ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers

I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
@dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
This particular question is not regarding <cfclient>, hence posting it on the regular forum, not on the mobile-specific one as Anit suggested. I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
I've been wanting to write an article about the new custom serialiser one can have in ColdFusion 11, but having looked at it I have more questions than I have answers, so I have put it off. But, equally, I have no place to ask the questions, so I'm stymied. So I figured I'd write an article covering my initial questions. Maybe someone can answer then.
ColdFusion 11 has added the notion of a custom serialiser a website can have (docs: "Support for pluggable serializer and deserializer"). The idea is that whilst Adobe can dictate the serialisation rules for its own data types, it cannot sensibly infer how a CFC instance might get serialised: as each CFC represents a different data "schema", there is no "one size fits all" approach to handling it. So this is where the custom serialiser comes in. Kind of. If it wasn't a bit rubbish. Here's my exploration thusfar.
One can specify a custom serialiser by adding a setting to Application.cfc:
component { = "serialiser01";     this.customSerializer="Serialiser"; }
In this case the value - Serialiser - is the name of a CFC, eg:
// Serialiser.cfccomponent {     public function canSerialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function canDeserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function serialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "SERIALISED";     }     public function deserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "DESERIALISED";     }     private function logArgs(required struct args, required string from){         var dumpFile = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "dump_#from#.html";         if (fileExists(dumpFile)){             fileDelete(dumpFile);         }         writeDump(var=args, label=from, output=dumpFile, format="html");     } }
This CFC needs to implement four methods:
canSerialize() - indicates whether something can be serialised by the serialiser;
canDeserialize() - indicates whether something can be deserialised by the serialiser;
serialize() - the function used to serialise something
deserialize() - the function used to deserialise something
I'm being purposely vague on those functions for a reason. I'll get to that.
The first [issue] in the implementation here is that for the custom serialisation to work, all four of those methods must be implemented in the serisalisation CFC. So common sense would dictate that a way to enforce that would be to require the CFC to implement an interface. That's what interfaces are for. Now I know people will argue the merit of having interfaces in CFML, but I don't really give a [monkey's] about that: CFML has interfaces, and this is what they're for. So when one specifies the serialiser in Application.cfc and it doesn't fulfil the interface requirement, it should error. Right then. When one specifies the inappropriate tool for the job. What instead happens is if the functions are omitted, one will get erratic behaviour in the application, through to outright errors when ColdFusion goes to call the functions and cannot find it. EG: if I have canSerialize() but no serialize() method, CF will error when it comes to serialise something:
JSON serialization failure: Unable to serialize to JSON.
Reason : The method serialize was not found in component C:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/Serialiser .cfc.
The error occurred inC:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/testBasic.c fm: line 4
2 : o = new Basic();
3 :
4 : serialised = serializeJson(o);5 : writeDump([serialised]);
6 :
Note that the error comes when I go to serialise something, not when ColdFusion is told about the serialiser in the first place. This is just lazy/thoughtless implementation on the part of Adobe. It invites bugs, and is just sloppy.
The second [issue] follows immediately on from this.
Given my sample serialiser above, I then run this test code to examine some stuff:
o = new Basic(); serialised = serializeJson(o); writeDump([serialised]); deserialised = deserializeJson(serialised); writeDump([deserialised]);
So all I'm doing is using (de)serializeJson() as a baseline to see how the functions work. here's Basic.cfc, btw:
component { }
And the test output:
This is as one would expect. OK, so that "works". But now... you'll've noted I am logging the arguments each of the serialisation methods receives, as I got.
Here's the arguments passed to canSerialize():
canSerialize - struct
My reaction to that is: "[WTH]?" Why is canSerialize() being passed the string "XML" when I'm trying to serialise an object of type Basic.cfc?
Here's the docs for canSerialize() (from the page I linked to earlier):
CanSerialize - Returns a boolean value and takes the "Accept Type" of the request as the argument. You can return true if you want the customserialzer to serialize the data to the passed argument type.
Again, back to "[WTH]?" What's the "Accept type" of the request? And what the hell has the request got to do with a call to serializeJson()? You might think that "Accept type" references some HTTP header or something, but there is no "Accept type" header in the HTTP spec (that I can find: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1: 14 Header Field Definitions"). There's an "Accept" header (in this case: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"), and other ones like "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language"... but none of which contain a value of "XML". Even if there was... how would it be relevant to the question as to whether a Basic.cfc instance can be serialised? Raised as bug: 3750730.
serialize() gets more sensible arguments:
serialize - struct
1 - component scribble.shared.git.blogExamples.coldfusion.CF11.customerserialiser.Basic
So the first is the object to serialise (which surely should be part of the question canSerialize() is supposed to ask, and the format to serialise to. Cool.
canDeserialize() is passed this:
canDeserialize - struct
I guess it's because it's being called from deserializeJson(), so it's legit to expect the input value is indeed JSON. Fair enough. (Note: I'm not actually passing it JSON, but that's beside the point here).
And deserialize() is passed this:
deserialize - struct
[empty string]
The first argument is the value to work on, and the second is the type of deserialisation to do. I have no idea what the third argument is for, and it's not mentioned directly or indirectly on that docs page. So dunno what the story is there.
The next issue isn't a code-oriented one, but an implementation one: how the hell are we expected to work with this?
The only way to work here is for each function to have a long array of IF/ELSEIF statements which somehow identify each object type that is serialisable, and then return true from canSerialise(), or in the case of serialize(), go ahead and do the serialisation. So this means this one CFC needs to know about everything which can be serialised in the entire application. Talk about a failure in "separation of concerns".
You know the best way of determining if an object can be seriaslised? Ask it! Don't rely on something else needing to know. This can be achieved very easily in one of two ways:
Check to see if the object implements a "Serializable" interface, which requires a serialize() method to exist.
Or simply take the duck-typing approach: if a CFC implements a serialize() method: it can be serialised. By calling that method. Job done.
Either approach would work fine, keeps things nicely encapsulated, and I see merits in both. And either make far more sense than Adobe's approach. Which is like something from the "OO Failures Special Needs" class.
Deserialisation is trickier. Because it relies on somehow working out how to deserialise() an object. I'm not sure of the best approach here, but - again - how to deserialise something should be as close to the thing needing deserialisation as possible. IE: something in the serialised data itself which can be used to bootstrap the process.
This could simply be a matter of specifying a CFC type at a known place in the serialised data. EG: Adobe stipulates that if the serialised data is JSON, and at the top level of the JSON is a key eg: type, and the value is an extant CFC... use that CFC's deserialize() method. Or it could look for an object which contains a type and a method, or whatever. But Adobe can specify a contract there.
The only place I see a centralised CFC being relevant here is for a mechanism for handling serialised data that is neither a ColdFusion internal type, nor identifiable as above. In this case, perhaps they could provide a mechanism for a serialisation router, which basically has a bunch of routes (if/elseifs if need be) which contains logic as to how to work out how to deserialise the data. But it should not be the actual deserialiser, it should simply have the mechanism to find out how to do it. This is actually pretty much the same in operation as the deserialize() approach in the current implementation, but it doesn't need the canDeserialize() method (it can return false at the end of the routing), and it doesn't need to know about serialising. And also it's not the main mechanism to do the deserialisation, it's just the fall back if the prescribed approach hasn't been used.
TBH, this still sounds a bit jerry-built, and I'm open for better suggestions. This is probably a well-trod subject in other languages, so it might be worth looking at how the likes of Groovy, Ruby or even PHP (eek!) achieve this.
There's still another issue with the current approach. And this demonstrates that the Adobe guys don't actually work with either CFML applications or even modern websites. This approach only works for a single, stand-alone website (like how we might have done in 2001). What if I'm not in the business of building websites, but I build applications such as FW/1 or ColdBox or the like? Or any sort of "helper" application. They cannot use the current Adobe implementation of the customserializer. Why? Because the serialisation code needs to be in a website-specific CFC. There's no way for Luis to implement a custom serialiser in ColdBox (for example), and then have it work for someone using ColdBox. Because it relies on either editing Application.cfc to specify a different CFC, or editing the existing customSerializer CFC. Neither of which are very good solutions. This should have been immediately apparent to the Adobe engineer(s) implementing this stuff had they actually had any experience with modern web applications (which generally aren't just a single monolithic site, but an aggregation of various other sub applications). Equally, I know it's not a case of having thought about this and [I'm just missing something], because when I asked them the other day, at first they didn't even get what I was asking, but when I clarified were just like "oh yeah... um... err... yeah, you can't do that. We'll... have to... ah yeah". This has been raised as bug 3750731.
So I declare the intent here valid, but the implementation to be more alpha- / pre-release- quality, not release-ready.
Still: it could be easily deprecated and rework fairly easily. I've raised this as bug 3750732.
Or am I missing something?

Yes, you can easily add additional questions to the Lookup.WebClient.Questions Lookup to allow some additional choices. We have added quite a few additional choices, we have noticed that removing them once people have selected them causes some errors.
You can also customize the required number of questions to select when each user sets them up as well as the number required to be correct to reset the password, these options are in the System Configuration settings.
If you need multi-language versions of the questions, you will also need to modify the appropriate language resource file in the xlWebApp.war file to provide the necessary translations for the values entered into the Lookup.

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    The questions and answers descriptions are not possible to display in the reports today.
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    Hi there,
    Pl. find herewith the answers of the questions posted on the forum.
    1. What are plan versions used for?
    Ans : Plan versions are scenarios in which you can create organizational plans.
    •     In the plan version which you have flagged as the active plan version, you create your current valid organizational plan. This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with Personnel Administration is active.
    •     You use additional plan versions to create additional organizational plans as planning scenarios.
    As a rule, a plan version contains one organizational structure, that is, one root organizational unit. It is, however, possible to create more than one root organizational unit, that is more than one organizational structure in a plan version.
    For more information on creating plan versions, see the Implementation Guide (IMG), under Personnel Management &#61614; Global Settings in Personnel Management &#61614; Plan Version Maintenance.
    2. What are the basic object types?
    Ans. An organization object type has an attribute that refers to an object of the organization management (position, job, user, and so on). The organization object type is linked to a business object type.
    The business object type BUS1001 (material) has the organization object type T024L (laboratory) as the attribute that on the other hand has an object of the organization management as the attribute. Thus, a specific material is linked with particular employees using an assigned laboratory.
    3. What is the difference between a job and a position?
    Ans. Job is not a concrete, it is General holding various task to perform which is generic.(Eg: Manager, General Manager, Executive).
    Positions are related to persons and Position is concrete and specific which are occupied by Persons. (Eg: Manager - HR, GM – HR, Executive - HR).
    4. What is the difference between an organizational unit and a work centre?
    Ans. Work Centre : A work center is an organizational unit that represents a suitably-equipped zone where assigned operations can be performed. A zone is a physical location in a site dedicated to a specific function. 
    Organization Unit : Organizational object (object key O) used to form the basis of an organizational plan. Organizational units are functional units in an enterprise. According to how tasks are divided up within an enterprise, these can be departments, groups or project teams, for example.
    Organizational units differ from other units in an enterprise such as personnel areas, company codes, business areas etc. These are used to depict structures (administration or accounting) in the corresponding components.
    5. Where can you maintain relationships between objects?
    Ans. Infotype 1001 that defines the Relationships between different objects.
    There are many types of possible relationships between different objects. Each individual relationship is actually a subtype or category of the Relationships infotype.
    Certain relationships can only be assigned to certain objects. That means that when you create relationship infotype records, you must select a relationship that is suitable for the two objects involved. For example, a relationship between two organizational units might not make any sense for a work center and a job.
    6. What are the main areas of the Organization and Staffing user interfaces?
    Ans. You use the user interface in the Organization and Staffing or Organization and Staffing (Workflow) view to create, display and edit organizational plans.
    The user interface is divided into various areas, each of it which fulfills specific functions.
    Search Area
    Selection Area
    Overview Area
    Details Area
    Together, the search area and the selection area make up the Object Manager.
    7. What is Expert Mode used for?
    Ans. interface is used to create Org structure. Using Infotypes we can create Objects in Expert mode and we have to use different transactions to create various types of objects.  If the company needs to create a huge structure, we will use Simple maintenance, because it is user friendly that is it is easy to create a structure, the system automatically relationship between the objects.
    8. Can you create cost centers in Expert Mode?
    Ans. Probably not. You create cost center assignments to assign a cost center to an organizational unit, or position.
    When you create a cost center assignment, the system creates a relationship record between the organizational unit or position and the cost center. (This is relationship A/B 011.) No assignment percentage record can be entered.
    9. Can you assign people to jobs in Expert Mode?
    10. Can you use the organizational structure to create a matrix organization?
    Ans. By depicting your organizational units and the hierarchical or matrix relationships between them, you model the organizational structure of your enterprise.
    This organizational structure is the basis for the creation of an organizational plan, as every position in your enterprise is assigned to an organizational unit. This defines the reporting structure.
    11. In general structure maintenance, is it possible to represent the legal entity of organizational units?
    12. What is the Object Infotype (1000) used for?
    Ans. Infotype that determines the existence of an organizational object.
    As soon as you have created an object using this infotype, you can determine additional object characteristics and relationships to other objects using other infotypes.
    To create new objects you must:
    •     Define a validity period for the object
    •     Provide an abbreviation to represent the object
    •     Provide a brief description of the object
    The validity period you apply to the object automatically limits the validity of any infotype records you append to the object. The validity periods for appended infotype records cannot exceed that of the Object infotype.
    The abbreviation assigned to an object in the system renders it easily identifiable. It is helpful to use easily recognizable abbreviations.
    You can change abbreviations and descriptions at a later time by editing object infotype records. However, you cannot change an object’s validity period in this manner. This must be done using the Delimit function.
    You can also delete the objects you create. However, if you delete an object the system erases all record of the object from the database. You should only delete objects if they are not valid at all (for example, if you create an object accidentally)
    13. What is the Relationships Infotype (1001) used for?
    Ans. Infotype that defines the Relationships between different objects.
    You indicate that a employee or user holds a position by creating a relationship infotype record between the position and the employee or user. Relationships between various organizational units form the organizational structure in your enterprise. You identify the tasks that the holder of a position must perform by creating relationship infotype records between individual tasks and a position.
    Creating and editing relationship infotype records is an essential part of setting up information in the Organizational Management component. Without relationships, all you have are isolated pieces of information.
    You must decide the types of relationship record you require for your organizational structure.
    If you work in Infotype Maintenance, you must create relationship records manually. However, if you work in Simple Maintenance and Structural Graphics, the system creates certain relationships automatically.
    14. Which status can Infotypes in the Organizational Management component have?
    Ans. Once you have created the basic framework of your organizational plan in Simple Maintenance, you can create and maintain all infotypes allowed for individual objects in your organizational plan. These can be the basic object types of Organizational Management – organizational unit, position, work center and task. You can also maintain object types, which do not belong to Organizational Management.
    15. What is an evaluation path?
    Ans. An evaluation path describes a chain of relationships that exists between individual organizational objects in the organizational plan.
    Evaluation paths are used in connection with the definition of roles and views.
    The evaluation path O-S-P describes the relationship chain Organizational unit > Position > Employee.
    Evaluation paths are used to select other objects from one particular organizational object. The system evaluates the organizational plan along the evaluation path.
    Starting from an organizational unit, evaluation path O-S-P is used to establish all persons who belong to this organizational unit or subordinate organizational units via their positions.
    16. What is Managers Desktop used for?
    Ans. Manager's Desktop assists in the performance of administrative and organizational management tasks. In addition to functions in Personnel Management, Manager's Desktop also covers other application components like Controlling, where it supports manual planning or the information system for cost centers.
    17. Is it possible to set up new evaluation paths in Customizing?
    Ans. You can use the evaluation paths available or define your own. Before creating new evaluation paths, check the evaluation paths available as standard.
    18. Which situations require new evaluation paths?
    Ans. When using an evaluation path in a view, you should consider the following:
    Define the evaluation path in such a manner that the relationship chain always starts from a user (object type US in Organizational Management) and ends at an organizational unit, a position or a user.
    When defining the evaluation path, use the Skip indicator in order not to overload the result of the evaluation.
    19. How do you set up integration between Personnel Administration and Organizational Management?
    Ans. Integration between the Organizational Management and Personnel Administration components enables you to,
    Use data from one component in the other
    Keep data in the two components consistent
    Basically its relationship between person and position.
    Objects in the integration plan version in the Organizational Management component must also be contained in the following Personnel Administration tables:
    Tables                    Objects
    T528B and T528T     Positions
    T513S and T513     Jobs
    T527X                    Organizational units
    If integration is active and you create or delete these objects in Organizational Management transactions, the system also creates or deletes the corresponding entries automatically in the tables mentioned above. Entries that were created automatically are indicated by a "P". You cannot change or delete them manually. Entries you create manually cannot have the "P" indicator (the entry cannot be maintained manually).
    You can transfer either the long or the short texts of Organizational Management objects to the Personnel Administration tables. You do this in the Implementation Guide under Organizational Management -> Integration -> Integration with Personnel Administration -> Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration. If you change these control entries at a later date, you must also change the relevant table texts. To do that you use the report RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (OM with PA)).
    When you activate integration for the first time, you must ensure that the Personnel Administration and the Organizational Management databases are consistent. To do this, you use the reports:
    •        RHINTE00 (Adopt organizational assignment  (PA to PD))
    •        RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (PD to PA))
    •        RHINTE20 (Check Program Integration PA - PD)
    •        RHINTE30 (Create Batch Input Folder for Infotype 0001)
    The following table entries are also required:
    •        PLOGI PRELI in Customizing for Organizational Management (under Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration). This entry defines the standard position number.
    •        INTE in table T77FC
    •        INTE_PS, INTE_OSP, INTEBACK, INTECHEK and INTEGRAT in Customizing under Global Settings ® &#61472;Maintain Evaluation Paths.
    These table entries are included in the SAP standard system. You must not change them.
    Since integration enables you to create relationships between persons and positions (A/B 008), you may be required to include appropriate entries to control the validation of these relationships. You make the necessary settings for this check in Customizing under Global Settings ® Maintain Relationships.
    Devang Nandha
    "Together, Transform Business Process by leveraging Information Technology to Grow and Excel in Business".

  • WTC Questions and Answers

    Here are some common WTC questions and answers:
    Q1: What is the transaction story for WTC between WLS and Tuxedo and how
    does it differ from Jolt?
    A1: In version 1.0 of WTC transactions may be started in WLS and will
    "infect" Tuxedo with the same transaction. That implies that there is one
    and only one commit coordinator, and that is in WLS. In version 1.0 of WTC
    transactions originating
    in Tuxedo via WTC is not supported. In version 1.1 of WTC transactions from
    Tuxedo into WLS via WTC can be used, but only in Beta mode, as we will not
    have done the required QA of "inbound" transactions. In order to use
    inbound transactions in WTC 1.1 you will need to turn on the use of beta
    features with an attribute called "UseBetaFeatures" on the WTC Startup class
    in WLS.
    This differs from Jolt in that while Jolt can start transactions in Tuxedo,
    these transactions are not coordinated with anything in WLS. Hence it is
    impossible to do a 2 phase commit which involves WLS resources and Tuxedo
    resources with Jolt. Since Jolt does not have any means of invoking WLS
    services transactions in that direction do not make sense.
    Q2. How does the security mapping work?
    A2: WLS and Tuxedo can share the same set of users (though they may be
    administered differently in the two systems) and the users can propagate
    their credentials from one system to the other. For example, if John Wells
    logs into WLS then the services which he invokes in Tuxedo will have all of
    the ACL permissions of John Wells as defined on the Tuxedo side.
    Furthermore, if Jolene User logs into Tuxedo then any resources she attempts
    to access in WLS via WTC will be checked against Jolene User's rights in WLS
    In order to accomplish this, a few things need to be set up:
    1. You must be using Tuxedo 7.1 or Tuxedo 8.0 for this to work. Tuxedo 6.5
    did not have the security infrastructure necessary to make this happen.
    2. In your BDMCONFIG on the Tuxedo side you will need to set ACL_POLICY and
    CREDENTIAL_POLICY to "GLOBAL" for the WLS remote domain. ACL_POLICY
    controls whether or not a domain accepts credentials coming from a remote
    domain and CREDENTIAL_POLICY controls whether or not we send credentials to
    a remote domain. (In Tuxedo 7.1 there was no CREDENTIAL_POLICY - we always
    sent the credentials to the remote domain).
    3. In your BDMCONFIG on the WLS side you must likewise specify <ACL_POLICY>
    4. On the WLS side you must also configure a <TpUsrFile> which will point
    to a file of the exact same format as the tpusr file generated by the
    various Tuxedo commands to add and delete users. (Which also happens to be
    of the same format as the unix /etc/passwd file). WTC needs this file
    because in WLS users do not have user identification numbers or group
    identification numbers. Hence we need a way to map WLS users into the
    standard Tuxedo UID/GID appkey.
    Voila! You have now set up your system such that users logged into either
    system can be given access privelidges in the other system. This is known
    as single sign-on. We are currently working on a way to better integrate
    the two user databases between WLS and Tuxedo, and one day we will have
    single administration and single-sign on!
    Q3: How is the performance of WTC?
    A3: Obviously, results will vary based on your machine, CPU, application
    (i.e., transactions/no transactions) etc...
    However, in the performance lab here we have seen WTC perform at levels that
    nearly equal Tuxedo in a similar configuration. The performance is equal to
    or better than Jolt, and will scale much better than Jolt because of the
    concentration of network bandwidth.
    Q4: What fail-over/fail-back mechanisms are there in WTC?
    A4: WTC has many of the same fail-over fail-back mechanisms which /T
    domains had. Any service can be offered by multiple remote domains, and if
    a domain link is down we will attempt all of the backup domains. In /T
    domains there was a limit of three backup remote domains, but in WTC there
    is no limit to the number of backup domains you can configure for a service.
    Furthermore, we support the connection policies of ON_STARTUP, ON_DEMAND and
    INCOMING_ONLY. If the policy is ON_STARTUP then you can also configure a
    retry interval and max-retries. We will attempt to connect to ON_STARTUP
    remote domains every retry interval for a maximum number of retries before
    giving up. If a domain is configured as ON_STARTUP or INCOMING_ONLY and the
    connection is not currently established then no services will be routed to
    that remote domain.
    Q5: What support features are available in WTC?
    A5: WTC has a tracing feature which can be enabled dynamically. If a
    customer reports a problem, support will likely ask the customer to turn
    tracing on and send a log file. This tracing facility has several levels of
    severity and can also help debug WTC applications. It is turned on by
    setting TraceLevel in the WTC startup class. The following are the defined
    10000 - TBRIDGE Input/Output
    15000 - TBRIDGE extra information
    20000 - Gateway Input/Output (this will trace the ATMI verbs)
    25000 - Gateway extra information
    50000 - JATMI Input/Output (this will trace the low-level jatmi calls)
    55000 - JATMI extra information
    60000 - CORBA Input/Output (this will trace CORBA calls)
    65000 - CORBA extra information
    Q6: Will Jolt be deprecated?
    A6: No. There are some features of Jolt that are not covered by WTC. For
    example, the Jolt registry API are not supported by WTC. Furthermore WTC
    must run in conjunction with WLS, while Jolt can be run from Applets or from
    free-standing Java applications.
    Q7: What about JCA? Is WTC a JCA adapter?
    A7: WTC is not a JCA adapter. JCA does not define semantics for inbound
    invokations into the JCA container, but WTC allows for Tuxedo clients to
    invoke WLS EJBs. However, the jATMI object interactions are based on the
    JCA client model. BEA is currently evaluating several JCA strategies for
    connections into Tuxedo.
    John Wells (Aziz)
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Q8. What versions of Tuxedo are supported?
    A8. WTC 1.0 will support Tuxedo 6.5 and Tuxedo 8.0. WTC 1.1 (which adds
    CORBA support) will support Tuxedo 6.5 and Tuxedo 8.0. Soon after the
    release of both of these products we will certify WTC with Tuxedo 7.1.
    However, the version of Tuxedo 7.1 you will need to have will be Tuxedo 7.1
    after a certain patch level, which I don't know the number of yet. I will
    attempt to keep the public informed about which patch level will be required
    in Tuxedo 7.1
    Q9. What WLS Releases will be supported?
    A9. WTC 1.0 will be certified on WLS 6.0 SP2, WTC 1.1 will be bundled with
    WLS SilverSword release (6.1?)
    Q10. How will WTC be packaged?
    A10. WTC 1.0 will be a separately downloaded binary (one for unix, one for
    NT) that the user will have to install and configure in his/her WLS
    environment. (Configuration will consist of putting the jatmi.jar file into
    the classpath (as well as the normal BDMCONFIG configuration, of course)).
    WTC 1.1 will be bundled right in there with the WLS SilverSword release.
    Q11. When will WTC go live (no more beta)?
    A11. This is a question for Jeff Cutler, but my impression is that WTC 1.0
    will be shipped in the same time-frame as the Tuxedo 8.0 release and
    obviously (see A10) WTC 1.1 will be shipped with WLS SilverSword.
    John Wells (Aziz)
    [email protected]

  • Why fixed layout is more expensive than reflow?

    i'm a beginner in epub and css.
    I noticed that fixed layout is more expensive than reflow and i do not understand why.
    To my mind, the work is the same : modify css and some other pages (toc etc.)
    so the price should be the same.
    sorry for this question which must be stupid, but i need to know:)

    Fixed Layout EPUB with InDesign currently requires knowledge of custom plug-ins to precisely position objects on the page. You're not getting any help from InDesign. It can be quite time consuming.
    Reflowable EPUB with InDesign CC can be mostly done by properly formatting the document with styles, by using the Articles panel, by customizing objects with Object Export Options, by mapping styles to tags, etc. Most of the work is done in InDesign and it requires less time.
    I can say publicly that Douglas Waterfall, InDesign's software architect, has hinted that he is leading work on the Fixed Layout area and we may see big changes before long.

  • FAQ: Questions and Answers about Spotify

    Hey and welcome to my FAQ. Here answers for most questions.
    What connection do I need to use Spotify?
    Spotify can use any connection! Mobile broadband, ADSL, cable modem... I recommend 1M connection or faster, however you can use Spotify also in 384 kbps speed or even lower (when on slow mobile networks, just enable lower stream quality).
    Does Spotify stream on EDGE (2G, mobile network)?
    If you use 160 kbps or lower setting, yes. But keep in mind, network should be near 200 kbps all the time before it's possible without buffering. Recommended 3G and at least 384 kbps mobile speed for 320 kbps.
    I have limited internet. How much bandwidth Spotify need?
    Spotify use P2P, so no one can answer it right. To eliminate data usage, download tracks to Offline (Premium) and from File or Mobile app settings enable Offline mode. Also you can stream in Mobile with lower sound quality. There is also available Spotify Connect sound machines like Pioneer SMA1 and with these you can play Spotify from your mobile using Connect and that does not use P2P.
    Quality 96 kbps => 0.72 MB per minute. (Only in Mobile these days)
    Quality 160 kbps => 1.2 MB per minute. (Free, Unlimited, Premium)
    Quality 320 kbps => 2.4 MB per minute. (Premium. Desktop, some mobile platforms and some other Spotify devices)
    With online streaming you may need a lot bandwidth. But you can also change cache size to 100 GB. This helps keep the network requirements down as it enables more caching. Also this depends on how much you listen music. Try Web Spotify or Mobile Spotify, these don't need P2P for work. Actually these apps doesn't use P2P at all. I hope you enjoy Spotify over your Internet.
    How much Mobile data I need to get to stream Spotify full month?
    If you have Premium, you can download your music to offline mode, no data used after first download. Offline on home wifi or at library etc. public wifi. If you have Premium and don't want to use Offline or don't have one Premium at all, data usage depends on your Internet connection and Spotify plan/settings. For example if you use Automatical sound quality option in Android app. It selects best quality for music on-the-go depending on network type/speed. Basically your music keeps going even on EDGE network at 96 kbps. If you don't want full sound on the go, keep quality in manual eg. 160 kbps only.
    Data usage depends also how much you listen music, basically it is 144 MB in hour at 320 kbps.
    Please keep in mind, if you stream online music one hour in day and in month 31 days it will be:
    96 kbps: 43 MB in hour, 1339 MB (1.3 GB) in month. Only mobile.
    160 kbps: 72 MB in hour, 2232 MB (2.2 GB) in month.
    320 kbps: 144 MB in hour, 4464 MB (4.4 GB) in month. Only Premium.
    If you listen more than hour, it will be more data usage, or if you listen little - less usage. Please keep in mind also that you just don't use Spotify - you may use YouTube, web surfing etc. too. Actual data usage needs is much higher. If Unlimited data is not possible, I suggest 5-10 GB of data, and if you allowed only 1GB - download music to Offline mode to reduce your data needs to minimum.
    How much space I need to Micro-SD for my Offline list?
    If you prefer radio edits, it is almost 8.5GB for 1,000 songs. Basically 32 GB is needed if you believe you will be one day near 3,333 tracks limit of Offline mode / device. Big card is also cheaper than little if you look  at price/size value. Please look at your phone specs, what is maximum card size supported by your phone. In most phones it is 32 GB.
    How to improve playback on Android when outside using mobile network as Internet?
    That's great question. Go to Android, open Spotify, hit Settings and select for Online play quality Automatical. This option chooses best possible sound quality for the time and area you are in. If a bit slower 3G, or even parts in EDGE, playback will be less interrupted. Spotify uses for a while 160 kbps or even 96 kbps, when for 320 kbps no speed available at this time on mobile network. Sadly on GPRS this won't work as it is only 56 kbps network.
    How I can listen music? I created account and there is no search box in site to search music?
    You need to download desktop app before you can listen music from or just use web player If you are Premium customer, you can use it also for example in Mobile, in some Spotify Connect speakers, in some smart-tv's etc. Please look into your device advertisements or Spotify site/forum to know which devices support Premium.
    How in the earth I can use Spotify outside my country?
    You need paid subscription to do this, then you can use Spotify without trouble just as long as you pay for it. However keep in mind that you may not be able to renew subscription in new country, so ensure you have enough months. In Free travelling time is limited to 2 weeks.
    How I can delete duplicates from my playlists?
    The official tool is under consideration. Before this just use my guide.
    How I can check a bitrate of Spotify songs?
    There is no official tool or guide from Spotify for this, however I created one guide for you. Come this way.
    Where I can reset my password?
    Go to Password reset page.
    How I connect or disconnect to/from Facebook?
    Go to Edit - Preferences in Spotify.
    How I clean Spotify cache?
    Go to Edit - Preferences and check folder location, then copy and paste it in My Computer.
    How Spotify use my internet connection?
    Spotify is a P2P software. You download those tracks from P2P network, your cache or Spotify servers. Spotify also can share your cache with Spotify users using your interet connection.
    Spotify uses my Unlimited 3G max. 21M mobile connection. I listen music with empty cache.
    What customer service? They just answered to me and asked to go to Community to search answer. Really?
    Hey there, sorry about this, this is automatical response. Response is good for some simple questions answered already in Community, however sometimes system will not recognise your question. Just click in your mail "Reply" and ask question another time, then real people contact you.
    How I disable P2P from Spotify?
    You can't do this. Spotify is cheap to you, so you help Spotify with server costs. Only Spotify Mobile, Spotify for Smart-TV, Spotify Web, Spotify for some speakers can download tracks from Spotify servers without P2P.
    Where is artist or band I like?
    Good question! Spotify always want to have all music in it's catalogue. But some artists, bands or record labels want to be out of Spotify. I hope that they change their mind! Also you can add missed puzzles as Local files to Spotify.
    My music flapping or skips on my laptop!
    Don't worry. Just go to Edit - Preferences and disable the hardware acceleration. Also you can try completely re-install of Spotify. Hope this helps!
    My music is often stopping or buffering all the time on my mobile phone. Help me!
    Don't worry. If you use mobile network, ensure with your teleoperator that speed is at least 384 kbps. Unlimited is better. If you are using slow mobile internet, changing play quality in settings to low might help you. If you are at home, try Wifi, as usually Wifi is much faster than these mobile networks. If you are in poor mobile coverage area, try to find better coverage area. Hope this helps! If this problem is all the time, maybe you want to download playlist for Offline use? Then no need for Internet at all!
    The song or artist is misspelled! And I found poor quality tracks on Spotify! What do I do?
    Contact to Spotify and report all those errors via Contact form. Hopefully in future Spotify can improve reporting system.
    Why Spotify send/not send my listened tracks to Facebook?
    Check your sharing settings in Spotify's Preferences.
    Why Spotify is not working after delete or de-activate of Facebook account?
    If your account is created with Facebook details, you need Facebook to be able to login into Spotify. If you are deleted Facebook or don't want Facebook anymore, just create another account using email adress and ask Spotify to transfer playlist over using Contact form!
    How I delete my account completely?
    Contact to Spotify Support. Come this way.
    I have idea, how I share it?
    Just add topic to Idea community. Come this way.
    My playlists or starred tracks are gone! What do I do?
    Just let Spotify know. Spotify can put them back to your account in no time, just contact to Support and add information like your problem with Spotify and your username. Come this way. Before that, try to recover playlists itself here.
    How I delete tracks from Library? Delete button is greyed out!
    Awesome question. Just locate track from playlists, locals or starred tracks and delete it.
    Why I should subscribe to playlists?
    Spotify is social! Just subscribe to playlists you like and sit down - music entertain you. Millions of playlists waiting you. Just Google, browse playlist sites or search those with Spotify in search bar. If you do not like playlist anymore, you can unsubscribe. Your choice.
    Who the heck delete songs from my playlist? Where deleted songs are sitting?
    Do not worry! Sometimes Spotify just hide songs that are unavailable these days. Those songs can be released again in your country for example in future. You can see all hided tracks - just go to Edit - Settings and untick Hide unplayable tracks.
    Purchased Unlimited or Premium today. Still I can hear ads and Free service. Joke? Scam? Cheat?
    Not. Absolutely not. You can fix this in no time. Just go to File then click Log out and then Log in again. And yay, your paid service is waiting you. Also check that you are log in with right account. You can also contact Customer Service via Contact form. Come this way.
    Purchased Premium, still the same sound. You advertised 320 kbps!
    Do not worry. Just go to Edit - Preferences end enable High quality sound. After this clean the Spotify cache.
    What format Spotify use and how music is converted?
    Spotify use a OGG format. OGG is very great format with rich sound. In Premium sound quality is 320 kbps (excluding currently Spotify Mobile, where quality is 160 kbps or 96 kbps) and in Free/Unlimited quality is160 kbps. All tracks are converted from lossless format. And 99,9% of Premium catalogue is in 320 kbps quality.
    I want to talk with real person, support number?
    Spotify do not use support number. Here is two awesome way for Support - Support Community here and Contact form here. If you want to use Contact form, come this way. Spotify does not use bots, real people is answering to you.
    I need more privacy. I still listen Britney Spears etc. How I can hide top tracks and top artists in my Spotify profile?
    Yes, you can hide those. You can also hide Starred tracks and Playlists too! If you need privacy, Spotify provide tools for it. Just go to Edit - Preferences and untick all options: Automatically publish new playlists, Top tracks and Top artists. Privacy is here. And if you want to hide Starred or any Playlist you have - just right-click a Starred or any Playlist in Sidebar of Spotify and click Publish. Then you can go to your nice profile and them all are gone!
    Is Spotify legal?
    Absolutely. Spotify has agreements with record labels. Anyone listening in Spotify give money for artists, record labels and composers. So if you use Spotify, you can continue to use it. Legal and awesome service. Every track you listen is legal and Spotify keep statistics for payment to right holders - even when you are Offline with Spotify!
    Spotify client is downloading my Local files to it's servers?
    No, not ever. Local files are just for you, Spofy does not collect or download those tracks.
    Can I listen my Local files and artist get paid by Spotify?
    No. Spotify does not pay to right holders when you listen Local files which are not in Spotify.
    I am Spotify Free user, why ads or skip limits on mobile?
    It's simple. You hear ads and have skip limits and Spotify is free for you this way. Also Spotify pay for right holders using ads revenue when you are Free user. If you do not like ads or want nonstop music, why not to subscribe for Unlimited or Premium service?
    How Spotify will know I use tablet and let me then listen without skip limits and shuffle (Free)?
    Your tablet is tablet for Spotify if screen size is more than 7".
    Why Spotify is playing tracks that are not in my playlist when I use mobile phone and Free service?
    This is how Spotify is designed to play for free users. You can listen your playlist on Shuffle and in time you will get some track suggestions, these can't be removed from Play Queue, but you may be able to skip these if you have enough skips to do it in hour. Also in mobile you may see ads and hear these also.
    I have Spotify Connect enabled on my device and Pioneer SMA1 or other sound machine with Connect. What is quality used?
    This depends on settings of your device. If in Spotify settings 320 kbps Extreme is enabled, your lovely sound machine will stream at 320 kbps using Connect. It depends on Stream quality, not Download quality. If you want to reduce data usage also in your speaker, just change it (sound quality) :)
    I'm unsure will Spotify Connect drain my battery and does Pioneer SMA1 or other sound machine with Connect stream using my phone mobile data plan?
    Absolutely not. The Spotify Connect is huge thing. You can listen music using Spotify Connect speakers like Pioneer SMA1 and totally without need to stream using your phone mobile network. The sound speaker can be connected to your wired Internet (in my home with RJ45 to cable modem 100M/5M). You can also use Wifi in some speakers, but RJ45 is preferred as it's more stable :) Actually after you connect your Spotify in phone to speaker, you can start playlist and then forget about it. Or even shut down your phone, your speaker continues to play! Also in future you can add tracks to play queue if you want and these will keep playing for you. Connect also will be available as remote to your PC, you can then remote your Desktop Spotify using your phone :)
    Can I listen Spotify music with my own music player?
    No. Why? This is simple. Spotify use a protected files, so music player like iTunes or WMP can not read those as music files. Only Spotify can understand those files. Also you need to use Spotify, because only this way Spotify can pay for right holders.
    Can I make a CD from Spotify music?
    No. Why? Spotify does not allow you to burn CD when you streaming music. If you want a CD, just purchase it form Spotify and burn a CD with iTunes etc. music player. Of course you can download with Premium your music to Mobile and connect your phone to your sound system and you can start your party then!
    Can I download tracks from Spotify with my monthly fee?
    No. Spotify works in this way: you purchase a way to rent music. In Free you can rent music as long as you are Free user. In Unlimited or Premium you can use all it's features as long as you pay. When you stop paying for service, your account will be Free again. For example you start hearing ads and your Premium Offline playlists will be removed. In Fact in Spotify you can stream with your month fee as much as you want. In Free service listen time may be limited.
    I'm unable to cancel my subscription. Spotify decline my password. Help me!
    Do not panic! All you need is to try another Internet browser like Firefox, IE or Chrome. Also you can try log out first from Facebook and try then again. Spotify will miss you if you go. You are welcome back at any time.
    Purchased Premium, not hearing advertised better sound quality.
    Make sure you are using a high quality in Spotify's desktop app Settings. Also in some mobiles you can use this 320kbps mode advertised Extreme, so make sure you're enabled it. If after that quality is still bad, clear cache and try again! Also it may worth to try setup with another stereo system etc. I hope you enjoy Premium sound quality!
    My question not here.
    Not a problem. Ask and Spotify community can help you ASAP.
    [ This post reached maximum level of allowed text, so it will be not updated anymore very often, unless I find a way to extend this post. ]

    Someone asked me will Spotify work on EDGE mobile network in 160 kbps mode.
    I will explain some things out.
    EDGE network is very slow and actually EDGE is for light internet usage. However some operators, like Elisa Oyj in Finland, can handle 200 kbps in EDGE. If so, you can use 160 kbps Spotify without any problems. But keep in mind, some networks may be slow in EDGE and speed may be lower - in this case just use 96 kbps sound quality.
    Personally I would suggest 384 kbps or faster Mobile Internet. Because when you use 320 kbps in mobile, EDGE network isn't enough to handle Extreme quality. The Unlimited is good, but you should be fine with 1GB, just stream then 96 kbps or 160 kbps. I use 0.5M Unlimited 3G Internet and I can say it works like a charm with Extreme sound quality.
    If in your country no way for Unlimited,  you always can download Spotify playlists to Offline mode with your wifi. But I would say there is no need to fast 3G internet like max. 21M packages - Spotify will work fine with 384 kbps in any sound quality and in slow network too. However in this case you might want to use lower sound quality.
    Also remember if you use Unlimited or Free and there no plans to Premium, just ignore those. Free and Unlimited use only 160 kbps and no Mobile or 320 kbps support, so you will be fine with 256 kbps Internet. Personally I suggest to everyone 8M/1M Internet for Home use and to Mobile use something like 0.5M or 1M.

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