-classpath is the bane of my existence

I think I was born without the portion of the brain that comprehends the -classpath argument. Because I can do everything else just fine, but I don't think I've ever gotten that to work. Usually I resort to sticking jarfiles in the jre/lib/ext directory, but I know I shouldn't have to do that.
I've got 2 jarfiles:
someapp is a packaged application. utilities is a packaged set of utilitites.
If I put utilities.jar in jre/lib/ext, someapp.jar works fine.
Right now I've got utilities.jar in the same directory as someapp.jar and another copy in a com\foo\bar subdirectory that corresponds to the utilities package.
None of the following works:
java -classpath . -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath utilities.jar -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath utilities -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\utilities -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\utilities.jar -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath com\foo\bar -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath com\foo\bar\ -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath com\foo\bar\utilities -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath com\foo\bar\utilities.jar -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\com\foo\bar -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\com\foo\bar\ -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\com\foo\bar\utilities -jar someapp.jar
java -classpath .\com\foo\bar\utilities.jar -jar someapp.jar
So I have systematically eliminated any reasonable command-line I can concieve of. What's the right one, and am I a complete idiot for not knowing it, or is the classpath system inherently confusing even to veteran java developers?

What's the right one, and am I a complete idiot for not knowing it, or is
the classpath system inherently confusing even to
veteran java developers?Options -classpath and -jar don't work in conjunction.
When using -jar you need to set the Class-Path property of the Jar's manifest file.

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    Reading through your original posting I think I have some answers for you.
    The two printer names you see in the printer browser are the queues, S is for spool and D is for direct. If you want to send print jobs to the machines mailbox, so that jobs are held in memory and can be re-printed when required, then you would need to use the spool queue.
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    The simplest way to do this is to copy classes12.zip to the WEB-INF/lib directory. The JSP should then find this automatically.
    As a side note, that is an ancient JDBC driver - you might want to upgrade to something from this millennium.

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    " Within the IDE, your classpath is defined by the filesystems mounted in the Filesystems tab of the Explorer. If you need additional libraries mounted, you can mount them and set various properties to determine whether they're visible in explorer, whether they're used for execution, compilation or debugging (for example, one does not want to recompile all of Swing, but it's quite useful to mount the sources and be able to trace into them when debugging).
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    http://forte.sun.com/cgi-bin/WebX?[email protected]@.ee7401e

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    export CLASSPATH=...
    but I still get the same error.

    Thank you SO much for your response! I have tried the following (this is where I found the derby.jar):
    javac -cp /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- test.java
    But I am still getting the same error:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
    Here is my code - so far it doesn't really do anything, I just want to get it connected, then I'll start adding some simple db code and go from there:
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    class HelloDave
        public static void main(String[] args)
            catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Hello, Dave");

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    assets that are outside of the src classpath? I see that the
    packaging process allows you to navigate to files under the /src
    tree but what about files outside of that structure?
    Suppose I want to distribute assets outside of the swf and
    have then distributed along with the application. Is this native
    functionality or will a commercial installer be a necessity?

    There is an option in the project settings to add additional
    source folders to the project. And if none of the built-in Flex
    Builder features do what you need, you can certainly package other
    assets using the underlying ADT tool (which Flex Builder uses). The
    only thing you can't do is install assets outside the application
    directory or run other installation programs -- although you could
    copy files elsewhere on the first run of an application.

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