Choppy frame rate after  cmd-j

My son is trying to edit a .mov file he has brought into fce, every time he uses the razor tool and then chooses his split frame and applies cmd-j to 70% on play back the frame rate is choppy. I've tried the same clip using the same method on my copy of fce on my iMac 2.4 with 2gb ram (he has uni macbook with 2.26 and 2gb ram) my playback is super smooth. Any ideas as to the cause and cure of this issue..

You can set the field order in FCE exactly as you can in FCP with the same tools. Without knowing any information about your media or what format you're editing in anybody's guessing.

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    Hi Crowzer,
    Im wondering that you have done a BIOS update if you had no problems before
    I can only imagine that a BIOS setting is different now. So I would recommend loading the default settings in BIOS, then save & exit.
    Also try updating your display driver. You can find the latest version on official Toshiba page too.

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    Now I find that watching any sort of video in Xorg (e.g., The BBC weather forecast in Firefox or BBC Iplayer, or even glxgears), the frame rate particularly at full-screen is abysmal, dropping as low as around 2 (two!) frames per second. Glxgears manages around 9 frames per second. Before today's system upgrade, glxgears achieved exactly 60 frames per second at any screen size and BBC video was smooth at full-screen.
    I'm guessing that the problem is somewhere in an upgraded Xorg package, but I'm completely in the dark as to where to start looking. There are no obvious problems reported in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. I could post the content of this file if required, but it's huge and would make an extremely long post.
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    I hope I've posted this in the right forum. If not, please advise accordingly!
    Thanks in advance for any clues!
    Last edited by edenyard (2011-05-18 13:25:39)

    The files in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d folder are the standard ones, so they should not be the problem.
    I've looked in your xorg.log, and while the problem is not clear immediately, you got several (WW) and (EE) messages in it.
    [ 27.795] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
    [ 27.795] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 27.836] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/".
    [ 27.836] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 27.836] (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/").
    these are safe to ignore
    [ 27.837] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
    without acpid installed, your monitor probably won't be blanked when you're system is inactive for a while, but otherwise this should not be  a problems.
    (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)
    (EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)
    vesa and fbdev are intended as fallback options, it's better to install them.
    pacman -Syu xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-vesa
    [ 27.935] (WW) xf86OpenConsole: setpgid failed: Operation not permitted
    [ 27.935] (WW) xf86OpenConsole: setsid failed: Operation not permitted
    These lines may have to do with your problem, but i don't know what they mean.
    we need more info.
    run gxlinfo , and post the  output from top until the line with OpenGL extensions:
    Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2011-05-14 10:09:11)

  • Re: Satellite X200-20F - Slow frame rate after BIOS update

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    What should I do?
    Do you have any advises?
    Thanks in advance,
    Best reguards.

    Hi Crowzer,
    Im wondering that you have done a BIOS update if you had no problems before
    I can only imagine that a BIOS setting is different now. So I would recommend loading the default settings in BIOS, then save & exit.
    Also try updating your display driver. You can find the latest version on official Toshiba page too.

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    2 new Canon cameras capable of frame rates of 60i, 30 frames per second progressive "recorded as 60i", and 24 frames per second progressive also "recorded as 60i" (there is a known issue with importing the 30 frames per second into fcpx, as fcpx does not recognize this as progressive, but ClipWrap can get around this).
    1 Sony capable of 60i, 60P, and 24P
    1 Sanyo capable of 60i and 30P
    Possible settings:
    Just do all at 60i, but people say this is not so good for computer viewing
    Canon at 30 fps (using ClipWrap to see it gets recognized as progressive), and the Sony and Sanyo at 60i. Will this cause syncing or other problems, mixing frame rates like this? How bad a hit in quality is 60i on computer screens?
    Canon and Sanyo at 30 fps, Sony at 60i
    Same as #3, but use JES Deinterlacer to get Sony 60i to 30 fps.(I tried this out, by the way, and the resulting frame rate, after deinterlacing, showed up in the inspector window at 30, not 29.97. Is that a problem?
    Anyway, I aplogogize for wearing out my welcome on this forum, and I thank everyone for creating such a wonderful bank of information.

    Not sure what you're trying to achieve here - for the best overall quality, if possible, choose a frame rate that all the cameras can achieve. That way you won't lose quality in the conversion.
    If you're not satisfied with that, you need to do some tests to see which gives you the effect you like best. Nobody here can help you really - it's up to you.

  • Frame Rate Convertor results in choppy footage

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    OK, just did something to make me feel like a complete idiot. I decided to follow my own advice and RTFM for the Cam. It seems that on the HVX 200 you have to make sure that two settings are correct for VFM recording. First, set cam to 720/24pN or 30pN and THEN, goto the Scene File and set the Frame Rate there to whatever you desire.
    I had skipped this last step and just the recording format to 720/60p. That will not work and now I know this.
    I can't wait to test this the correct way and see what I get.
    Thanks for all the help.

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    Okay so i had an iphone 5.  I backed it up on icloud. Then i got the new iphone 5s i restored ot from icloud from my previous iphone 5.  Now everything works find execept now the games are slowy and drops the frame rate and look choppy. Then i restarted my iphone 5s as a new device downloaded the same apps even the ones optimized for ios 7 and the games still lag. And i just got my iphone 5s replace.  The funny thing is.  While im playing games and their running choppy and slow and if i take a snap shot inside the phone. They run smooth and HD but just for a few seconds and boom they go back to slow and choppy.  Is it the ios 7 or the iphone 5s it self? Like i said this is my replacement iphone 5s because the other 5s did the same thing. And it was running slowly.

    As far as I know you can't delete the primary email address for an iCloud account.  It's assigned when the account is created.  But your neighbor wouldn't have been able to get into your iCloud account without your Apple ID and password.  Are you sure the account wasn't still on your phone when you gave it to him?
    You could migrate a copy of your data to a new iCloud account but I would still be concerned that someone else was using my old account, which presumably still has your data in it.
    I'm fairly certain that you're going to have to have iCloud support help you sort this one out as they may have the ability to make changes to an existing account that users can't.  Make an appointment with the genius bar at a nearby Apple store and have them take a look at it.  If necessary, they should be able to contact iCloud support for you.

  • After Effects CC import "Sequence Footage" frame rate settings in "Import" preferences

    Just started using the new AE CC (v12 as Adobe will not refer to it as) I noticed one thing that seems to work differently from CS6 and that is in the preferences for import Sequence footage settings.  It doesn't seem to work normally, at least for me.  I don't know if this is an issue related to how AE CC works with the cloud but the dfault frame rate for sequence footage importing is 30fps.  I am trying to import footage that is natively 23.97 at 24 fps.  So like in CS6 I go to Preferences - Import - Sequence Footage - frame per second and change it from 30 to 24 frames per second.  Closed the software, opened it back up, checked the settings and saw that they took, it still says 24 frames per second like I told it.  But when I import a piece of 23.976 footage, it comes in at 23.976 as opposed to the 24 fps I set it as.  Same goes for 30 fps footage, it comes in at 30 fps and not 24.  User error is always my first assumption, I'm not proud i just want it to work, am I doing something wrong or just confused?  Thanks for any help.  p.s.  help is not someone responding with, "I don't know" or "I don't have AECC yet".  I know somebody is going to!

    Hi Tim,
    WOW!  Thanks for the super-fast reply!  As soon as I posted this I realised I should have mentioned that I am importing DPX files.  I do import quicktimes as well but know that the footage import does not apply to a single file, only a sequence of files.  But I still wonder if I may be either doing something wrong or am just a little confused.  I have been using After Effects since CS3 doing compositing for film and I always use DPX sequences.  I did a bunch of comparing and back and forth with AE CS6 and AECC while trying to figure this out.  I always set my preferences up when I upgrade before I start working and I always set them up the same.  I have been using CS6 since last July and it still works the same.  What I did is imported five or six different DPX sequences, some were rendered out as 24 fps, some at 30 and some at 23.976.  Assuming AE looks at the metadata to decide how to auto interpret, AE CC opened them all at their native frame rates of the just mentioned 24, 30 and 23.976 respectively, even though I told it to import at 24fps in the preferences.  I also imported the same files in AE CS6 and they all opened at 24 fps like always.  I know I can change the frame rate in the "Interpret footage" option, that is what I have been doing today so that I can work with footage in 24fps but since I have it set in the preferences to import image sequences at 24fps, I am perplexed as to why it does not do so, so I do not have to interpret the footage to my preferred frame rate, as is the case in AE CS6 as well as it was in CS 5.5 and CS 3.  Since I was lucky enough to have an Adobe employee chime in Tim, I would be curious to see what you may find if you recreated this scenario.  Would it be possible for you or someone at Adobe to set the sequence footage import frame rate to 24 fps in the preferences then try to open a piece of footage that is natively 23.976 fps in both AE CS6 and AE CC?  Like I said, I certainly beleive I may be doing something wrong but I would be very curious to see what you find on your side.  I would not be suprised if it imported at 24 fps in AE CS6 and 23.976 fps in AE CC.

  • After effects cs5 - frame rate mismatch wmv, flv, h264

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to render my compositions at 20 fps as wmv. Its important that they stay 20fps and that they are an exact length of time.
    Since upgrading to cs5 I've been unable to do so as After Effects can no longer render wmv files at 20fps. By default it renders wmv at 25 fps so my animations are now 20% too quick.
    According to adobe this is an issue with cs5 and wmv, flv and h264. It mentions a workaround online which involves creating a new output module
    please see link.
    When I follow this advice and create a new output module the problem is worse, they now render at 30fps so are now 50% too quick.
    For rendering wmv I am getting round this by rendering as Quicktime though I have yet to find a codec that offers file size and quality benefits of wmv.
    But my animations also have to be rendered as h264 for viewing on a mobile device. After Effects can no longer render h264 at 20fps and I cant find a way round it.
    Anybody got any ideas?
    Also if h264, wmv and flv are unconstrained formats why would Adobe constrain them to certain frame rates in CS5. Seems like a basic feature thats been around for years has been disabled.
    I tried tech support but they just sent me a link explaining what a frame rate is.

    Thanks for reply Mylenium, much appreciated. I dont think I do mis understand completely however.
    I understand some formats are constrained such as mpeg. And some wmv formats maybe constrained in some ways, but to quote Adobe online help
    "In After Effects CS5, there is a known issue that causes WMV and FLV output frame rates to be constrained unnecessarily."
    I have also found the same issue with H264 format.
    the online help goes on to say
    "By creating an output module template and applying this template to a render item, you bypass this bug."
    Unfortunately in my experience creating an output module template does not bypass the bug, but it makes it worse.
    The same projects worked fine and rendered correctly in CS3 as flv, h264 and wmv. The render issues occur in CS5. Like you say Adobe has the 64-bit environment to contend with.
    When you say manually over ride the frame rates in the encoder panel I guess you  are referring to Adobe Media Encoder which is an option and maybe would give better quality results too.

  • Frame rate changes after psd imort

    I'm not so experienced in Motion. When i start i use a PAL preset to create a new project. After that i want to import a psd file as project, in order to animate all layers. After that the frame rate has changed in 30 fps! I can't find anything in de user manual about it.
    G4 pb 1,67   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1.5 gb ram

    You're creating 2 separate projects when you do this - one when you created a project using a PAL preset, then a second time when you imported a PSD file AS a project (this creates a brand-new project using the PSD file, it doesn't import it into the one you already created). The frame rate of a project can't be changed after it's been created.
    What you need to do is create a new PAL project, then drag & drop the PSD file from the File Browser into your PAL project, hold there a second and choose "import all layers" from the drop menu, or use the Import command (NOT "Import As Project") to bring your PSD into your project.

  • Reconnecting media after frame rate change

    Shane Ross wrote a reply ( see below )  to a person that had the same problem as I am now.
    I shot with HVX200 using the Firestore that converted footage to 59.94. Then, mid-project I shot with the P2 which shot at 24. I now have 2 diff. frame rates
    I tested some clips in Compressor comverting the 24 to 59.94.
    Using FCP Studio 2 , I was unable to reconnect the media without the in/out points being off with varying degrees.  Doing an entire re-edit will be painful.
    QUESTION : Do I really have to convert the 24 to 59.94? Would it significantly affect output?
    The codec is the same for all footage.  ( DVC PRO HD 720P. )
    [elizabeth charles] "My question is, is there anyway to change the files in my timeline to the conformed files without having to begin my editing again?"
    You did a bad thing.  Editing, finishing, then changing the frame rate of your masters.  FCP cannot reconnect to media with differing frame rates.  Because the duration of the footage is different, and the frame rate is different. The footage has the same amount of frames..., but now they play at a different frame rate, so the duration is different. You'll have to re-edit with the new masters.
    But...RECONFORM...that changes the frame rate, as well as the speed in which they play.  30fps conformed to 24fps will play in slight slow motion.  If you want the footage to play at a different frame rate, but the same speed...normal need to use Compressor.

    gang allows you to lock the viewer and canvas together so when you move one, the other moves the same amount.  To match back your footage, you find a frame with a clear difference from the previous frame, for example when someone blinks.  You then find the blink on the new source file in the viewer and then turn on the gang function It's the center thingamagic at the top of the canvas.  You then jump around the shot in the canvas and make sure the movement in the viewer matches.  you then find the in in the canvas and mark an in in the viewer, etc and replace the shot.  If this isn't clear post back.
    In compressor in the frame controls panel, you enable frame controls and set the rate conversion to best.

  • Quick Time Screen recording really choppy/ bad frame rate.

    So when i record my screen using other programs everything is smooth and the video moves at the same speed as real time, but when i record using Quick time then the video is very laggy and the frame rate is really bad and things are just jumping around a lot.
    Is Quck Time just not capable of Screen recording complex things? is it only capable of recording microsoft word? lol.
    If someone can hep me use Qucik time to record me screen then that would be great, cause with the way it is now there simply is no point to using it at all cause it doesnt record the screen very well, it just lags and everything jumps around to much. Its like watching a slide show where the pictures change every 2 sec rather than a video.

    Hello justo,
    Well let's get this straight, if you activate the "custom" needs to disable "Show" not to be active in recording the two modules, when you enter the part of customization changes and exit, when he is back in "Demonstration" because the standard method of entry but if your looking for customization that you changed it continues on, not being changed.
    This is my thought to what can entedender of your doubts.
    Fabio Oliveira

  • Audio out of sync after changing frame rate

    I just changed frame rate from 23.976fps to 24fps inside sequence setting, and the audio is out of sync in timeline.  I can certainly manually right click mouse and choose slip into sync, but it's a tedious job.  Anyone knows why and quick solution?
    ps I use 2014.2 latest version

    >Frame rate mode                  : Variable
    No version of Premiere does "well" with Variable Frame Rate
    Below is about iphone, but may help
    Some people find that Iphone won't edit easily because it uses a variable frame rate
    - A possible fix in message #22

  • How can I increase my encoding frame rate? I have no drops but it's choppy.

    I am streaming from a 1280x720@60fps source. Ideally, I would like to output 640x360@25fps, but I am having trouble maintaining 25fps but I don't know why because I am not dropping any frames in the encoder or buffering in my upstream.
    I have tried setting the auto adjust to degrade quality but it seems like that is not doing anything to boost the frame rate. It also seems like the frame rate setting is being ignored by the encoder as well as when I set it to 25fps, I can see the frame rate in the encoder log go above 25 fps in low movement scenes.
    What can I do to get a more stable frame rate?
    Actual upstream bandwidth is 2200Kb/s
    Encoder is set to VP6, 1500Kb/s video + 128Kb/s audio
    Datarate window = small
    Quality = best frame rate
    CPU = Phenom II x4 @ 3.0ghz
    Encoder uses about 33% CPU using FME 2.5, 90% CPU using FMLE 3.2

    Your camera DOES have a Firewire port. It may be called iLink, Firewire, IEEE1394 or DV.
    Canon's site
    See question 4.

Maybe you are looking for

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