CNMASS Executing at listed level

Hi Experts,
I was trying to carry out a change for profit center for all my WBS in the system. However I only wanted to change all the WBS at level 4, however, when I put level 4 to 4 under the 'Additial WBS criteria' even the level 2 and level 3 WBS got changed. I have also under DB profile unchecked the include hierarchy. Experts please assist. Thanks.

Hi there !!
I'm having the same exact problem in transaction CNMASS.
Just want to change several level 2 WBS Elements and the program keeps changing also the level 1 WBS.
Anyone can help ?!?!

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    Thanks Michael!
    So your suggestion is to create the pricing in ECC and then download it in CRM...
    Now tat would mean that first the mapping has to be performed in ECC for the existing paroducts and product category..then create pricing for those mapped prod. cat. in ECC and then download it to CR M..plz correct me if I am wrong...

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    You mean you want an outbound dialler.. just like it's being used in a call center?
    That is most definitely a case for CTI.. you need to know when one call ends and when to make another one and the only way to do this (well, you could do phone polling, but that's nasty and unreliable) is CTI. And you also need to consider how cell centers work... agents need to be able to hit a pause button for their coffee / cigarette /bathroom breaks, they need wrapup time, etc.
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    Age                     1
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    Less than 9 months      1.2
    Less than 1 year        1.3
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    Danger                  2.1
    High                    2.1.1
    medium                  2.1.2
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    I think this is a job for sys_connect_by_path....
    with p as
    (   select 'Age'             descr  ,'1' cat from dual union all
       select 'Less than 3 months'      ,'1.1' cat from dual UNION ALL
       select 'Less than 9 months'      ,'1.2' cat from dual union all
       select 'Less than 1 year'        ,'1.3' cat from dual union all
       select 'Risk'                    ,'2' cat from dual union all
       select 'Danger'                  ,'2.1' cat from dual union all
       select 'High'                    ,'2.1.1' cat from dual union all
       select 'medium'                  ,'2.1.2' cat from dual union all
       select 'low'                     ,'2.1.3' cat from dual
        LTRIM(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(descr,'.'),'.') route
                SUBSTR(cat,1,INSTR(cat,'.',-1)-1) parent
        parent IS NULL
        PRIOR cat = parent
    SQL> with p as
      2  (   select 'Age'             descr  ,'1' cat from dual union all
      3     select 'Less than 3 months'      ,'1.1' cat from dual UNION ALL
      4     select 'Less than 9 months'      ,'1.2' cat from dual union all
      5     select 'Less than 1 year'        ,'1.3' cat from dual union all
      6     select 'Risk'                    ,'2' cat from dual union all
      7     select 'Danger'                  ,'2.1' cat from dual union all
      8     select 'High'                    ,'2.1.1' cat from dual union all
      9     select 'medium'                  ,'2.1.2' cat from dual union all
    10     select 'low'                     ,'2.1.3' cat from dual
    11  )
    12  SELECT
    13      cat,
    14      LTRIM(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(descr,'.'),'.') route
    15  FROM
    16      (
    17          SELECT
    18              descr,
    19              cat,
    20              SUBSTR(cat,1,INSTR(cat,'.',-1)-1) parent
    21          FROM
    22              p
    23      )
    24  START WITH
    25      parent IS NULL
    26  CONNECT BY
    27      PRIOR cat = parent
    28  /
    1     Age
    1.1   Age.Less than 3 months
    1.2   Age.Less than 9 months
    1.3   Age.Less than 1 year
    2     Risk
    2.1   Risk.Danger
    2.1.1 Risk.Danger.High
    2.1.2 Risk.Danger.medium
    2.1.3 Risk.Danger.lowHTH
    Edited by: Bravid on Sep 2, 2011 2:50 PM

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    I tried to
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    Yes, you are right.

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    sy-lsind it has got different list levels
    at back user command write code
    it will help u surely
    thanx n regards
    plz award
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    Hi, experts!
    I'm working with SAP CRM 7.0 and have the following situation.
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    2. Now, i do a different sequence.....i first see the data for Detaills All......the Result is 10.....and then I go to Totals Level and result becomes 5.
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    Any idea how can I solve this issue.....??
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    Do I need to use the Drill Up and Drill Down Functionality ?
    thanks & regards

    For quick assistance post testable script.
    Tree processing examples using recursive CTE:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    Free T-SQL Scripts
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Blog Permission requires 'Manage List' level just to edit a post

    SharePoint 2013
    I'm posting this is a few flavors all over the internet because I'm not getting any responses. Basically I feel their is a bug in that a user that has contribute permissions can not edit a blog post because the "edit" menu option does not show.
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    or the Post page when looking at a specific post.
    You can however manually change the URL to the EditPost.aspx page and it will let you edit. It is as if the "Edit Menu" is linked to the "Manage List" permission instead of the "Edit Items" permission.
    Standard users should be able to create post, edit post, but not change the settings of the entire Blog Post library!

    Danny.. sincerely thank you for trying to help. This is very frustrating.
    So to make sure the problem is not something I caused, I've been doing all this on a clean Win 2008 R2 Virtual Machine. I then perform nothing special and simply do the following:
    1) Install SharePoint Foundation 2013 - Stand Alone (although this problem also exists in my Domain Farm as well as my trial version of Office 2013). As part of the install, I do install the required March CU (KB2768000) but no other SharePoint\Office
    2) With no other changes but the fresh install, I open Central Admin  --> Create Site Collections --> myBlog (via the Blog Template)
    3) I then go to {/sites/myBlog} --> Site Settings --> Site Permissions. I then add the following test accounts as such....
       myBlog Owners (Full Control) <-- SPOwner
       myBlog Members (Contribute) <-- SPMember
       myBlog Visitors (Read) <-- SPVisitor
    4) Verify (which is the default) that Site Settings --> Site Libraries and List --> Customize Posts --> Advanced Settings --> Create and Edit Access = "Create and edit all items"
    ... Now I sign in as each of the 'test accounts' and the results are as follows.
    spOwner = Home page DOES show the Edit link next to the "email a link" option for the "Welcome" Blog Post.
    spMember = Home page does NOT show the Edit link next to the "email a link" option for the "Welcome" Blog Post.
    spVisitor = Home page does NOT show the Edit link next to the "email a link" option for the "Welcome" Blog Post.
    ... Now if I add the "Edit Permission" to the Members and Visitors group the Edit link DOES show. However, for both accounts (SPMember & SPVisitor), I can now do the following...
    COG --> Site Settings --> Site Libraries and Lists --> Customize Post --> Versioning Settings --> Require content Approval = Yes.
    As a Visitor (now with Edit Rights) I was even able to COG --> Add an App --> {take your pick}
    How scary is that ?!?!?!

  • Force Form to Execute builtin trigger at form level

    I have form 10g R2 I put PRE-UPDATE trigger at block level and Form level but I when I update a record it executes only block level update trigger, I want to execute both builtin at block as well as form level, is there a way.
    Thanks and Regards, Khawar.
    Message was edited by:
    S. Khawar

    I created a test form (Oracle Forms 10g r1) that hits the EMP table in the SCOTT schema. In the form, I added a Pre-Update trigger at the Form and Block level. With the "Execution Hierarchy" (EH) left at the default Override, saving my form caused only the Block Pre-Update trigger to fire. Changing the Block EH to Before and the Form EH to After caused the Block Pre-Update to fire first followed by the Form Pre-Update. I then changed the Form EH to Before and the Block EH to After and tried it again. This time, the Save caused the Form Pre-Update to fire first and the Block Pre-Update to fire second. Therefore, S.Khawar, depending on which Pre-Update trigger you want to fire first, I suggest you set the Execution Hierarchy accordingly.
    That was an fun little exercise. I've had this discussion with people before, but never took the time to throw together a test case to confirm what really happens in a Form. Steve - thanks for raising the question! :-)

  • How to check list of users from OS level with type and validity AIX+DB2

    We have 40 clients in our ECC -PRD system. we do not have authorizations to login all clients , only we have 000 accessonly.
    we need to check all users type and validity in the system. can any one please help me this script.

    Yes you can check the user validity and tye from OS level with DB script.
    ORACLE SQL scripts : I assume that schema for your system as sapr3.
    First you check the table fields by desc sapr3.usr02;
    then can select these fields for user as select <field name1>, <field name2> from sapr3.user02 where uname=<required user name> and mandt=<client>;
    check exact details before you execute script @ ORA level*
    If you want to see logged on users - you can see them with your '000' ID for all 40 clients.
    Hope this helps.
    Amit Thombare

  • Process Level Config in SRM 7.0 workflow

    I am implementing Process-controlled workflow in SRM 7.0 for the first time. We have identified some 5 levels of approver depending on the total shopping Cart value.
    1. >= $XXX; Product Category manager (based on UNSPSC code at item level)
    2. >= $x,xxx: Line manager
    3. >= $xx,xxx; Cost Center manager (based on cost center)
    and so on ..
    As per my understanding,
    First we need to create following Filter values for RESP_RESOLVER_NAME:
    Then, based on these filter the following BAdi implementations will be called to get responsible approver list:
    and the process level may have the following entries for BUS2121, Zevalution ID & Zprocess schema:
    Level #     Level Type     Evaluation ID     Responsibility Resolver Name                     Task ID     Decision Type
    100     Approval     ZEV_SC_001     ZSC_PRODUCTCAT_MANAGER     40007953     4
    150     Approval     ZEV_SC_002     RR_MANAGER     40007953     4
    200     Approval     ZEV_SC_003     ZSC_COSTCTR_MANAGER     40007953     4
    999 automatic
    Create the custom events & expressions:
    Evaluation ID                          Expression                          SAP formula builder
    ZEV_SC_001     ZE_SC_LEVEL_001     Total Shopping Cart value exceeds $ XXX
    ZEV_SC_002     ZE_SC_LEVEL_002     Total Shopping Cart value exceeds $ X,XXX
    ZEV_SC_003     ZE_SC_LEVEL_003     Total Shopping Cart value exceeds $ XX,XXX
    Am I going in the correct way..or
    Can we do it using SAP standard events, expressions or spending limit approver badi implementation with only one process level for RR_SPENDING_LIMIT_APPROVER, using some custom tables for Product Cat manger/Cost Center manager list.

    Hi all,
    I have a client requirement like below,
    A PO is in ordered status and if some one chages the PO value and if the changed value is more than 1000 Euros then the PO has to go through the approval process else it should go for an automatic approval.
    Can any of you please guide me how to acheive this functionality.
    Just for reference I am giving some details :
    I have created an Eval Id (ZEVAL, this is the event), and this event linked to a expression(ZDET_SCHEMA: Function module for determining the schema), and I have 2 process levels for the schema
    1 Level will have folowing details:
    Level # Level Type Evaluation ID Responsibility Resolver Name Task ID Decision Type
    100        Approval       ZE_PO_EXE                      ZE_PO_APP 40007953 4
    and the evalutio id ZE_PO_EXE  points to an expression(ZDET_PO_CALC Function module) ZDET_PO_CALC Function module will have the actual manipulation for calculating the price change and passes a result 'X' or space , if 'X' level 100 will get excecuted else level 2 will be executed.
    2 Level will have an automatic approval
    But some how this is not working as per the requirement.
    Any info will be highly apreciated.
    Thanks in advance

  • List-processing: limitations to 255 chars per line?

    check the sample code below and if possible, execute it in some of your systems:
      line(300) TYPE c.
    WRITE '0123456789' TO line+250(10).
    WRITE: / 'From variable', /.
    WRITE  line.
    WRITE: / 'Directly to the list', /.
    WRITE AT 251 '0123456789'.
    As you can see from the execution, when writing something into the char variable (in this case line), and try to put it into your screen, there is a limitation - only the first 255 characters of the variable take place in the resulted list. But, if you write directly into the list, this limitation is missing.
    My question is closely related to this limitation:
    Is there a possibility to avoid this limitation while putting something into the variable, and after that writing it to the list?
    Situation is: I have quite complex report to rewrite (with several lists, and complex header texts for each list), which uses this technique - write to internal table, after that loop at the table and use simple write statement. I would like to save my effort and time and to use a a possibility to write variables longer than 255 chars to the list - if there is any.
    So? Is there such a possibility?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Ivaylo Mutafchiev

    HI Ivaylo
    Below is from documenation:
    Creates a report with col columns per line.
    If the LINE-SIZE specification is missing, the line length corresponds to the current screen width. The system field SY-LINSZ contains the current line size for generating lists. The maximum width of a list is 1023 characters. You should keep lists to the minimum possible size to improve useability and performance (recommendation: LINE-SIZE < 132). For very wide lists (LINE-SIZE > 255), you should consult the notes for using LINE-SIZE
    greater than 255.
    The specified LINE-SIZE must not appear in quotation marks.
    If the you want the report list (i.e. the output) to be printable, do not define a LINE-SIZE with a value greater than 132 because most printers cannot handle wider lists. <b>You cannot print lists wider than 255 characters at all using the standard print functions.</b> To print the contents of the lists, you need to write a special print routine that arranges the data in shorter lines (for example, using the PRINT ON addition in the NEW-PAGE statement.
    At the beginning of a new list level, you can set a fixed line width for the level using the ... LINE SIZE addition to the NEW-PAGE statement.
    Maybe the highlighted portion might be one reason for this behaviour.
    Kind Regards

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