    Hope this helps you..

  • Ordering messed up when generating Report as Delimited on Server

    Hi folks,
    Not sure if anyone else might have observed or faced this issue but thought I'd give it a try. I have an Oracle Report (Version 6i) and the output generated should be a tab delimited text file so the user can view the output in Excel. The Report output is sorted by Name. When I run the Report locally (Client) by doing File -> Generate to File -> Delimited (Delimiter Option: Tab), the Report works fine. The ordering is correct. However, when I am running it off the server (Using the option DELIMITED for the DESFORMAT), the ordering seems messed up. The ordering is maintained for quite a few rows and then a Name (out of order appears). Note that this record also appears in the correct place as well as above the place where its expected to be ... Here is an example:
    Name                     ID     BIRTH DATE
    ALLAN, BRIAN             1001   1970/12/31
    ALLAN, SUSAN             2001   1968/01/01
    FRANCIS, JOHN            5001   1965/02/01
    BROWN, EDWARD            3001   1978/01/02
    BROWN, JENNY             4001   1976/04/01
    FRANCIS, JOHN            5001   1965/02/01
    GRAHAM, DALE             6001   1980/10/10As you can see that FRANCIS, JOHN is appearing out of order and in order (Twice). This is not happening when I run it on the Client. Any ideas what may be causing this? I realize I don't have much information out here as I myself am at my wits end.
    Edited by: Roxyrollers on Jan 4, 2013 2:15 PM

    I you have access to Metalink (, you can take a look to the notes:
    Note.278044.1 How to Debug REP-1401 when executing Reports with Barcode java code
    Note.382952.1 RDF to Debug REP-1401 when using Oraclebarcode.jar
    Note 252691.1 REP-1401: 'CF_1Formula ': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred - ORA-
    06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error when running the example "Building a Report with a Barcode"
    Note 271807.1 Report With Barcode Bean Is Causing REP-69, REP-57054, REP-1401 and ORA-39565:

  • Getting the variant name when the report program is run in background

    Hi All,
    How to get the variant name for the report program when run in background? My requirement is to create an email attachement with the name 'variant.XLS', where variant = selection screen variant, when the report program is run in background. The system field SY-SLSET holds the variant name only when run online.
    Any pointers to this will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Nilesh,
    Please find the algo:
    1. Call the FM: GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO to get the background job details.
    2. Select data from TBTCP using these details:
          EVENTID                 = FP_EVENTID
          EVENTPARM               = FP_EVTPARM
          JOBCOUNT                = FP_JOBCNT
          JOBNAME                 = FP_JOBNM
          STEPCOUNT               = FP_STEPCNT
          NO_RUNTIME_INFO         = 1
          OTHERS                  = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    *   Error calling FM: GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO
      FROM   TBTCP
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
        IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    Hope this helps.

  • Sending an email when the report is being refreshed

    Hi All,
    Is it possible, in Answers, to send an email automatically when a report is being refreshed ?
    Thanks in advance,

    You can do this multiple ways, As you mentioned using conditional ibot also. You should have flag or indicator in your database saying that ETL load was done. Then based on conditional request run a ibot. But the trick is after completing this ibot you need to turn of the flag.
    Other easiest way is Create a report which runs ibot, Make sure you checked Oracle BI Server Cache feed check box, save the ibot. At the end of ETL execute a command which runs the ibot job for you. There is a command mode application available in Oracle BI called SASchInvoke.exe. This application will run the ibot for you.
    here is the blog which explains more about it.
    - Madan

  • Error when sending report output to printer from Forms 10g

    I have a simple report that I am running from a form using run_report_object built-in. I can successfully send the report output to a file but when I send the report output to a printer my report is
    terminated with report status of 'TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR'. I am using the default forms service and reports server that comes with the forms builder. How do I specify the reports server to user my default network printer ?Following is the code that runs my report.
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(50);
    rep_server system_variables.reports_server%type;
    alldone          exception;
         select reports_server
         into rep_server
         from system_variables;
         if rep_server is null then
              msg_alert('Error getting the reports server name', 'I', FALSE);                
              raise alldone;
         end if;
         :ctrl.run_report_errors := 'N';                    
         repid := find_report_object('REP_OBJ1');
         IF :ctrl.rg_print = 'P' THEN
              --Send the output to printer.
         ELSIF :ctrl.rg_print = 'R' THEN
              --Rich Text Format
         END IF;
         v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
         rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
         WHILE rep_status in ('RUNNING','OPENING_REPORT','ENQUEUED')
              rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
         END LOOP;
         IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
              :ctrl.run_report_errors := 'Y';
              msg_alert('Error when running report.' || rep_status, 'I', FALSE);           
         END IF;
         when no_data_found then
              msg_alert('Error getting the reports server name', 'I', FALSE);      
         when alldone then

    If you use Windows the user that runs the reports server is usually LocalSystem. Check this in the Windows Services panel.
    LocalSystem has no printer access. To be able to print, you have to use a real domain user that has access to the printer. So, change the Log on properties in the Services panel.

  • Is there a way to create a variable referenced to a prompt on the report side?

    Post Author: Martensa
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    First I am querying current and prior year on the query builder by two prompts that are asking for the current and prior year. Then I am creating a variable on the report side that pulls the current year into one column and prior year into another column. (I.e. =(revenue) where (year = 2006)). Is it possible the have the year part of the formula to be referenced to a prompt? (I.e.=(revenue) where (prompt= 1))?
    If anyone could give me an answer it would me much appreciated.

    Post Author: [email protected]
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Create a variable "Prior Year" =UserResponse("Revenue" , "Prior Year")
    Create another variable "Current Year" =UserResponse("Revenue" , "Current Year")
    This assumes that "Revenue" is the data provider name and your Prompts are "Prior Year" and "Current Year".
    Regards, Jim

  • How do you identify when a report has finished?

    Hi all,
    I've got a big report that is taking a while to run (approx 1min) and the problem I'm having is that my users are getting bored of waiting and starting to click around my web application and re-running the report because they think it has failed. The re-running of the report is causing more load on the system and the reports to run even slower. What I would like to do is stop them re-runnning the report maybe by somehow locking the web page until BI publisher has finished but I don't know how to get a message back from BI publisher.
    Currently I'm running the BI publisher report by having a button push which redirects the users web browser to a url such as:
    'http://'||:BI_PATH||'/xmlpserver'||:BI_DIRECTORY||'/Custom Reports/'||:p180_report||'/'||:p180_report||'.xdo?_xpf=&_xpt=1&_xdo='||:BI_DIRECTORY||'%2FCustom%20Reports%2F'||:p180_report||'%2F'||:p180_report||'.xdo&_xt='||:p90_template||'&_xf=rtf&_xmode=4'
    And then as I'm returning an rtf doc the familiar save, open or cancel popup comes up. The problem is that before the popup appears they can re-click the run report button.
    One way round it I've thought of is to have the report generate to a file system and redirect the user to a waiting page that checks periodically for the files existance and then when it does exist forward the user to a page with a view report button. This sounds like a lot of effort, does anybody know of a better way?
    I've also wondered if running the report using webservices would be an option, is there a way of getting BI publisher to run a web service when a report has finished? This could then interact with my back end server and the web page could act on that, or am I totally barking up the wrong tree?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Darren
    couple of ideas
    1. Rather than 'run' the report, get it to run through the scheduler immediately. Once its running through the scheduler you could then poll the scheduler tables to see when it completes. You could either redirect the users to a wait page or show an egg timer until the document has been created. this would require the document to be delivered to somewhere for you to poll as the URL will not return a job id.
    2. Bit more involved but probably better is to hook into BIPs web services. So rather than the button issue an http request it calls a servlet to issue a web service call to BIP to schedule a report. The WS will return the job id to the caller, you can then poll the scheduler via a ws to check the progress of the job. Once complete you can then retrieve the result form the scheduler tables via another call.
    Food for thought I hope

  • Garbage text when viewing reports

    Post Author: icecroft
    CA Forum: General
    Hello everyone!
    Is there anyone here who has encountered this error? When running any Crystal Report, our client gets garbage text as a report output. The weird thing is, when this report is exported to PDF, the output is perfectly fine. They are currently running on Windows XP and uses Crystal Report 10.
    If it helps, here's a screenshot of the report with garbage text:
    I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with this.
    Thanks a lot!!!

    The basic flow is this, for the situation in which I'm seeing this issue.
    This is a desktop application using an Access database as its data store, with a button that allows the user to view a Crystal Report containing all of the data that's in the screen.
    When the user clicks on the button to view the report, the application does the following:
    - Builds up a DataRow containing all of the data representing the current 'item' being viewed in the application
    - Inserts the row into the Access database using the DataSet / TableAdapter (creates a new database connection each time)
    - Creates a new instance of the Crystal Report class to be viewed
    - set the database connection info in the report to the access database being used by the application
    - create a new form containing a CrystalReportViewer control
    - set the ReportSource of the control to the instance of the Crystal Report created above
    - show the form / CrystalReportViewer control.
    That what you were looking for?

Maybe you are looking for