CMD+ any shortcut doesn't work in Safari after upgrading to Yosemite

After upgrading from Mavericks to OS X Yosemite 10.10 not a single CMD+ shortcut works?!
For example CMD+tab works (switching between apps), ctrl+tab works (switching between tabs), but none of these work: CMD+W, CMD+Q, CMD+F, CMD+C, CMD+X, CMD+P...
They all work perfectly fine in all other apps. It's just Safari.
Does anyone have any idea why and how to fix this?

I have a similar pb :
CMD+SHIFT+1,2,3,... doesn't work in safari.
I'm using "English interface" with "French keyboard".
following miladc advice and link (Shortcuts not working on Safari and Firefox),
I changed my Language pref to French ... so I got "French interface" with "French keyboard" ... and it worked once !!!!
But it works no more ... very weird
All I want to do, it's having shortcut for my bookmarklet !

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    I found this workaround and it worked for me. 
    "According to Hontz, the issue seems to be affecting only iPhone 4S users. Hontz has provided the following workaround to fix the issue:
    1) Open the Phone and dial *228. This is a Verizon over-the-air programming number. 2) When the system answer press 1 for “Program or activate your phone” 3) Wait for the call to disconnect. You should get a prompt stating something like, “Settings updated.” 4) Open the Task Manager (double click the home button) and kill the Phone, Message, and Contacts Applications 5) Wait a few minutes (I waited 3 just to be extra safe) 6) Open the Message App to verify the fix.
    If you are still broken, kill the Message App again, then reboot your phone.
    Did iOS 5.0.1 also mess up your iPhone Contacts? Let us know if the workaround helped."
    via: TSF

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    Here is the code on my page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Exchange server doesn't work at all after upgrade to 8.1.1

    Hi there,
    Upgraded to 8.1.1 yesterday and ever since getting mail from an Exchange server (not GMail as exchange, real exchange) doesn't work.
    I have tried removing account and re-adding it again, it authenticates, all is dandy, but it never pulls the folders list or the mail at all.
    Refreshing says "Updated just now", and then zilch, nothing, nada.
    Can someone please help?
    PS. I tried resetting, wifi/3g, push vs fetch, all the standard knobs and whistles - nothing helps.

    I just got my emails again, not sure what did the magic, but this is what I did:
    - Downloaded my enterprise certificates (device provisioining) - Maybe you don't have to do this step.
    - Reset the iPAD (press power button and menu button until you see apple logo -> this doesn't erase data on the iPAD)
    - Deleted the exchange account
    - Created the exchange account - at this time the iPAD could confirm credentials
    After a couple of minutes emails started coming again!
    Btw, I had this issue after upgrading to iOS 8.1.1.

  • Can not minimize window in Safari after upgrade to Yosemite

    Since upgrading to this ******** OS Yosemite it has made my DVD player unworkable
    Now I can not minimize a window in Safari. Control M or Control H does not work The middle minimize button is greyed out?
    Is there a  fix for this? Upgrading to Yosemite has been the worse mistake I have made since ditching PC's and buying a Mac 3 years ago.

    In addition to Eric's response, if you are in full screen mode you can hover your mouse near the upper left corner and click on the green button (to dismiss full screen mode), then the yellow button (to minimize).
    I hope this helps.

  • ARD doesn't show all computers after upgrading to Yosemite

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    I also upgraded one of our iMacs to Yosemite which also have ARD installed (3.7.2) and it is the same issue on that one, we can see some of the clients but not all.
    But the thing is that the clients I missing in my Airs ARD I can see in the iMacs ARD and vice versa, but I can't find that iMac in my ARD and it can't find my Air.
    We are connected to the same netowrk and the same accesspoint.
    Everything worked fine when we runned Mavericks.

    I have exactly the same problem. After installing  (update) Yosemite on my (2013) iMac, the system doesn't properly shutdown anymore.
    I have been waiting for hours, but nothing happens ... there is a black screen  and a rotating thing ... and the only option to physically shut it down is to hold the power button
    best regards,

  • Itunes doesn't work at all after upgrade 7

    when i got the pop-up to upgrade to 7 i clicked it. When it was done loading, i got a error that said i don't have quicktinme 7.1.3. So i went onto and went to quicktime and updated to quicktime 7.1.3. As soon as it was done i cliked onthe itunes desktop icon and it came up with the same error. i ahve tried many times to fix it by uninstalling everything and reinstalling it all over again and it still did not work. Is there any way to fix it or is it something with the compuer?

    Hey Diego3,
    You would want to use the tips provided here:
    I would first try skipping down to Uninstall older versions QuickTime, the attempt to repair iTunes installation. This will be done through control panel>addremove programs.

  • How do I reset/fix my Safari after upgrading to Yosemite?

    I recently upgraded to OS Yosemite. Now my Safari will not open. It bounces as if it will open and then the crash window pops up. It did not do this prior to upgrading. I know it's not my internet, because I am using Chrome with no problems, but I do like Safari. Is there any way I can reset it or reinstall it? I upgraded on my MacBook Pro and my Safari was not effected, so I'm not sure why it has effected my other computer. Any suggestions/tips/ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    For this step, the title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    In the top right corner of the Console window, there's a search box labeled Filter. Initially the words "String Matching" are shown in that box. Enter the name of the crashed application or process. For example, if Safari crashed, you would enter "Safari" (without the quotes.)
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Select the messages from the time of the last crash, if any. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    In the Console window, select
              DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION ▹ User Diagnostic Reports
    (not Diagnostic and Usage Messages) from the log list on the left. There is a disclosure triangle to the left of the list item. If the triangle is pointing to the right, click it so that it points down. You'll see a list of crash reports. The name of each report starts with the name of the process, and ends with ".crash". Select the most recent report related to the process in question. The contents of the report will appear on the right. Use copy and paste to post the entire contents—the text, not a screenshot.
    I know the report is long, maybe several hundred lines. Please post all of it anyway.
    If you don't see any reports listed, but you know there was a crash, you may have chosen Diagnostic and Usage Messages from the log list. Choose DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION instead.
    In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.)
    Please don’t post other kinds of diagnostic report—they're very long and rarely helpful.

  • HT1338 I'm trying to print a document fro safari and the print command is at the bottom of the page and not visible.  I can't move it up and the print command shortcut doesn't work.  How do I print this document.

    I'm trying to print a document from safari and the print command is at the bottom of the page and I can't move it up.  The print command shortcut doesn't work and I would like to know how I can print this document.

    Why do we have to install 2 add ins for something that should be built in? Please add this to the next version or an update to this one even. We should see the full path of a bookmark when we search for it. Show Parent Folder alone isn't enough if you have sub folders, so I installed Go Parent Folder as well in case of sub folders.

  • Quit shortcut doesn't work

    The 'Command-Q' shortcut doesn't work on a Macbbook pro, with Snow Leopard 10.6.8.  All the other Command based shortcuts work (close window, etc) as well as the Q key itself.  Tried resetting the keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences but no go.  Any ideas?

    Do you have keyboard maestro installed >>>   cmd q does not close any program anymore

  • Since I updated to Yosemite, keyboard shortcuts don't work in Safari

    I use Yosemite 10.0.2 and Safari shortcuts are unresponsive. What to do?

    Howdy peze,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like there’s an issue with keyboard shortcuts in one specific app, Safari, since upgrading to OS X Yosemite. Take a look at the article linked below which describes a similar issue and walks you through the process of identifying conflicting keyboard shortcuts.
    OS X Yosemite: If a keyboard shortcut doesn’t work

  • Paypal button doesn't work on Safari. but works on Firefox

    I have over 100 pairs of "Add to Cart" buttons on my website. One of each is on the individual item page and the other is on my Order Form.
    I have one button that works on the order form, but the identical button doesn't work on the individual page when using SAFARI, but works when I use FIREFOX!
    I have recreated the button several times and put it in the proper place several times, saved the changes and republished. Still it doesn't work in Safari!
    This must be a Safari issue not a PayPal issue
    Any suggestions?

    If that's checked, see: How to perform a "clean install" of Flash Player in Mac OS X

  • Java doesn't work on safari / xp

    Downloaded the latest Safari, 5.1.7, for Windows XP
    Downloaded the latest Java, JRE as well as tried JDK, 7.04 and configured for IE and Safari. test works on IE, but on Safari, refers to
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\JavaFX 2.1 Runtime\bin\server\jvm.dll
    There is no server directory, nor any jvm.dll anywhere in the Oracle install.
    What's wrong??

    Ok, 3 days and no responses. I guess Java doesn't work on Safari/XP. Time to switch...

  • I have latest version of flash but flash doesn't work in safari!

    Why do I have latest version of flash but flash doesn't work in safari!I have flash for mac.Your help will be appreciated.

    If you're talking about using Flash on your iPod, you can't. There is no version of Flash that will work on any iOS device. If you're talking about using Flash on your computer, you may want to repost in the correct forum.

  • Download doesn't work with Safari

    Just a tip if you happen to be using Mac OS. It appears that the License Agreement
    page doesn't work using Safari. Works fine with Camino, though.
    Blake Meike

    Hi Matthew
    Does the Activity Window work normally when Rapport is uninstalled ?
    If so, I'm not sure what you could do beyond keeping it that way & watching for an updated version; or contacting & seeing what they say, since it might conflict with some other add-on. You've the same trouble in a new account ?.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Pension Plans

    Hi, We have pension plans.Our Customer requirement is that to change the pension plans by an employee at any time without any time restriction. But the open enrollment option is for only 1 month in a year. Can anyone suggest how I can solve this issu

  • I am going to go to hong kong and i 've got a ipod nano 1.generation

    like the title, i want attend ipod nano 1.generation changing program(something like this) i dont attend this program from my country because i'm living in Turkey, there isn't any Apple Store and on the website of apple, there isn't any information a

  • Down a cf card

    How can you down load a cf camera card to a iPad.

  • How to check PSA Table Structure ?

    Hi Friends,    Can you pls any one tell me how to find out PSA Table and how to check PSA Table Structure? .Thanks in advance. Regards, CS

  • What happened to my safari??

    alright here is the issue. For some reason the videos in my safari have messed up. I have the current safari fully updated. Everytime i try to play a quicktime movie you can hear audio but you cannot see video, the search bar that should be at the bo