CIFS error 22101

in an OES11SP1 two-server cluster ressources often - but not always! - fails
to load with an error 22101 given by novcifs; in cifs.log I see something
like this:
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Server
Name (17cdc90) [clus-mi-w].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Server
Comment [CIFS-Zugriff auf clus-mi].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Virtual
WorkGroup/Domain Name [].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: ATTACH
IP address [53804F8D].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Share
['MI' 'MI' 0 'NSS Volume'].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error
adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: INFO : ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Virtual
WorkGroup/Domain not set, using physical [RZ].
Sep 16 13:45:32 srv2 CIFS[13788]: CRITICAL: CLI: AddServer:
CIFSNDSReadFromNDS(): Unable to read attributes of .CN=clus-
MI.OU=srv.O=FHO.T=TREE. from NDS, error = 22101
I know TID 7013095 and the attributes where corrected, but still there are
those 22101-errors. It always works at the second try: comatose -> offline -
> online -> OK. And it does not happen always and not for all ressources.
I still have sleep 10 before the novcifs command.
Any ideas what's going wrong?

Many thanks.
I'll try #3. We already had this kind of script in the Load Script of one
Resource - this was done by Novell Support, because this volume has an
custom share in addition to the default share.
If I understand your explanation right, it makes no sense to make a
difference between resources with or without custom share - so I put that
kind of line into all the Load Scripts.
If this is a bug then after all it's probably not a problem special to our
cluster. Those messages in cifs.log mislead me to think there might be a
problem with our eDirectory.
Btw, I don't think it depends on the size of the volume; one of the volumes
is only for testing and it's very small, and it happened with this resource
joharmon wrote:
> 22101 is an NSS error code that means "Missing or invalid directory path
> for the CIFS Share"
> Where it works after a second try, it sounds as if it may be a timing
> issue. How much data is on the volume? Try a larger sleep statement.
> There is a bug on a timing issue where cifs tries to load before NCP has
> completed the required tasks. This is particularly true with large
> volumes. There are three possible ways around this.
> 1. Patch your system to the latest and greatest; however, I don't know
> that the fix has yet made it to the channels. This will be the ultimate
> fix (at least in the future).
> 2. Increase the sleep time (may have to continue to increase this over
> time as the volume grows)
> 3. Modify your load script. Before the "novcifs --add --vserver=X
> --ip-addr=Y" command enter the following:
> ignore_error COUNT=1; CIFS_DEFAULT_SHARE="{VOLUME}"; novcifs -sln
> -le 60; do sleep 3; COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`; novcifs -sln
> RETURN_CODE=$?; done
> The string {VOLUME} in this line should be replaced with the volume name
> that
> you can find with the command "ncpcon mount" command in the Resource
> Load
> Script.

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    Appreciate your help.
    Edited by: GVP2011 on Mar 21, 2011 3:42 AM

    Hi Venky,
                   You can see the CIF error messages in /SAPAPO/C3 transaction in APO and CFG1 in ECC.Here you can directly enter the External ID from SMQ2 or you can see all the error messages via Object "CIFSCM".
    I hope this will help you.

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    R.suresh Kumar

    Hi Suresh,
    It is very vital and sensitive to maintain and control cif error
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    Also periodically carry out consistency checks to avoid
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    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

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    Hi Senthil,
    The objective was to avoid CIF error due to incorrect address setup. This required us bypass it before data transfer. We could fix this using enhancement in ECC.
    Apreciate your kind reply, though. Thanks a lot.
    Warm regards,

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Shankar,
    Please check list of enahncements  in SMOD transaction. The enhacements related to Purchase documents start with "CIFPUR.."
    Or other path in SPRO is as below:
    In the ERP system under Integration with Other SAP Components >> Advanced Planning and Optimization >> Application-Specific Settings and Enhancements >>Settings and Enhancements for External Procurement.
    Because of the  blocked status of the material ,while transferring the PR/PO data,  the CIF prrogram -function call  for creating the purchasing document does not get triggered.   As written in earlier mail, the enhancement on SAP ECC  inbound  may not help, because, the material status is picked up from ECC ( or SAP R/3) material master data  and not  taken  from APO.
    Neverthless, you may please have a look at these enhancements.
    I hope this gives insight to you.

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    I  hope livechace connection is fine.
    You can chek with these notes if aplicable 690406 , 363085 , 1023278,  489151, 513757

  • CIF ERROR ;Address incomplete; enter country

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    As was mentioned by the expert this is not an error related to the material master. Something that you have in the addess in your customer is missing in APO.
    First try to identify what is the customer that is generating the issue. Then check the customer in ECC and review your customizing in APO and ensure you have the country codes and Regions maintained in APO.
    SPRO --> SAP NetWeaver --> General Settings --> Set Countries: 
    --> Insert Regions
    --> Define Country Codes
    Kind Regards,

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    Please let me know the process how to resolve
    Kind regards

    I hope you are getting the CIF ques when you are trying to CIF the data from APO---> ECC
    In the first case, I think products status of is inactive for the given product or marked for deletion due to which the data is not getting transfer.
    For the second material also will suggest to check the material master in ECC.
    Both the issues are looks like with Material master. Please cross check the material master and correct it.
    Please let us know if it help you or if you have any more doubts

  • CIFS errors

    OES2sp2 plus all sub patches
    Does anybody know what might be causing all of these CIFS errors?
    Jan 15 17:53:44 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: ERROR: CODIR: index2PIPE: Invalid PIPE ID!
    Jan 15 17:53:44 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: ERROR: CODIR: index2PIPE: Invalid PIPE ID!
    Jan 15 17:53:44 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: ERROR: CODIR: TABLE: No free index!
    Jan 15 17:53:44 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: ERROR: CODIR: index2PIPE: Invalid PIPE ID!
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    Jan 15 17:54:06 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: WARNING: ENTRY: CIFS server is stopped due to signal 15
    Jan 15 17:54:10 chelin1 CIFS[10647]: WARNING: ENTRY: CIFS server is shut down
    Jan 15 17:54:14 chelin1 CIFS: WARNING: RPC: requestNumber: fadebad1 events: 1ff domainpath /tmp/.ncp2cifs
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface sit0 is skipped from Populating for name resolution
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: RPC: Cross Protocol File Locking is Enabled.
    Jan 15 17:54:17 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: ENTRY: Auditing interface not initialized.
    Jan 15 17:54:18 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: AUTH: thread_processContextsList exiting !!!!
    Jan 15 17:54:38 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: VERB: Tconx to (*) error No valid mount point
    Jan 15 17:55:05 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: VERB: Tconx to (*) error No valid mount point
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    Jan 15 17:57:07 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:33 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:33 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:33 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:33 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:38 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:38 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:38 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:57:38 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=6, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:22 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 2, err:147
    Jan 15 17:58:22 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 1,err:147
    Jan 15 17:58:22 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 0,err:147
    Jan 15 17:58:22 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: CODIR: lock_dircache_entry failed
    Jan 15 17:58:22 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=15, error=1:5 nterror=12
    Jan 15 17:58:32 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:32 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:54 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:54 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:54 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:58:54 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:00 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:00 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:00 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:00 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=17, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:14 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=26, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 17:59:14 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=26, error=1:80 nterror=7
    Jan 15 18:00:23 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 2, err:147
    Jan 15 18:00:23 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 1,err:147
    Jan 15 18:00:23 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: WARNING: CODIR: Error 0,err:147
    Jan 15 18:00:23 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: CODIR: lock_dircache_entry failed
    Jan 15 18:00:23 chelin1 CIFS[3519]: ERROR: SMB: SMB_ntcreateandx exit, TID=35, error=1:5 nterror=12
    Jan 15 18:01:36 chelin1 kernel: **** GetLinuxConnectionNSS(Exit - Not found)

    Sorry wrong forum.

  • CIFS errors on SLES10SP3/OES2SP3

    We have Win7 desktops (with no Novell Client --> everything is being ****graded to AD/M$ backend). In the interimme they are configured to access CIFS shares on HOST2 (sles10sp2 and oes2sp3_64). We are having problems with some directories - only a fraction of the 800-odd objects in a given directory are visible. We have copied the file system to another CIFS share on HOST1 with the same OS versions, the same CIFS conf and at the same directory depth and all files/directories are visible.
    Log entries in /var/log/messages throw this: HOST2 CIFS: WARNING: CODIR: [GetEntryFromDirCache]Could not locate pathbase, 256 ... but so far I am unable to find to what this refers. Any assistance appreciated. Thanks.
    Nov 12 10:03:43 HOST1 CIFS: EVENT: ENTRY: ********** CIFS server started ************
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Auditing interface not initialized.
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached subdirectories per volume=102400
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached files per subdirectory=10240
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached files per volume=256000
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface sit0 is skipped from Populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 10:03:51 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: WARNING: RPC: requestNumber: fadebad1 events: 3ff domainpath /tmp/.ncp2cifs
    Nov 12 10:03:52 HOST1 CIFS[32767]: EVENT: ENTRY: CIFS context list initialized
    Nov 12 09:00:42 HOST2 CIFS: EVENT: ENTRY: ********** CIFS server started ************
    Nov 12 09:00:42 HOST2 kernel: audit(1415743242.881:508): audit_enabled=1 old=1 by auid=4294967295
    Nov 12 09:00:43 HOST2 CIFS: WARNING: CODIR: [GetEntryFromDirCache], 256
    Nov 12 09:00:44 HOST2 CIFS: WARNING: CODIR: [GetEntryFromDirCache]Could not locate pathbase, 256
    Nov 12 09:00:45 HOST2 CIFS: WARNING: CODIR: [GetEntryFromDirCache]Could not locate pathbase, 256
    Nov 12 09:00:46 HOST2 CIFS: WARNING: CODIR: [GetEntryFromDirCache]Could not locate pathbase, 256
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface sit0 is skipped from Populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Interface lo is skipped from populating for name resolution
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Auditing interface not initialized.
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached subdirectories per volume=102400
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached files per subdirectory=10240
    Nov 12 09:00:47 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: ENTRY: Maximum cached files per volume=256000
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: ERROR: ENTRY: CIFSNDSReadFromNDS: Error adding a new share (CIFSNDSPutSharePointInfo): 22101
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: WARNING: RPC: requestNumber: fadebad1 events: 3ff domainpath /tmp/.ncp2cifs
    Nov 12 09:00:48 HOST2 CIFS[4221]: EVENT: ENTRY: CIFS context list initialized

    In the end we unpresented the SAN storage, installed OES11 and represented the storage. Problem solved.

  • CIF error "Planned order Locked"

    in the cif queue manager, i had a queue(R3 Inbound) with error " planned order locked", when i reactivated the queue it disappeared.
    but what could be the cause of the error. please share your ideas,

    Hi Dhanush,
    There are multiple causes for this in which you need
    to check and fix the exact cause
    1) Sequential planning jobs in which one job either in
    foreground or background clauses or overlaps with
    the other one leading this error.
    2) Check SAP note 332881
    3) Check in sm12 any user lock or application lock is
    found during this time interval
    4) Run /sapapo/ccr for planned orders and check
    any errors noticed after iteration
    5) If you know for a location product in which lock is
    observed, then delete the planned order and try
    recreating it and check the error whether repeating.
    If working good, then you can delete all orders and
    regenerate it
    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

  • CIF Error

    Hi All
    We are facing an error after the CIF of material form ECC to SNC the error is "Field /SAPAPO/MARM-GEWEI unit missing for product 000000000063503884 PCN" 
    Kindly help me to resolve this error.
    Thanks & Regards
    Siddharth Vaid

    Hi Siddharth
    look like problem with UOM, check Base unit of measure, ordering unit  and alternative unit of measure exists for your product location.
    Check in systems whether these unit of measures are defined in spro-sap netweaverbasic setting---check UOM
    also check the relavant geo codes are assigned and cif again
    Best Regards
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar Pedapati on Dec 15, 2010 6:36 AM

  • CIF Error: Setup group/key 10000427 does not exist

    Dear CIF-Specialists,
    We observed a problem on the integration between APO and R/3.
    If we want to send PPM's from R/3 to APO we have the following error-message: "Setup group/key 10000427 does not exist".
    Transaction CFM1 (Create Integration Modell) ==> No problem
    Transaction CFM2 (Activate Integration Modell) ==> Error!
    We don't use setup groups or keys in our operations but we have created the setup keys in APO and R/3 (Transaction: /SAPAPO/CDPSC6 and OP43).
    As we don't have keys in the PPM's it is normal that they don't exists.
    Do you have an idea where we have to set theses Setup keys?
    Can you give us an indication how we could resolve this problem?
    Thank you.
    Best regards,

    Dear Sharath,
    Thank you for your reply.
    We dont't have setup key or group maintained in this receipt. This is the strange part on this problem.
    Why does it search for a setup key if we don't want to transfer it?
    I checked also the setup-keys in APO and R/3 and they are the same.
    We did a copy of the test-system (where the problem occurs) some days ago. Is there a table in APO where it could have some old entries about this?
    Thank you for your help.
    Edited by: Ricci Olivier on May 12, 2008 11:39 AM

  • CIF Error - FM /SAPAPO/CIF_PROD_INBOUND not found

    Hi Experts,
    I am configuring CIF on a fresh ECC & APO system, I have made the required configurations, but when i am trying to CIF the Location-Product, it failed
    The blocked queue gave the termination message with :-
    Function Module / SAPAPO/CIF_PROD_INBOUND not found  &
    Function Module / SAPAPO/CIF_GEN_EVENT not found
    When I checked the result on the APO side, to my surprise, I am able to see the Locations getting created but no product.
    Please suggest.

    You can suppose anything you wish.  Better, though, to actually find out.  The userid I am talking about is the userid found in your ERP-to-SCM RFC connection, which is determined by YOUR company.  I cannot say if the userid is RFCUSER since I have no access to your system.
    So, in ERP, SM59 > select ABAP connections > select the RFC connection used to connect to your SCM system.  Under the Logon & Security tab will be the name of the Userid that core interface will be using to 'talk' to SCM.  Write down this userid.
    Now log onto SCM, and do SU01 on that userid.  Review his authorizations. It is OK to assign SAP_ALL to this userid for development purposes as a temporary measure.  Probably a good idea to make him 'dialogue' as well until all of your interface debugging is done.
    In order to determine errors with interface, refer to the logs in SCM.  In SCM, SLG1 > Object CIF, everything else all asterisks, select a suitable date range.  If you see no logs, you probably need to turn on logging  /SAPAPO/C4
    I strongly recommend that you thoroughly read the 2 documents I posted earlier.  If this is your first try at connecting an ERP to an SCM system,  the time will be well spent.
    Best Regards,

  • CIF Error Resource transfer

    During the initial transfer of the resource, i have an error "the external capacity header data for the resource is empty". i have debugged and found that the capacity table is empty..
    i checked the resource in R3 and found that all the capacity related info and the capctiy profile has all the valid data() in it. it is not getting transferred to APO..any reason for this..

    Check the CIF application log which will take you to the right direction
    for your analysis
    Check the master data of the resource whether maintained correctly
    in all respects (especially the APO resource tab fields)
    Check the operation times & capacity fields are maintained correctly
    Check the customisation settings in CFC9 as nanda mentioned
    Check is there any struck inbound/outbound queues/sysfails etc.,
    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

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    I am finding that when I create some documents in Pages and turned them into PDF, the images show in acrobat but do not print on our laser printers. Has anyone seen this? PBG4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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