Client Input Box Locked

Good afternoon everyone,
One of my user has got the following issue:
When trying to log on to our DEV system the client inuput box show client 100 by default.
We are unable to change the client number, it always default back to 100 whenever we entered another value and move ot the user name input box.
He is using SAP GUI 6.40.
Any suggestions on "unlocking" this client number?
Thank you

Hi Corinne,
this behavior isn't GUI related, it's a system parameter (login/system_client).
Read <a href="">here</a> for more information (your parameter is at the end of the list) and ask your basis people if they are willing to change it (should depend, what the majority of your users use).
Points always appreciated

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  • Error while trying to validate two input boxes at client side.

    This is the code i am using to validate two input boxes.
    I get an error in the IE which says: <b>'undefined is null or not an object'</b>
           function validateInput(){
                var noNull = validateNull();
                var noNullTwo = validateNullTwo();
                     alert("Enter values");
         function validateNull(){
              var startRange;
              funcName = htmlb_formid + "_getHtmlbElementId";
              func = window[funcName];
              var temp1 = eval(func("range_Start"));
              startRange = temp1.getValue();
              if(startRange == '')
                   return false;
                  if(startRange.length < 8)
                     alert("Enter the value in proper format");
                      return true;
         function validateNullTwo(){
              var endRange;
              funcName2 = htmlb_formid + "_getHtmlbElementId";
              func2 = window[funcName2];
              var temp2 = eval(func("range_End"));
              endRange = temp2.getValue();
              if(startRange == '')
                   return false;
                  if(endRange.length < 8)
                     alert("Enter the value in proper format");
                      return true;
       <hbj:form id="myFormId" >
         <hbj:textView id="title" text="Enter Sales Order Search Range" design="HEADER2"/><br><br>
         <hbj:label id="lb_SearchStart" text="Start Range:" labelFor="range_Start" />
         <hbj:inputField id="range_Start" jsObjectNeeded="true" type="string" required="true" maxlength="25"/>
         <hbj:label id="lb_SearchEnd" text="End Range:" labelFor="range_End" />
         <hbj:inputField id="range_End" type="string" maxlength="25"/><br><br>
         <hbj:button id="submit" text="Search!" tooltip="Click me to Search" onClientClick="validateInput()" onClick="searchPressed" design="emphasized" />

    Hi Portal Newbie,
       Please follow the below code. One i/p filed ,a button and a Java Script function.
        In the function i searched with only null, if you want you can perform another function.
       If you have any issues, please write me back.
         jsObjectNeeded="true" />
    <script language= "JavaScript" >
         function validateFields(){
           var funcName=htmlb_formid+"_getHtmlbElementId";
           var inputfield=eval(func("SystemId"));
           var value=inputfield.getValue();
             alert("Please enter a value");

  • How do I create an input box with a cancel button that will end a loop in my script?

    I have been working on a script for my client and I am having trouble getting it to work properly. I stole most of the code from the PowerShell Tip of the Week "Creating a Custom Input Box". I also took someone's code for the Show-MessageBox function.
    I have slightly modified the original code with two parameters and an additional text box. The first field is for an e-mail address and the second is for an employee number.
    I need to know how I can get a Do Until loop to recognize when the cancel button is pushed and break the loop and effectively end the script. The work happens at the end but perhaps I need something added/modified in the InputBox function.
    I want the script to check to see if anything has been entered in the second text box. If empty it displays a message and calls the InputBox function again. Then if there is something I use elseif to check to see if it matches my RegEx (digits only). If
    it doesn't match it will loop and call the InputBox function again.
    This all works fine. The problem I am having is that I cannot cancel out of the form. I'd like the loop to continue until the second box matches my RegEx or Cancel is clicked. Clicking cancel doesn't break the loop. I need to know how I can stop the loop
    when cancel is pressed. I've seen Stack "Overflow: PowerShell Cancel Button Stop Script" but I don't think this will work in a loop.
    Any help would be awesome. As a note, I DO NOT want to use the VB Interaction stuff.
    function InputBox {
    param ($Name,$EN)
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $objForm.Text = "Data Entry Form"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $objForm.KeyPreview = $True
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
    $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
    $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
    $objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel.Text = "Employee Email Address:"
    $objTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
    $objTextBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    if ($Name) {
    $objTextBox.Text = $Name
    else {
    $objTextBox.Text = ""
    $objLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
    $objLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel2.Text = "Employee Number:"
    $objTextBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,90)
    $objTextBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    $objForm.Topmost = $True
    [void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
    $Script:ButtonName = $objTextBox.Text
    $script:ButtonEN =$objTextBox2.Text
    $ButtonName; $ButtonEN
    Function Show-MessageBox{
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Alias('T')][String]$Title = "",
    #Set Message Box Style
    IF($OkCancel){$Type = 1}
    Elseif($AbortRetryIgnore){$Type = 2}
    Elseif($YesNoCancel){$Type = 3}
    Elseif($YesNo){$Type = 4}
    Elseif($RetryCancel){$Type = 5}
    Else{$Type = 0}
    #Set Message box Icon
    If($Critical){$Icon = 16}
    ElseIf($Question){$Icon = 32}
    Elseif($Warning){$Icon = 48}
    Elseif($Informational){$Icon = 64}
    Else{$Icon = 0}
    #Loads the WinForm Assembly, Out-Null hides the message while loading.
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
    #Display the message with input
    $Answer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($MSG , $TITLE, $Type, $Icon)
    #Return Answer
    Return $Answer
    $num = "^\d+$"
    do {
    if (!($ButtonEN)) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "You must enter a numeric value for the employee number." -Title "Employee Number Missing" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    elseif ($ButtonEN -notmatch $num) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "The employee number must contain numbers only!" -Title "Non-numerical characters found" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    until ( ($ButtonEN -match $num) -or (<this is where I want to be able to use the cancel button>)

    Here is a simple validation method.
    function New-InputBox{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.Text='Data Entry Form'
    $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text ='Cancel'
    $Label1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label1.Text='Employee Email Address:'
    $TextBox1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Label2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label2.Text='Employee Number:'
    $TextBox2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Form.Topmost = $True
    if($Form.DialogResult -eq 'OK'){
    if($textbox1.Text -eq ''){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter an email address','Validation Error')
    # Check empno is all digits
    if("$($TextBox2.Text)" -notmatch '^\d+$'){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter a number "999999"','Validation Error')
    if($Form.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok'){
    # return the form contents
    if($f=New-InputBox -EmailAddress [email protected]){
    'Email is:{0} for Employee:{1}' -f $f.Controls['EmailAddress'].Text,$f.Controls['EmployeeNumber'].Text
    Write-Host 'From cancelled!' -ForegroundColor red

  • Conditional for a text input box NOT being null? Sorry for asking so many questions!

    Okay, here's the situation. I'm creating a simulation of a form on which there are several text input boxes, 7 of which are mandatory fields. I know I can use a conditional to check whether the box has nothing in it by creating a null variable with no value and doing "if [box variable] is equal to [null variable] then", but the problem is that the validation captions I need to show need to be shown in order, that is to say that the caption for entering a value for the first box will always be shown if that box is null regardless of the contents of other boxes, the second will be shown if that one is null and the first one isn't etc.
    When I was investigating this I noticed a post by Lilybiri saying that comparison with a null variable doesn't work for "not equal to" so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to show the captions based on priority. For example, to show the second caption I need to not only check whether the second box variable is null, but also whether the first one isn't.
    It gets pretty crazy further along the line where I get to the 7th mandatory field and need to check whether the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth boxes are NOT null and whether the 7th one IS. Help!
    I did come up with one potential solution to this prior to posting: if I set a different advanced action for each input box losing focus which checks whether the variable is null and if so sets a "flag" variable to 0, and in the else set it to 1, I imagine I can then replace the "not equal to" with a check to that flag variable being equal to 1 (which means there is text in the box). I think this will work but I thought I'd check to see if there's an easier way first.

    No it DOESN'T require everything to be on one slide.  It just has to LOOK as if that's what it is.
    I would suggest that it doesn't really matter how many Captivate slides are involved in the final solution, as long as it works the same way (or as close as possible) to the original software that you are simulating.  Your users don't frankly know or care how you achieved the simulation.  I guarantee they won't be thinking of you or Captivate.
    In my experience, you can make creating elearning a lot more difficult than it needs to be in Captivate by trying to rebuild the app, rather than just simulating how it works. For example, thinking that if everything happened on one web page or screen in the app then it must also happen on a single slide in Captivate.  The fact of the matter is IT DOESN'T need to work this way.  And in some cases it might even be impossible to reproduce in Captivate this way.
    So the quickest path to a solution is often to use multiple slides, which has the advantage of allowing you to "fix" certain things on screen (e.g. the contents of fields already visited) by using READ ONLY variable output in transparent captions, focusing only on one element of the interface that the user can interact with on that slide.  It doesn't necessarily prevent you from moving back and forth between elements, just as you can in the original app.  But it is far easier to create and maintain.
    I'm not saying you wouldn't be able to pull this off on one slide in Captivate, but it is going to require a LOT of variables and Advanced Actions to build and debug.  So the term Rapid Elearning becomes something of a misnomer if it takes you a long time to complete one slide.

  • Text input box for displaying notes

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    It seems you would be able to do this with user variables, in which you store the content retrieved from the Text Entry Box. Later on (other slides) you can use this content by adding it to a Text Caption. Beware: I'm not sure about the amount of characters that can be stored.

  • Text input box to show in another text field

    I have a text input box (Text1) showing during a certain label on the stage.  On another label there is another text field (Text2) that is not input-able.  This second text field (Text2) should show whatever the user has inputted in the first text input field (Text1).
    Both of these elements are not symbols and right now they are both text elements.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    I believe the inputField is set accordingly.  And including your reply, here's what I've got on my stage:
    sym.$("Name").attr('contentEditable', true);
    var inputValue = sym.$("Name").value;
    // other text
    Thus far, this does not work. "Name" field is Text1 (inputField) and the "Signature" is Text2 (text box)
    I'm new to all this so I've prob got something you know what I should adjust?

  • Text input boxes

    How can I make text input boxes in a JApplet so I can specify there location. I want to make input boxes in certain locations on the applet.

    Do you know about layout managers? If not:
    If you for some reason don't trust a layout manager to do the job for you, you can specify where you want to put things yourself by doing something like this:
    JApplet applet = ...
    applet.getContentPane().setLayout(null);  // Do not use a Layout Manager (generally a Bad Idea)
    JTextField input = new JTextField();
    input.setBounds(50, 75, 25, 100);  // Sets the position and size of your textfield
    applet.getContentPane().add(input);This is generally not recommended though, because different screen resolutions, cross-platform issues, any other things, might screw things up for you.
    A little advice: try to be a little more patient the next time. You shouldn't start flaming the forum just because no one happens to answer your question within an hour . The people here are under no obligation whatsoever to help you -- they do it of their own free will in their own spare time.

  • Text input boxes same colour as background - so "invisible", and button text or buttons often missingt

    I have turned off all addons/extensions/plugins - still the same problem:
    1: Text input boxes appear to be the same colour as the background - and hence "invisible"
    2: Clickable buttons on websites are often invisible, or if they display have no text; e.g. button to right of google search ("go" button?) is seen as a plain box with no text - although button is clickable.
    3: Google webpage usually has an image - this is missing, and merely has "UK" to the top left of the input box.
    4: On this page for example I can see directly above this text box two vertical black lines - it appears to be a button with a pop-up "insert a link" - it can obviously be clicked when I mouse over it.


  • Allow the user to control the width of the edit forum post input box

    I would like to control the width of of the edit-forum post input box.  This could be:
    automatically adjust the width of the box so that the box doesn't run off the right edge of the window.
    have a user global preference to set the preferred width
    at least, allow the user to change the width via the change size icon.  The three horizontal bars at the lower left of the input box. You can adjust the vertical dimension, but not the horizontal. TenFourFox 4.0.1. This is probably being blocked for some obscure reason.
    Here is an example of an over extended right margin:
    Curiously enough, the "software" let's me adjust the width & height of the add reason to edit text, but not adjust the width of the more important edit text box.

    Standard Reply box can be height adjusted but not width.
    Same with Advanced Editor
    No Adjustment at all in HTL Editor
    The Edit uses the Advanced Editor
    Only Height Adjustment again.
    I do seem to remember someone posting about the width and saying they could drag it over the edge of the right hand edge (Into the grey surround)
    This may have been a post in the lounge.
    It didn't actually try it at the time but have played with it since and have not seen it.
    Maybe it is something they "Fixed" in both senses of the word.
    Second edit.
    I can't alter the box that currently reads "Message Edited by:- ..."
    I also can't get this box to accept New lines  (they appear in the box but don't post that way)
    Corrected Spelling
    9:51 PM      Wednesday; May 11, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)
    and new line with a line space as well

  • How to print input boxes

    I need to print a grant proposal that has several input boxes that are filled beyond the viewable area.  When I print the document, Not all the inputed text is printed.  I have tried using a smaller font but can't get it small enough to view all the text. So how does one print all the text with in an input box.
    Running Adobe Reaser 9.4.3 on a Vista Laptop

    Form your response, it seems that I will be unable to print the hidden text within the input boxes. But instead, have to print out seperate documents and include them with the printed Adobe Reader Document.

  • How to set the default text in an input box or a label to be a predefine, multiline text

    how to set the default text in an input box or a label to be a predefine, multiline text. In other words how to break the line in the code of a text box.
    thank you

    There are a couple of ways of doing this:
    If you're editing on the canvas, press Shift + Enter.
    If you're working in Express View (see lower right hand corner of Project Siena), you'll need to copy a hard return from another app such as Notepad.
    I believe a better implementation of hard returns are in the list of requested functionality that you can find here:

  • Input box on default selection screen

       how to create an input box on the default selection screen which will accept only 1275 characters.
      Can u please help me?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Sreekala,
    You need to use the  CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT for creating the box, also you need use the dialog program for that.
    For more info on that class check this
    Usage of CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT
    Text box on selection screen
    Hope they helps you.

  • Firefox on my wife's laptop has lost the black bar that used to show Maps, Gmail etc. Now at the top of the screen there is a blank bar, triple height, with just the Google search input box. How do I get this back? Or is this a question for Google?

    When I open Firefox there is a black bar, sometimes vertical, other times horizontal, across the top, with links to Maps, Gmail etc. When I open Gmail the same links are listed across the top of the screen, right under the Tabs. In my wife's laptop this appears in the Firefox start-up screen, but not in the Gmail screen. At the top of her screen is a super-wide gray bar with just a Google search input box. Is this a Firefox or Google problem?
    She has XP Home SP3 and Firefox 9
    Thanks for any help.

    What happened yesterday may have been caused by the SOPA protest action that was joined by a lot of sites yesterday and such an action won't happen that often.

  • How to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application

    Re: how to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application
    im using flash builder 4,
    i  designed virtual keyboard, i have to update the text in text input box  continously by using virtual keyboard.
    i used button events.i did  some mistake there.
    can some one help me out of tat.
    thanks  in advance.
    i have included my mxml program with this.
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application  xmlns:fx=""
                    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600" creationComplete="initfunc()">
                import  mx.controls.Alert;
                private function initfunc():void
                public function handleEvent ( e :  MouseEvent ) : void
                    var a:String= ;
                   var b:String=null;
                        case "Button20":
                       case "Button21":
        <s:Panel  x="43" y="82" width="527" height="213">
          <mx:Button  x="71" y="86" id="b1" label="1" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="180" y="86"  id="b2" label="5" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="127" y="86"  id="b3"  label="3" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="99"  y="86"  id="b4" label="2" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="323" y="86"  id="b5" label="0" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="86"  id="b6"  label="9" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="265"  y="86"   id="b7" label="8" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="237" y="86"  id="b8" label="7" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="209" y="86"  id="b9"  label="6" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="42"  y="86"  id="b10" label="`" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="382" y="86" id="b11" label="=" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353" y="86"  id="b12"  label="-" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="410"  y="86"  id="b13" label="back" width="76" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="157" y="86"  id="b14" label="4" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="109" id="b15"  label="tab" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="105"  y="109"  id="b16" label="q" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="247" y="109"  id="b17" label="y" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="303" y="109"  id="b18"  label="i" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="361"  y="110"  id="b19" label="p" width="34" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="394" y="109"  id="b20" label="[" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="191" y="109"  id="b21"  label="r" width="34" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="424"  y="109"  id="b22" label="]" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="222" y="109"  id="b23" label="t" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="161" y="109"  id="b24"  label="e" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133"  y="109"  id="b25" label="w" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="332" y="109"  id="b26" label="o" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275" y="109"  id="b27"  label="u" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="220"  y="133"  id="b28" label="g" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="132"  id="b29" label="enter" width="62"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="132"  id="b30"  label="caps" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275"  y="133"  id="b31" label="j" width="42" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="314" y="132"  id="b32" label="k" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133" y="133"  id="b33"  label="s" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="161"  y="133"  id="b34" label="d" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="250" y="133"  id="b35" label="h" width="31"  height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="105" y="133"  id="b36"  label="a" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="191"  y="133"  id="b37" label="f" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="342" y="132"  id="b38" label="l" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="152" y="154"  id="b39"  label="x" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353"  y="154"  id="b40" label="." width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="325" y="154"  id="b41" label="," width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="154"  id="b42"  label="m" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="259"  y="154"  id="b43" label="n" width="37" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="236" y="154"  id="b44" label="b" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="211" y="154"  id="b45"  label="v" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="181"  y="154"  id="b46" label="c" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="122" y="154"  id="b47" label="z" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="154"  id="b48"  label="/" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="368"  y="132"  id="b49" label=";" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="396" y="132"  id="b50" label="'" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="154"  id="b51"  label="shift" width="82" height="24"/>
            <s:Button  x="407" y="154" id="b52" label="shift" width="79" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="455" y="109"  id="b53" label="\" width="31"  height="24"/>
        <s:TextInput  x="161" y="27" id="textbox" width="253"/>
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                protected function keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                    if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    capsState = !capsState;
                    if (capsState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    shiftState = !shiftState;
                    if (shiftState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                protected function backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                    this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    inpText =;
            <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
            <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0" click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239" horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199" height.PRIMARY="31"/>
        <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184" horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
            <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="`"/>
            <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="1"/>
            <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="2"/>
            <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="3"/>
            <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="4"/>
            <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="5"/>
            <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="6"/>
            <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
            <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="8"/>
            <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="9"/>
            <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="0"/>
            <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="-"/>
            <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="="/>
            <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43" width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold" click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="q"/>
            <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="w"/>
            <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="e"/>
            <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="r"/>
            <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="t"/>
            <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="y"/>
            <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="u"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="i"/>
            <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="o"/>
            <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="p"/>
            <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="["/>
            <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="]"/>
            <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="\"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43" width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="a"/>
            <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="s"/>
            <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="d"/>
            <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="f"/>
            <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="g"/>
            <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="h"/>
            <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="j"/>
            <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="k"/>
            <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="l"/>
            <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=";"/>
            <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
            <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="z"/>
            <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="x"/>
            <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="c"/>
            <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="v"/>
            <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="b"/>
            <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="n"/>
            <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="m"/>
            <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
            <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
            <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="/"/>
            <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in advance,
    saran r

  • How to set an input box in an HTML Web Resource embedded in a CRM 2013 form

    I have embedded an HTML web resource that contains some input boxes in a custom CRM form. In the CRM form I have created some fields that corresponds to the input boxes in the web resource and they are hidden.
    The reason to do so was the limitation of the CRM not giving me the flexibility of the layout I was looking for. So basically, the user enters the data in the web resource and once saved they write to the hidden fields. On the other hand, when the form loads
    the values from the hidden fields are copied into the web resource input boxes.
    I am having a hard time setting those input boxes from the corresponding hidden fields on the form. I can read the crm fields easily using JavaScript. I can also get to the HTML web resource using the following:
    var target = Xrm.Page.getControl("WebResource_CriticalPath").getObject(); I also appended the contentWindow.document to the end of this and it comes back not null but when I try to get to the HTML element which is the inputbox I am trying to set
    the value to, I get a null reference. I am using:
    target.getElementById('input20'); to get to the element. I know this is not supported and I have to use Xrm.Page but I cannot figure out how to do so.
    Also, any advice on how to do the writing back (i.e. from the element to the form field) when the record is save would be helpful.
    I really appreciate any comments/help in this regard.

    What I would suggest is try to do everything from your html webresource. Add following code to set you field's value during onload:
    document.getElementById('input20').value = window.parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute('hidden field id').getValue();
    Add following code to onchange hanlder to put changes back:
    window.parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute('hidden field id').setValue(document.getElementById('input20').value);
    Dynamics CRM MVP/ Technical Evangelist at
    SlickData LLC
    My blog

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