Expert Live Chat - More questions than answers?!

Shall we dissect today's chat then?
It sounded like an exciting idea. But I was left sorely disappointed.
No plans to enable the best features of mediaroom - the ability to access it from your laptop, phone and xbox.
Multi-room's something they're keen to offer in the future. (Wow - 4 years not long enough?!)
No details on whether the vbox will remain mediaroom or change for YouView.
No news on HD.
No news on Live IPTV
Overall I think it would be more beneficial if Cey just posted on the forum occasionally than we have a live chat. There was a fair amount of time wasted on regular forum type questions.

Oh well. Glad I missed it then.

Similar Messages

  • ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    This particular question is not regarding <cfclient>, hence posting it on the regular forum, not on the mobile-specific one as Anit suggested. I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
    I've been wanting to write an article about the new custom serialiser one can have in ColdFusion 11, but having looked at it I have more questions than I have answers, so I have put it off. But, equally, I have no place to ask the questions, so I'm stymied. So I figured I'd write an article covering my initial questions. Maybe someone can answer then.
    ColdFusion 11 has added the notion of a custom serialiser a website can have (docs: "Support for pluggable serializer and deserializer"). The idea is that whilst Adobe can dictate the serialisation rules for its own data types, it cannot sensibly infer how a CFC instance might get serialised: as each CFC represents a different data "schema", there is no "one size fits all" approach to handling it. So this is where the custom serialiser comes in. Kind of. If it wasn't a bit rubbish. Here's my exploration thusfar.
    One can specify a custom serialiser by adding a setting to Application.cfc:
    component { = "serialiser01";     this.customSerializer="Serialiser"; }
    In this case the value - Serialiser - is the name of a CFC, eg:
    // Serialiser.cfccomponent {     public function canSerialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function canDeserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function serialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "SERIALISED";     }     public function deserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "DESERIALISED";     }     private function logArgs(required struct args, required string from){         var dumpFile = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "dump_#from#.html";         if (fileExists(dumpFile)){             fileDelete(dumpFile);         }         writeDump(var=args, label=from, output=dumpFile, format="html");     } }
    This CFC needs to implement four methods:
    canSerialize() - indicates whether something can be serialised by the serialiser;
    canDeserialize() - indicates whether something can be deserialised by the serialiser;
    serialize() - the function used to serialise something
    deserialize() - the function used to deserialise something
    I'm being purposely vague on those functions for a reason. I'll get to that.
    The first [issue] in the implementation here is that for the custom serialisation to work, all four of those methods must be implemented in the serisalisation CFC. So common sense would dictate that a way to enforce that would be to require the CFC to implement an interface. That's what interfaces are for. Now I know people will argue the merit of having interfaces in CFML, but I don't really give a [monkey's] about that: CFML has interfaces, and this is what they're for. So when one specifies the serialiser in Application.cfc and it doesn't fulfil the interface requirement, it should error. Right then. When one specifies the inappropriate tool for the job. What instead happens is if the functions are omitted, one will get erratic behaviour in the application, through to outright errors when ColdFusion goes to call the functions and cannot find it. EG: if I have canSerialize() but no serialize() method, CF will error when it comes to serialise something:
    JSON serialization failure: Unable to serialize to JSON.
    Reason : The method serialize was not found in component C:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/Serialiser .cfc.
    The error occurred inC:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/testBasic.c fm: line 4
    2 : o = new Basic();
    3 :
    4 : serialised = serializeJson(o);5 : writeDump([serialised]);
    6 :
    Note that the error comes when I go to serialise something, not when ColdFusion is told about the serialiser in the first place. This is just lazy/thoughtless implementation on the part of Adobe. It invites bugs, and is just sloppy.
    The second [issue] follows immediately on from this.
    Given my sample serialiser above, I then run this test code to examine some stuff:
    o = new Basic(); serialised = serializeJson(o); writeDump([serialised]); deserialised = deserializeJson(serialised); writeDump([deserialised]);
    So all I'm doing is using (de)serializeJson() as a baseline to see how the functions work. here's Basic.cfc, btw:
    component { }
    And the test output:
    This is as one would expect. OK, so that "works". But now... you'll've noted I am logging the arguments each of the serialisation methods receives, as I got.
    Here's the arguments passed to canSerialize():
    canSerialize - struct
    My reaction to that is: "[WTH]?" Why is canSerialize() being passed the string "XML" when I'm trying to serialise an object of type Basic.cfc?
    Here's the docs for canSerialize() (from the page I linked to earlier):
    CanSerialize - Returns a boolean value and takes the "Accept Type" of the request as the argument. You can return true if you want the customserialzer to serialize the data to the passed argument type.
    Again, back to "[WTH]?" What's the "Accept type" of the request? And what the hell has the request got to do with a call to serializeJson()? You might think that "Accept type" references some HTTP header or something, but there is no "Accept type" header in the HTTP spec (that I can find: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1: 14 Header Field Definitions"). There's an "Accept" header (in this case: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"), and other ones like "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language"... but none of which contain a value of "XML". Even if there was... how would it be relevant to the question as to whether a Basic.cfc instance can be serialised? Raised as bug: 3750730.
    serialize() gets more sensible arguments:
    serialize - struct
    1 - component scribble.shared.git.blogExamples.coldfusion.CF11.customerserialiser.Basic
    So the first is the object to serialise (which surely should be part of the question canSerialize() is supposed to ask, and the format to serialise to. Cool.
    canDeserialize() is passed this:
    canDeserialize - struct
    I guess it's because it's being called from deserializeJson(), so it's legit to expect the input value is indeed JSON. Fair enough. (Note: I'm not actually passing it JSON, but that's beside the point here).
    And deserialize() is passed this:
    deserialize - struct
    [empty string]
    The first argument is the value to work on, and the second is the type of deserialisation to do. I have no idea what the third argument is for, and it's not mentioned directly or indirectly on that docs page. So dunno what the story is there.
    The next issue isn't a code-oriented one, but an implementation one: how the hell are we expected to work with this?
    The only way to work here is for each function to have a long array of IF/ELSEIF statements which somehow identify each object type that is serialisable, and then return true from canSerialise(), or in the case of serialize(), go ahead and do the serialisation. So this means this one CFC needs to know about everything which can be serialised in the entire application. Talk about a failure in "separation of concerns".
    You know the best way of determining if an object can be seriaslised? Ask it! Don't rely on something else needing to know. This can be achieved very easily in one of two ways:
    Check to see if the object implements a "Serializable" interface, which requires a serialize() method to exist.
    Or simply take the duck-typing approach: if a CFC implements a serialize() method: it can be serialised. By calling that method. Job done.
    Either approach would work fine, keeps things nicely encapsulated, and I see merits in both. And either make far more sense than Adobe's approach. Which is like something from the "OO Failures Special Needs" class.
    Deserialisation is trickier. Because it relies on somehow working out how to deserialise() an object. I'm not sure of the best approach here, but - again - how to deserialise something should be as close to the thing needing deserialisation as possible. IE: something in the serialised data itself which can be used to bootstrap the process.
    This could simply be a matter of specifying a CFC type at a known place in the serialised data. EG: Adobe stipulates that if the serialised data is JSON, and at the top level of the JSON is a key eg: type, and the value is an extant CFC... use that CFC's deserialize() method. Or it could look for an object which contains a type and a method, or whatever. But Adobe can specify a contract there.
    The only place I see a centralised CFC being relevant here is for a mechanism for handling serialised data that is neither a ColdFusion internal type, nor identifiable as above. In this case, perhaps they could provide a mechanism for a serialisation router, which basically has a bunch of routes (if/elseifs if need be) which contains logic as to how to work out how to deserialise the data. But it should not be the actual deserialiser, it should simply have the mechanism to find out how to do it. This is actually pretty much the same in operation as the deserialize() approach in the current implementation, but it doesn't need the canDeserialize() method (it can return false at the end of the routing), and it doesn't need to know about serialising. And also it's not the main mechanism to do the deserialisation, it's just the fall back if the prescribed approach hasn't been used.
    TBH, this still sounds a bit jerry-built, and I'm open for better suggestions. This is probably a well-trod subject in other languages, so it might be worth looking at how the likes of Groovy, Ruby or even PHP (eek!) achieve this.
    There's still another issue with the current approach. And this demonstrates that the Adobe guys don't actually work with either CFML applications or even modern websites. This approach only works for a single, stand-alone website (like how we might have done in 2001). What if I'm not in the business of building websites, but I build applications such as FW/1 or ColdBox or the like? Or any sort of "helper" application. They cannot use the current Adobe implementation of the customserializer. Why? Because the serialisation code needs to be in a website-specific CFC. There's no way for Luis to implement a custom serialiser in ColdBox (for example), and then have it work for someone using ColdBox. Because it relies on either editing Application.cfc to specify a different CFC, or editing the existing customSerializer CFC. Neither of which are very good solutions. This should have been immediately apparent to the Adobe engineer(s) implementing this stuff had they actually had any experience with modern web applications (which generally aren't just a single monolithic site, but an aggregation of various other sub applications). Equally, I know it's not a case of having thought about this and [I'm just missing something], because when I asked them the other day, at first they didn't even get what I was asking, but when I clarified were just like "oh yeah... um... err... yeah, you can't do that. We'll... have to... ah yeah". This has been raised as bug 3750731.
    So I declare the intent here valid, but the implementation to be more alpha- / pre-release- quality, not release-ready.
    Still: it could be easily deprecated and rework fairly easily. I've raised this as bug 3750732.
    Or am I missing something?

    Yes, you can easily add additional questions to the Lookup.WebClient.Questions Lookup to allow some additional choices. We have added quite a few additional choices, we have noticed that removing them once people have selected them causes some errors.
    You can also customize the required number of questions to select when each user sets them up as well as the number required to be correct to reset the password, these options are in the System Configuration settings.
    If you need multi-language versions of the questions, you will also need to modify the appropriate language resource file in the xlWebApp.war file to provide the necessary translations for the values entered into the Lookup.

  • Albums ... More questions than answers

    Still looking for some answers to what's changed in Photos with albums ... and how these are different than Events and Albums in iPhoto.
    A couple of simple questions.
    1. If I delete a photo from an album does it delete the photo completely or is the original photo retained.
    2. If retained, where?
    3. If I import new photos from a camera, where do they go?
    All pretty basic questions; and not answered in the Photos help section. 

    Thanks .. This helps a bit  I think a lot of us are still struggling though; some of the changes with Photos are just not intuitive. A lot of us used Albums in iPhoto to create slideshows or just to sort our best picks and all photos were kept as Events. Albums in Photos seems to combine both Events and Albums that you can create and call all of these Albums.
    I'm still not clear if there is a default album where imported photos go. My guess would be the "Photos" album. From there or from "last import" you can create a specific album. Not a small detail. I guess I'll see it when I import photos but why so complicated.

  • Ask the Experts Live Chat - Home Hub 4

    Stephanie and I are pleased to announce our next live discussion with some of our BT experts! It's about one of our latest new products, the Hub 4. This will be a great chance to get our Hub 4 experts onto the community to tell you a bit more about that and answer any questions you may have.
    We have added the Chat transcript below for any of you guys who missed this event.
    Hello everyone.
    Thank for you joining our ‘Ask the Experts’ Live chat. I would like to introduce Dave, Sam and Emma who are our hub 4 experts and will be answering your questions tonight. I would like to invite you to ask your questions now.
    [Comment From imjolly imjolly : ] 
    why are there no adsl stats available on the HH4
    [Comment From DS DS : ] 
    evening all. Are the antennae omni directional?
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Thanks for the question, Emma will respond
    to that question Imjolly
    Thanks DS, Dave will respond to your question now
    Hi DS, yes they are
    [Comment From Steve Steve : ] 
    Are there any plans for new firmware on the hub 4 to bring new features?
    Thanks Steve, Dave is answering that question for you
    Hi Steve - yes there are. There will be more information available about this - and any new features - before each firmware drop.
    [Comment From Steve Steve : ] 
    why can you not opt out of BT WIFI on the home hub 4?
    Hi Steve - you should have no problem doing this through the Hub Manager
    Some great questions coming through, the experts are typing up responses now
    [Comment From DS DS : ] 
    Personal testing - Why is the 2.4GHz range less than the HH3 when at a distance from the hub, but better close up than the HH3?
    Thanks DS, Dave is answering this now for you
    [Comment From George George : ] 
    Will the 'Home Network' page show a HH4 instead of the Current image of the HH3?
    Thanks George, Sam will answer that for you
    Hi George, the HH4 image will be displayed in place of the HH3 in the next firmware release
    Thanks again DS - you shouldn't find that, but this can depend on a lot of different factors in the home. I've found mine to be a bit better actually! But it should be pretty much the same for most customers.
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Did you know the Hub 4 has Smart Setup?
    Easy set up in just a few minutes. No CD or computer needed, it's all online and works on any device. Set up your Hub 4 router and access all your free extras like BT Cloud and BT Family Protection in just a few clicks.
    [Comment From DS DS : ] 
    Is it possible for BT to allow us to move the BTWifi SSID's to another channel, leaving our own SSID on a less congested channel?
    Hi imjolly, sorry for the delay, Emma asked me to reply on her behalf. We have made the stats in the Hub manager simpler for customers to understand, we were reacting to feedback that it was too general for the wide range of customers and tech understandings.
    Hi DS, Sam is replying to you now
    [Comment From JamesS JamesS : ] 
    What speeds can I achieve over wifi, assuming I'm connected to 5ghz? Thanks.
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Did you know the hub offers Easy Wireless?
    Connect wirelessly by selecting your BT Home Hub connection on any compatible device and just push a button on the Hub and you're connected. It's that simple. No passwords needed.
    Hi JamesS. Dave will reply to your question
    Hi imjolly, we have made the stats in the Hub manager simpler for customers to understand, we were reacting to feedback that it was too general for the wide range of customers and tech understandings.
    Hi DS, moving BT Wifi SSID's to another channel is not possible on the HH4. However, we are looking closely at the wi-fi SSID's the hub broadcasts to see whether we can improve this experience.
    Hi James, 5GHz maximum data transfer rate of 300Mb/s; this will tend to translate as an optimal actual speeds of up to 100 Mb/s - depending on lots of factors in your home
    [Comment From George George : ] 
    Why did you remove the built in plastic wireless info tab with a card?
    Hi George, Dave is going to reply to that question
    Hi George - this was part of the design process, we've tried to make it even easier for customers to find their wireless information. Now it's not integrated it's a little bit more accessible.
    [Comment From thebennyboy thebennyboy : ] 
    I currently have the HH3 and would like to know what noticable difference it will make having a HH4 over a HH3? We use the ethernet ports and the wireless.
    Hi Bennyboy. Emma is going to reply to that question.
    [Comment From Paul Paul : ] 
    How much faster is the processor in the home hub 4, compared to previous versions? how will this effect my online experience?
    Hi Paul. Sam will answer that for you
    Hi Paul, the processor is a staggering 3x faster compared to the HH3
    [Comment From Guest Guest : ] 
    Although opted out of BT wifi the hub still shows as being active
    Hi Guest, could we ask that you post this on the community so the moderators can pick this up
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Did you know that the hub 4 offers Dual band frequency which makes for a more reliable wireless connection?
    Smart dual-band technology reduces wireless interference and drop out’s giving you a reliable connection for all your devices.
    [Comment From Guest Guest : ] 
    When you opt out of BT WIFI it appears to only opt out on the 2.4ghz channel and not the 5ghz channel. Are you looking into this?
    Hi Guest. Dave will reply to your question
    Hi - thanks for this feedback, we'll definitely look in to it for you
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Excellent questions coming through folks
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Our experts are typing answers so please keep them coming
    [Comment From Josh Josh : ] 
    Is it a known issue that the HomeHub 4 has problems identify the Xbox 360 as a media center extender when connected through a wired connection?
    Hi Josh. Sam is replying to your question
    [Comment From Winston Winston : ] 
    How much power does the home hub 4 use?
    Hi Winston. Dave will respond to your question
    Hi Josh, we are aware of this issue. This is a problem with the Xbox rather than the HH4 but something we are reviewing together.
    Hi the bennyboy, the main advantages of the hub 4 are the faster processor (3 x faster) and 5 GHz wifi. There is no interference with 5GHz so you get better performance and as the range isn't as wide you dont have to share the bandwidth with neighbours etc. the hub still has 2.4 GHz so you still have the range you have withhub 3 too!
    Hi Winston, I am afraid there's no simple answer as it really depends on what features are in use. But the Hub 4 meets the latest Broadband Equipment Energy Code of Conduct targets for energy consumption.
    [Comment From Mel Mel : ] 
    Why did you ignore your existing customers loyalty by charging them for a new hub, don't they pay enough already in their monthly fees?
    Hi Mel, Dave will reply to your question
    [Comment From Winston Winston : ] 
    How long did it take you to design and develop the home hub 4?
    Hi Winston, Emma will reply to your question
    [Comment From George George : ] 
    Will we get manual power save back?
    Hi Gerorge. Sam will answer your question
    [Comment From Jade Jade : ] 
    Does the home hub 4 support ip6 through a future upgrade?
    Hi Winston, It was about 2 years when we first started the project with the first ideas and concepts
    Hi Jade. Emma will reply to your question.
    Hi Jade, thats something we are working on so yes something for the future
    Hi George. With regards to the manual power save feature, we have looked to make this automatic for all of our customers. However, you are able to change the brightness of the lights as an additional step.
    Hi Mel - we've made a lot of changes for our existing customers since the launch of the Hub 3 a couple of years ago. Our customer offer for the Hub 4 only £35 - a really big discount compared to the full price of £109! We've also created a range of recontracting deals that contain a Hub 4 for only the cost of delivery. If you're out of contract or in the last 3 months, you could take advantage of those offers as well. We really want all of our customers to be able to take advantage of these options!
    Sean Donnelly: 
    Did you know the Hub 4 has a faster processor? Inside the BT Home Hub 4 router is our latest Broadband processor – the brains of your Hub. It allows you to pass information between connected devices quicker than ever. So if you are transferring files from one computer to another or watching a film streamed from another device, the BT Home Hub 4 won't slow you down.
    [Comment From thebennyboy thebennyboy : ] 
    Our house has very thick stone walls and the wireless is weak in certain rooms. We have a few devices in our house that support 5Ghz Wi-Fi. Does the HH4 also work ok with home plugs that use your power cables to provide network connectivity?
    Hi thebennyboy. Sam will respond to your question
    [Comment From Calvin Calvin : ] 
    What future developments are in the works for home hub 4?

    DS wrote:
    Not many of my Q's are showing either. Could be busy I guess......
    yeah I can tell, I know your quesitons are pretty good but if you notice that JacquiBT is deliberately choosing the questions she wants to go through. The whole chat is based around the fact that they have added 5ghz. I am appauled as I was hoping to at least ask one question. 

  • Firefox 4b7 does not complete «More Answers from-» action on userpages; previous Firefox (3.6) was able to load more questions and answers

    Even in safe mode, Firefox 4b7 is not able to complete «More Answers from…» action on userpages, it just displays «loading more questions…» for a seemingly endless amount of time. (Firefox 3.6 and any other browser, such as Safari, displays «loading more questions…» for a short period of time when AJAX works, then the questions and answers are actually loaded and displayed.) In order to reproduce, load Firefox 4b7 in Safe Mode, visit and click on «More Answers from Konstantin Krylov» (the bottom link). You may try any other user, or for example.

    what a waste of money sending an engineer to "fix a fault" which does not exist.  Precisely.
    In my original BE post to which Tom so helpfully responded, I began:  It seems to me that DLM is an excellent concept with a highly flawed implementation, both technically and administratively.   I think that sending out an engineer to fix an obviously flawed profile is the main example of an adminastrative flaw.  I understand (I can't remember source, maybe Tom again) that they are sometimes relaxing the requirement for a visit before reset.
    Maybe the DLM system is too keen on stability vs speed.  This will keep complaints down from many people: most users won't notice speed too much as long as it is reasonable, but will be upset if their Skype calls and browsing are being interrupted too often.  
    However, it does lead to complaints from people who notice the drops after an incidence (as in your thread that has drawn lots of interest), or who only get 50 instead of 60.  The main technical flaw is that DLM can so easily be confused by drops from loss of power, too much modem recycling, etc, and then takes so long to recover.

  • My Discussions account shows more questions than I actually have

    When I click on the "You have 6 unresolved questions" which is displayed in the right hand panel of my discussions account, I see only 3 unresolved questions. What happened to the other ones?

    Thanks but since the number of questions is listed but the questions themselves are not listed in "unresolved questions", there is no way for me to sort of do just that ...
    Sorry, I read your original question to mean something like, "How can I mark my questions as 'Answered' when I can't see them on the My Questions page, and what causes this to happen?"

  • HT201104 iCloud Drive FAQ raises more questions than it answers

    I am tired of seeing statements from Apple stating that any file or folder can be stored on iCloud Drive and then kept up to date across all devices. As far as I can see this is simply not true. iOS has no file system as such, so you simply can't see files that aren't associated with a particular app. Another question I have seen asked by a number of people and to which I have seen no satisfactory answer is: where is my iCloud Drive folder locally on my Mac and is it backed up by Time Machine?
    iCloud Drive is a total mess. Why oh why oh why didn't Apple just go and buy Dropbox. With Dropbox I know exactly where my local folder is and it is backed up with Time Machine. I can store any file I want and see it either through Finder on my Mac or Dropbox app on my iOS devices. If I want to open a particular file on an iOS device, I simply use the 'open in' and it's job done.
    One thing that would make a massive difference here is a Dropbox like app for iCloud Drive. It wouldn't fix all the problems but it would go a long way to making it actually usable. Are there plans to do this?

    I'm new to this forum but have shared your frustrations. Some of your technical questions may be answered in the latest Lenovo Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) version 403 released on July 20, 2011. The Ideacentre pdf has the B520 information. It can be found at:

  • Has Live Chat been discontinued?

    I was live chatting with Apple Support last weekend but was told that particular person couldn't help and I should live chat during the working week when the relevant colleagues would be working.
    However, I have tried to Live Chat today and cannot find the option - it seems to have disappeared in favour of calling.
    Has it been moved or has this feature been discontinued?!
    If I go through the options here, I have the option to live chat still.
    Perhaps your issue requires more than a live chat?
    I selected MacBook, Internet and connectivity, and then wifi cutting out, and it allowed me to live chat.

  • Question about live chat "Ask The Experts"

    I am fairly new and want very much to join the live chat happening today "Ast The Experts". I live in Ontario so please confirm that the chat will take place at 6:30 PM Ontario time today as I don't want to miss it. Thank you.

    yes the chat event is on schedule, you will see a link appear on the forum home page at 600pm EDT and it will begin on time at 630pm EDT
    Thanks for your interest and for joining
    HP Forum Admin
    --Say "Thanks" by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    --Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

  • Nobody answers live chat. I have a dispute with my bill.

    Moved to billing

    First rule of dealing with all big telecoms like Comcast. "Your first bill is your worst bill"...
    OBLAWYER wrote:
    I have questions about my initial bill. The amount I was quoted (and I have it in writing) in a transcript I printed out) is far less than what I am being billed. I have tried live chat a few times and the screen always says "waiting for an analyst". This is unacceptable.

  • What is better than Skype when two iPad users want to live chat?

    What is better than Skype when two iPad users want to live chat?

    The built in app, FaceTime.

  • Question about Cisco Tec support Rep Live chat issue .

    Hello guys, I recently just tried to do a session of live tech support on cisco web site about a issue trying to get my router to change the speed of the wireless connection from 54mbps to the potiental maxium of 300mbps. Well This is my second time using the live chat feature and the 2nd time, the guy was asking for my router name and passowrd. I didnt feel to comformtable doing that since my first time using the live chat , the tech guy didnt ask for my operating system, or my passowrds or anything of that nature? Is that normal for a live chat guy to do that? I figured hes was trying to do a remoate access to my computer and I was thinking, they probably dont do that for free especially over a live chat. Anyeone thoughts or am i being over crictical. thanks

    if you are not comfortable then dont give them the info.
    i have not had a reason to ask then to do this, however back in the day i had a sony live rep (we were on the phone too) remote into my router to allow me to setup my sony base station (think slingbox but its made by sony) so i could get it to work when away form the home. this was a few years ago so it happens today. some businesses/stores even offer it as a solution. so dont freak out that they asked you that. dell does this for example...
    give them a call and have them on the phone with you instead.just have them give you the directions on what to do.... if not, come here and ask the questions...

  • Is Live Update helpful yet, or still more problems than fixes?

    my 180 has been running decently for a while now.  The only thing that still makes me want to hang myself is this asinine problem with the sound card occasionally disappearing, requiring an unplugged reboot.
    I shut off live update a while back because it seemed to create more problems than it fixed. can anyone confirm whether there is anything in there that addresses the sound card issue?
    Also, there appears to be a new BIOS featuring an option to "Enable USB Keyboard Latency".  I am currently using a wireless USB keyboard and mouse with no problems.  Do I care about the new BIOS?
    Here's my current version info (mine on the left, MSI's on the right)
    BIOS-   3.3      3.5
    Live VGA Driver-   4467      6681
    all other are up to date with live update.  I have been very gun shy about letting it update these, since it seemed to cause so much trouble over the summer.  Can anyojne shed some light on whether these updates are necessary?

    okay, i guess it is a deluxe model. i initially thought the deluxes were the ones that could run dvds in hifi mode.
    anywho, it finally lost the sound card again.  it was an interesting feeling being excited about it for once, because i could continue this thread.
    the speaker icon in the taskbar disappeared, and the nvidia drivers vanished from "sound, video, and game controllers"  device manager (both nforce codec and nforce processor). msi live update doesn't find anything new, but just for giggles i clicked "update driver" from the properties tab on both, and windows was able to find new drivers.
    at this point, i assume that noone has found a solution, so I'll keep updating this thread for those who are fellow sufferers.
    Another thought on the heat issue, the outside temps hit 66 degrees fahrenheit today (who said january?), so i wonder if that raised the temp in the cabinet just enough?

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