Albums ... More questions than answers

Still looking for some answers to what's changed in Photos with albums ... and how these are different than Events and Albums in iPhoto.
A couple of simple questions.
1. If I delete a photo from an album does it delete the photo completely or is the original photo retained.
2. If retained, where?
3. If I import new photos from a camera, where do they go?
All pretty basic questions; and not answered in the Photos help section. 

Thanks .. This helps a bit  I think a lot of us are still struggling though; some of the changes with Photos are just not intuitive. A lot of us used Albums in iPhoto to create slideshows or just to sort our best picks and all photos were kept as Events. Albums in Photos seems to combine both Events and Albums that you can create and call all of these Albums.
I'm still not clear if there is a default album where imported photos go. My guess would be the "Photos" album. From there or from "last import" you can create a specific album. Not a small detail. I guess I'll see it when I import photos but why so complicated.

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  • ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: custom serialisers. More questions than answers") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    This particular question is not regarding <cfclient>, hence posting it on the regular forum, not on the mobile-specific one as Anit suggested. I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
    I've been wanting to write an article about the new custom serialiser one can have in ColdFusion 11, but having looked at it I have more questions than I have answers, so I have put it off. But, equally, I have no place to ask the questions, so I'm stymied. So I figured I'd write an article covering my initial questions. Maybe someone can answer then.
    ColdFusion 11 has added the notion of a custom serialiser a website can have (docs: "Support for pluggable serializer and deserializer"). The idea is that whilst Adobe can dictate the serialisation rules for its own data types, it cannot sensibly infer how a CFC instance might get serialised: as each CFC represents a different data "schema", there is no "one size fits all" approach to handling it. So this is where the custom serialiser comes in. Kind of. If it wasn't a bit rubbish. Here's my exploration thusfar.
    One can specify a custom serialiser by adding a setting to Application.cfc:
    component { = "serialiser01";     this.customSerializer="Serialiser"; }
    In this case the value - Serialiser - is the name of a CFC, eg:
    // Serialiser.cfccomponent {     public function canSerialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function canDeserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return true;     }     public function serialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "SERIALISED";     }     public function deserialize(){         logArgs(args=arguments, from=getFunctionCalledName());         return "DESERIALISED";     }     private function logArgs(required struct args, required string from){         var dumpFile = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "dump_#from#.html";         if (fileExists(dumpFile)){             fileDelete(dumpFile);         }         writeDump(var=args, label=from, output=dumpFile, format="html");     } }
    This CFC needs to implement four methods:
    canSerialize() - indicates whether something can be serialised by the serialiser;
    canDeserialize() - indicates whether something can be deserialised by the serialiser;
    serialize() - the function used to serialise something
    deserialize() - the function used to deserialise something
    I'm being purposely vague on those functions for a reason. I'll get to that.
    The first [issue] in the implementation here is that for the custom serialisation to work, all four of those methods must be implemented in the serisalisation CFC. So common sense would dictate that a way to enforce that would be to require the CFC to implement an interface. That's what interfaces are for. Now I know people will argue the merit of having interfaces in CFML, but I don't really give a [monkey's] about that: CFML has interfaces, and this is what they're for. So when one specifies the serialiser in Application.cfc and it doesn't fulfil the interface requirement, it should error. Right then. When one specifies the inappropriate tool for the job. What instead happens is if the functions are omitted, one will get erratic behaviour in the application, through to outright errors when ColdFusion goes to call the functions and cannot find it. EG: if I have canSerialize() but no serialize() method, CF will error when it comes to serialise something:
    JSON serialization failure: Unable to serialize to JSON.
    Reason : The method serialize was not found in component C:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/Serialiser .cfc.
    The error occurred inC:/wwwroot/scribble/shared/git/blogExamples/coldfusion/CF11/customerserialiser/testBasic.c fm: line 4
    2 : o = new Basic();
    3 :
    4 : serialised = serializeJson(o);5 : writeDump([serialised]);
    6 :
    Note that the error comes when I go to serialise something, not when ColdFusion is told about the serialiser in the first place. This is just lazy/thoughtless implementation on the part of Adobe. It invites bugs, and is just sloppy.
    The second [issue] follows immediately on from this.
    Given my sample serialiser above, I then run this test code to examine some stuff:
    o = new Basic(); serialised = serializeJson(o); writeDump([serialised]); deserialised = deserializeJson(serialised); writeDump([deserialised]);
    So all I'm doing is using (de)serializeJson() as a baseline to see how the functions work. here's Basic.cfc, btw:
    component { }
    And the test output:
    This is as one would expect. OK, so that "works". But now... you'll've noted I am logging the arguments each of the serialisation methods receives, as I got.
    Here's the arguments passed to canSerialize():
    canSerialize - struct
    My reaction to that is: "[WTH]?" Why is canSerialize() being passed the string "XML" when I'm trying to serialise an object of type Basic.cfc?
    Here's the docs for canSerialize() (from the page I linked to earlier):
    CanSerialize - Returns a boolean value and takes the "Accept Type" of the request as the argument. You can return true if you want the customserialzer to serialize the data to the passed argument type.
    Again, back to "[WTH]?" What's the "Accept type" of the request? And what the hell has the request got to do with a call to serializeJson()? You might think that "Accept type" references some HTTP header or something, but there is no "Accept type" header in the HTTP spec (that I can find: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1: 14 Header Field Definitions"). There's an "Accept" header (in this case: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"), and other ones like "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language"... but none of which contain a value of "XML". Even if there was... how would it be relevant to the question as to whether a Basic.cfc instance can be serialised? Raised as bug: 3750730.
    serialize() gets more sensible arguments:
    serialize - struct
    1 - component scribble.shared.git.blogExamples.coldfusion.CF11.customerserialiser.Basic
    So the first is the object to serialise (which surely should be part of the question canSerialize() is supposed to ask, and the format to serialise to. Cool.
    canDeserialize() is passed this:
    canDeserialize - struct
    I guess it's because it's being called from deserializeJson(), so it's legit to expect the input value is indeed JSON. Fair enough. (Note: I'm not actually passing it JSON, but that's beside the point here).
    And deserialize() is passed this:
    deserialize - struct
    [empty string]
    The first argument is the value to work on, and the second is the type of deserialisation to do. I have no idea what the third argument is for, and it's not mentioned directly or indirectly on that docs page. So dunno what the story is there.
    The next issue isn't a code-oriented one, but an implementation one: how the hell are we expected to work with this?
    The only way to work here is for each function to have a long array of IF/ELSEIF statements which somehow identify each object type that is serialisable, and then return true from canSerialise(), or in the case of serialize(), go ahead and do the serialisation. So this means this one CFC needs to know about everything which can be serialised in the entire application. Talk about a failure in "separation of concerns".
    You know the best way of determining if an object can be seriaslised? Ask it! Don't rely on something else needing to know. This can be achieved very easily in one of two ways:
    Check to see if the object implements a "Serializable" interface, which requires a serialize() method to exist.
    Or simply take the duck-typing approach: if a CFC implements a serialize() method: it can be serialised. By calling that method. Job done.
    Either approach would work fine, keeps things nicely encapsulated, and I see merits in both. And either make far more sense than Adobe's approach. Which is like something from the "OO Failures Special Needs" class.
    Deserialisation is trickier. Because it relies on somehow working out how to deserialise() an object. I'm not sure of the best approach here, but - again - how to deserialise something should be as close to the thing needing deserialisation as possible. IE: something in the serialised data itself which can be used to bootstrap the process.
    This could simply be a matter of specifying a CFC type at a known place in the serialised data. EG: Adobe stipulates that if the serialised data is JSON, and at the top level of the JSON is a key eg: type, and the value is an extant CFC... use that CFC's deserialize() method. Or it could look for an object which contains a type and a method, or whatever. But Adobe can specify a contract there.
    The only place I see a centralised CFC being relevant here is for a mechanism for handling serialised data that is neither a ColdFusion internal type, nor identifiable as above. In this case, perhaps they could provide a mechanism for a serialisation router, which basically has a bunch of routes (if/elseifs if need be) which contains logic as to how to work out how to deserialise the data. But it should not be the actual deserialiser, it should simply have the mechanism to find out how to do it. This is actually pretty much the same in operation as the deserialize() approach in the current implementation, but it doesn't need the canDeserialize() method (it can return false at the end of the routing), and it doesn't need to know about serialising. And also it's not the main mechanism to do the deserialisation, it's just the fall back if the prescribed approach hasn't been used.
    TBH, this still sounds a bit jerry-built, and I'm open for better suggestions. This is probably a well-trod subject in other languages, so it might be worth looking at how the likes of Groovy, Ruby or even PHP (eek!) achieve this.
    There's still another issue with the current approach. And this demonstrates that the Adobe guys don't actually work with either CFML applications or even modern websites. This approach only works for a single, stand-alone website (like how we might have done in 2001). What if I'm not in the business of building websites, but I build applications such as FW/1 or ColdBox or the like? Or any sort of "helper" application. They cannot use the current Adobe implementation of the customserializer. Why? Because the serialisation code needs to be in a website-specific CFC. There's no way for Luis to implement a custom serialiser in ColdBox (for example), and then have it work for someone using ColdBox. Because it relies on either editing Application.cfc to specify a different CFC, or editing the existing customSerializer CFC. Neither of which are very good solutions. This should have been immediately apparent to the Adobe engineer(s) implementing this stuff had they actually had any experience with modern web applications (which generally aren't just a single monolithic site, but an aggregation of various other sub applications). Equally, I know it's not a case of having thought about this and [I'm just missing something], because when I asked them the other day, at first they didn't even get what I was asking, but when I clarified were just like "oh yeah... um... err... yeah, you can't do that. We'll... have to... ah yeah". This has been raised as bug 3750731.
    So I declare the intent here valid, but the implementation to be more alpha- / pre-release- quality, not release-ready.
    Still: it could be easily deprecated and rework fairly easily. I've raised this as bug 3750732.
    Or am I missing something?

    Yes, you can easily add additional questions to the Lookup.WebClient.Questions Lookup to allow some additional choices. We have added quite a few additional choices, we have noticed that removing them once people have selected them causes some errors.
    You can also customize the required number of questions to select when each user sets them up as well as the number required to be correct to reset the password, these options are in the System Configuration settings.
    If you need multi-language versions of the questions, you will also need to modify the appropriate language resource file in the xlWebApp.war file to provide the necessary translations for the values entered into the Lookup.

  • Expert Live Chat - More questions than answers?!

    Shall we dissect today's chat then?
    It sounded like an exciting idea. But I was left sorely disappointed.
    No plans to enable the best features of mediaroom - the ability to access it from your laptop, phone and xbox.
    Multi-room's something they're keen to offer in the future. (Wow - 4 years not long enough?!)
    No details on whether the vbox will remain mediaroom or change for YouView.
    No news on HD.
    No news on Live IPTV
    Overall I think it would be more beneficial if Cey just posted on the forum occasionally than we have a live chat. There was a fair amount of time wasted on regular forum type questions.

    Oh well. Glad I missed it then.

  • Album more expensive than sum of tracks

    I've found that with some albums, the album is more expensive than all the individual tracks together.
    For example, take Staind's new album:
    Note: I can only see the South African pricing - don't know how the pricing works in other countries.
    It contains 10 tracks, costing R8 each, giving a total of R80.
    However, the album costs R100. Why is the album more expensive? Does it contain anything more than the tracks? This is one example, but I've seen a few others as well.

    No reason to buy a more expensive album, if you can get the individual tracks separately for less.
    I have no insight to record lable pricing. This one sounds a bit like an accident/mistake.
    Compare also the pricing in, e.g., Apple's iTunes store and other music services that are offered in your country; if they sell the tracks or the album as MP3's or AAC's, or even WMA, you can use them on your Nokia phone. Make sure you buy them without any DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection ("plain" audio files).

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    what a waste of money sending an engineer to "fix a fault" which does not exist.  Precisely.
    In my original BE post to which Tom so helpfully responded, I began:  It seems to me that DLM is an excellent concept with a highly flawed implementation, both technically and administratively.   I think that sending out an engineer to fix an obviously flawed profile is the main example of an adminastrative flaw.  I understand (I can't remember source, maybe Tom again) that they are sometimes relaxing the requirement for a visit before reset.
    Maybe the DLM system is too keen on stability vs speed.  This will keep complaints down from many people: most users won't notice speed too much as long as it is reasonable, but will be upset if their Skype calls and browsing are being interrupted too often.  
    However, it does lead to complaints from people who notice the drops after an incidence (as in your thread that has drawn lots of interest), or who only get 50 instead of 60.  The main technical flaw is that DLM can so easily be confused by drops from loss of power, too much modem recycling, etc, and then takes so long to recover.

  • My Discussions account shows more questions than I actually have

    When I click on the "You have 6 unresolved questions" which is displayed in the right hand panel of my discussions account, I see only 3 unresolved questions. What happened to the other ones?

    Thanks but since the number of questions is listed but the questions themselves are not listed in "unresolved questions", there is no way for me to sort of do just that ...
    Sorry, I read your original question to mean something like, "How can I mark my questions as 'Answered' when I can't see them on the My Questions page, and what causes this to happen?"

  • HT201104 iCloud Drive FAQ raises more questions than it answers

    I am tired of seeing statements from Apple stating that any file or folder can be stored on iCloud Drive and then kept up to date across all devices. As far as I can see this is simply not true. iOS has no file system as such, so you simply can't see files that aren't associated with a particular app. Another question I have seen asked by a number of people and to which I have seen no satisfactory answer is: where is my iCloud Drive folder locally on my Mac and is it backed up by Time Machine?
    iCloud Drive is a total mess. Why oh why oh why didn't Apple just go and buy Dropbox. With Dropbox I know exactly where my local folder is and it is backed up with Time Machine. I can store any file I want and see it either through Finder on my Mac or Dropbox app on my iOS devices. If I want to open a particular file on an iOS device, I simply use the 'open in' and it's job done.
    One thing that would make a massive difference here is a Dropbox like app for iCloud Drive. It wouldn't fix all the problems but it would go a long way to making it actually usable. Are there plans to do this?

    I'm new to this forum but have shared your frustrations. Some of your technical questions may be answered in the latest Lenovo Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) version 403 released on July 20, 2011. The Ideacentre pdf has the B520 information. It can be found at:

  • I have more songs than I can put on Ipod.  How can I un-click all songs in an album without doing each singly, to reduce space? Thanks

    I have more songs than I can put on Ipod. Will unclick some songs but one at a time is taking forever. How can I un-click all songs in an album without doing each singly, to reduce space needed on iPod? Thanks

    Why not try syncing a smart playlist that updates automatically every time you sync your iPod?
    Try something like this:
    1. Pull down File > New Smart Playlist;
    2. Playlist IS Music; click the plus button;
    3. Last Played IS NOT in the last 90 days;
    4. Select the option to Limit to xxx items selected by Random and click OK.
    Name the playlist that is created something distinctive then sync you iPod with that. It will automatically update based on the last played dates of a tune and you'll always have fresh content on your iPod. Modify the playlist as needed to make it give you the results you want.

  • I need some more interview question with answer on modeling,reporting.

    i need some more interview question with answer on modeling,reporting.

    You may find tons of topic about interview question. Please try to search forums before opening a post next time.Take a look at the link below.

  • HT204053 I have forgotten my questions and answers for my password. How can I replace them. I want to use the same password I have ?

    I was on the phone for almost 2 hrs. yesterday because I had so many passwords I couldn't remember the one I used for itunes. The fellow helped me get it all straightened out but it still wouldn't let me get in because I couldn't remember the questions and answers. He was going to take care of it at that end and told me to wait 24 hours. So I'm at it again. I got into itunes but when I try to retrieve my previous apps,it wants me to put my password for that as well and then I'm in the situation with it not accepting my password so when I try to change my password it then wants me to answer the question and answer so now I'm thinking I have more than a seizure disorder and it's driving me to the point of no patience. Can you help?

    Chick3597 wrote:
    Regardless of apple updating something or another. I have no need for the additional questions and really don't want to allow them to bully me into compliance.
    You may have no need for additional but Apple does. They don't want your iTunes account to be hacked and then go complaining to them that their security procedures are not up to standards.
    Chick3597 wrote:
    So how can I continue in the good old fashioned way?
    Its really absurd to even ask this in light of the information that you have been given already. The "old fashioned" way is gone. It's Apple's store, Apples's rules and IMO - its a wise decision on Apple's part.
    You do not have to comply at all, but you will not be able to purchase from iTunes anymore, but nobody is going to force you to do something that you do not want to do.

  • Disk Utility: for bad blocks on hard disks, are seven overwrites any more effective than a single pass of zeros?

    In this topic I'm not interested in security or data remanence (for such things we can turn to e.g. Wilders Security Forums).
    I'm interested solely in best practice approaches to dealing with bad blocks on hard disks.
    I read potentially conflicting information. Examples:
    … 7-way write (not just zero all, it does NOT do a reliable safe job mapping out bad blocks) …
    — (2008-09-29)
    … In theory zero all might find weak or bad blocks but there are better tools …
    — (2010-03-09)
    … substitution will happen on the first re-write with Zeroes. More passes just takes longer.
    — (2010-10-12)
    For bad block purposes alone I can't imagine seven overwrites being any more effective than a single pass of zeros.
    Please, can anyone elaborate?
    Anecdotally, I did find that a Disk Utility single pass of zeros seemed to make good (good enough for a particular purpose) a disk that was previously unreliable (a disk drive that had been dropped).

    As well pointed your answers are, you are not answering the original question, and regarding consumer device hard drives your answers are missleading.
    Consumer device hard drives ONLY remap a bad sector on write. That means regardless how many spare capacity the drive has, it will NEVER remap the sector. That means you ALWAYS have a bad file containing a bad sector.
    In other words YOU would throw away an otherwise fully functional drive. That might be reasonable in a big enterprise where it is cheaper to replace the drive and let the RAID system take care of it.
    However on an iMac or MacBook (Pro) an ordinary user can not replace the drive himself, so on top of the drive costs he has to pay the repair bill (for a drive that likely STILL is in perfect shape, except for the one 'not yet' remaped bad block)
    You simply miss the point that the drive can have still one million good reserve blocks, but will never remap the affected block in a particular email or particular song or particular calendar. So as soon as the file affected is READ the machine hangs, all other processes more or less hang at the same moment they try to perform I/O because the process trying to read the bad block is blocking in the kernal. This happens regardless how many free reserve blocks you have, as the bad block never gets reallocated, unless it is written to it. And your email program wont rewrite an email that is 4 years old for you ... because it is not programmed to realize a certain file needs to be rewritten to get rid of a bad block.
    @Graham Perrin
    You are similar stubborn in not realizing that your original question is awnsered.
    A bad block gets remapped on write.
    So obviously it happens at the first write.
    How do you come to the strange idea that writing several times makes a difference? How do you come to the strange idea that the bytes you write make a difference? Suppose block 1234 is bad. And the blocks 100,000,000 to 100,000,999 are reserve blocks. When you write '********' to block 1234 the hard drive (firmware) will remap it to e.g. 100,000,101. All subsequent writes will go to the same NEW block. So why do you ask if doing it several times will 'improve' this? After all the awnsers here you should have realized: your question makes no sense as soon as you have understood how remapping works (is supposed to work). And no: it does not matter if you write a sequence od zeros, of '0's or of '1's or of 1s or of your social security number or just 'help me I'm hold prisoner in a software forum'.
    I would try to find a software that finds which file is affected, then try to read the bad block until you in fact have read it (that works surprisngly often but may take any time from a few mins to hours) ... in other words you need a software that tries to read the file and copies it completely, so even the bad block is read (hopefully) successful. Then write the whole data to a new file and delete the old one (deleting will free the bad block and ar some later time something will be written there and cause a remap).
    Writing zeros into the bad block basically only helps if you don't care that the affected file is corrupted afterwards. E.g. in case of a movie the player might crash after trying to display the affected area. E.g. if you know the affected file is a text file, it would make more sense to write a bunch of '-' signs, as they are readable while zero bytes are not (a text file is not supposed to contain zero bytes)
    Hope that helped ;)

  • "Manually manage music and videos" takes up more space than syncing?

    Hello all,
    I fear that I am just stupid and unseeing an obvious answer to this query, but ask I shall, because it is frustrating me to no end.
    I recently downloaded a few audiobooks from my local library to listen to on my iPod Touch; the app in question requires that you "manually manage music and videos" rather than syncing. Fine.
    I switch over to iTunes, check the box, and now my music--without changing anything, mind--is now taking up an additional 1.8 (or more) gigs on my iPod. I toggle the option to "manually manage" on and off, and with it "on", my music takes up more space than with it "off", even though it's the same music, same podcasts.
    Can someone please explain to me why syncing manually takes up more space than syncing automatically and where the extra gigs are coming from? There's not that much audio on my iPod--1.52 gb of music, 1.97 gb of podcasts and .69 gb of apps--which only adds up to 4.18 gb, and on an 8g touch, should leave me with about 4 gb of "wiggle room", so to speak, rather than .27 gb.
    Help, please!

    iTunes will normally put just one copy of each file on the iPod and link it to multiple playlists. If your iPod's database has been corrupted at some point however, there may be unattached copies of your meadia from earlier sync attempts, taking up space on the drive, but not visible in the library. How much space does iTunes report for Other? Excluding files placed manually & intentionally on the iPod, "other" is typically an overhead of 1%-2% of the size of the media and represents the iPod database, artwork, games etc. If you have significantly larger amounts of "other" then you will need to restore your iPod in order to reclaim the space.

  • ITunes v. 7.x scrolls more slowly than iTunes 6.x?

    This is a minor question compared to some of the issues I've seen here (crashes, loss of music, etc.) but it's still rather annoying to me. I upgraded to iTunes 7.0.2 about a week back and while I like the new sorting options and a few of the other new things, one thing I do not like is the fact that when I use the up/down arrow keys, or click on the up/down arrows in the scrollbar, it sure as **** seems like the music list scrolls much more slowly than it used to.
    If the bar highlighting the current song is on the screen and I use it to scroll up and down through songs already displayed currently, it moves up and down at the usual speedy rate. It's only when it hits the very top or bottom that it slows down to a crawl.
    Am I crazy, or is this something that was introduced with the latest version? If so, is there a way to revert to the previous speedy scrolling? Pressing the PgUp/PgDn keys or clicking on the bar itself to scroll a page at a time often goes farther than I want it to.
    Thanks in advance for any replies. Hunted through the archives and didn't see any posts related to this.

    Morning Scotthrpster,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Issues installing iTunes and QuickTime are successfully resolved a majority of the time after completing these troubleshooting steps.
    Take a look at this article:
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Best of luck,

  • SBO Ebook: Certification and Interview Questions and Answers

    Hi, please permit me to use this forum to introduce you to this ebook titled: [SAP BUSINESS ONE SOLUTION CONSULTANT CERTIFICATION REVIEW AND INTERVIEW: QUESTIONS, ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS|]
    This book consists of real life and scenario based review questions and answers on SAP Business One solution certification examinations with Booking Codes/Certification ID: C_TB1200_04, C_TB1200_05 and C_TB1200_07. It covers the SAP Business One Solution Consultant curriculum namely:
    &#61607; TB 1000 - SAP Business One – Logistics
    &#61607; TB 1100 - SAP Business One – Accounting
    &#61607; TB 1200 - SAP Business One – Implementation and Support
    The book is targeted at:
    &#61607; SAP Business One Consultants preparing for the Solution certification exams (C_TB1200_04, C_TB1200_05 and C_TB1200_07)
    &#61607; SAP Business One Solution Consultant Job Seekers
    &#61607; SAP Business One Solution Consultant recruiters
    &#61607; SAP Business One Implementation team
    &#61607; SAP Business One Project Managers
    In this book, you will find:
    &#61607; SAP Business One Solution Consultant Certification Areas of Concentration (AoC)
    &#61607; SAP Business One Solution Consultant Certification Curriculum
    &#61607; Things you must know about the SAP Business One Solution Consultant Certification Examination.
    &#61607; SAP Business One Certification review questions and detailed answers
    &#61607; SAP Business One Interview questions and detailed answers
    It can be downloaded at

    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for your observation, comment and review.
    1. As a matter of fact, since many features of SAP B1 has not changed, just as you asserted, I took cognizance of new enhancements to the solution over the various releases, especially as it relates to the functionalities. By extension however, most questions for prior releases applies to the “successor” release.
    Furthermore, there was a mix-up in the download. Ideally, you should have three sections in the book. Section I (release 2004, by extension - 2005 and 2007 releases); Section II (release 2005, by extension - 2007 release) and Section III (release 2007). The document has been reviewed. Hence, everyone that bought the book before 29th of April 2008 should visit my [blog|] on how to get a copy of the revised version within 24 hours at no extra cost. I regret any inconveniences. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ON THIS FORUM.
    2. On localization, SAP Business One has more than 10,000 installations across the world. The book is not intended to be "localization specific". It is intended to serve as a certification review for functionalities that cuts across board with a mix of localized functionalities. I am sure you found in there a number of localization questions for other countries like UK. My advice for individuals using the book is to identify which questions apply to their localization.
    While I await your review of the [revised version|] as an SAP Business One advisor, I believe you will agree with me that it is an invaluable resource for preparing for the certification exam and also technical interview sessions. 

  • Organization Management Interview Questions and Answers  Extremely Urgent

    Please let me know Organization Management Interview Questions and Answers. MOST MOST URGENT
    Please do not post Link or website name and detail response will be highly appreciated.
    Very Respectfully,
    SAP HR .

    Hi there,
    Pl. find herewith the answers of the questions posted on the forum.
    1. What are plan versions used for?
    Ans : Plan versions are scenarios in which you can create organizational plans.
    •     In the plan version which you have flagged as the active plan version, you create your current valid organizational plan. This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with Personnel Administration is active.
    •     You use additional plan versions to create additional organizational plans as planning scenarios.
    As a rule, a plan version contains one organizational structure, that is, one root organizational unit. It is, however, possible to create more than one root organizational unit, that is more than one organizational structure in a plan version.
    For more information on creating plan versions, see the Implementation Guide (IMG), under Personnel Management &#61614; Global Settings in Personnel Management &#61614; Plan Version Maintenance.
    2. What are the basic object types?
    Ans. An organization object type has an attribute that refers to an object of the organization management (position, job, user, and so on). The organization object type is linked to a business object type.
    The business object type BUS1001 (material) has the organization object type T024L (laboratory) as the attribute that on the other hand has an object of the organization management as the attribute. Thus, a specific material is linked with particular employees using an assigned laboratory.
    3. What is the difference between a job and a position?
    Ans. Job is not a concrete, it is General holding various task to perform which is generic.(Eg: Manager, General Manager, Executive).
    Positions are related to persons and Position is concrete and specific which are occupied by Persons. (Eg: Manager - HR, GM – HR, Executive - HR).
    4. What is the difference between an organizational unit and a work centre?
    Ans. Work Centre : A work center is an organizational unit that represents a suitably-equipped zone where assigned operations can be performed. A zone is a physical location in a site dedicated to a specific function. 
    Organization Unit : Organizational object (object key O) used to form the basis of an organizational plan. Organizational units are functional units in an enterprise. According to how tasks are divided up within an enterprise, these can be departments, groups or project teams, for example.
    Organizational units differ from other units in an enterprise such as personnel areas, company codes, business areas etc. These are used to depict structures (administration or accounting) in the corresponding components.
    5. Where can you maintain relationships between objects?
    Ans. Infotype 1001 that defines the Relationships between different objects.
    There are many types of possible relationships between different objects. Each individual relationship is actually a subtype or category of the Relationships infotype.
    Certain relationships can only be assigned to certain objects. That means that when you create relationship infotype records, you must select a relationship that is suitable for the two objects involved. For example, a relationship between two organizational units might not make any sense for a work center and a job.
    6. What are the main areas of the Organization and Staffing user interfaces?
    Ans. You use the user interface in the Organization and Staffing or Organization and Staffing (Workflow) view to create, display and edit organizational plans.
    The user interface is divided into various areas, each of it which fulfills specific functions.
    Search Area
    Selection Area
    Overview Area
    Details Area
    Together, the search area and the selection area make up the Object Manager.
    7. What is Expert Mode used for?
    Ans. interface is used to create Org structure. Using Infotypes we can create Objects in Expert mode and we have to use different transactions to create various types of objects.  If the company needs to create a huge structure, we will use Simple maintenance, because it is user friendly that is it is easy to create a structure, the system automatically relationship between the objects.
    8. Can you create cost centers in Expert Mode?
    Ans. Probably not. You create cost center assignments to assign a cost center to an organizational unit, or position.
    When you create a cost center assignment, the system creates a relationship record between the organizational unit or position and the cost center. (This is relationship A/B 011.) No assignment percentage record can be entered.
    9. Can you assign people to jobs in Expert Mode?
    10. Can you use the organizational structure to create a matrix organization?
    Ans. By depicting your organizational units and the hierarchical or matrix relationships between them, you model the organizational structure of your enterprise.
    This organizational structure is the basis for the creation of an organizational plan, as every position in your enterprise is assigned to an organizational unit. This defines the reporting structure.
    11. In general structure maintenance, is it possible to represent the legal entity of organizational units?
    12. What is the Object Infotype (1000) used for?
    Ans. Infotype that determines the existence of an organizational object.
    As soon as you have created an object using this infotype, you can determine additional object characteristics and relationships to other objects using other infotypes.
    To create new objects you must:
    •     Define a validity period for the object
    •     Provide an abbreviation to represent the object
    •     Provide a brief description of the object
    The validity period you apply to the object automatically limits the validity of any infotype records you append to the object. The validity periods for appended infotype records cannot exceed that of the Object infotype.
    The abbreviation assigned to an object in the system renders it easily identifiable. It is helpful to use easily recognizable abbreviations.
    You can change abbreviations and descriptions at a later time by editing object infotype records. However, you cannot change an object’s validity period in this manner. This must be done using the Delimit function.
    You can also delete the objects you create. However, if you delete an object the system erases all record of the object from the database. You should only delete objects if they are not valid at all (for example, if you create an object accidentally)
    13. What is the Relationships Infotype (1001) used for?
    Ans. Infotype that defines the Relationships between different objects.
    You indicate that a employee or user holds a position by creating a relationship infotype record between the position and the employee or user. Relationships between various organizational units form the organizational structure in your enterprise. You identify the tasks that the holder of a position must perform by creating relationship infotype records between individual tasks and a position.
    Creating and editing relationship infotype records is an essential part of setting up information in the Organizational Management component. Without relationships, all you have are isolated pieces of information.
    You must decide the types of relationship record you require for your organizational structure.
    If you work in Infotype Maintenance, you must create relationship records manually. However, if you work in Simple Maintenance and Structural Graphics, the system creates certain relationships automatically.
    14. Which status can Infotypes in the Organizational Management component have?
    Ans. Once you have created the basic framework of your organizational plan in Simple Maintenance, you can create and maintain all infotypes allowed for individual objects in your organizational plan. These can be the basic object types of Organizational Management – organizational unit, position, work center and task. You can also maintain object types, which do not belong to Organizational Management.
    15. What is an evaluation path?
    Ans. An evaluation path describes a chain of relationships that exists between individual organizational objects in the organizational plan.
    Evaluation paths are used in connection with the definition of roles and views.
    The evaluation path O-S-P describes the relationship chain Organizational unit > Position > Employee.
    Evaluation paths are used to select other objects from one particular organizational object. The system evaluates the organizational plan along the evaluation path.
    Starting from an organizational unit, evaluation path O-S-P is used to establish all persons who belong to this organizational unit or subordinate organizational units via their positions.
    16. What is Managers Desktop used for?
    Ans. Manager's Desktop assists in the performance of administrative and organizational management tasks. In addition to functions in Personnel Management, Manager's Desktop also covers other application components like Controlling, where it supports manual planning or the information system for cost centers.
    17. Is it possible to set up new evaluation paths in Customizing?
    Ans. You can use the evaluation paths available or define your own. Before creating new evaluation paths, check the evaluation paths available as standard.
    18. Which situations require new evaluation paths?
    Ans. When using an evaluation path in a view, you should consider the following:
    Define the evaluation path in such a manner that the relationship chain always starts from a user (object type US in Organizational Management) and ends at an organizational unit, a position or a user.
    When defining the evaluation path, use the Skip indicator in order not to overload the result of the evaluation.
    19. How do you set up integration between Personnel Administration and Organizational Management?
    Ans. Integration between the Organizational Management and Personnel Administration components enables you to,
    Use data from one component in the other
    Keep data in the two components consistent
    Basically its relationship between person and position.
    Objects in the integration plan version in the Organizational Management component must also be contained in the following Personnel Administration tables:
    Tables                    Objects
    T528B and T528T     Positions
    T513S and T513     Jobs
    T527X                    Organizational units
    If integration is active and you create or delete these objects in Organizational Management transactions, the system also creates or deletes the corresponding entries automatically in the tables mentioned above. Entries that were created automatically are indicated by a "P". You cannot change or delete them manually. Entries you create manually cannot have the "P" indicator (the entry cannot be maintained manually).
    You can transfer either the long or the short texts of Organizational Management objects to the Personnel Administration tables. You do this in the Implementation Guide under Organizational Management -> Integration -> Integration with Personnel Administration -> Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration. If you change these control entries at a later date, you must also change the relevant table texts. To do that you use the report RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (OM with PA)).
    When you activate integration for the first time, you must ensure that the Personnel Administration and the Organizational Management databases are consistent. To do this, you use the reports:
    •        RHINTE00 (Adopt organizational assignment  (PA to PD))
    •        RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (PD to PA))
    •        RHINTE20 (Check Program Integration PA - PD)
    •        RHINTE30 (Create Batch Input Folder for Infotype 0001)
    The following table entries are also required:
    •        PLOGI PRELI in Customizing for Organizational Management (under Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration). This entry defines the standard position number.
    •        INTE in table T77FC
    •        INTE_PS, INTE_OSP, INTEBACK, INTECHEK and INTEGRAT in Customizing under Global Settings ® &#61472;Maintain Evaluation Paths.
    These table entries are included in the SAP standard system. You must not change them.
    Since integration enables you to create relationships between persons and positions (A/B 008), you may be required to include appropriate entries to control the validation of these relationships. You make the necessary settings for this check in Customizing under Global Settings ® Maintain Relationships.
    Devang Nandha
    "Together, Transform Business Process by leveraging Information Technology to Grow and Excel in Business".

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