Clarity of line in exported PNGs

I created a logo and exported as a PNG, but the clarity of the linework is blurred.  Is there any way I can improve this-I increased the resolution and there is still a pixelated line. 

Colour mode (changes) should only influence colour clarity, not cleanness/crispness of the artwork.
But the crispest artwork is obtained when you keep the artwork within whole pixels, especially visible with vertical/horizontal lines. That is a good reason to work in points/pixels when creating artwork for web and the like. By the way, that is also the reason for the Align to Pixel Grid which causes more issues than anything else when uncalled for.
But the size of the artwork and the

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    var pngOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb;
                                pngOpts.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
                                pngOpts.PNG8 = false;
                                pngOpts.transparency = true;
                                pngOpts.interlaced = false;
                                pngOpts.quality = 80;
                    doc.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, pngOpts);

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    function savePNG (myDocument, docPath, basename, theSuffix) {
    // weboptions;
    var webOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
    webOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
    webOptions.PNG8 = false;
    webOptions.transparency = true;
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    You can have multiple Artboards in any file. Here's one that I did and exported each Artboard as a PNG. You can choose a single artboard, a range or all to be exported.
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    Sorry to hear that. There is an enhanced version on Adobe Exchange that may be more "bug free".
    You might want to test is on a smaller file and see if it will export the PNGs at the proper resolution. My quick test showed that it did.
    You can delete the "Layer" export and get JUST the Artboards by choosing "Export Layers>None". You may have already tried that.
    You might also break your file into 2 or more files and see if it works with fewer artboards.
    I have had good success with the free version. Perhaps the paid version will solve the issue.

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    I would appreciate any help in getting this exported so the lines look the same please. Thank you.

    How do I align them to a row of pixels as you suggest? I should note the lines are only 0.25 pixels high in illustrator (is designing at levels below 1 pixel bad?).
    Each should be placed fully within one pixel row, preferebly at the same vertical position within it. The use of 0.25 pixel lines results in paler lines, not thinner lines.

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    UGH!.. Hope that made sense.
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    OH YEAH...CS5.5   Windows 7       ThankS  !!!

    Also, out of curiousity, you have a Div named header, also a separate header section containing just the logo in it. Any specific reason?
    And is the image on the site supposed to look like this?
    And, a couple of typos such as this one:
    Funding your Eeducation

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    Table my_report
    file_id number,
    file_comment varchar2(4000)
    Query on report
    select file_id, file_comment from my_report
    It generates 5 lines on report screen but, when I export to excel using csv or xls format, it generates more than 5 lines. On file_comments field on excel, some of them has a break in 2 or 3 lines. Seems to me a line feed problem with CHR(13) or chr(10).
    Anyone as a solution or a similar problem like this? Any idea?

    you could try to remove the linebreaks in the select.
    select file_id, file_comment, replace(replace(file_comment,CHR(13)),CHR(10)) file_comment_nobreak
    from my_reportThen depending on the type of report you could show one column, but export the other column in the excel/csv file. Not sure if this works with an interactive report too.

  • Significant quality loss and jagged diagonal lines when exporting from FCP

    I've been working on this problem for several days and I'm going insane! Every time I export my movie from Final Cut, there is a significant quality loss. It is most noticeable in two ways: diagonal lines become very jagged (looking somewhat like diagonal lines in an older video game -- more a diagonal sequence of blocks); also, in some areas such as faces, the colors get a little blurry and there seems to some "pooling" of colors around the edges of the face.
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    Some details:
    Captured from 24A progressive, Sony HVR V1U HDV.
    Using Final Cut 6.0.1, Compressor 3.0.1, Quicktime 7.2.0, OS 10.4.10 (all the most recent versions I believe).
    I've exported in many different ways: using Compressor (and have tried a number of different settings: the DVD Best Quality 90 Minutes default Setting, as well as using a variety of bit rates from 3.0-8.0, One pass CBR, Two pass CBR, Two pass VBR, Two pass VBR best; Video Formats NTSC, HD 1440x1080...I have tried many combinations. Regardless of the size of the m2v created, the files seem to have the same problem over and over. I've also tried exporting from Final Cut as a Quicktime Movie and with Quicktime Conversion. Same result. I also tried using different compressors with my Final Cut sequence: Apple Intermediate Codec (which I used when capturing -- you have to with the Sony HVR), HDV 1080p24, HDV 1080i60, Apple Pro Res 422, H.264...
    What's happening? Why is Final Cut turning my nice pristine captures into jagged foulness? What can I try that I haven't yet?

    Welcome to the forums!
    Unfortunately, you seem to have tried everything I can think of, and I don't have the latest versions of FCP to know if it is a bug. However, in the off chance that you haven't given this a shot:
    Take a problematic 10 second section of your timeline (set in and out points) and the Export -> Quicktime (not QT Conversion) and make sure that you have it on Quality settings that you captured, and select the "Make Self Contained" box.
    Look at that in Quicktime and see if it's bad. If it's not problematic, use that video file in Compressor for your render.
    Hope that helps!

  • Batch export PNGs from PSDs into same root folder?

    I am trying to export a large amount of PSD files to PNG's (png-24 for web and devices) and want to run a batch while still respecting the file/folder organization in place. Is it possible to run a batch action or script to export the PNG's into the original root folder rather than choose a destination for each folder I want to export?
    For example, I have several PSDs in folders A, B & C.
    So far, I have been running an action including Export, choosing A as the destination for the A psd's, then doing the same for B and C separately.
    Is it possible to run one batch on A, B & C at the same time and keep the resulting PNG's in the original PSD's root folder respectively in CS5? I am pretty familiar with working in Actions in Photoshop, but don't know much about additional scripting in or out of the program.

    Download the CS5 version of Image Process Pro from
    It has a option to maintain the folder structure.

  • How Do I Include Frame Lines In Exported PDF?

    I've created a layout template using rectangle frames. I want to use File > Adobe PDF Presets > [Press Quality] to export a pdf version of the layout. However, when I do that, I am not seeing the frame lines. I have checked, Include.. "Non-printing Objects," "Visible Guides & Grids," and have also included, "All Printer's Marks." However, I still am not seeing the lines for the frames in my pdf. What I am doing wrong? 

    And to add to Peter's point, the frame boundaries never have been considered “visible guides or grids.” Non-printing objects” are objects that you have specifically put a non-printing attribute on. “Printer marks” are an option that puts trim marks, file names, and color patches in the page's slug area, if defined.
              - Dov

  • Exporting PNG Image Sequence in Compressor?

    Hi everyone!
    Can anyone help? Any Compressor pro's out there?
    I can successfully export sequences via Final Cut Pro using Quicktime conversion as .PNG Image Sequences retaining the alpha channel (millions+). However in Compressor the Image Sequence settings seem to ONLY support targa or tiff, IS there a way to export the image sequence using compressor as a alpha channel PNG!
    You can export the sequence as a .mov with the png codec.. but I must have it as the image sequence!
    Any ideas anyone?

    Sorry, but I have not been able to find an option for exporting image sequences with Alpha channel in Compressor either. I submitted a bug report about this a few months ago.
    Why do you need to use Compressor? If it is for deinterlacing or resizing, you could export from FCP using Compressor, and choose to export a QuickTime movie using the Animation codec at 100%. After that, you can export your Animation file to a PNG image sequence using QuickTime Pro.
    It is the only workaround I can think of at the moment.
    I would recommend submitting a bug report:

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