Clipping line

[size="3" face="courier new,courier">The X FI soundcard that came with my new Dell has no analogue line-in jack. It only lists two mic jacks and a digital jack. Connecting my TASCAM cassette deck to the back panel mic jack results in a terribly clipped recording (as would be expected connecting a deck line-out to a mic line-in.) Adjusting the XFI recording levels does nothing to reduce the clipping. The deck has no way to reduce output gain and no digital output. Am I missing something or should I?forget about recording music on my new 3gig dual-core, VistaOS PC?

There would be an option for the flexijack in the mixer with LineIn/Mic as a selection. Are their any options for the digital jack? A flexijack functions as linein/mic/digital. If you don't see any of that, I'd guess you don't have a flexijack. But it's odd that you would have two mic inputs without one of them being multifunctional. A bigger problem, I'm afraid, is that Soundblaster microphone inputs are typically mono. I don't know why I didn't think of that before, sorry. I suppose one or both of your mic inputs might be stereo. Do you record two channels? In any case, having two mic inputs allows the possibility for stereo input. But it's not a pretty solution.
Message Edited by Katman on 04-5-2008 2:28 PM

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    I can't find the command where you move that line. Was it in the manual?

    Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I don't want to move the Connected Clip itself.
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    Thank you,

    Are all your media files in the same place, or do you keep them in different places on your hard-drive.
    For group batching, I've simply gone to the Preferences and set my iTunes library location to the folder where all my media files live. It will crank through the folder and add anything that is not added yet.
    The other thing to do is to clear out your iTunes off all media, then drag-and-drop the 300 files into it to relink the lot.

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    You'll use couple-three layers -- no automatic transitions in AE.  That's what Premiere's for.

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    Good news! I solved this problem but through a variation of the suggestions offered in this thread.
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    This was a fairly lengthy pain-in-the-butt process but it worked for me.
    There were no issues related to storage or file format as the photos came directly from my Canon Powershot camera directly to iPhoto.
    Thanks for your interest. Hope this helps others.
    Intel iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    Click on the clips in question and, in the Advanced Menu, click on Extract Audio.
    That puts the audio from that clip down in one of the audio tracks in the timeline.
    Now click on that audio track and move it to the beginning of the clip, or anywhere else where you want it to start irrespective of what other clips you have dragged into the timeline.
    Make sure the beginning of the audio clip lines up with the timeline cursor, then go again to Advanced Menu and click 'Lock Audio at Playhead.
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    URL url=new URL("http://hostname/");
    AudioClip AudioClip(url);;
    }catch (MalformedURLException e){
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    import java.applet.AudioClip.*;
    public class Sonido extends Frame implements AudioClip{
         public Sonido(){
              this.setSize(new Dimension(300,200));
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              this.add(new Button("Music"), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
         public static void main(String [] args){
              Sonido sound=new Sonido();
                   URL url=new URL("C://");
                   AudioClip ac=new AudioClip(url);
              catch(MalformedURLException e){
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    This is probably too late to help you, but if you're using Java 1.3 or higher, you can use the javax.sound.sampled package to play .au's, .aiff's, and .wav's (but not .mp3's... support for those comes from Java Media Framework [JMF] or QuickTime for Java [QTJ])
    Anyways, this app plays a single file specified on the command line, like:
    java SimpleSound mailbag.aiff
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    public class SimpleSound extends Object {
        public static void main (String[] args) {
            if (args.length < 1) {
                System.out.println ("Usage: SimpleSound <file-path>");
            try {
                Line.Info linfo = new Line.Info (Clip.class);
                Line line = AudioSystem.getLine (linfo);
                Clip clip = (Clip) line;
                File file = new File (args[0]);
                AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    }Works for me on Mac OS X. .aiff's sound good but .au's sound awful. Your mileage may vary.
    More info on the JavaSound page --
    --Chris (invalidname)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Why doesn't the FloatVolume Control work?

    First message for me on this board, so I hope I did the things right posting here (and sorry in advance for my bad english)
    I have a problem with the Java Sound API. I'm trying to control the sample rate from a wav file to change the pitch (so sound (engine) will change when the RPM get higher) but it looks like the floatControl were not supported...
    This is the contructor from the class:
       public SampledSound(String file)
             _position = 0;
             _file = file;
             try {
                 AudioInputStream audioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("sound/"+_file));
                   DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, audioStream.getFormat(),((int) audioStream.getFrameLength() * audioStream.getFormat().getFrameSize()));
                   _player = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
                        FloatControl SRControl = (FloatControl) _player.getControl(FloatControl.Type.SAMPLE_RATE);
                        System.err.println("Error: FloatControl SAMPLE_RATE non support�.");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                     System.err.println("Error: Le fichier '"+_file+"' n'a pas pu �tre lu.");
              }And it's not working...
    And if I try to list the controls available for the object _player (instance of Clip) I get the following output:
      public SampledSound(String file)
             _position = 0;
             _file = file;
             try {
                 AudioInputStream audioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("sound/"+_file));
                   DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, audioStream.getFormat(),((int) audioStream.getFrameLength() * audioStream.getFormat().getFrameSize()));
                   _player = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
                   for(int i=0; i<_player.getControls().length; i++)
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.err.println("Error: Le fichier '"+_file+"' n'a pas pu �tre lu.");
    Master Gain with current value: 0.0 dB (range: -80.0 - 6.0206)
    Mute Control with current value: False
    So, does it mean that there is no FloatControl for the clip line?
    How I am supposed to do to get the control from the sample rate?
    Edited by: astroB on Mar 28, 2008 7:44 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Seems to be a problem on Apples end. Probably a server overload.

  • Need urgent help!!

    I am very new into flash development. If that is very basic, please forgive me.
    I have one .fla project file which runs the multiple videos those are deifined in media.xml. My task is to create similar .fla file which will load some another xml to run another videos.
    I have gone through some refrerence manuals but not getting anything direct.
    My approach is to see how the xml is loaded in existing .fla and will change the xml name to load the other xml.
    Please advice.

    Thanks for your reply, Ned.
    Issue is i am not able to find the code.
    How can i get that. i opened the .fla file in flash pro CS6 and trying to test (CTRL+Enter), it is goving me below errors:
    Symbol 'FLVControls'
    1017: The definition of base class FLVControls was not found.
    , Line 1
    5000: The class 'com.wu.FLVControls' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
    FLVPlayback (Compiled Clip), Line 1
    5000: The class '' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
    I am not able to find any classes/code out there. I am working on it first time. Any help/suggestion really appreciated.

  • How to add flying birds to my footage

    Hello guys,
    I have some cool aerial footage of a river and I would love to add a group of birds flying over it with tracking feature of AE, I need some 3d animation of birds flying but have no idea if it exists and where to find it, any suggestion ? Seagulls or pigeons... or something white...

    Think about what you are trying to do for a moment... That's the most important part of any compositing or VFX project. There are two possible workflows. The first is your suggestion of using stock footage.
    First, you need some footage of birds that has an alpha channel or a way to make an alpha channel so you end up with birds and no background. You'll have to check stock footage libraries for this kind of footage.
    Second, the camera angle must match the camera angle of your 'cool aerial footage' close enough so you can match the perspective.
    Third, you will have to track the river footage and the bird footage, stabilize (remove all camera movement) from both clips, line them up, and then redo the camera movement in the river footage and parent the stabilized bird footage to the camera footage and then animate the position of the bird footage to give them some movement...
    I've been doing AE and Visual Effects for more than 20 years and that's not the way I would go about it. There are just too many variables. The only way to reduce the variables to a manageable number would be to pick the bird footage first and then fly the river shot with camera angles and speed to match.
    A more reasonable option would be to create your own flock of birds in a 3D app or a particle system.
    I'd set up a 3D camera track in AE, set a ground plane and origin, and export the scene to Cinema 4D. Inside Cinema 4D I'd create my flock of flying birds. (very hard to do in the light version) or I'd create a flock of flying birds in Blender (open source and free) and then composite my birds into the scene.
    The potential pitfalls are that your 3D camera solution must be accurate and if the footage was shot by something like a GoPro carried by a quadcopter, you are going to have all kinds of lens distortion and tracking issues unless the shot is very stable and the lens distortion is removed before tracking. Once you get a good track and a good camera solution it's just a matter of animating the birds in a 3D app and having them fly through the scene. There are a few tutorials out there about creating a flock or swarm of birds.
    You could also create your birds in a particle system like Trapcode Particular using some sprites or textured polygons and composite that into your scene. There's actually a bunch Particular tutorials out there for creating a flock of birds. Part 2 is here.
    The last part of your project would be color and light matching the flock of birds. Blender's camera tracker will do a very good job of setting up some illumination for a scene and there is some support for Blender to AE so if you're on a budget and have a bunch of time to learn about Blender's camera tracker and animation tools (give it a week of solid study) you can try that.
    I hope this helps. Some things are not as easy as you think until you change your approach.

  • Linking Button to PDF

    Hi guys, so I am definitely new at AS3 and Flash in general, but I have to do a project for work that requires me to build a portion of a website in Flash. I need to link a button to a PDF document that will be stored on our site on the internet. So far I have been able to successfully write code that allows me to link one of the buttons:
    var pdfURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Other/LetterDaniels.pdf");
    //PDF Link
    function pdfLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
    {Text.daniels_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pdfLink);
    Then I simply copied and paste this code and change it for the second button:
    var pdfURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Other/LetterDaniels.pdf"); (line 1)
    //PDF Link (line 4)
    function pdfLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
    {Text.daniels_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pdfLink); (line 9)
    var pdfURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Other/LetterColnar.pdf");
    //PDF Link
    function pdfLink(event:MouseEvent):void { (line 16)
    {Text.colnar_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pdfLink);
    When I do so, however, I get a series of error messages:
    Scene 1, Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 12    1151: A conflict exists with definition pdfURL in namespace internal.
    Scene 1, Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 16    1021: Duplicate function definition.
    ComponentShim (Compiled Clip), Line 1    5000: The class 'fl.core.ComponentShim' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
    ComponentShim (Compiled Clip), Line 1    5000: The class 'fl.containers.UILoader' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
    Can someone please help me with the code so that I can get rid of these error messages? I basically need three buttons to link to three different PDF files:
    Text.daniels_btn to images/Other/LetterDaniels.pdf
    Text.colnar_btn to images/Other/LetterColnar.pdf
    Text.hansen_btn to images/Other/LetterHansen.pdf

    to keep it simple you should use three different named functions and three different named Variables:
    function pdfLink1(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function pdfLink2(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function pdfLink3(event:MouseEvent):void {

  • Difficulty lining up cuts at precise spots in the audio track

    (I guess this turned into just a rant because I think "it just works that way" is really the only answer but if someone has any suggestions, I'm all ears)
    I'm trying to use iMovie 11 to build a music video. I have my audio track and I'm adding clips to it that I want to position at precise spots in the music - beats, key changes, words, etc.
    (First rant; I can't stand that the audio track is only as long as the amount of clips you have. I want to play the song past my last clip to help decide what clip I want to put in next - argh!!! I have to put dummy clips in the movie to make the audio play past where I'm working - insane)
    Anyway, trying to line up cuts with certain spots in the audio is proving to be very frustrating. Yes, I know about beat markers but even if I put in beat markers, I can't figure out what to line up with them. Is it the trailing edge of the first clip or the leading edge of the next clip. The fact that there are gaps between the clips makes it impossible to tell where the cuts really are. It just doesn't make sense to me. Obviously, the audio and video is continuous, so what is happening in the gap? Where is the cut?
    The other thing that makes it difficult is that the timeline stretches depending on the duration of a clip that is sitting on it. It seems like they do this so that they can have thumbnails that are always at least a certain size. When the duration of a clip gets short, they have to stretch the timeline because it has to be as long as the thumbnail picture. This distorts the waveform and again makes it hard to find known shapes. I can't understand this logic. The timeline should be the same scale all the way across.
    The Precision Editor seems to have a mind of it's own. If I line up the cursor with a beat marker and click the clip gets trimmed way before the beat marker would indicate.
    I guess I just don't get it. Does anyone else have these problems???
    (end of rant)

    Thanks for the reply,
    What I mean about the space between clips is, on the timeline, there are visual gaps between clips. I know there aren't actual gaps in the video but visually, the clip thumbnails are separated by a gap. The audio waveform however, is displayed as continuous below the clipthumbnails. So the question is, where is the actual cut relative to the audio. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
    Those clips actually meet somewhere in relation to the audio. Where? Does the second clip start right at that rise in the wave form (just left of the beat marker) or does it start further left, right after the end of the first clip where the audio falls down? It seems like there should be a corresponding gap in the display of the audio and then it would be clear where the clips line up in relation to the audio. No?
    On the length of the thumbnails thing, I know about the slider but regardless of the scale, the thumbnail pictures never get below a certain width. So, if you've got really short clips - like still frames that I want to flash in time with a quick beat - since the thumbnails don't get very narrow, iMovie has to stretch the audio waveform that runs beneath the thumbnail so that it matches the length of time of the clip. You can see this happening if you watch the timeline during playback. The playhead will be moving along smoothly but when it gets to the short clips, it will zip along much faster across those clips (because they are actually stretched relative to real-time), and then slow back down again when it gets to longer clips. The fundamental issue in my mind is that the playhead should not change speed during playback. It distorts the whole timeline and makes time comparisions of different clips nearly impossible.

  • Editing a movie with video from two camera angles

    I made video of the home birth of our third child using a miniDV and a Nisis DV6 camera. The DV6 has very lousy sound, but some of the DV6 video was critical to use for a period of time. I imported the overlapping clips, exported the audio on both, muted the DV6 audio, then moved the audio from the miniDV clip so it lined up with the DV6 audio. With a little more fading in/out on the audio from the two tracks I seemlessly/gracefully switch camera angles and preserved good audio.
    I have a comment (a wishlist item) and a question. I wish I would have had the ability to take the two overlapping video clips, line up the audio waveforms and at the same time overlap the video clips on the timeline. I wish I could have then played both clips at the same time with the ability to switch between the two camera angles. I would take the ability to view both camera angles without the ability to switch between camera angles in real time, but then I'd wish I had the ability to specify which clip to use at any point in the timeline rather than having to manually insert the video from one camera angle or the other the other then insert a transition. Does any Apple-compatible video editing software thats provide some or all of the capability I desire? If Apple software developers are out there I hope you think this might be another great innovation.

    As David and Karsten said: FinalCut Express is really the software, you are looking for. I have only worked with it twice (unfortunately I am still waiting for my - first - Mac now for two weeks, so as a Win-user I had no chance to have a more intensive look on FCE). But it is a great program.
    What David said about the learning: It is quite easy. I have learned digital video editing on Adobe Premiere and on a Avid-machine, which is nearly the same as handling FinalCut. You'll perhaps need one evening. But after that you'll have the basic knowledge for editing your videos. The rest comes step by step. It is just learning-by-doing.
    Another advice: Adobe Premiere Elements is also a good program for what your want to do. But it is much cheaper and a bit easier to learn. For editing simple home-movies perhaps the better choice. It has even a build-in DVD-authoring.

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