.class Is out dated : true

Hi all
We have copied a iView that was developed for Portal 5.0 to the Portal 6.0 it works perfectly but we get all two weeks the following error
Fehler aufgetreten bei der Verarbeitung eines Request fu00FCr :
iView : pcd:portal_content/zf_srgssr/zf_517/zf_gtt/zr_517_gtt__superviseur/zw_super/zw_collab/zx_gtt/zx_gerer/zi_caps
Komponentenname : ZI_CAPS.default
Cannot find JSP file: JSPFileInfo :149074 JSP File : E:\usr\sap\EP6P\j2ee\j2ee_00\cluster\server\services\servlet_jsp\work\jspTemp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\ZI_CAPS\pagelet\ZICAPSJSP_HTML.jsp Class Name: sapportalsjspZICAPSJSP_HTML Java File : E:\usr\sap\EP6P\j2ee\j2ee_00\cluster\server\services\servlet_jsp\work\jspTemp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\ZI_CAPS\work\pagelet\_sapportalsjsp_ZICAPSJSP_HTML.java Package Name : pagelet Class File : E:\usr\sap\EP6P\j2ee\j2ee_00\cluster\server\services\servlet_jsp\work\jspTemp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\ZI_CAPS\work\pagelet\_sapportalsjsp_ZICAPSJSP_HTML.<b>class Is out dated : true.</b>
Exception id: 01:31_21/02/05_0052
When I publish the iView from the NetWeaver Development Studio again the iView works for an other two weeks. Does somebody know's this error?
Thanks all

Hi Pascal,
maybe this one helps you: Re: Got a Portal runtime error while using JSPDynepage
Regards, Karsten

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    Nice I paid over 00 ? for my Audigy player Audigy cards are still very good cards. But quality on XFI is much better. Tip:?Download only the nnewest driver?Download AudioHQ (AHQ)?Install these two packs. Run for gold ?At this time, Audigy will run better than X-FI cards. Half- Life2 sounds better(X-FI will produce some cut- offs in sound, especially the trains in the game will only sound flat, there is something wrong with it ), and is the best sounding game for Audigy cards. Only in Battlefield2 there should be higher quality with X-FI. (Dont played this game, i dont know really)If you want to know whats different beetween Audigy cards wich is important in the future: X-RAM, and 28 channels. Thats the big difference beetween these cards. Quality: EAX effects/ DSP usage will produce barely hearable noise on Adigy cards, especially with higher- end headphones. Noise is produced in X-FI cards also, but you wont hear it anymore. CMSS is still there on Audigy cards, but i would say you should disable it if you want to play games wich support 5. sourround sound and EAX, because CMSS will suck up the whole power out of this card. But try for your self.
    Message Edited by fffcmad on 04-30-200708:40 AM
    Message Edited by fffcmad on 04-30-200708:4 AM

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    Yes, there is a plan for doing that, currently it is targeted for Firefox 14, but that can change: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Opt-in_activation_for_plugins

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    As far as I know ringtones can only be downloaded once. If they are still on your old computer then you should be able to copy them over via, for example, a flash drive, and then add them to the new computer's iTunes via File > Add File To Library (or Add Folder To Library) - they should then appear in the Tones part of your iTunes library.
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    var MicOptions:MicrophoneEnhancedOptions= new MicrophoneEnhancedOptions();
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  • Deck Class, array out of bounds

    I keep getting an "array out of bounds" exception when I run the program. I tried to make the array 666666 instead of just 52 and i still get that error. HELP!! ,
    By the way, this time i REALLY cleaned up the class and It compliles correctly so it would help if you guys that posted last time would take a look at it again.
    (and I know that the name of the class shoudl be card or something but MY teacher wanted it to be deck)
    Any help greatly appreciated and if you see any other errors in logic or code please tell me!
    this is the testing class im using
    public class DeckTester{
         public static void main ( String[] args ){
              Deck[] decko = Deck.makeDeck();
              Deck.printDeck( decko );
              System.out.println(" ");
              Deck[] newDeck = new Deck[66666]; // tried to make this big because i keep getting array out of bounds error
              newDeck = Deck.shuffleDeck( decko );
              Deck.printDeck ( newDeck );
    }and this is the deck class
    import java.lang.Math;
    class Deck
         int suit, rank;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS
      public Deck () {
        this.suit = 0;  this.rank = 0;
      public Deck (int suit, int rank) {
        this.suit = suit;  this.rank = rank;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT CARD
      public static void printCard( Deck c ){
           String[] suits = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };
         String[] ranks = { "narf", "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
           System.out.println (ranks[c.rank] + " of " + suits[c.suit]);
      }//end method
    ////////////////////////////////////////// CREAT NEW DECK
      public static Deck[] makeDeck(){
           int index = 0;
        Deck[] deck = new Deck [52];
        for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) {
               for (int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++) {
                     deck[index] = new Deck (suit, rank);
      return deck;
      }//end method
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT DECK
      public static void printDeck (Deck[] deck) {
        for (int i=0; i<deck.length; i++) {
          printCard (deck);
    /////////////////////////////////////////// PRINT FIRST 5
    public static void printFirstFive (Deck[] deck){
         int x = -1;
         while (x != 4 ){
              x += 1;
    /////////////////////////////////////////// SHUFFLE
    // this is supposed to simulate real riffle shuffling
    public static Deck[] shuffleDeck (Deck[] deck){
         //creating and initializing variables
         int cut = (int)(22+ Math.random() * 8); //cut the deck into 2 parts
         int side1 = cut; //how many cards in first side
         int side2 = 52 - cut; //how many in second
         int numberCards = 0, neg_to_pos = -1, k = 0; //how many cards go down from each side
         int x = -1, y = side1, z = 0, d = 0; //begining point of first and second halves
         Deck[] shuffledDeck = new Deck [66666]; //the shuffled deck goes into this one
    /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ INITIALIZING VARIABLES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */
         while ( k < 100 ){
              k += 1; // i used 100 for now because you can
              neg_to_pos *= (-1); //switches which hand half of the deck you take cards form
              numberCards = numberCard();     
         if ( neg_to_pos == 1) { // this is the first half
              if ( x < (side1 + 1) ){ // checks to see if first half is empty
                   //for( x = x; x <= numberCards /*go untill variable*/; ++x ) {
                        z = (-1); // checks if you put down all the "numberCards"
                        while ( x <= numberCards ) {     
                             z += 1;
                             x += 1; // x is which spot in the deck the cards go
                             shuffledDeck[x] = deck[x];     
                        }//end for     
                   }//end if
         }//end if
         if ( neg_to_pos == (-1) ) { // this is the second half
              if ( x <= 52 ){
                   //for( y = y; y < numberCards; y++ ) {
                   d = (-1);
                   while ( d <= numberCards ) {
                        d += 1;
                        y += 1;     
                        shuffledDeck[y] = deck[y];
                   }//end for
              }//end if
         }//end if (else)
    }// end while
    return shuffledDeck;
    }//end shuffle method
    /////////////////////////////////////////// NUMBER CARDS
         private static int numberCard() {
              /*numberCards is how many cards you take put down
              from each hand. In shuffling it is not always the
              same number, so this picks waht that number is */
              int percent = (int)(Math.random() * 99);
              int numberCards = 0;
              if (percent < 20) {
                   numberCards = 1;}
              else if( percent >= 20 && percent <= 49 ){
                   numberCards = 2;}
         else if( percent >= 50 && percent <=69 ){
              numberCards = 3;}
         else if( percent >= 70 && percent <=79 ){
              numberCards = 4;}
         else if( percent >= 80 && percent <=84 ){
              numberCards = 5;}
         else if( percent >= 85 && percent <=89 ){
              numberCards = 6;}
         else if( percent >= 90 && percent <=92 ){
              numberCards = 7;}
         else if( percent >= 93 && percent <=95 ){
              numberCards = 8;}
         else if( percent >= 96 && percent <=97 ){
              numberCards = 9;}
         else{ numberCards = 10; }
         return numberCards;
         }//end numberCards METHOD
    /////////////////////////////////////////// END CLASS
    }//end class      
    /////////////////////////////////////////// END     

    Wooo, you;ve made this far to complicated. Lets start with a class called Card, let just imagine this exists, we won;t go into any more detail. Now lets look at a class called Deck, which has a collection of cards.
    class Deck {
      private java.util.Vector cards = new java.util.Vector();
      Deck() {
          for (int i = 0; i < 52, i++) {
           cards.add(new Card(i));
      } //this method adds 52 cards to the vector
      public Card getCardAt(i) {
         return (Card) cards.removeElementAt(i); //can't remember exact method
      public Card getRandomCard() {
         int index = Random.nextInt() * 52;
          return getCardAt(index);
      public int getSize() {
         return cards.size();
    }Okay, this method has 52 cards and you can either get one at the specificed index or get a random card. Because the cards are removed when they are returned you will never get the same card twice. There is no point in shuffling them if you just return a random card ;)
    Okay, now all you need when using the deck class is to create a new instance for each new game:
    void deal(Player[] players) {
      Deck d = new Deck();
       while (d.getSize() > players.length) {
           for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
    Always remember the KISS process:
    Keep It Simple, Stupid :)

  • No matter if it's a Mac or a PC, FireFox refuses to refresh Flash files. Updated Flash files are showing up as old,out dated, Flash files. Is there an issue with the Flash Player PlugIn?

    I have created a simple Flash menu for use on multiple site. They all access the same flash file. My original flash file only had a few links and tabs. The new one has more links, and a "LIVE" button at the bottom. But in Fire Fox, those that saw the original can not see the updated version in FireFox. They see it if they use Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc. This issue comes up on all operating systems. This issue only occurs with FireFox. I've tried clearing FireFox's Cache but that doesn't seem to be working either.
    The Flash File can be found on the left side at this link:

    Your server file handling has nothing, and really nothing to do with Adobe software. If files don't get locked for (over-)writing and/or lose connection to the program opening them, then your server is misconfigured. It's as plain and simple and that. Anything from "known file types"/ file associations not being set correctly, MIME types being botched, crooked user privileges and file permissions, missing Mac server extensions, delayed file writing on the server, generic network timeout issues and what have you. Either way, you have written a longwinded post with no real value since you haven't bothered to provide any proper technical info, most notably about the alleged server. Either way, the only way you can "fix" it is by straightening out your server and network configuration, not some magic switch in Adobe's software.

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      But can we get that as report as well ? list of computers
    Shahid Roofi

    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up.
    I would start by looking at the built-in report found within the Endpoint Protection SSRS folder.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    ebran wrote:
    thanks for the replies.
    can you speculate on the safety/security of staying with an older OS?  for example, are hackers now likely to be focusing on OS 8 and leaving OS 6 (5?  4? ...) alone?  i think it is the case that at some point apple abandons the old systems, but do the hacks/attacks cease, too?  (should i have kept my apple IIe?)  :-)
    Apple has released critical security updates for older versions when they are the end-of-life for certain models.

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    It defnetly give Apple a bad name in Africa and that is why Apple is looked down to here in Africa. Android, p.c and linex is strong here because its afalable as soon as it enter the market but by the time we can buy the Apple product android have newer apps ect.
    I ask out of the bottom of my heart, please Apple PTY LTD. Get your Africa suppliers and branches up to date.

    We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your phone number from your post (it's not a good idea to post personal info on any public forum).
    We won't know if/when current models might be sold there. If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so here : http://www.apple.com/feedback/

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