Check JRE in client system

The following code check JRE at client side only in IE (internet explorer)
how can i check with other internet browser like Mozilla, chrome etc......?
<OBJECT codebase="" classid="clsid:5852F5ED-8BF4-11D4-A245-0080C6F74284" HEIGHT="0" WIDTH="0">                     

Why didn't you use Java Web Start to distribute your application. Simple reliable, customizable...
Is your source code available, I need a chat library to add to my application ?

Similar Messages

  • Check JRE on client machine

    hi all
    i want to to know wether client machine already installed JRE or not
    i've made an desktop apllication, also i made 2 desktop installer (include and non include JRE bundled)
    now i want to help my client check whether got or not JRE installed,
    hot to check?any useful link or answer will be most appreciated

    Open Command Prompt.
    and type java -version.

  • How check is installed jre on client machine (Windows, Mac, Linux) ?

    I have desktop appliaction that installed in client machine. On client machine OS maybe are :Windows, Mac or Linux. When first start my desktop application I want to check is exist jre on client machine. Is this a good solution?
              String javahome = System.getProperty("java.home").trim();
              if (javahome.length() == 0) {
                   logger.warn("Not installed java!");
              } else {
                   logger.trace("java home=" + javahome);

    Errr using Java to check if Java is installed?
    Does not compute.
    Perhaps you want to use some sort of installer program. Or [_webstart_|]?

  • How to check the OSS note in SAP Client system ?

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    I just have a small question ... how do we check whether an OSS note is applied in the SAP client System or not ?
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    1) One way is checking the version and support pack applied.I.e,
    On the main SAP screen > Systems > Status > Check details of the "Component version".
    2) STMS > Double click on the system you need to check > Check the status of your request.

  • How to install Oracle FM Forms 11g on client system.

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    I have an weblogic server installed on a server, now i have to install oracle Forms 11g in client system. its ask me weblogic server path whatever i try, its ask weblogic on client. what is the solution how installation of Oracle 11g form connect with weblogic server."
    Problem 2.
    i have install 64-bit OS windows 7.
    1. I Installed JDK 6 (64bit).
    2. Installed Weblogic Server. (its work fine)
    3. Now i m installing Oracle forms 11g 64(-bit). its show me an error (INST-07407: Unable to detect machine platform or JVM bits)
    please help me out. waiting for your positive reply.

    3. Now i m installing Oracle forms 11g 64(-bit). its show me an error (INST-07407: Unable to detect machine platform or JVM bits)It looks like you are installing the 32-bit version of Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMw) 11g - not the 64-bit version. As a test, install the 32-bit JRE and run the FMw installer again. If it continues past this point - you've got the 32-bit installer and not the 64-bit installer. :)

  • WebRequest.Create Hangs in Client system with Windows 8.1 with Fmrk 4.5

    We are hosting a Windows Form in IE builded with .Net Target Framework 3.5 and running in ASP.Net website's run time .Net Framework 2.0.
    Till now, this is working in Windows 7 and IE11 combination. When we planned to migrate to Windows 8 and IE11 combination, some functionalities in the Windows form hosted in IE fails, its keep on hanging.
    When we debugged the code, we found that hanging happens at
    1. To insert a image 
    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
    2. While doing webservice call
    CSpellCheckerWS objCUserDictionaryWordsWS = new CSpellCheckerWS();
    Please find below our Trails for workaround:
    1. We have try catch block on top of above lines, but it never comes to catch or proceed (checked for more than 30 minutes), its keep on running that makes IE to hang. End user have to kill the IE to proceed with our web application.
    2. We have timeout option for WebRequest object, but we are having problem in the constructor itself, so unable to make use of timeout option.
    3. We planned to use HttpClient object, but for this we need to build our Windows Form with Target Framework .Net 4.5. But .Net framework 4.5 will no longer support to host the Windows Form in IE.
    4. We observed that, for our Windows Form project dll, say abcd.dll, we have ref link to abcd.config.xml
    in the ASP.Net hosted web page. If we remove the *.config.xml, then we do not have this hanging issue. So, our problem solves here. But we faced another problem. Now we are getting
    404 errors for all the dependent child dll for our main dll, abcd.dll. Even though we have child dlls in the same folder of abcd.dll, it is checking in website root folder, bin folder , .exe, .dll and finally after 8 iterations, it is picking
    the correct dll. So for multiple child dlls we are getting 9 * no. of child dlls = 404 errors. So, we are unable to proceed further.
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/Default.aspx
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserApplication.dll
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserApplication.config.xml
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserApplication.dll
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    404 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/bin/BrowserChildApplication/BrowserChildApplication.EXE
    200 http://localhost/BrowserWebSite.CSharp/BrowserBin/BrowserChildApplication.DLL
    So, please guide us how to proceed further. What is the relation between the *.config.xml and WebRequest.Create constructor and 404 errors.
    We have simple test application to replicate the issue. If needed, I can share the application.
    System Requirements to replicate : Windows 8.1, IE 11 and (Client system having .Net 4.5) and Windows / Web projects builded with .Net 3.5/2.0 respectively.
    Note : We have run caspol settings and set EnableIEHosting to 1 (DWord).

    >>When we planned to migrate to Windows 8 and IE11 combination, some functionalities in the Windows form hosted in IE fails, its keep on hanging.
    What .NET Framework version are you using after you migrate your client to windows 8 and IE11? If it is 4.0 or 4.5, I am afraid this is by designed because hosting controls in IE is now blocked by default (as of v4 or v4.5). See MSDN article under
    'Web Applications'.
    You could still enable it by modifying its provided registry key.
    By the way, since this issue is related with IE and web application, I suggest that you could post such kind of issues to related forum, as
    IE forum and Web forum.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Error in client System.. forms are not opening...

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    our application version 11.5.9
    database version
    here below some of the solutions i tried
    1.In JInitiator i have ticked the show java console.
    2.i added one 0 in run Java parameters before it has value :5000000 it is having value :50000000 internetexplorer tools-->options i have deleted history,files& cookies..
    please reply me soon...
    here i attached the error
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.forms.engine.Main exception when loading: oracle.forms.engine.Main
         at sun.applet.JinitAppletPanel.createApplet(
         at sun.applet.JinitAppletPanel.runLoader(
         at Code)
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 2:17 AM
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 2:25 AM
    Very Urgence
    Edited by: user13098774 on May 11, 2010 3:15 AM

    Hi user;
    What is your browser? Other client can login EBS and can work on it?
    Please check:
    Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i [ID 285218.1]
    If you are using IE Also check :
    Tools > IE options>>Advanced >> Under Browsing >> unchecl Enable third-party browser extensions
    IE 6 Crashes When Oracle E-Business Suite Access JInitiator
    IE 6 Crashes When Oracle E-Business Suite Access JInitiator
    Oracle JInitiator + Forms + IE = Crash
    Oracle JInitiator + Forms + IE = Crash

  • Client System login takes more time

    Hi Experts,
    I try to login to client system it always takes more time to connect with server, after login there is no problem. .. i also try Firewall disable, License configure settings, and also disable extra network port, but still facing problem. please help on this......................

    Hi Ashok,
    Thanks for your valuable reply.
    Still issue is not Resolved while i followed your steps. my user is accessing the  system from USA and my server kept in India and the system taking 5-6 Min for Login in SAP. that's the reason the my client forcing to fix the issue.
    After checking the some forum i had found the OSS Note :1135705, is it resolve my issue?
    If you have any information regarding OSS Note regarding this  issue please send me.
    Your Reply will help for me. Thanks in Advance.
    With Regards,
    Edited by: Baya Jo on Feb 22, 2012 1:41 PM

  • How to programatically find whether excel is installed in a client system.

    Hi all,
    I am developing a web application and need to send the output as excel so that end user sees it in excel format..
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    how could i find whether the client system is having Excel installed..
    Some queries :
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    2) Checking user registry may not be a good option for web application.
    Since you are sending excel file, user will either open it or will be asked to save it.

  • WSUS SP2 Client Systems are not detecting Updates,

    I have a WSUS SP2 (with WSUS-KB2720211-x64) running on Windows 2008 R2. The WSUS site is running on custom site port 8530.
    All the clients are reporting without any issues. However the approved patches are not getting detected on the clients. 
    From the client I can get cab file by accessing http://WSUSServerName:8530/ 
    Network connectivity OR firewall issue is ruled out. Also the client system are updating the update agent to
    7.6 from WSUS. I am sure the approved patches are needed on the client PC's, the WSUS report for a particular approved patch too says that the approved patch is needed.
    Please find the following WIndowsUpdate log from the client PC and please advise.
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: +0300)  ===========
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Misc  = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Misc  = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Service *************
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Service ** START **  Service: Service startup
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:387
    804 ec4
    Service *********
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:402
    804 ec4
    Agent  * WU client version 7.6.7600.256
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:402
    804 ec4
    Agent  * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:402
    804 ec4
    Agent  * Access type: No proxy
    2015-02-15 14:17:21:402
    804 ec4
    Agent  * Network state: Connected
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent  * WSUS server:
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent  * WSUS status server:
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent  * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    Agent  * Windows Update access disabled: No
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:313
    804 3f4
    AU ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:329
    804 3f4
    AU  # WSUS server:
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:329
    804 3f4
    AU  # Detection frequency: 22
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:329
    804 3f4
    AU  # Approval type: Pre-install notify (Policy)
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:329
    804 3f4
    AU  # Auto-install minor updates: No (User preference)
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:329
    804 3f4
    AU  # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * OS Version = 6.1.7601.1.0.196880
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * OS Product Type = 0x00000007
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Computer Brand = VMware, Inc.
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Computer Model = VMware Virtual Platform
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Bios Revision = 6.00
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Bios Name = PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0     
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Bios Release Date = 2013-07-30T00:00:00
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    Report  * Locale ID = 1033
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Initializing featured updates
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Found 0 cached featured updates
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU AU finished delayed initialization
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 3f4
    AU Triggering Online detection (non-interactive)
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    AU #############
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    AU ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    AU #########
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 ec4
    AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0512C3B0-1E35-4BDD-9B28-02E064DF3EFB}]
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent *************
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent *********
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent  * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent  * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0
    and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent  * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Agent  * Search Scope = {Machine}
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Setup Client version: Core: 7.6.7600.256  Aux: 7.6.7600.256
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:360
    804 56c
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2015-02-15 14:17:28:375
    804 56c
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:981
    804 56c
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:996
    804 56c
    Setup Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:996
    804 56c
    Setup SelfUpdate handler is not found.  It will be downloaded
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:996
    804 56c
    Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256"
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:996
    804 56c
    Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" is already installed.
    2015-02-15 14:17:30:996
    804 56c
    Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256"
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:012
    804 56c
    Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" is already installed.
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:012
    804 56c
    Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256"
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:012
    804 56c
    Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" is already installed.
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:012
    804 56c
    Setup SelfUpdate check completed.  SelfUpdate is NOT required.
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:449
    804 56c
    PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
    2015-02-15 14:17:31:449
    804 56c
    PT  + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721
    804 56c
    Agent  * Found 0 updates and 76 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 724 out of 1278 deployed entities
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721
    804 56c
    Agent *********
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721
    804 56c
    Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721
    804 56c
    Agent *************
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0512C3B0-1E35-4BDD-9B28-02E064DF3EFB}]
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU  # 0 updates detected
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU #########
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0512C3B0-1E35-4BDD-9B28-02E064DF3EFB}]
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU #############
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU Featured notifications is disabled.
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2015-02-16 07:41:21
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:737
    804 c4c
    AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:784
    804 56c
    Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2015-02-15 14:17:41:729
    804 56c
    Report REPORT EVENT: {6EBDD70F-EF5E-4673-9283-1A94A5FC5A0C}
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721+0300 1
    147 101
    0 0 AutomaticUpdates
    Success Software Synchronization
    Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates.
    2015-02-15 14:17:41:729
    804 56c
    Report REPORT EVENT: {621A5AA7-E564-44F1-B16B-5E928ECE4BC0}
    2015-02-15 14:17:36:721+0300 1
    156 101
    0 0 AutomaticUpdates
    Success Pre-Deployment Check
    Reporting client status.
    2015-02-15 14:17:41:729
    804 56c
    Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

    KB2720211 has been superceded by KB 2828185, I'd recommend installing that first, it resolves a lot of issues with the first update.
    It would be worth checking if those updates you think should be installed haven't already been superceded by others. It's possible newer updates have been installed, so the superceded updates could actually be declined.

  • "Invalid Field Name" Error message on Client System

    Hi all,
    I have installed some addons  on server, and the same is installed on client systems as well. on server everything works well. But when it comes to client systems, one particular form shows an error message, "Invalid Field Name", on loading the form.
    I have the same .srf's as on server but still the problem persists. If anybody knows the cause of the problem, please let me know what could be the reason.
    Rohan S. Kamble.

    Hi Rohan,
    Are you sure you have the same version of DI (also addon) on your client and your server side?
    Reinstall the addon on your client, check if the problem still happens.

  • [javac] Error loading: C:\bea\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll

    I was curious about the following error:
    [javac] Error loading: C:\bea\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
    Could someone let me know why this randomly occurs?

    Thanks. Thats all the information I have on the error... Inquiring if anyone seen this before or know what could cause this.
    If all you are inquiring about is whether anyone has seen that before then the answer is yes.
    If instead you want help finding out what is causing it in your case then you have to provide information about what it is you are doing when it shows up. Does it show up everytime you cold boot your computer? Only when you check you email?
    Give us the specifics.

  • Transfer data by idoc between different client system

    i want exemple to transfer any data from client system (800)  to another 810.
    havve anyone exemple to do this.

    hello friend,
    we have 5 diff ways ok sending data from one sys to another which method the reqmnet is ...
    but any method we need do some confrigaration for that
    we need create idoc segments(WE31)),idoc types(WE30),messages types(WE81),
    if u want clear on this go for tcode WEDI->Deveplopmwent-> u fill find the tcodes and process in that tcode.
    5 diff types
    sending data 1) using tcode,
                       2) using FM
                       3) using messages types
                       remining im not remember correctly check it...
    thk u

  • How to check Integration Server Client and ABAP stack Client?

    How to check Integration Server Client and ABAP stack Client? How to check,,pls tell in detailed steps???
    Points would be awarded.

    Must be the server has different clients,one declared as application server ie abap stack client and the other declared as Integration server ie XI. U might be trying to open idx5 in application server client, in which idx5  exists but you cant open the screen even, that can be achieved through we02.
    000 is the default client when  XI server is installed .We can create separate clients on the system through sccl tcode.
    As told we can find the client  on sap logon screen.
    Logon to sxmb_adm and check whether the client is declared as an application system(r/3) or Integration server(xi).Try idx5 in xi not r/3
    Edited by: NagaDurga Nannapaneni on Aug 28, 2008 11:36 AM

  • Hot to retrieve client system info

    Hi Friends..
    ..I need to retrieve information about client system (especially info about operative system to distinguish if the client use a handheld PC or a desktop one) that requests a JSP.
    If any one known please give some suggetion on this.
    Thanks a lot

    You can check the http header's User-Agent field. Most of the time it is included, and should specify the browser (at least) and the OS, though it is not required. Test a couple of runs from different machines/OSes/browsers and see what you get and how you can handle them differently...

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  • Collaboration Launch pad EP5

    I'm working in EP5 SP5. I want to move the collaboration drop down menu from the portal header to an iview. I tried creating an ASP that includes <!#include file="../../../IE/CollaborationNew/Collaboration Injector.asp"> and then calls the InjectColl

  • OC4J 2.0.0 is included in the JDev 9i Release Candidate (Available Now) src=855007&Act=4 I pretty sure it's 2.0.0 as it says so in the JDev 9i read me and JAZN (Oracle's JAAS implementation) is in there and it's supposed to be in 2.0.0. Plus the j2EE_home directory st

  • Bang & Olafson (B&O) EarSet 3 and Iphone 4

    When I use my B&O Earset 3 on the iphone 4 on a telephone call, I hear a slight clicking in the background, but people on the other end say I'm dropping every 3rd word and I sound like I'm riding a horse. Music is fine. Worked great on 3GS with 3 and