CJ20N - project structure and data import

Hello dear SAP specialists,
Does anybody ever created a ABAP program to import project structure and populate it with data?
I'm trying to start with something or get a working program to import some projects with data.
Actually the program should use BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN to create WBS and GUI_UPLOAD to read a text (cvs) file (LSMW can not be used:)

See you have so many tables in that BAPI, now all the data you have in your flat file you have to map to these tables.
Below is a code...similarly you'll have to do
TYPE-POOLS: truxs.
*                           T Y P E S
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_master_data,
          MATERIAL                      Type  MATNR ,
          IND_SECTOR                    Type  MBRSH ,
          MATL_TYPE                     Type  MTART ,
          PLANT                         Type  WERKS ,
          STGE_LOC                      Type  LGORT_D ,
          MATL_DESC                     Type  MAKTX ,
          BASE_UOM                      Type  MEINS ,
          MATL_GROUP                    Type  MATKL ,
          DIVISION                      Type  SPART ,
          ITEM_CAT                      Type  MTPOS_MARA  ,
          GROSS_WT                      Type  BRGEW ,
          UNIT_OF_WT                    Type  GEWEI ,
          NET_WEIGHT                    Type  NTGEW ,
          VOLUME                        Type  VOLUM ,
          SIZE_DIM                      Type  GROES ,
          BASIC_MATL                    Type  WRKST ,
          DOCUMENT                      Type  DZEINR  ,
          DOC_VERS                      Type  DZEIVR  ,
          PO_UNIT                       Type  BSTME ,
          PUR_GROUP                     Type  EKGRP ,
          AUTO_P_ORD                    Type  KAUTB ,
          "BATCH_MGMT Type  XCHPF ,
          PUR_VALKEY                    Type  EKWSL ,
          "GR_PR_TIME Type  WEBAZ ,
          COMM_CODE                     Type  STAWN ,
          COUNTRYORI                    Type  HERKL ,
          MRP_TYPE                      Type  DISMM ,
          REORDER_PT                    Type  MINBE ,
          MRP_CTRLER                    Type  DISPO ,
          LOTSIZEKEY                    Type  DISLS ,
          MINLOTSIZE                    Type  BSTMI ,
          MAXLOTSIZE                    Type  BSTMA ,
          FIXED_LOT                     Type  BSTFE ,
          MAX_STOCK                     Type  MABST ,
          ROUND_VAL                     Type  BSTRF ,
          PROC_TYPE                     Type  BESKZ ,
          SPPROCTYPE                    Type  SOBSL ,
          ISS_ST_LOC                    Type  LGPRO ,
          SLOC_EXPRC                    Type  LGFSB ,
          PLND_DELRY                    Type  PLIFZ ,
          GR_PR_TIME                    Type  WEBAZ ,
          SM_KEY                        Type  FHORI ,
          SAFETY_STK                    Type  EISBE ,
          PLNG_PLANT                    Type  PRWRK ,
          AVAILCHECK                    Type  MTVFP ,
          DEP_REQ_ID                    Type  SBDKZ ,
          ISSUE_UNIT                    Type  AUSME ,
          STGE_BIN                      Type  LGPBE ,
          BATCH_MGMT                    Type  XCHPF ,
          STGEPERIOD                    Type  MAXLZ ,
          STGE_PD_UN                    Type  LZEIH ,
          MINREMLIFE                    Type  MHDRZ ,
          SHELF_LIFE                    Type  MHDHB ,
          STOR_PCT                      Type  MHDLP ,
          QM_AUTHGRP                    Type  QMATAUTH  ,
          QM_PROCMNT                    Type  QMPUR ,
          CTRL_KEY                      Type  SSQSS ,
*           Type  ART ,
*           Type  AKTIV ,
          VAL_CAT                       Type  BWTTY_D ,
          VAL_CLASS                     Type  BKLAS ,
          PRICE_CTRL                    Type  VPRSV ,
          STD_PRICE                     Type  STPRS,
          PRICE_UNIT                    Type  PEINH ,
          MOVING_PR                     Type  VERPR ,
          QTY_STRUCT                    Type  CK_EKALREL  ,
          ORIG_GROUP                    Type  HRKFT ,
          ORIG_MAT                      Type  HKMAT ,
          VARIANCE_KEY                  Type  AWSLS ,
          PROFIT_CTR                    Type  PRCTR ,
          LANGU                         Type SPRAS,
       END OF t_master_data.
*                  I N T E R N A L   T A B L E S
*     Internal table of type t_master_data
      ist_master_data TYPE TABLE OF t_master_data,
*     Internal table of type BAPIMATHEAD
      ist_headdata    TYPE TABLE OF BAPIMATHEAD,
*     Internal table of type BAPI_MAKT
      ist_mat_desc    TYPE TABLE OF BAPI_MAKT,
*     Internal table of type BAPI_MAKT
      ist_uom         TYPE TABLE OF BAPI_MARM,
*     Internal table of type BAPI_MAKTX
      ist_uom_x       TYPE TABLE OF BAPI_MARMX.
*                   G L O B A L   V A R I A B L E S
      it_num     TYPE num10,
*     Global variable of type truxs_t_text_data
      it_raw     TYPE truxs_t_text_data.
*                       W O R K   A R E A S
*     Work area of type t_master_data
      wa_master_data                TYPE t_master_data,
*     Work area of type bapimathead
      wa_bapimathead                TYPE BAPIMATHEAD,
*     Work area of type bapi_mara
      wa_client_data                TYPE BAPI_MARA,
*     Work area of type bapi_marax
      wa_client_data_x              TYPE  BAPI_MARAX,
*     Work area of type bapi_marc
      wa_plant_data                 TYPE BAPI_MARC,
*     Work area of type bapi_marcx
      wa_plant_data_x               TYPE BAPI_MARCX,
*     Work area of type bapi_mard
      wa_storage_location_data      TYPE BAPI_MARD,
*     Work area of type bapi_mardx
      wa_storage_location_data_x    TYPE BAPI_MARDX,
*     Work area of type bapi_mbew
      wa_valuation_data             TYPE BAPI_MBEW,
*     Work area of type bapi_mbewx
      wa_valuation_data_x           TYPE BAPI_MBEWX,
*     Work area of type bapi_mard
      wa_mat_desc                   TYPE BAPI_MAKT,
*     Work area of type bapi_marm
      wa_uom                        TYPE BAPI_MARM,
*     Work area of type bapi_marmx
      wa_uom_x                      TYPE BAPI_MARMX,
*     Work area of type mbapi_mpgd
      wa_planning_data              TYPE BAPI_MPGD,
*     Work area of type mbapi_mpgdx
      wa_planning_data_x            TYPE BAPI_MPGDX,
*     Work area of type mbapi_mpgd
      wa_return                     TYPE BAPIRET2.
*                          P A R A M E T E R S
*     Parameter of type rlgrap-filename
      p_file TYPE  rlgrap-filename.
*               A T   S E L E C T I O N   S C R E E N
      field_name = 'P_FILE'
      file_name  = p_file.
*                S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N.
* To upload data from flat file
      i_line_header        = 'X'
      i_tab_raw_data       = it_raw       " WORK TABLE
      i_filename           = p_file
      i_tab_converted_data = ist_master_data[]  "ACTUAL DATA
      conversion_failed    = 1
      OTHERS               = 2.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    LOOP AT ist_master_data INTO wa_master_data.
      it_num = wa_master_data-PROFIT_CTR.
      wa_master_data-PROFIT_CTR = it_num.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_bapimathead.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_client_data.
      wa_client_data_x-MATL_GROUP = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-BASE_UOM = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-PO_UNIT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-DOCUMENT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-SIZE_DIM = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-BASIC_MATL = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-PUR_VALKEY = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-NET_WEIGHT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-UNIT_OF_WT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-DIVISION = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-BATCH_MGMT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-QM_PROCMNT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-MINREMLIFE = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-SHELF_LIFE = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-STOR_PCT = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-ROUND_UP_RULE_EXPIRATION_DATE = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-PERIOD_IND_EXPIRATION_DATE = 'X'.
      wa_client_data_x-ITEM_CAT = 'X'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_plant_data.
      wa_plant_data_x-PLANT  = wa_master_data-plant.
      wa_plant_data_x-PUR_GROUP = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-ISSUE_UNIT = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-MRP_TYPE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-MRP_CTRLER = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-PLND_DELRY = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-GR_PR_TIME = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-LOTSIZEKEY = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-PROC_TYPE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-SPPROCTYPE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-SAFETY_STK = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-MINLOTSIZE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-MAXLOTSIZE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-FIXED_LOT = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-ROUND_VAL = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-MAX_STOCK = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-DEP_REQ_ID = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-SM_KEY = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-STGEPERIOD = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-STGE_PD_UN = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-CTRL_KEY = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-BATCH_MGMT = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-AVAILCHECK = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-AUTO_P_ORD = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-COMM_CODE = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-COUNTRYORI = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-PROFIT_CTR = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-ISS_ST_LOC = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-VARIANCE_KEY = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-SLOC_EXPRC = 'X'.
      wa_plant_data_x-QM_AUTHGRP = 'X'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_planning_data.
      wa_planning_data_x-PLANT = wa_master_data-plant.
      wa_planning_data_x-PLNG_PLANT = 'X'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_storage_location_data.
      wa_storage_location_data_X-PLANT = wa_master_data-plant.
      wa_storage_location_data_X-STGE_LOC = wa_master_data-stge_loc.
      wa_storage_location_data_X-STGE_BIN = 'X'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_valuation_data.
      wa_valuation_data-VAL_AREA = '1000'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-VAL_AREA = '1000'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-PRICE_CTRL = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-MOVING_PR  = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-PRICE_UNIT = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-STD_PRICE = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-VAL_CLASS = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-ORIG_GROUP = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-QTY_STRUCT = 'X'.
      wa_valuation_data_X-ORIG_MAT = 'X'.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_master_data to wa_mat_desc.
      APPEND wa_mat_desc to ist_mat_desc.
      IF wa_master_data-PRICE_CTRL = 'S' AND wa_master_data-STD_PRICE IS INITIAL.
        WRITE:/ 'Standard Price not maintained for material ',wa_master_data-MATERIAL.
            HEADDATA             = wa_bapimathead
            CLIENTDATA           = wa_client_data
            CLIENTDATAX          = wa_client_data_x
            PLANTDATA            = wa_plant_data
            PLANTDATAX           = wa_plant_data_X
            PLANNINGDATA         = wa_planning_data
            PLANNINGDATAX        = wa_planning_data_x
            STORAGELOCATIONDATA  = wa_storage_location_data
            STORAGELOCATIONDATAX = wa_storage_location_data_x
            VALUATIONDATA        = wa_valuation_data
            VALUATIONDATAX       = wa_valuation_data_x
            RETURN               = wa_return
            MATERIALDESCRIPTION  = ist_mat_desc.
        Write:/ wa_return-message.
        Clear: wa_bapimathead
      REFRESH ist_mat_desc.
    Write:/ text-001.
In the above code note how i have taken the same names for the fields in internal table as they are in the BAPI so that the mapping of data becomes easier, since i use MOVE CORRESPONDING.
Edited by: shraddha85 on Jan 31, 2011 9:49 AM

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    There's probably another way to get here, but, in SQL Developer, on the tree navigation, expand the objects down to your table, right click, then click EXPORT.. there you will see all the options. This is a tedious process and it sucks IMO, but yeah, it works. It sucks mostly because 1) it's one table at a time, 2) if your data model is robust and has constraints, and sequences and triggers, then you'll have to disable them all for the insert, and hope that you can re-enable constraints, etc without a glitch (good luck, unless you have only a handful of tables)
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    Hi Sue,
    Yes, for AlwaysOn Availability Group, the transaction log is basically replayed from the primary to all of the secondary's.
    Besides, from my point of view, as we cannot directly restore a database that is part of an Availability Group, it is a good way using SSIS task to drop and recreate all tables then transfer data from the restored database to the primary replica. Schema changes
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    There are some similar links for your reference.
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    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Dear fr
    Have u already created a project?
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    Sure. Having your database in 3rd normal form will only make your object model more consistent and more efficient to modify.
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    any talented  guy do this way.
    i think  that ur working  in E2E project work
    before  singoff ur business process u should give to ur users  master data templets..they collect for  masterdatas in before realization phase...that time  u should know  how many specifications is there and  in spections how  many in quantitative and how many qualitative u will indentify. if any query let me  back.
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    Just import them normally and sort the project by date. They will fall into place. If you tried this and it isn;t happening then make sure the data and times on the two cameras are identical and make sure you are sorting by date and time and nothing else.

  • Import Manager Usage : Approaches for developing Import file structure and text validations

    Hi Experts,
    We are having 50+ import maps. We have provided option to users to drop the files for data import. Currently Import Manager(7.1 Sp08) does not have capability of pre-import validation of file data such as
    a. file structure - number of columns specific to import map
    b. file text validations - special characters, empty lines, empty cells
    c. Uniqueness of the records in the file
    For this, we are planning to build temporary folder(port specific) in which user drops in the file. We use the custom development to do above mentioned validations and then move the files to actual import ports.
    Please let us know if you have worked on similar requirements and how you have fulfilled such requirements.

    Hi Ganga,
    Assuming you have a well defined xsd and are getting valid xmls from source in the Inbound Port of MDM. Also,you have a Primary key in form of External ID (say).
    So just by making and defining a XSD you get most of what you want in your questions a and b.
    Now if you wish to use PI to drop files in the inbound port then you can build all the validations in PI itself and you would not need Staging table.
    Otherwise,you can have another table (preferably Main table) in the same repository or other dummy repository where records are created on import based on External ID.
    Here you can launch an MDM workflow on import of these records and run assignments to replace unwanted characters and Validations to give error for rejecting some records based on the data quality level desired.Once unwanted characters are removed and data is validated it can be syndicated using a syndication step in the Workflow.So records which fail are not sent and which pass are sent to a outbound port.
    From the outbound port PI or some other job can pick the file from this outbound folder and drop to Inbound folder of the same repository which imports to the required Primary Main table.Here again you have the option to leverage validations in PI and further check if data is fine.
    Once this activity is done you can delete the records from the staging table.

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    have i posted it right...??  no response from apple guys...

  • Importing SQL Server Schema and Data

    What is the best way to go about importing schema objects (tables, contstraints, triggers, stored procs, etc.) and data from SQL Server to Oracle?

    No offence taken :)
    But I have copied data from SQL Server DB to Oracle using SQL Server Enterprise manager Data transformation services.
    About 30 tables with summary amount a few hundred thousand rows (~300K) took about 1.5 hour.
    Did it several times when tested and run for production in a data conversion project. Of course when copied to Oracle all data was processed to adapt for our new data model, but that is another story.
    It was quick and easy solution. OK if one needs to copy at least a few M rows then probably he needs to look for different tools.
    Gints Plivna

  • Iptc and xmp, data important for organizing photos?

    HI, I keep encountering these two acronyms (IPTC and XMP) while working with my photos in Aperture.  Are these data important, should I be doing anything with it?  Essentially what I am doing is, after importing photos from iPhoto, I am filing to Folders, Projects, and Albums (some Smart). Thanks

    EXIF (which you didn't ask about) is Exchangable Interchange Format, and those fields are generally physical attributes about your photos, as recorded by your camera.  Things like date/time, aperture, shutter speed, etc.  Some people like to think they should be able to change those, but that doesn't make any sense (except if your camera's clock is wrong.)
    IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) data is used in digital media as metadata for the author to put things.  These include things like keywords, location narratives, copyright notice, photographer name.  I.e., things that don't have anything to do with the camera or the physical attributes of the photo, but about the subject/content of the photo or the photographer.
    XMP adds onto IPTC, and is often associated with a "sidecar" file, in which a digital asset manager system (DAMS) saves extra metadata to such a file.  (Aperture is a DAMS, but it does not use sidecar files; it keeps data like that within the library.)
    As for what you should be doing with it -- that's up to you.  How much metadata do you want associated with your photos?  Fill in those fields and just ignore the rest.  I tend to fill in keywords and copyright, and that's about it, but there are many other fields that may be of interest to you.

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