Cmd syntax to get messages

I am trying to write java code that will execute commands in the dos window and read the output from the commands.
For example, I need to use a program called verifier. I think I know how to call the verifier program in my java code, but I don't know how to read the message it gives. The verifier prints out a message telling me if it is okay or not in the dos window. How do I get my java code to recognize that message so it knows what to do next?

but after I get the Process from the exec command, if I use OutputStream,... there are only write methods? How would I read the Outputstream?
InputStream has read methods... I tried using that method with
p.waitFor(); //Process p
numberResultBytes = theInputStream.available();
//InputStream theInputStream
but numberResultBytes is always 0.
thanks again for the help.

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    Hi Team,
    I have build two query report.
    Q1 qury:
    SELECT   hp.party_name "CUSTOMER_NAME",
             hca.account_number "CUSTOMER_CODE",
             hcsu.LOCATION "LOCATION",                                                                                                 -- Added by Kanchan
             rct.trx_number "INVOICE_NUMBER",
             HOU.Name "Company Name",
             rbs.NAME "SOURCE_NAME",
             aps.GL_DATE "GL DATE",
             rct.trx_date "INVOICE_DATE",
             --SUBSTR(TRUNC(rct.trx_date),4) "INVOICE_PERIOD",
             rct.term_due_date "DUE_DATE",
             arc.NAME "COLLECTOR_NAME",
             rctl.line_number "SR_NO",
             DECODE (rctl.memo_line_id, NULL, rctt.description, decode( rctt.description, arml.description, rctt.description , rctt.description || ' ' || CHR (10) || arml.description))  "DESCRIPTION",
              rctl.uom_code "UNIT_OF_MEASURE",
             rctl.quantity_invoiced "QUANTITY",
             rctl.unit_selling_price "UNIT_RATE",
             ROUND (rctl.extended_amount) "AMOUNT",
             arn.text "COMMENTS",
             rct.customer_trx_id "TRX_ID",
             rct.org_id "ORG_ID",
             hca.cust_account_id "CUSTOMER_ID"
        FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
             ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt,
             ar_payment_schedules_all aps,
    --         ar_receivable_applications_all acra,
    --         ar_cash_receipts_all ar,
             ra_batch_sources_all rbs,
             hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu,
             hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
             hz_party_sites hps,
             hz_cust_accounts hca,
             hr_all_organization_units HOU,
             hz_parties hp,
             hz_locations hl,
             ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl,
             ar_memo_lines_all_tl arml,
             hz_customer_profiles hcp,
             ar_collectors arc,
             ar_notes arn
       WHERE rct.cust_trx_type_id = rctt.cust_trx_type_id
         AND rctt.TYPE = 'INV'
         AND rct.complete_flag = 'Y'
         AND rct.batch_source_id = rbs.batch_source_id
    --     AND acra.cash_receipt_id = ar.cash_receipt_id
    --     and acra.applied_customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
         AND rct.org_id = rbs.org_id
         and hou.organization_id=rct.LEGAL_ENTITY_ID
         AND rct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
         AND aps.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
         AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id
         AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcsu.site_use_id
         AND rct.org_id = hcsu.org_id
         AND hcsu.cust_acct_site_id = hcas.cust_acct_site_id
         AND hcsu.org_id = hcas.org_id
         AND hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
         AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id
         AND rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
         AND rct.org_id = rctt.org_id
         AND rctt.org_id = rctl.org_id
         AND rctl.memo_line_id = arml.memo_line_id(+)
         AND rctl.line_type = 'LINE'
         AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcp.site_use_id(+)
         AND hcp.collector_id = arc.collector_id(+)
         AND rct.customer_trx_id = arn.customer_trx_id(+)
         AND Nvl(arn.note_id,0) = Nvl((SELECT MAX (note_id)
                              FROM ar_notes arnt
                             WHERE arnt.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id),0)
         AND rct.org_id                 = :p_org_id
      --AND rct.batch_source_id = :p_batch_src_id
    AND TRUNC(aps.gl_date)  BETWEEN TRUNC(:p_trx_date_low)  AND TRUNC(:p_trx_date_high)
    --AND ar.receipt_number='660754'
      --and hca.cust_account_id=937288
    and hca.cust_account_id=5436   --291784      ----5637 --5436
    -- and rct.trx_number= 15762455 --15195934   --15044822
    -- AND hca.account_number ='NDDGSP035'    
    ORDER BY hca.account_number,
    and Q2 query :
    select  customer_id,
    SELECT   distinct hca.cust_account_id "CUSTOMER_ID" ,
                            (SELECT DISTINCT
                            --e.customer_id CUST_ID,
                            SUM((a.amount) * NVL (a.exchange_rate, 1)) Receipt_Amount
                            FROM ar_cash_receipts_all a,
                            ar_cash_receipt_history_all b,
                            ar_receipt_classes d,
                            ar_customers e,
                            hz_party_sites hzps,
                            xx_ar_addresses_v g,
                            hz_cust_acct_sites_all h,
                            hz_cust_site_uses_all f,
                            hr_organization_units_v i
                            WHERE b.cash_receipt_id = a.cash_receipt_id
                            AND a.org_id = i.organization_id
                            AND a.receipt_method_id = d.receipt_class_id
                            AND e.customer_id=g.customer_id
                            AND hzps.party_site_id = h.party_site_id
                            AND h.party_site_id = g.party_site_id
                            AND f.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
                            AND f.cust_acct_site_id = h.cust_acct_site_id
                            AND g.language_description = 'American English'
                            AND b.first_posted_record_flag = ('Y')
                            --and e.customer_id=937288
                            and e.customer_id= hca.cust_account_id --5436 --291784  --5436
                            AND f.site_use_id = a.customer_site_use_id
                            AND E.CUSTOMER_ID = A.PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER          ---- ADDED
                             AND TRUNC (b.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(:p_trx_date_low)  AND TRUNC(:p_trx_date_high)
                            AND a.org_id = :p_org_id) Receipt_amount,
                            ( SELECT
                            distinct --e.customer_id CUST_ID,                --SMAN_10OCT2013_Added distinct_Requested by Biju
                            SUM((-1 * a.amount) * NVL (a.exchange_rate, 1)) Receipt_AMOUNT
                            FROM ar_cash_receipts_all a,
                            ar_cash_receipt_history_all b,
                            ar_receipt_classes d,
                            xx_ar_addresses_v g,
                            ar_customers e,
                            hz_party_sites hzps,
                            hz_cust_acct_sites_all h,
                            hz_cust_site_uses_all f,
                            hr_organization_units_v i
                            WHERE b.cash_receipt_id = a.cash_receipt_id
                            AND a.org_id = i.organization_id
                            AND a.receipt_method_id = d.receipt_class_id
                            AND e.customer_id=g.customer_id
                            AND hzps.party_site_id = h.party_site_id
                            AND h.party_site_id = g.party_site_id
                            AND f.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
                            AND f.cust_acct_site_id = h.cust_acct_site_id
                            AND g.language_description = 'American English'
                            AND a.status IN ('NSF', 'REV', 'STOP')
                            AND a.reversal_date IS NOT NULL
                            AND b.status = 'REVERSED'
                            AND E.CUSTOMER_ID = A.PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER          ---- ADDED
                            AND f.site_use_id = a.customer_site_use_id
                            --and e.customer_id=937288
                            AND e.customer_id= hca.cust_account_id --5436 --291784 --
                            AND TRUNC (b.gl_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(:p_trx_date_low)  AND TRUNC(:p_trx_date_high)
                            AND a.org_id = :p_org_id
                            ) receipt_amount2
                   FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
             ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt,
             ar_payment_schedules_all aps,
             ra_batch_sources_all rbs,
             hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu,
             hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
             hz_party_sites hps,
             hz_cust_accounts hca,
             hr_all_organization_units HOU,
             hz_parties hp,
             hz_locations hl,
             ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl,
             ar_memo_lines_all_tl arml,
             hz_customer_profiles hcp,
             ar_collectors arc,
             ar_notes arn
       WHERE rct.cust_trx_type_id = rctt.cust_trx_type_id
         AND rctt.TYPE = 'INV'
         AND rct.complete_flag = 'Y'
         AND rct.batch_source_id = rbs.batch_source_id
         AND rct.org_id = rbs.org_id
         and hou.organization_id=rct.LEGAL_ENTITY_ID
         AND rct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
         AND aps.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
         AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id
         AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcsu.site_use_id
         AND rct.org_id = hcsu.org_id
         AND hcsu.cust_acct_site_id = hcas.cust_acct_site_id
         AND hcsu.org_id = hcas.org_id
         AND hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
         AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id
         AND rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
         AND rct.org_id = rctt.org_id
         AND rctt.org_id = rctl.org_id
         AND rctl.memo_line_id = arml.memo_line_id(+)
         AND rctl.line_type = 'LINE'
         AND rct.bill_to_site_use_id = hcp.site_use_id(+)
         AND hcp.collector_id = arc.collector_id(+)
         --and hca.cust_account_id=5436 --291741--5436
         AND rct.customer_trx_id = arn.customer_trx_id(+)
         AND Nvl(arn.note_id,0) = Nvl((SELECT MAX (note_id)
                              FROM ar_notes arnt
                             WHERE arnt.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id),0)
         AND rct.org_id                 = :p_org_id
    AND TRUNC(aps.gl_date)  BETWEEN TRUNC(:p_trx_date_low)  AND TRUNC(:p_trx_date_high)
    So here i am linking Q1 query with Q2 by Customer_ID data link. But after doing the same , i am getting message. Moreover, when i am running my report , my q2 query runs for all customer_id , which i already hardcoded in  Q1 query.
    Please help on this issue.

    Dear Siva,
    Can yoiu please run this code in sql directly , and paste here the results?
    You please try as below syntax
    Edited by: O.Developer on Jan 7, 2013 8:54 AM

  • Problem when exporting to Vimeo I get message "The share operation has failed. Quicktime error: -50" The file only gets to 8% before this happens any idea how to fix I have a movie deadline to meet!

    Hi all,
    Finished editing a short movie.
    Then went to share on vimeo but got this message - see also screenshot when I tried to export to desktop.
    Problem when exporting to Vimeo I get message "The share operation has failed. Quicktime error: -50" The file only gets to 8%.
    Have tried deleting my render files for the project and also another fix mentioned of deleting any black space files on the edit itself but neither work?
    Just upgraded to OS Mavericks could this be causing it? If so how to downgrade?
    Louis B

    Thanks for your help both, I called Apple tech support and spoke to a really helpful chap called Andrea who helped me out. Now got my Master file sorted and am trying Vimeo upload again.
    Just to clarify points for people out there with the same issue:
    First steps
    - Ensure background rendering is turned off in preferences
    - Delete project and events render files
    - If upgraded to Mavericks then go to FCPX in finder under applications hit buttons 'CMD' and 'I' together and tick the 'prevent App Nap' box.
    Next Steps
    I had already done all of this when Apple Tech spoke to me so we discussed the message 'Quicktime -50' and what it meant. It wasnt a purely generic error message but was not detailed enough to point to one specific issue. This problem had occurred in previous years (so Mavericks not wholly to blame) and patches were issued over the years by Apple to help resolve some of the problems.
    The message essentially is indicating that there is a problem somewhere with the media in some way shape or form.
    My export went to 8% then failed. Apple's answer was that the project settings were corrupted in some way.
    So what they suggested (so simple I could kick myself) was to select all the media files by 'CMD + A' then copy them 'CMD + C' then create and open a new project timeline, and then paste in 'CMD + V'.
    Then we tried export again this time to a master file with some settings detailed by Apple.
    The difference now was it got to 40% then failed but due to a different reason 'error -1 frame 10124 error'
    At last we get past the project issues and into the event media issues, it seems that when I loaded the compact flash last night, the iMac kept ejecting the reader so had to copy files over quickly and seems that some of the file clip I used although showed on the viewer, didn't seem to have loaded all the correct media, so selecting this clip frame 10124 on the viewer I found that it showed as red on the frame row which implied an issue. So I simply bladed it off and deleted it.
    Then I reran the export to Master file and it worked, though jumping from 40% to 100% complete was a shock to me!
    Now am trying the export to Vimeo - hope this helps some of you out there. Worst case pick up the phone to Apple and speak to the Final Cut Pro guys they can help.
    best wishes,
    Louis B

  • "501 Bad address syntax" Squirrel Mail message

    I am getting "501 Bad address syntax" when attempting to use a now once again freshly installed version of Mac OS X 10.4 server on an xServe.
    I have installed the server completely from scratch to attempt to solve this problem about a week ago, and it was fine, until today. Now... when a user attempts to send a mail through www mail, they get the "501 Bad address syntax" Squirrel Mail message.
    I have installed mailbfr, and use it religiously, but it does not seem to be able to fix this problem.
    Is this something that I need to make changes to the httpd configs (or Apple GUI) or something I need to do to mail configs?
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Check mailaccess.log and system.log while trying to send via SquirrelMail.

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    Running 10.6.8. Trying to open and view contents of a CD (of an MRI) and getting message 'This program cannot be run in DOS mode' Is there a way? Thanks for the help.

    Go to the support site for the provider of the MRI software.
    Sounds like it windows/PC. I have ran across that for the CDs that veterinarians provide for digital x-rays.
    I would try on a PC or on yuur Mac with Windows via BootCamp or a virtual machine like VirtualBox

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    How do I get messages to go back to an AIM account? It's only seeing the iPad's Facetime email address and not seeing the old AIM account name that is on my desktop. I am using my iMac using iChat to talk to a newer iMac that doesn't have iChat. We had this working using Messages and Facetime (on the new machine) talking to my existing iChat account. One day last week, when Facetime rang, my kids answered on the iPad. Dang! Now it's all fouled up! The new iMac won't see my AIM account name and shows that I'm offline, because the iPad is off. We were able to call using "most recent call" in Facetime, but now I can't go and control that new iMac remotely to help with some email concerns the user is having. I'm trying to not personalize this too much, but it's grandkids talking to Grandma and Mom and Dad trying to solve new machine hiccups. Normally, I could just go in via iChat and control the other machine and troubleshoot, but I can't do it with Facetime only. My buddy list doesn't see  the other computer even though we are connected on Facetime right now. My name is not highlighted for the other computer. What could have gone so wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    How do I get messages to go back to an AIM account? It's only seeing the iPad's Facetime email address and not seeing the old AIM account name that is on my desktop. I am using my iMac using iChat to talk to a newer iMac that doesn't have iChat. We had this working using Messages and Facetime (on the new machine) talking to my existing iChat account. One day last week, when Facetime rang, my kids answered on the iPad. Dang! Now it's all fouled up! The new iMac won't see my AIM account name and shows that I'm offline, because the iPad is off. We were able to call using "most recent call" in Facetime, but now I can't go and control that new iMac remotely to help with some email concerns the user is having. I'm trying to not personalize this too much, but it's grandkids talking to Grandma and Mom and Dad trying to solve new machine hiccups. Normally, I could just go in via iChat and control the other machine and troubleshoot, but I can't do it with Facetime only. My buddy list doesn't see  the other computer even though we are connected on Facetime right now. My name is not highlighted for the other computer. What could have gone so wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.

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    cannot open pictures in Window 8.1...getting message 'the remote procedure call failed".  What is the solution?
    I recently bought a new HP computuer and uploaded Window 8.1.  I then transfered photo files from old computer to new computer using a portable storage drive.
    When trying to view the photos, a message pops up showing a file path...and the message 'the remote procedure call failed'.  Photos are in jpeg format.
    Please let me know what I can do to view photos?

    What program you use to view these photos? Choose another app to view these photos
     for a test.
    This issue only occurred when you view photo? What is the result if we connect the
    portable storage drive to other computer (if possible)?
    Run sfc/scannow to check and fix if there are some missing or corrupted system files.
    Check the event viewer to see the detailed information of this issue.
    TechNet Community Support

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    I can no longer import pictures to my ibook (OSX version 10.6.8) using iphoto 09 version 8.1.2 and now get message that file is in an unrecognizable format.  What is wrong?  Same camera as before.

    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

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    Trying to update ipad2 software. Keep getting message that network connection timed out. Don't know how to cancel the firewall

    Im getting the same thing...

  • IMessage not getting messages on mac but I receive them on my iPod

    I get messages on my iPod so I know people reply but when I look on my mac iMessage I don't have the messages. Same account everything its like my mac isn't receiving push notifications. Is there anyway to "reboot" iMessage on mac. I quit and open. I've signed out and signed back in on Accounts but nothing seems to work.
    Thankyou for your help.

    Can you Send from the Mac ?
    Do the Contacts names go red every time you try them in the 'to Spot to Start a conversation ?  (Not Registered message)
    Or do you get an alert under the text you just sent that read "Not Delivered"
    After that check the Contacts app on both are syncing.
    NOTE.  only contains this info
    It is the info in this drop down
    This side has nothing to do with the iMessages accounts.
    The same menu appears in the Menu Bar Drop down (if you display it) and the Messages > My Status item.
    You could try deleting as this holds all the accounts that Login in Messages and FaceTime and may give it an suitable "restart"
    9:05 pm      Wednesday; April 1, 2015
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • So with iMessage, i am not getting messages on my 4S, only on my MacBook Pro.  I don't want this.  I only want texts sent to my phone.  HELP!

    so with iMessage, i am not getting messages on my 4S, only on my MacBook Pro.  I don't want this.  I only want texts sent to my phone.  HELP!

    did that.  now getting no messages on anything.  opened up messages on the Mac and saw i had been sent many that never showed up on my phone.
    I tried sending a text with iMessage turned off and while it said delivered, doesn't look like it was ever seen.

  • I'm trying to download a movie, but I keep getting message error that I have no more room and that I must delete some photos or videos in order to download more movies. How do I delete the videos in order to order more?

    I'm trying to purchase and download a movie, but I keep getting message error that I have no space. The error states that I must delete some photos or videos in order to download. I've gone to iPod then edit and deleted some videos, but I'm still getting the message. What is the correct way to delete the videos and should they still be there.

    They wont still be there if you delete them,but if you have those same photos on the main computer.

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    I have an iphone 3g I tried to down load  an app for netflix and it said I  need to have ISO 5 but my phone has ISO 4.2.1 and when I  try to update it on my computer through itunes  I get message saying I have current version how or what can I do do to get an app the lets me watch netflix on my  iphone 3g .Is there an sulision to my problem? I also tried another app with another name diff from netflix and I got the same message saying i need ISO 5 .Someone please help  thank you

    Thank you for your help are you aware of any apps that will work the iso 4.2.1 system that will let you watch movies on the phone. Also I tried to down load something else the other day and got message that Safari wont let you open this is ther any to see if i have the latest safari on my phone?

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    == When I download and try to read a .pdf file and when I am asked to turn off all Firefox files and if I do, I lose them since I need to know how to save them without rebooting my computer.

    Brilliant! Problem solved! Thanks so much.

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    That essentially means that there's been no videos or slideshows added to the project as each of those items will create a button to play.  What have you added to the project?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi Folks. This is my first post/question. I have searched for the answer on these forums and elsewhere but can't locate any suggestions. Forgive me if I have overlooked anything useful already posted. My question relates to Spell Check in Mail. For s

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    I've downloaded and installed the demo of iWork '08 twice and have the same results. Pages will open but I cannot get the template chooser to come up, nor can I enter any text in a blank document. Additionally, the menus are either slow or incomplete

  • Stop a method after catching an exception

    I'm facing the following situation. I have a method that is used in the actionPerformed from a JButton. In this method there is a try block: try{     sl1 = Integer.parseInt(Text1.getText());     gh1 = Integer.parseInt(Text2.getText()); }in the catch

  • Features request for Aperture. "Render" & "Convert"

    1.- I'd really like to have a "Render" feature. This would turn a version into a real picture, something of a second master... 2.- "Convert". This would convert a real picture (master or rendered) into another formats. I think It would be nice to be