Clock speed of iphone 4 a4 chip

what is the clock speed of the a4 chip in iphone 4 ?

yea i k my iphone 4 is so much faster than 3g i was almost throwing it against the wall with ios although 4.2.1 is slower on iphone 4

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    WonderWoofy wrote:
    The lowest frequency doesn't really matter as much as as how much your processor is able to enter sleep states.  So when it is idling, it isn't at the lowest frequency level at all and is hardly using any power.
    In reality, unless you are having problems with it, you should really use the intel_pstate driver.  The ondemand governor worked well for many years, but was designed for processors over a decade ago.  Things have changed and the pstate driver was designed and tailored to work with today's Intel processors.  I don't see why you wouldn't take advantage of that if it works correctly for you.
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    SpeedStep technology has been a part of Intel's chips for quite some time albeit it is more sophisticated now, but the technology is pre-Pentium I believe.
    The processor speed can be controlled by the user but the Intel Macs use the SMC to handle changing processor speed based partly on load and heat. Because this is done automatically within the CPU there's no need for the user to change processor speed in order to conserve battery life. That was definitely not the case with the PPC which required an external mechanism to change the voltage to the CPU to reduce speed. Hence the need for the feature in the Energy Saver preference to provide the alternative speed levels for AC and Battery operation.

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    "If I'm helpful in anyway, a click of appreciation on the star would be nice"

    bumblebirra wrote:
    I would be surprised if the rest of the hardware in the phone, like the RAM etc, couldn't support the maximum CPU clock speed. When such sophisticated electronic devices are designed it's impossible to know until it's all been put together how it will actually perform as a complete unit - the hardware, software, battery capacity, etc. The clock speed allows a fine-tuning once everything comes together, to get the optimal balance.
    Well-made software makes a huge difference to how much CPU/hardware resources are required. Software efficiency is the most important factor of all.
    A GPU is only there to perform tasks that would otherwise take up huge amounts of CPU resources. Dedicated graphical tasks such as 2D scrolling, 3D texture-mapping/filling for example. But that's all. The CPU is still running the whole show, but just has much of the load taken off it by the GPU.
    So with the GPU doing more and more, the CPU and it's speed become less relevant.
    A few things here, some of what you have mentioned I agree with. But some I dont. Firstly when any device is designed, things like the GPU and RAM are all allowed for, that is the speed at which each is capable. There is no use taking pot luck saying oh we think that will be enough. Its all calculated right from the word go.
    Its done for several reasons, firstly costings, there is no use producing something that is so expensive no will be able to afford it. secondly to make sure you dont end up with bottle necks in data flow. Also it no use producing something that is so slow that you cant do anything worthwhile on it. That is some of the reasons.
    You are absolutely right about software, well made software installed in a relatively slow running device can quite often beat poorly designed software running on a fast machine at exactly the same task. O/S like windows for instance, in my opinion only, whilst full of features, is definitely bloated, and not well designed. A standard install disc for windows these days is around the 3Gig mark (depending on version of OS), where as something that does exactly the same thing like Linux still fits on a 700M cd.
    And you are right about the GPU, its does relieve the pressure on the cpu. Unfortunately the gpu in an N8 or an E7 is only running at 200Mhz. Considering most things are graphical based on these phones. I would have to wonder how much of the gpu is being used, especially when the one chip is running everything from the 2d/3d graphics/rendering, the camera up to 12MP, HDMI, HD video recording and play back, a stack of video codecs etc.
    Unfortunately the main cpu from everything i was able to find is simply listed as an ARM11, these processors run on several Nokia's phone, including the older E90 (which had dual cpu's but ran at much slower speed of about 332 Mhz., however the Arm site list the ARM 11 as several versions, including one that actually has 4 cpu on the one the chip but only presents itself as 1 cpu to the rest of the hardware, with this cpu running anywhere up to 1Ghz. So its entirely possible that the 680Mhz listed for the N8/E7 could be as fast as it goes. Also the current versionof the ARM11 have a power consumption of 0.21mW/Mhz. so based on that figure a processor running at 680Mhz would consume 142.8 mW, but at 1G it would be 210mW, that a difference of 67.2mW. That would mean your phone would go flat a lot quicker. This info is based solely on information that I can find on Nokia run sites, ARM's site and broadcoms site. That way we can beleive what we are able to read with some certainty. I did find other non-related site suggesting 720mhz for the cpu, but they are only a 3rd party mobile news site, that said it had been suggested that it was capable of 720Mhz..
    But i do firmly believe with efficient code the phones can perform extremely well, Anna certainly seems faster than the old Symbian ^3 version that was on the phone prior to Anna, whether or not Belle can be made any more efficient remains to be seen. But heres hoping.

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    found by me..69i57.10051j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

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    CPU: Athlon XP 2400
    Memory: 512 DDR (2700)
    Vidieo: Geforce Mx440
    PSU: 350 W
    OS: Windows 98 SE
    CPU Temp: 41 Idle
         49 Under Load
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    Count in WCPUID was also measuring at 2000 Mhz.
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    ( All other settings in the BIOS are as default )
    Thanks for your time.

    Hi there,
    I have a similar problem, except on a KT3 Ultra2-R running an Athlon XP2100.
    To make a long story short, awhile ago I tried to optimized my CMOS settings, and the thing wouldn't boot...and when I could get into CMOS settings again, the dang thing wouldn't let me change the FSB at all, and I was stuck at 100 FSB, and my XP2100 was recognized as an XP1500 (I guess 100 x 13 = 1.300 gigahertz).
    After reading your post here, I changed the CPU ratio to be 12.5/13, and lo and behold, when I got into Fuzzy Logic, my CPU was registering 2.000 gigs with a 20 CPU multiplier and my CPU was now an Athlon XP2400! I don't know where they got that 20 CPU X from, but I ran a test on Sysandra, and yep, Sysandra says it's an XP2400 and the test benchmark puts it around that level. XP2100 is now seemingly an XP2400, but my FSB is still a paltry 100FSB...this seems to affect memory benchmark testing, as my DDR333 RAM is auto sync with the 100FSB :(
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    MSI K8Neo-4 F
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    80Gb Seagate 7200rpm
    Asus 52x48x32 CDRW Drive

    Quote from: DX2 on 20-May-06, 05:53:54
    but when I transfered the two memories on DiMM 3-4 it only reads them 185Mhz on the BIOS and which confuses me. when I checked the manual it doesn't suppose to lessen the clock speed total to 333Mhz but still should come up to 400Mhz
    try reseting the BIOS by taking out the battery for 10 minutes. try running it again at optimized defaults (that means no overclocking) in slots 3&4.

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    I updated the bios using MSI live update, and the first time I booted the system, the bios displayed the speed as 1533 Mhz, but on every subsequent boot up it is back down to 1105 Mhz again.
    How can I get my processor to run at the correct speed?

    Sorry, just realised I have posted in the wrong forum.
    Please forgive me  

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    hi all,
    i have an amd 3400+  64bit  and i have downloaded multiple hardware information programs which state that my CPU clock should be between 2.8ghz - 3 ghz with this type of processor, however i only have 2.1 ghz.I have searched the bios and have notice many features are unavilable, i basically cannot change anythings except boot devices and other things that are not usefull to me, my bios does not give the option to change clock speed, or voltage, or bus speed. my current FBS is 201 mhz and my motherboard is  MSI k8T800 7010 with phoenix awardbios 6.00pg version 1.14 03/02/04 can any one help me please i would like to get my processor to the correct speed of 3 ghz.

    ah right, so it also says the maximum clock speed is 3000 mhz      , so with overclocking can my processor achieve this?  i have 1 mb of l2 cache.
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    I want to know how to determine
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    2.Clock speed of the CPU in Giga Hertz.
    3. SPAM version(I have no access to SPAM transaction)
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    Thilip Kumar

    Hi there
    1000000Hz = 1000Mhz = 1Ghz
    Determine the disk speed is not an easy task, it heavily depends on what kind of disk you have. And there is different IO like sequential, random write/read.
    You could ask your hardware vendor for some benchmark data. If you only have single disks, then you can google for the data.
    A simple test is to copy a large file and mesure the time. If you want to do more extensive tests you can check out [iozone|].
    Best regards

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    Visit this page:​
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    Hope this helps.
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    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • Adjust CPU clock speed for saving Power

    Does anyone know which software is the best for adjusting the cpu clock speed in Mac book pro? I want to decrease to half of the original speed in MBP so that I can save power when I'm on the battery.

    well I do understand what you mean but then I would like to have a software to control the clock speed like I control my fan speed although the default setting does that automatically. I don't really want to use it without a battery because apple does not recommend that also.
    Thank you

  • FFT express VI: maximum possible clock speed

    I'm using the FFT express VI in an FPGA VI running on a PXIe-7962R.  The maximum clock speed I can use without getting timing errors on compilation is 125 MHz.  Is this about right for this VI?  I see that the Xilinx LogiCORE FFT has much faster max. clock speeds listed - > 300 MHz for most configurations.  Would I be able to achieve a significant speed increase by switching to the Xilinx IP module, or are there other timing considerations specific to LabVIEW FPGA that would slow it down?

    Hi Bob,
    125 MHz does sound about right for the FFT Express VI.  You may be able to increase that a bit by adjusting the Clock rate, Throughput, and Length parameters, but you definitely won't be able to get it up to 300 MHz as you mentioned.  Based on the Xilinx LogiCORE FFT documentation, it does look like that could be a faster solution. Have you tried compiling with that method?  What clock rates were you able to compile.  Also, what rate are you trying to reach?
    Morgan Sweatt
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    How much iphone 4s wifi chip cost?Still my 4s wifi is not working even though I already updated it to ios7. Thank You!!!..

    You cannot replace just the chip. If all of the various solutions suggested in Apple's support documents and here in these forums do not help, you will need to 1) take or send your iPhone to Apple for replacement, 2) pay to have an unauthorized third-party shop attempt repairs, or 3) attempt repairs yourself. The latter two options will void any further support from Apple.

  • Slo mo videos show entirely in slo mo once transferred in to iPhoto, not in the regular/slo mo/regular speed in iPhone 6. Any ideas on how to maintain this?

    Slo mo videos show entirely in slo mo from beginning to end once transferred in to iPhoto, not in the regular/slo mo/regular speed in iPhone 6 (adjustable). Any ideas on how to maintain this?

    Hi. I don´t use Iphoto, but after trying too upload from the Facebook app, I found out that the video isn´t saved as a finished video. (you can still edit it)
    I used the iMovie  app to save the movie as new finished movie. Open iMovie , those video, select your video, click the share button i down right corner. Push create movie (I guess, mine is in danish) play the movie or not, push the back button, change the name or not, push the share button, save the the movie. Now I think the movie can be exported to iphone. It also can also be shared in the Facebook app i closed groups, so you don´t have to put in on your wall first.
    Hope this helps
    Maby there are other ways i don't know

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