CME Auto Assign function - multi line phones?

This is my home lab - exploring the auto assign function
I have a simple CME configured using the auto assign function.  However, the auto assign only assigns a number to the primary line of a multi line phone.
Is there a way to get the function to assign a DN to every line on the phone (ie 7960?)
CME config below
 max-dn 200
 max-ephone 10
 auto assign 1 to 10 type 7960
 ip source-address X.X.X.X
 create cnf-files
ephone-dn 1
 number 2001
ephone-dn 2
 number 2002
etc, etc, etc for ephone-dns up to 10
Any ideas?

This is my home lab - exploring the auto assign function
I have a simple CME configured using the auto assign function.  However, the auto assign only assigns a number to the primary line of a multi line phone.
Is there a way to get the function to assign a DN to every line on the phone (ie 7960?)
CME config below
 max-dn 200
 max-ephone 10
 auto assign 1 to 10 type 7960
 ip source-address X.X.X.X
 create cnf-files
ephone-dn 1
 number 2001
ephone-dn 2
 number 2002
etc, etc, etc for ephone-dns up to 10
Any ideas?

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    To take into the effect of auto-assign dn's you have to perform reset or restart of the phones.
    "auto-assign" command must be followed by a reboot of the phones that are assigned. If you use the type keyword with this command, use the reset command to reboot the phones. If you do not use the type keyword with this command, use the restart command to perform a quick reboot.
    If the router is rebooted without restart/reboot of the phones after auto-assign dn then you may loose the auto assigned dn to the phone.
    Make sure that router running configuration is saved and phone is restarted / rebooted after auto assignment of dn.
    Nishant Savalia

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    -- =============================================
    -- Author:
    -- Create date: 2/3/2014
    -- Description: This multiline function will accept a generic WHERE Clause and apply it to the query for return.
    -- =============================================
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    >> Unfortunately I really need to form a dynamic query in a table valued function on the SQL SERVER. I have another tabled valued function that needs something returned as a table in order to further join the data. I am not allowed to use Stored
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    You do know that real SQL programmers hate the proprietary nightmare of tabled valued functions?  This is how you procedural programmers avoid learning set-oriented declarative and functional programming. 
    Your mindset wants to write to a scratch tape or disk file (aka “tabled valued function result table”) just like you did BASIC, FORTRAN or COBOL. QL programmers do not have to materialize their data. We can use VIEW or a drive table as well as a base table. 
    >> Plus, there are occasions where I don't want to pass in a field [sic: columns are not fields] parameter or need to change a parameter list such that I don't wish the table function to filter by a particular field [sic] or other setting. <<
    What you want is a magical “Automobiles, Squids and Lady Gaga” function. An SQL programmer might write a complex VIEW then do simpler SELECTs off it. 
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    This is a crazy language system. Usually we fetch data in SQL and then pass it to a math package, report writer, etc. We never keep logic (aka WHERE clauses) outside the database. 
    >> I am bummed about the fact that this feature doesn't work. It will up my server management costs to maintain unique tabular based functions based on WHERE clause query <<
    So stop writing those “tabular based functions”, change your mindset and start learning SQL and do it right. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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                  language         = sy-langu
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                  new_status       = new_status
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    Edited by: ashu@sap on Aug 29, 2011 9:54 AM

      After reading all your posts as per my understanding.
    1. You said that you have a dialog work item inside a loop and this has to get approved by different people at each level and at each level there could be a possibility that there can be multiple agents. In your current case it is working fine for one single agent.
      First of all why are you trying to populate the agents in a separate multiline container element. Why am I saying this is because when workflow already provides the technique to handle this kind of situation  by creating RULES and assign it to the dialog work item to determine the agents . If you would have created a rule to determine the agents based on the each level irrespective of the number of agents determined by the rule the work item will be sent to all the respective agents inbox.
    So create a RULE in such a way that based on the loop iteration or level it should determine the agent and assign this rule to the dialog task.
    2.  If am not wrong you might be using some kind of dynpro application so that is the reason you are trying to complete the work item by making use of function module. Clear me that is the user completing the work item from SAP inbox or UWL. also clear that is the task is a decision task or simple foreground task.
    If the task is a decision task then make use of the function module SAP_WAPi_DECISION_COMPLETE. if the user is executing the work item from sap inbox then there is no necessary of completing the work item. system will take care of other things.
    3. Finally You say that the work item is still appearing in the executed users inbox.
    This could be possibly because of the way you are trying to complete the work item. So to overcome this error you need to redesign your workflow by adding RULE to the dialog task. Then you wont find any issues.
    Please do not populate all level agents at one go. determine agent at each iteration of the loop independently.

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    Error Message
    The data types
    Nvarchar and Ntext are incompatible in the add operator
    Here is the syntax
    declare @Headxml nvarchar(350)
    declare @Footxml nvarchar(50)
    set @Headxml = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    [<!ENTITY  nbsp "&#xA0;"><!ENTITY quot "&#x22;">]><html><body>'
    set @Footxml = N'</body></html>'
    SELECT   ProjectOwner.ProjectUID as [ProjectUID],
    ProjectOwner.ProjectName as [Project Name],
    ProjectOwner.[Project Number] as [ECP#],
    TaskRelated.TaskName as [Task Name],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RiskID as [Risk ID],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Title as [Risk Title],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Status as [Status],   
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.AssignedToResource as [Assigned To],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Owner as [PM], 
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.DueDate as [Due Date],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Probability as [Probability],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Impact as [Impact], 
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Exposure as [Exposure],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Cost as [Cost],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CostExposure as [Cost Exposure],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.Category as [Category],
            .value(N'(/)','nvarchar(4000)'))),'') AS [YourMulti-lineCustomFieldNewName],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.MitigationPlan as [Mitigation Plan],  
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ContingencyPlan as [Contingency Plan],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.TriggerTask as [Trigger Task],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.TriggerDescription as [Trigger Description],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CreatedDate as [Created Date],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.CreateByResource as [Create By],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ModifiedByResource as [Modified By],
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ModifiedDate as [Modified],
    TaskRelated.TaskUID as [TaskUID],
    TaskRelated.TaskName as [Task Name],
    TaskRelated.TaskStartDate as [Task Start],
    TaskRelated.TaskFinishDate as [Task Finish] FROM dbo.MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS ProjectOwner ON ProjectOwner.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.ProjectUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS ProjectRelated ON ProjectRelated.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedProjectUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask_UserView AS TaskRelated ON TaskRelated.ProjectUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedProjectUID 
    AND TaskRelated.TaskUID = MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelatedTaskUID LEFT JOIN dbo.MSP_WssRelationshipType ON
    MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RelationshipTypeID = MSP_WssRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeID                
    ORDER BY ProjectOwner.ProjectName ASC,  MSP_WssRiskToTaskLinks_UserView.RiskID
    Andrew Payze

    Hi Andrew,
    We normally create a function to do this. Some examples can be found here:
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

  • N95 & Auto-Rotate Function in V21.0.016

    Wife & I both have new N95's RM-159 from 3.
    Firmware Version is V21.0.016 as mentioned in subject line.
    What neither phone seems to have is the auto-rotate function. After hours of searcing I've been unbale to find out why with this version of the firmware this isn't supported on these phones. Under Display settings no mention of auto-rotate. I've checked software updater & am told the FW is the latest revision.
    Do I need to install the accelerometer plugin to get this function to work as you have to do with rotateMe(c)Samir?
    Any help would be appreciated before I ring 3 customer services and ask them why it isn't supported.

    Your phones are normal.
    The N95 doesn't have that function as part of it's firmware. Only the N95 8GB has had this feature added in the v20 firmware.
    The firmware on the N95 is not the same as the firmware on the N95 8GB.
    It is rumoured that the feature will be in the next firmware release for the N95 which is due in the next few months.
    So the only way to get auto rotate on the old N95 is to install a program like rotateme.

  • Multi line support UCCX

    Normal an agent only has  DN on line 1 which is their ACD line however there may be a need to have the following
    Scenario A
    Line 1 ACD
    Line 2 Non ACD
    Scenario B
    Line 1 Non ACD
    Line 2 ACD
    How does UCCX react 
    If the agent is on an active Line 2 call with Scenario A , does UCCX still offer the call
    If the agent was on a Line 1 call with Scenario B  does UCCX still  offer the call
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    Thanks I saw the section for 8.0
    Cisco Unified CCX provides multiple line support using the 6900/7900/8900/9900 series phones as agent devices. The Join Across Line (JAL) and Direct Transfer Across Line (DTAL) operations are supported on the 7900/8900/9900 series phones. Up to 4 lines are monitored by Cisco Unified CCX, these include 1 ACD line and 3 non-ACD lines but only the ACD line can be controlled from the agent desktop. The agent state depends only on the ACD line on the agent's device.
    Do we need to configure anything - by assigning the device to the RM application will UCCX automatically monitor the other  lines ?
    Where does the JAL, DTAL come into play 
    Does the ACD always have to be line 1 ?

  • Auto Assignement of Service Request to Engineers in CRMOD

    Hi all,
    We have a requirment where client wants us to do Auto Assignement of Service Request to engineers based upon the availibility and workload of engineer.
    For Example: If there are XX number of SR assigned to Engineer1 , then assign the new SR to Engineer2
    Also if the Engineer 2 has no bandwidth then assign it to Engineer 3
    Could you help me with some workaround for this in OD. Or if there any partner product who provides this functionality
    Thanks & Regards,

    I have done this using Web Services / Java applying it to Team Member assignments for Opportunity. It would be a 90% plus fit that would have to be modified to apply to SRs. The rules are configurable by users as the rules are stored in a custom object in CRM On Demand. It is pretty slick and has been in production for about a year. It is a high volume client in a multi-tenent environment.
    You can write any rules that you want and the most used rules are the ones that balance work load across users that have the same role (round robin assignments). There are other rules that assign by availability based on the calendar, shifts, skills, etc. the sky is the limit.
    To create a new rule type requires writing a new method in java and adding the rule to the custom object. It is very flexible and extendable. The customer that is using it is extremely pleased with it.
    Edited by: eSteege on Aug 8, 2012 10:58 PM

  • Permanently save line spacing in a multi-line text field

    Me: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, Windows Vista
    (I think the people who will be using the form have Reader 7 on Windows)
    I work in a doctors' clinic, and we use phone message sheets to document conversations between the patients/us/nurses/doctors, and I scanned the form and made it into a fillable PDF for our secretaries to fill out more quickly. The "message" area has pre-printed lines on it, and the multi-line text field I placed there needs to match up to the lines. I used the Rich Text Formatting options to set it to "Exactly 24 Points," but I can't get it to KEEP the formatting permanently. The only way I could get it to save the formatting in that field was to put a space in it and then save it, and then give that to the 2 phone secretaries. It works perfectly the first time, but instead of just closing/re-opening the file to start a new message, one of the secretaries highlights everything in the "message" field and deletes it... which deletes the line spacing formatting. I've told her
    b numerous
    times to leave that starting space in the field, but she "forgets" so all of her messages look messed up. So is there a way to force that line spacing
    ???? Here's a shrunken screenshot of the field -- I wish I could just erase the lines altogether so the spacing wouldn't matter, but the secretaries type/print the message out, then the nurses/docs write on the page with pen so the lines have to stay.

    You can set the font size of the text. Then play with the underlines in the original document to match the needs of the font that is used. Print to a new PDF and then use replace pages to put the new page into the form without changing the form fields. I was able to do this with a word processing document by adding underlining in the document with 12 pt and setting the font to 12 pt in the text field. You can play with the font, the border of the field, and the underlining in the original document to get the desired result. Is this optimal, probably not. However it does the job.

  • How to get Characteristic Values assigned to the line item of Sales Order?

    I want to get the Characteristic Values( Variant Configuration )assigned to First Line Item of Sales Order.
    I was using the Fn. Mod.: VC_I_GET_CONFIGURATION_IBASE,
    this fn. mod. giving all the Characters but not the assigned characteristic values.
    Is there any other way to find characteristic values of sales order.
    Message was edited by: vinayaga sundaram

    For example, please see this example program.
    It lists the characteristic names, the values, and the description of the values which are tied to a sales document.
    report zrich_0001.
    * Internal Table for Characteristic Data
    data: begin of i_char occurs 0.
            include structure comw.
    data: end of i_char.
    data: xcabn type cabn.
    data: begin of xcawn,
          atwtb type cawnt-atwtb,
          end of xcawn.
    data: xvbap type vbap.
    parameters: p_vbeln type vbap-vbeln,
                p_posnr type vbap-posnr.
      select single * from vbap into xvbap
                 where vbeln = p_vbeln
                   and posnr = p_posnr.
      clear i_char.  refresh i_char.
    * Retrieve Characteristics.
      call function 'CUD0_GET_VAL_FROM_INSTANCE'
                instance           = xvbap-cuobj
                attributes         = i_char
                instance_not_found = 1.
      loop at i_char.
        clear xcabn.
        select single * from cabn into xcabn
                 where atinn = i_char-atinn.
        clear xcawn.
        select single cawnt~atwtb into xcawn
                   from cawn
                     inner join cawnt
                       on cawn~atinn = cawnt~atinn
                      and cawn~atzhl = cawnt~atzhl
                          where cawn~atinn = i_char-atinn
                            and cawn~atwrt = i_char-atwrt.
        write:/ xcabn-atnam, i_char-atwrt, xcawn-atwtb.
    RIch Heilman

  • Quota arrangement - winning contract is not auto assign in SC

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    I created a Quota Arrangement (QA). It contains 2
    contracts, for example in line item 1, contain Contract with Supplier
    'A', with target percentage of 60%. In line item 2, contain Contract with
    Supplier 'B', with target percentage of 40%. I did not specify any quotabase quantity.
    For your info, the contract for Supplier 'A" is a Purchasing Contract,
    with target value of 80 (currency Malaysian Ringgit). Contract for
    Supplier 'B' has target value of 20 (currency Malaysian Ringgit). When Icreate a Shopping Cart, with quantity 5 (each-EA) and price per unit is
    (Malaysian Ringgit), total is MYR10. When I go to Source of Supply tab,
    the system showed 2 suppliers from the 2 contracts. It did not
    automatically assigned to the winning contract. We still have to choose
    which contract to be assigned. I created another SC after that until theContract exceeded quantity, but the system does not proposed winning
    contract automatically. Please help.

    yes, the contract have company code

  • How to expand multi-line fields in pdf forms?

    I have a FormsCentral PDF form, which allows users to fill out the form and save as a PDF. However, after receiving the completed forms, I am unable to see all the text in the multi-line field boxes without opening them and scrolling down. Since I will be sharing several of these competed forms with a review panel, I would like to:
    1) Display the entire content of the multi-line field boxes rather than having the reader scroll down, then
    2)  Save the completed forms so that its read-only when I send it to the review panel
    I am not collecting responses via FormsCentral. I am just receiving the PDF via email.
    Can someone please help me?
    Thank you!

    You can use a script to change the font size to Auto, which will cause all of the text to display, assuming it can be even at a font size of 4. For example, the following code can be executed in the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J):
    // Set the font size to Auto for a text field named "Text1"
    getField("Text1").textSize = 0;
    A script that will change this for all multline fields in the form is:
    // Set the font size for all multiline fields to Auto
    for (var i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        var fName = getNthFieldName(i);
        var f = getField(fName);
        if (f.type === "text" && f.multiline && f.textSize !== 0) {
            f.textSize = 0;
    This script could be included in an Action if you want to do this for a collection of forms.

  • Why is the multi-line option not allowed in my text fields? Acrobat X Pro

    I have created a form in which I wish to make mulit-line fields. To create the original fields, I used auto field detect, then copied and pasted them to repeat in a chart. None of these fields allow me to select the multi-line and scroll text options I need (including the first auto-detected ones). When I draw a new field, it allows me to apply multi-line and scroll text. Any idea whay these first fields arent allowing the same? thanks!

    ah! found it - the option for Comb of Characters was checked, thus greying out the other options. Thanks anyway!

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    I need to populate a multi-line display item in Forms 6i.
    The problem that I am having is the actual assignment to the display item.
    For example:
    :DISPLAY_ITEM := '10';
    :DISPLAY_ITEM := '11';
    This makes the display item show the value '11' only.
    I need '10' on the first line and '11' on the second line, etc.
    Thanks in advance,

    well, you can write:
    but for this- 1. block should have one navigable item. 2. display_item should not be the first item of the block.
    Otherwise you will need to create a non-databse text_item with width 0 on the canvas for that block.
    Hope this helps.

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